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synced 2025-01-23 02:23:35 +08:00
305 lines
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305 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2023 Cesanta Software Limited
// All rights reserved
#include "net.h"
char *g_mqtt_server_url = MQTT_SERVER_URL;
char *g_root_topic = MQTT_ROOT_TOPIC;
char *g_device_id;
static uint8_t s_qos = 1; // MQTT QoS
static struct mg_connection *s_conn; // MQTT Client connection
static struct mg_rpc *s_rpc = NULL; // List of registered RPC methods
#define MAX_PINS 20
struct device_config {
int log_level; // Device logging level, 0-4
int pin_count; // Number of pins to handle
uint16_t pin_map[MAX_PINS]; // Pins to handle
bool pin_state[MAX_PINS]; // State of the GPIO pins
static struct device_config s_device_config;
// Device ID generation function. Create an ID that is unique
// for a given device, and does not change between device restarts.
static void set_device_id(void) {
char buf[15] = "";
#ifdef _WIN32
unsigned long serial = 0;
if (GetVolumeInformationA("c:\\", NULL, 0, &serial, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0)) {
mg_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lx", serial);
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
FILE *fp = popen(
"ioreg -l | grep IOPlatformSerialNumber | cut -d'\"' -f4 | tr -d $'\n'",
if (fp != NULL) {
fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp);
#elif defined(__linux__)
struct mg_str id = mg_file_read(&mg_fs_posix, "/etc/machine-id");
if (id.ptr != NULL) {
mg_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", id.ptr);
free((void *) id.ptr);
if (buf[0] == '\0') mg_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "MyDeviceID");
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
g_device_id = strdup(buf);
static size_t print_fw_status(void (*out)(char, void *), void *ptr,
va_list *ap) {
int fw = va_arg(*ap, int);
return mg_xprintf(out, ptr, "{%m:%d,%m:%c%lx%c,%m:%u,%m:%u}",
MG_ESC("status"), mg_ota_status(fw), MG_ESC("crc32"), '"',
mg_ota_crc32(fw), '"', MG_ESC("size"), mg_ota_size(fw),
MG_ESC("timestamp"), mg_ota_timestamp(fw));
static size_t print_shorts(void (*out)(char, void *), void *ptr, va_list *ap) {
uint16_t *array = va_arg(*ap, uint16_t *);
int i, len = 0, num_elems = va_arg(*ap, int);
for (i = 0; i < num_elems; i++) {
len += mg_xprintf(out, ptr, "%s%hu", i ? "," : "", array[i]);
return len;
static size_t print_bools(void (*out)(char, void *), void *ptr, va_list *ap) {
bool *array = va_arg(*ap, bool *);
int i, len = 0, num_elems = va_arg(*ap, int);
for (i = 0; i < num_elems; i++) {
len += mg_xprintf(out, ptr, "%s%d", i ? "," : "", array[i]);
return len;
static void publish_status(struct mg_connection *c) {
char topic[100];
struct mg_mqtt_opts pub_opts;
struct mg_iobuf io = {0, 0, 0, 512};
// Print JSON notification into the io buffer
mg_xprintf(mg_pfn_iobuf, &io,
"{%m:%m,%m:{%m:%m,%m:%d,%m:%d,%m:[%M],%m:[%M],%m:%M,%m:%M}}", //
MG_ESC("method"), MG_ESC("status.notify"), MG_ESC("params"), //
MG_ESC("status"), MG_ESC("online"), //
MG_ESC(("log_level")), s_device_config.log_level, //
MG_ESC(("pin_count")), s_device_config.pin_count, //
MG_ESC(("pin_map")), print_shorts, s_device_config.pin_map,
s_device_config.pin_count, //
MG_ESC(("pin_state")), print_bools, s_device_config.pin_state,
