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// Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Sergey Lyubka <valenok@gmail.com>
// Copyright (c) 2013 Cesanta Software Limited
// All rights reserved
// This library is dual-licensed: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
// published by the Free Software Foundation. For the terms of this
// license, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// You are free to use this library under the terms of the GNU General
// Public License, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// Alternatively, you can license this library under a commercial
// license, as set out in <http://cesanta.com/products.html>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
struct mg_context; // Handle for the HTTP service itself
struct mg_connection; // Handle for the individual connection
// This structure contains information about the HTTP request.
struct mg_request_info {
const char *request_method; // "GET", "POST", etc
const char *uri; // URL-decoded URI
const char *http_version; // E.g. "1.0", "1.1"
const char *query_string; // URL part after '?', not including '?', or NULL
const char *remote_user; // Authenticated user, or NULL if no auth used
long remote_ip; // Client's IP address
int remote_port; // Client's port
int is_ssl; // 1 if SSL-ed, 0 if not
void *user_data; // User data pointer passed to mg_start()
void *conn_data; // Connection-specific, per-thread user data.
int num_headers; // Number of HTTP headers
struct mg_header {
const char *name; // HTTP header name
const char *value; // HTTP header value
} http_headers[64]; // Maximum 64 headers
// This structure needs to be passed to mg_start(), to let mongoose know
// which callbacks to invoke. For detailed description, see
// https://github.com/valenok/mongoose/blob/master/UserManual.md
struct mg_callbacks {
// Called when mongoose has received new HTTP request.
// If callback returns non-zero,
// callback must process the request by sending valid HTTP headers and body,
// and mongoose will not do any further processing.
// If callback returns 0, mongoose processes the request itself. In this case,
// callback must not send any data to the client.
int (*begin_request)(struct mg_connection *);
// Called when mongoose has finished processing request.
void (*end_request)(const struct mg_connection *, int reply_status_code);
// Called when mongoose is about to log a message. If callback returns
// non-zero, mongoose does not log anything.
int (*log_message)(const struct mg_connection *, const char *message);
// Called when mongoose initializes SSL library.
int (*init_ssl)(void *ssl_context, void *user_data);
// Called when websocket request is received, before websocket handshake.
// If callback returns 0, mongoose proceeds with handshake, otherwise
// cinnection is closed immediately.
int (*websocket_connect)(const struct mg_connection *);
// Called when websocket handshake is successfully completed, and
// connection is ready for data exchange.
void (*websocket_ready)(struct mg_connection *);
// Called when data frame has been received from the client.
// Parameters:
// bits: first byte of the websocket frame, see websocket RFC at
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455, section 5.2
// data, data_len: payload, with mask (if any) already applied.
// Return value:
// non-0: keep this websocket connection opened.
// 0: close this websocket connection.
int (*websocket_data)(struct mg_connection *, int bits,
char *data, size_t data_len);
// Called when mongoose tries to open a file. Used to intercept file open
// calls, and serve file data from memory instead.
// Parameters:
// path: Full path to the file to open.
// data_len: Placeholder for the file size, if file is served from memory.
// Return value:
// NULL: do not serve file from memory, proceed with normal file open.
// non-NULL: pointer to the file contents in memory. data_len must be
// initilized with the size of the memory block.
const char * (*open_file)(const struct mg_connection *,
const char *path, size_t *data_len);
// Called when mongoose is about to serve Lua server page (.lp file), if
// Lua support is enabled.
// Parameters:
// lua_context: "lua_State *" pointer.
void (*init_lua)(struct mg_connection *, void *lua_context);
// Called when mongoose has uploaded a file to a temporary directory as a
// result of mg_upload() call.
// Parameters:
// file_file: full path name to the uploaded file.
void (*upload)(struct mg_connection *, const char *file_name);
// Called at the beginning of mongoose's thread execution in the context of
// that thread. To be used to perform any extra per-thread initialization.
// Parameters:
// user_data: pointer passed to mg_start
// conn_data: per-connection, i.e. per-thread pointer. Can be used to
// store per-thread data, for example, database connection
// handles. Persistent between connections handled by the
// same thread.
