
84 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2020 Cesanta Software Limited
// All rights reserved
#include <signal.h>
#include "mongoose.h"
static const char *s_debug_level = "2";
static const char *s_root_dir = ".";
static const char *s_listening_address = "http://localhost:8000";
static const char *s_enable_hexdump = "no";
static const char *s_ssi_pattern = "#.shtml";
// Handle interrupts, like Ctrl-C
static int s_signo;
static void signal_handler(int signo) {
s_signo = signo;
// Event handler for the listening connection.
// Simply serve static files from `s_root_dir`
static void cb(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data, void *fn_data) {
if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_MSG) {
struct mg_http_serve_opts opts = {s_root_dir, s_ssi_pattern, NULL};
mg_http_serve_dir(c, ev_data, &opts);
(void) fn_data;
static void usage(const char *prog) {
"Mongoose v.%s, built " __DATE__ " " __TIME__
"\nUsage: %s OPTIONS\n"
" -H yes|no - enable traffic hexdump, default: '%s'\n"
" -S GLOB - glob pattern for SSI files, default: '%s'\n"
" -d DIR - directory to serve, default: '%s'\n"
" -l ADDR - listening address, default: '%s'\n"
" -v LEVEL - debug level, from 0 to 4, default: '%s'\n",
MG_VERSION, prog, s_debug_level, s_enable_hexdump, s_ssi_pattern,
s_root_dir, s_listening_address);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct mg_mgr mgr;
struct mg_connection *c;
int i;
// Parse command-line flags
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) {
s_root_dir = argv[++i];
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-H") == 0) {
s_enable_hexdump = argv[++i];
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-S") == 0) {
s_ssi_pattern = argv[++i];
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-l") == 0) {
s_listening_address = argv[++i];
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) {
s_debug_level = argv[++i];
} else {
// Initialise stuff
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
if ((c = mg_http_listen(&mgr, s_listening_address, cb, &mgr)) == NULL) {
LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Cannot listen on %s. Use http://ADDR:PORT or :PORT",
if (mg_casecmp(s_enable_hexdump, "yes") == 0) c->is_hexdumping = 1;
// Start infinite event loop
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Starting Mongoose v%s, serving [%s]", MG_VERSION, s_root_dir));
while (s_signo == 0) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1000);
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Exiting on signal %d", s_signo));
return 0;