# This program is used to embed arbitrary data into a C binary. It takes # a list of files as an input, and produces a .c data file that contains # contents of all these files as collection of char arrays. # # Usage: perl [file2, ...] > embedded_data.c foreach my $i (0 .. $#ARGV) { open FD, '<:raw', $ARGV[$i] or die "Cannot open $ARGV[$i]: $!\n"; printf("static const unsigned char v%d[] = {", $i); my $byte; my $j = 0; while (read(FD, $byte, 1)) { if (($j % 12) == 0) { print "\n"; } printf ' %#04x,', ord($byte); $j++; } print " 0x00\n};\n"; close FD; } print < #include static const struct embedded_file { const char *name; const unsigned char *data; size_t size; } embedded_files[] = { EOS foreach my $i (0 .. $#ARGV) { print " {\"$ARGV[$i]\", v$i, sizeof(v$i) - 1},\n"; } print <name != NULL; p++) { if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) { if (size != NULL) { *size = p->size; } return (const char *) p->data; } } return NULL; } EOS