// NOTE: this parameter is NULL for master thread, and non-NULL
// for worker threads.
void (*thread_start)(void *user_data, void **conn_data);
// Called when mongoose's thread is about to terminate.
// Same as thread_start() callback, but called when thread is about to be
// destroyed. Used to cleanup the state initialized by thread_start().
// Parameters: see thread_start().
void (*thread_stop)(void *user_data, void **conn_data);
// Start web server.
// Parameters:
// callbacks: mg_callbacks structure with user-defined callbacks.
// options: NULL terminated list of option_name, option_value pairs that
// specify Mongoose configuration parameters.
// Side-effects: on UNIX, ignores SIGCHLD and SIGPIPE signals. If custom
// processing is required for these, signal handlers must be set up
// after calling mg_start().
// Example:
// const char *options[] = {
// "document_root", "/var/www",
// "listening_ports", "80,443s",
// };
// struct mg_context *ctx = mg_start(&my_func, NULL, options);
// Refer to https://github.com/valenok/mongoose/blob/master/UserManual.md
// for the list of valid option and their possible values.
// Return:
// web server context, or NULL on error.
struct mg_context *mg_start(const struct mg_callbacks *callbacks,
void *user_data,
const char **configuration_options);
// Stop the web server.
// Must be called last, when an application wants to stop the web server and
// release all associated resources. This function blocks until all Mongoose
// threads are stopped. Context pointer becomes invalid.
void mg_stop(struct mg_context *);
// Get the value of particular configuration parameter.
// The value returned is read-only. Mongoose does not allow changing
// configuration at run time.
// If given parameter name is not valid, NULL is returned. For valid
// names, return value is guaranteed to be non-NULL. If parameter is not
// set, zero-length string is returned.
const char *mg_get_option(const struct mg_context *ctx, const char *name);
// Return array of strings that represent valid configuration options.
// For each option, option name and default value is returned, i.e. the
// number of entries in the array equals to number_of_options x 2.
// Array is NULL terminated.
const char **mg_get_valid_option_names(void);
// Add, edit or delete the entry in the passwords file.
// This function allows an application to manipulate .htpasswd files on the
// fly by adding, deleting and changing user records. This is one of the
// several ways of implementing authentication on the server side. For another,
// cookie-based way please refer to the examples/chat.c in the source tree.
// If password is not NULL, entry is added (or modified if already exists).
// If password is NULL, entry is deleted.
// Return:
// 1 on success, 0 on error.
int mg_modify_passwords_file(const char *passwords_file_name,
const char *domain,
const char *user,
const char *password);
// Return information associated with the request.
struct mg_request_info *mg_get_request_info(struct mg_connection *);
// Send data to the client.
// Return:
// 0 when the connection has been closed
// -1 on error
// >0 number of bytes written on success
int mg_write(struct mg_connection *, const void *buf, size_t len);
// Send data to a websocket client wrapped in a websocket frame.
// It is unsafe to read/write to this connection from another thread.
// This function is available when mongoose is compiled with -DUSE_WEBSOCKET
// Return:
// 0 when the connection has been closed
// -1 on error
// >0 number of bytes written on success
int mg_websocket_write(struct mg_connection* conn, int opcode,
const char *data, size_t data_len);
// Opcodes, from http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455
enum {
// Macros for enabling compiler-specific checks for printf-like arguments.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
#include <sal.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER > 1400
#define PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING(s) _Printf_format_string_ s
#define PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING(s) __format_string s
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define PRINTF_ARGS(x, y) __attribute__((format(printf, x, y)))
#define PRINTF_ARGS(x, y)
// Send data to the client using printf() semantics.
// Works exactly like mg_write(), but allows to do message formatting.
int mg_printf(struct mg_connection *,
PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING(const char *fmt), ...) PRINTF_ARGS(2, 3);
// Send contents of the entire file together with HTTP headers.
void mg_send_file(struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path);
// Read data from the remote end, return number of bytes read.