s_device_config.pin_count, //
MG_ESC(("crnt_fw")), print_fw_status, MG_FIRMWARE_CURRENT, //
MG_ESC(("prev_fw")), print_fw_status, MG_FIRMWARE_PREVIOUS);
memset(&pub_opts, 0, sizeof(pub_opts));
mg_snprintf(topic, sizeof(topic), "%s/%s/status", g_root_topic, g_device_id);
pub_opts.topic = mg_str(topic);
pub_opts.message = mg_str_n((char *) io.buf, io.len);
pub_opts.qos = s_qos;
pub_opts.retain = true;
mg_mqtt_pub(c, &pub_opts);
static void publish_response(struct mg_connection *c, char *buf, size_t len) {
struct mg_mqtt_opts pub_opts;
char topic[100];
mg_snprintf(topic, sizeof(topic), "%s/%s/tx", g_root_topic, g_device_id);
memset(&pub_opts, 0, sizeof(pub_opts));
pub_opts.topic = mg_str(topic);
pub_opts.message = mg_str_n(buf, len);
pub_opts.qos = s_qos;
mg_mqtt_pub(c, &pub_opts);
static void subscribe(struct mg_connection *c) {
char *rx_topic = mg_mprintf("%s/%s/rx", g_root_topic, g_device_id);
struct mg_str subt = mg_str(rx_topic);
struct mg_mqtt_opts sub_opts;
memset(&sub_opts, 0, sizeof(sub_opts));
sub_opts.topic = subt;
sub_opts.qos = s_qos;
mg_mqtt_sub(c, &sub_opts);
MG_INFO(("%lu SUBSCRIBED to %.*s", c->id, (int) subt.len, subt.ptr));
static void rpc_config_set(struct mg_rpc_req *r) {
struct device_config dc = s_device_config;
dc.pin_count = (int) mg_json_get_long(r->frame, "$.params.pin_count", -1);
dc.log_level = (int) mg_json_get_long(r->frame, "$.params.log_level", -1);
if (dc.log_level < 0 || dc.log_level > MG_LL_VERBOSE) {
mg_rpc_err(r, -32602, "Log level must be from 0 to 4");
} else if (dc.pin_count <= 0 || dc.pin_count > MAX_PINS) {
mg_rpc_err(r, -32602, "Pin count must be from 1 to %d", MAX_PINS);
} else {
int i, val;
for (i = 0; i < dc.pin_count; i++) {
char path[50];
mg_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "$.params.pin_map[%d]", i);
dc.pin_map[i] = (uint16_t) mg_json_get_long(r->frame, path, 0);
mg_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "$.params.pin_state[%d]", i);
if ((val = (int) mg_json_get_long(r->frame, path, -1)) >= 0) {
gpio_write(dc.pin_map[i], val);
dc.pin_state[i] = gpio_read(dc.pin_map[i]);
// MG_INFO(("%d %d %d", i, dc.pin_map[i], dc.pin_state[i]));
s_device_config = dc;
mg_rpc_ok(r, "true");
static void rpc_ota_commit(struct mg_rpc_req *r) {
if (mg_ota_commit()) {
mg_rpc_ok(r, "%m", MG_ESC("ok"));
} else {
mg_rpc_err(r, 1, "Failed to commit the firmware");
static void rpc_device_reset(struct mg_rpc_req *r) {
mg_rpc_ok(r, "%m", MG_ESC("ok"));
mg_timer_add(s_conn->mgr, 500, 0, (void (*)(void *)) mg_device_reset, NULL);
static void rpc_ota_rollback(struct mg_rpc_req *r) {
if (mg_ota_rollback()) {
mg_rpc_ok(r, "%m", MG_ESC("ok"));
} else {
mg_rpc_err(r, 1, "Failed to rollback to the previous firmware");
static void rpc_ota_upload(struct mg_rpc_req *r) {
long ofs = mg_json_get_long(r->frame, "$.params.offset", -1);
long tot = mg_json_get_long(r->frame, "$.params.total", -1);
int len = 0;
char *buf = mg_json_get_b64(r->frame, "$.params.chunk", &len);
if (buf == NULL) {
mg_rpc_err(r, 1, "Error processing the binary chunk.");
} else {
if (ofs < 0 || tot < 0) {
mg_rpc_err(r, 1, "offset and total not set");
} else if (ofs == 0 && mg_ota_begin((size_t) tot) == false) {
mg_rpc_err(r, 1, "mg_ota_begin(%ld) failed\n", tot);
} else if (len > 0 && mg_ota_write(buf, len) == false) {
mg_rpc_err(r, 1, "mg_ota_write(%lu) @%ld failed\n", len, ofs);
