/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Cesanta Software Limited * All rights reserved */ #include #include #include #include /* Driverlib includes */ #include "hw_types.h" #include "hw_ints.h" #include "hw_memmap.h" #include "interrupt.h" #include "pin.h" #include "prcm.h" #include "rom.h" #include "rom_map.h" #include "uart.h" #include "utils.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "gpio_if.h" #include "i2c_if.h" #include "mongoose.h" #include "simplelink.h" #include "device.h" #include "data.h" #include "mongoose.h" #include "wifi.h" /* Set up an AP or connect to existing WiFi network. */ #define WIFI_AP_SSID "Mongoose" #define WIFI_AP_PASS "" #define WIFI_AP_CHAN 6 // #define WIFI_STA_SSID "YourWiFi" // #define WIFI_STA_PASS "YourPass" #define DATA_COLLECTION_INTERVAL_MS 20 #define CONSOLE_BAUD_RATE 115200 #define CONSOLE_UART UARTA0_BASE #define CONSOLE_UART_PERIPH PRCM_UARTA0 #define MG_TASK_PRIORITY 3 #define MG_TASK_STACK_SIZE 8192 #define BM222_ADDR 0x18 #define TMP006_ADDR 0x41 static struct mg_str upload_fname(struct mg_connection *nc, struct mg_str fname) { struct mg_str lfn; lfn.len = fname.len + 3; lfn.p = malloc(lfn.len); memcpy((char *) lfn.p, "SL:", 3); memcpy((char *) lfn.p + 3, fname.p, fname.len); return lfn; } static void mg_ev_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) { switch (ev) { case MG_EV_ACCEPT: { char addr[32]; mg_conn_addr_to_str(nc, addr, sizeof(addr), MG_SOCK_STRINGIFY_REMOTE | MG_SOCK_STRINGIFY_IP | MG_SOCK_STRINGIFY_PORT); LOG(LL_INFO, ("%p conn from %s", nc, addr)); break; } case MG_EV_HTTP_REQUEST: { char addr[32]; struct http_message *hm = (struct http_message *) ev_data; mg_conn_addr_to_str(nc, addr, sizeof(addr), MG_SOCK_STRINGIFY_REMOTE | MG_SOCK_STRINGIFY_IP | MG_SOCK_STRINGIFY_PORT); LOG(LL_INFO, ("HTTP request from %s: %.*s %.*s", addr, (int) hm->method.len, hm->method.p, (int) hm->uri.len, hm->uri.p)); struct mg_serve_http_opts opts; memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); opts.document_root = "SL:"; mg_serve_http(nc, hm, opts); break; } case MG_EV_CLOSE: { LOG(LL_INFO, ("%p closed", nc)); break; } case MG_EV_WEBSOCKET_HANDSHAKE_DONE: { LOG(LL_INFO, ("%p switching to data mode", nc)); nc->handler = data_conn_handler; nc->ev_timer_time = mg_time(); /* Immediately */ break; } case MG_EV_TIMER: { data_collect(); nc->ev_timer_time = mg_time() + (DATA_COLLECTION_INTERVAL_MS * 0.001); } case MG_EV_HTTP_PART_BEGIN: case MG_EV_HTTP_PART_DATA: case MG_EV_HTTP_PART_END: { struct mg_http_multipart_part *mp = (struct mg_http_multipart_part *) ev_data; if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_PART_BEGIN) { LOG(LL_INFO, ("Begin file upload: %s", mp->file_name)); } else if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_PART_END) { LOG(LL_INFO, ("End file upload: %s", mp->file_name)); } mg_file_upload_handler(nc, ev, ev_data, upload_fname); } } } static void mg_init(struct mg_mgr *mgr) { LOG(LL_INFO, ("MG task running")); GPIO_IF_LedToggle(MCU_RED_LED_GPIO); data_init_sensors(TMP006_ADDR, BM222_ADDR); sl_fs_init(); sl_Start(NULL, NULL, NULL); #if defined(WIFI_STA_SSID) if (!wifi_setup_sta(WIFI_STA_SSID, WIFI_STA_PASS)) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Error setting up WiFi station")); } #elif defined(WIFI_AP_SSID) if (!wifi_setup_ap(WIFI_AP_SSID, WIFI_AP_PASS, WIFI_AP_CHAN)) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Error setting up WiFi AP")); } #else #error WiFi not configured #endif /* We don't need SimpleLink's web server. */ sl_NetAppStop(SL_NET_APP_HTTP_SERVER_ID); const char *err = ""; struct mg_bind_opts opts; memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); opts.error_string = &err; struct mg_connection *nc = mg_bind(mgr, "80", mg_ev_handler); if (nc != NULL) { mg_set_protocol_http_websocket(nc); nc->ev_timer_time = mg_time(); /* Start data collection */ } else { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Failed to create listener: %s", err)); } } #ifndef USE_TIRTOS /* Int vector table, defined in startup_gcc.c */ extern void (*const g_pfnVectors[])(void); #endif int main() { #ifndef USE_TIRTOS MAP_IntVTableBaseSet((unsigned long) &g_pfnVectors[0]); #endif MAP_IntEnable(FAULT_SYSTICK); MAP_IntMasterEnable(); PRCMCC3200MCUInit(); /* Console UART init. */ MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(CONSOLE_UART_PERIPH, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK); MAP_PinTypeUART(PIN_55, PIN_MODE_3); /* PIN_55 -> UART0_TX */ MAP_PinTypeUART(PIN_57, PIN_MODE_3); /* PIN_57 -> UART0_RX */ MAP_UARTConfigSetExpClk( CONSOLE_UART, MAP_PRCMPeripheralClockGet(CONSOLE_UART_PERIPH), CONSOLE_BAUD_RATE, (UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8 | UART_CONFIG_STOP_ONE | UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE)); MAP_UARTFIFOLevelSet(CONSOLE_UART, UART_FIFO_TX1_8, UART_FIFO_RX4_8); MAP_UARTFIFOEnable(CONSOLE_UART); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); cs_log_set_level(LL_INFO); cs_log_set_file(stdout); LOG(LL_INFO, ("Hello, world!")); MAP_PinTypeI2C(PIN_01, PIN_MODE_1); /* SDA */ MAP_PinTypeI2C(PIN_02, PIN_MODE_1); /* SCL */ I2C_IF_Open(I2C_MASTER_MODE_FST); /* Set up the red LED. Note that amber and green cannot be used as they share * pins with I2C. */ MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(PRCM_GPIOA1, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK); MAP_PinTypeGPIO(PIN_64, PIN_MODE_0, false); MAP_GPIODirModeSet(GPIOA1_BASE, 0x2, GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT); GPIO_IF_LedConfigure(LED1); GPIO_IF_LedToggle(MCU_RED_LED_GPIO); if (VStartSimpleLinkSpawnTask(8) != 0) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Failed to create SL task")); } if (!mg_start_task(MG_TASK_PRIORITY, MG_TASK_STACK_SIZE, mg_init)) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Failed to create MG task")); } osi_start(); return 0; } /* These are FreeRTOS hooks for various life situations. */ void vApplicationMallocFailedHook() { } void vApplicationIdleHook() { } void vApplicationStackOverflowHook(OsiTaskHandle *th, signed char *tn) { } void SimpleLinkHttpServerCallback(SlHttpServerEvent_t *e, SlHttpServerResponse_t *resp) { } void SimpleLinkSockEventHandler(SlSockEvent_t *e) { } void SimpleLinkGeneralEventHandler(SlDeviceEvent_t *e) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("status %d sender %d", e->EventData.deviceEvent.status, e->EventData.deviceEvent.sender)); }