// Copyright (c) 2022 Cesanta Software Limited // All rights reserved #include "mongoose.h" #include "net.h" #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "tusb.h" bool hal_gpio_read(int pin) { return (pin >= 0 && pin <= 29) ? gpio_get_out_level((uint) pin) : false; } bool hal_gpio_write(int pin, bool val) { if (pin >= 0 && pin <= 29) { gpio_put((uint) pin, val); return true; } else { return false; } } int hal_led_pin(void) { return PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN; } static struct mg_tcpip_if *s_ifp; const uint8_t tud_network_mac_address[6] = {2, 2, 0x84, 0x6A, 0x96, 0}; bool tud_network_recv_cb(const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) { mg_tcpip_qwrite((void *) buf, len, s_ifp); // MG_INFO(("RECV %hu", len)); // mg_hexdump(buf, len); tud_network_recv_renew(); return true; } void tud_network_init_cb(void) { } uint16_t tud_network_xmit_cb(uint8_t *dst, void *ref, uint16_t arg) { // MG_INFO(("SEND %hu", arg)); memcpy(dst, ref, arg); return arg; } static size_t usb_tx(const void *buf, size_t len, struct mg_tcpip_if *ifp) { if (!tud_ready()) return 0; while (!tud_network_can_xmit(len)) tud_task(); tud_network_xmit((void *) buf, len); (void) ifp; return len; } static bool usb_up(struct mg_tcpip_if *ifp) { (void) ifp; return tud_inited() && tud_ready() && tud_connected(); } static void fn(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data, void *fn_dta) { if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_MSG) return mg_http_reply(c, 200, "", "ok\n"); } int main(void) { gpio_init(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN); gpio_set_dir(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, GPIO_OUT); stdio_init_all(); struct mg_mgr mgr; // Initialise Mongoose event manager mg_mgr_init(&mgr); // and attach it to the interface struct mg_tcpip_driver driver = {.tx = usb_tx, .up = usb_up}; struct mg_tcpip_if mif = {.mac = {2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0x77}, .ip = mg_htonl(MG_U32(192, 168, 3, 1)), .mask = mg_htonl(MG_U32(255, 255, 255, 0)), .enable_dhcp_server = true, .enable_get_gateway = true, .driver = &driver, .recv_queue.size = 4096}; s_ifp = &mif; mg_tcpip_init(&mgr, &mif); tusb_init(); MG_INFO(("Initialising application...")); web_init(&mgr); MG_INFO(("Starting event loop")); for (;;) { mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 0); tud_task(); } return 0; }