} else if (len == 0 && mg_ota_end() == false) {
mg_rpc_err(r, 1, "mg_ota_end() failed\n", tot);
} else {
mg_rpc_ok(r, "%m", MG_ESC("ok"));
if (len == 0) { // Successful mg_ota_end() called, schedule device reboot
mg_timer_add(s_conn->mgr, 500, 0, (void (*)(void *)) mg_device_reset,
static void fn(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data) {
if (ev == MG_EV_OPEN) {
MG_INFO(("%lu CREATED", c->id));
// c->is_hexdumping = 1;
} else if (ev == MG_EV_CONNECT) {
MG_INFO(("Device %s is connected", g_device_id));
} else if (ev == MG_EV_ERROR) {
// On error, log error message
MG_ERROR(("%lu ERROR %s", c->id, (char *) ev_data));
} else if (ev == MG_EV_MQTT_OPEN) {
// MQTT connect is successful
MG_INFO(("%lu CONNECTED to %s", c->id, g_mqtt_server_url));
} else if (ev == MG_EV_MQTT_MSG) {
// When we get echo response, print it
struct mg_mqtt_message *mm = (struct mg_mqtt_message *) ev_data;
struct mg_iobuf io = {0, 0, 0, 512};
struct mg_rpc_req r = {&s_rpc, NULL, mg_pfn_iobuf,
&io, NULL, {mm->data.ptr, mm->data.len}};
size_t clipped_len = mm->data.len > 512 ? 512 : mm->data.len;
MG_INFO(("%lu RECEIVED %.*s <- %.*s", c->id, clipped_len, mm->data.ptr,
mm->topic.len, mm->topic.ptr));
if (io.buf) {
publish_response(c, (char *) io.buf, io.len);
} else if (ev == MG_EV_CLOSE) {
MG_INFO(("%lu CLOSED", c->id));
s_conn = NULL; // Mark that we're closed
// Timer function - recreate client connection if it is closed
static void timer_reconnect(void *arg) {
struct mg_mgr *mgr = (struct mg_mgr *) arg;
if (s_conn == NULL) {
struct mg_mqtt_opts opts;
char topic[100], message[100];
mg_snprintf(topic, sizeof(topic), "%s/%s/status", g_root_topic,
mg_snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "{%m:%m,%m:{%m:%m}}",
MG_ESC("method"), MG_ESC("status.notify"), MG_ESC("params"),
MG_ESC("status"), MG_ESC("offline"));
memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
opts.clean = true;
opts.qos = s_qos;
opts.topic = mg_str(topic);
opts.version = 4;
opts.keepalive = MQTT_KEEPALIVE_SEC;
opts.retain = true;
opts.message = mg_str(message);
s_conn = mg_mqtt_connect(mgr, g_mqtt_server_url, &opts, fn, NULL);
static void timer_ping(void *arg) {
mg_mqtt_send_header(s_conn, MQTT_CMD_PINGREQ, 0, 0);
(void) arg;
void web_init(struct mg_mgr *mgr) {
int i, ping_interval_ms = MQTT_KEEPALIVE_SEC * 1000 - 500;
s_device_config.log_level = (int) mg_log_level;
s_device_config.pin_count = 5;
s_device_config.pin_map[0] = 10;
s_device_config.pin_map[1] = 11;
s_device_config.pin_map[2] = 12;
s_device_config.pin_map[3] = 13;
s_device_config.pin_map[4] = 25;
for (i = 0; i < s_device_config.pin_count; i++) {
s_device_config.pin_state[i] = gpio_read(s_device_config.pin_map[i]);
// Configure JSON-RPC functions we're going to handle
mg_rpc_add(&s_rpc, mg_str("config.set"), rpc_config_set, NULL);
mg_rpc_add(&s_rpc, mg_str("ota.commit"), rpc_ota_commit, NULL);
mg_rpc_add(&s_rpc, mg_str("ota.rollback"), rpc_ota_rollback, NULL);
mg_rpc_add(&s_rpc, mg_str("ota.upload"), rpc_ota_upload, NULL);
mg_rpc_add(&s_rpc, mg_str("device.reset"), rpc_device_reset, NULL);
mg_timer_add(mgr, 3000, MG_TIMER_REPEAT | MG_TIMER_RUN_NOW, timer_reconnect,
mg_timer_add(mgr, ping_interval_ms, MG_TIMER_REPEAT, timer_ping, mgr);
void web_free(void) {
mg_rpc_del(&s_rpc, NULL); // Deallocate RPC handlers