// Return:
// 0 connection has been closed by peer. No more data could be read.
// < 0 read error. No more data could be read from the connection.
// > 0 number of bytes read into the buffer.
int mg_read(struct mg_connection *, void *buf, size_t len);
// Get the value of particular HTTP header.
// This is a helper function. It traverses request_info->http_headers array,
// and if the header is present in the array, returns its value. If it is
// not present, NULL is returned.
const char *mg_get_header(const struct mg_connection *, const char *name);
// Get a value of particular form variable.
// Parameters:
// data: pointer to form-uri-encoded buffer. This could be either POST data,
// or request_info.query_string.
// data_len: length of the encoded data.
// var_name: variable name to decode from the buffer
// dst: destination buffer for the decoded variable
// dst_len: length of the destination buffer
// Return:
// On success, length of the decoded variable.
// On error:
// -1 (variable not found).
// -2 (destination buffer is NULL, zero length or too small to hold the
// decoded variable).
// Destination buffer is guaranteed to be '\0' - terminated if it is not
// NULL or zero length.
int mg_get_var(const char *data, size_t data_len,
const char *var_name, char *dst, size_t dst_len);
// Fetch value of certain cookie variable into the destination buffer.
// Destination buffer is guaranteed to be '\0' - terminated. In case of
// failure, dst[0] == '\0'. Note that RFC allows many occurrences of the same
// parameter. This function returns only first occurrence.
// Return:
// On success, value length.
// On error:
// -1 (either "Cookie:" header is not present at all or the requested
// parameter is not found).
// -2 (destination buffer is NULL, zero length or too small to hold the
// value).
int mg_get_cookie(const char *cookie, const char *var_name,
char *buf, size_t buf_len);
// Download data from the remote web server.
// host: host name to connect to, e.g. "foo.com", or "".
// port: port number, e.g. 80.
// use_ssl: wether to use SSL connection.
// error_buffer, error_buffer_size: error message placeholder.
// request_fmt,...: HTTP request.
// Return:
// On success, valid pointer to the new connection, suitable for mg_read().
// On error, NULL. error_buffer contains error message.
// Example:
// char ebuf[100];
// struct mg_connection *conn;
// conn = mg_download("google.com", 80, 0, ebuf, sizeof(ebuf),
// "%s", "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: google.com\r\n\r\n");
struct mg_connection *mg_download(const char *host, int port, int use_ssl,
char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size,
PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING(const char *request_fmt),
...) PRINTF_ARGS(6, 7);
// Close the connection opened by mg_download().
void mg_close_connection(struct mg_connection *conn);
// File upload functionality. Each uploaded file gets saved into a temporary
// file and MG_UPLOAD event is sent.
// Return number of uploaded files.
int mg_upload(struct mg_connection *conn, const char *destination_dir);
// Convenience function -- create detached thread.
// Return: 0 on success, non-0 on error.
typedef void * (*mg_thread_func_t)(void *);
int mg_start_thread(mg_thread_func_t f, void *p);
// Return builtin mime type for the given file name.
// For unrecognized extensions, "text/plain" is returned.
const char *mg_get_builtin_mime_type(const char *file_name);
// Return Mongoose version.
const char *mg_version(void);
// URL-decode input buffer into destination buffer.
// 0-terminate the destination buffer.
// form-url-encoded data differs from URI encoding in a way that it
// uses '+' as character for space, see RFC 1866 section 8.2.1
// http://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/html/rfc1866.txt
// Return: length of the decoded data, or -1 if dst buffer is too small.
int mg_url_decode(const char *src, int src_len, char *dst,
int dst_len, int is_form_url_encoded);
// MD5 hash given strings.
// Buffer 'buf' must be 33 bytes long. Varargs is a NULL terminated list of
// ASCIIz strings. When function returns, buf will contain human-readable
// MD5 hash. Example:
// char buf[33];
// mg_md5(buf, "aa", "bb", NULL);
char *mg_md5(char buf[33], ...);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus