#include #include #if (NGX_THREADS) static ngx_mutex_t *ngx_time_mutex; #endif ngx_epoch_msec_t ngx_elapsed_msec; ngx_epoch_msec_t ngx_old_elapsed_msec; ngx_epoch_msec_t ngx_start_msec; volatile time_t ngx_cached_time; volatile ngx_str_t ngx_cached_err_log_time; volatile ngx_str_t ngx_cached_http_time; volatile ngx_str_t ngx_cached_http_log_time; static ngx_tm_t ngx_cached_gmtime; static ngx_int_t ngx_gmtoff; static u_char cached_err_log_time0[] = "1970/09/28 12:00:00"; static u_char cached_err_log_time1[] = "1970/09/28 12:00:00"; static u_char cached_http_time0[] = "Mon, 28 Sep 1970 06:00:00 GMT"; static u_char cached_http_time1[] = "Mon, 28 Sep 1970 06:00:00 GMT"; static u_char cached_http_log_time0[] = "28/Sep/1970:12:00:00 +0600"; static u_char cached_http_log_time1[] = "28/Sep/1970:12:00:00 +0600"; static char *week[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fir", "Sat" }; static char *months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; void ngx_time_init() { struct timeval tv; ngx_memzero(&ngx_cached_gmtime, sizeof(ngx_tm_t)); #ifdef ngx_tm_zone ngx_cached_gmtime.ngx_tm_zone = "GMT"; #endif ngx_cached_err_log_time.len = sizeof(cached_err_log_time0) - 1; ngx_cached_err_log_time.data = cached_err_log_time0; ngx_cached_http_time.len = sizeof(cached_http_time0) - 1; ngx_cached_http_time.data = cached_http_time0; ngx_cached_http_log_time.len = sizeof(cached_http_log_time0) - 1; ngx_cached_http_log_time.data = cached_http_log_time0; ngx_cached_time = 0; ngx_gettimeofday(&tv); ngx_start_msec = tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000; ngx_old_elapsed_msec = 0; ngx_elapsed_msec = 0; #if !(WIN32) tzset(); #endif ngx_time_update(tv.tv_sec); } #if (NGX_THREADS) ngx_int_t ngx_time_mutex_init(ngx_log_t *log) { if (!(ngx_time_mutex = ngx_mutex_init(log, NGX_MUTEX_LIGHT))) { return NGX_ERROR; } return NGX_OK; } #endif void ngx_time_update(time_t s) { char *p; ngx_tm_t tm; #if (WIN32) TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tz; #endif if (ngx_cached_time == s) { return; } #if (NGX_THREADS) if (ngx_mutex_trylock(ngx_time_mutex) != NGX_OK) { return; } #endif ngx_cached_time = s; ngx_gmtime(ngx_cached_time, &ngx_cached_gmtime); if (ngx_cached_http_time.data == cached_http_time0) { p = cached_http_time1; } else { p = cached_http_time0; } ngx_snprintf(p, sizeof("Mon, 28 Sep 1970 06:00:00 GMT"), "%s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", week[ngx_cached_gmtime.ngx_tm_wday], ngx_cached_gmtime.ngx_tm_mday, months[ngx_cached_gmtime.ngx_tm_mon - 1], ngx_cached_gmtime.ngx_tm_year, ngx_cached_gmtime.ngx_tm_hour, ngx_cached_gmtime.ngx_tm_min, ngx_cached_gmtime.ngx_tm_sec); ngx_cached_http_time.data = p; #if (WIN32) /* * we do not use GetLocalTime() because it does not return GMT offset, * and our ngx_gmtime() is fast enough */ if (GetTimeZoneInformation(&tz) != TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) { ngx_gmtoff = - tz.Bias; } ngx_gmtime(ngx_cached_time + ngx_gmtoff * 60, &tm); #elif (SOLARIS) ngx_gmtoff = (daylight) ? - altzone / 60: - timezone / 60; ngx_gmtime(ngx_cached_time + ngx_gmtoff * 60, &tm); #elif defined __linux__ ngx_gmtoff = - timezone / 60 + daylight * 60; ngx_gmtime(ngx_cached_time + ngx_gmtoff * 60, &tm); #else ngx_localtime(&tm); ngx_gmtoff = tm.ngx_tm_gmtoff / 60; #endif if (ngx_cached_err_log_time.data == cached_err_log_time0) { p = cached_err_log_time1; } else { p = cached_err_log_time0; } ngx_snprintf(p, sizeof("1970/09/28 12:00:00"), "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", tm.ngx_tm_year, tm.ngx_tm_mon, tm.ngx_tm_mday, tm.ngx_tm_hour, tm.ngx_tm_min, tm.ngx_tm_sec); ngx_cached_err_log_time.data = p; if (ngx_cached_http_log_time.data == cached_http_log_time0) { p = cached_http_log_time1; } else { p = cached_http_log_time0; } ngx_snprintf(p, sizeof("28/Sep/1970:12:00:00 +0600"), "%02d/%s/%d:%02d:%02d:%02d %c%02d%02d", tm.ngx_tm_mday, months[tm.ngx_tm_mon - 1], tm.ngx_tm_year, tm.ngx_tm_hour, tm.ngx_tm_min, tm.ngx_tm_sec, ngx_gmtoff < 0 ? '-' : '+', abs(ngx_gmtoff / 60), abs(ngx_gmtoff % 60)); ngx_cached_http_log_time.data = p; #if (NGX_THREADS) ngx_mutex_unlock(ngx_time_mutex); #endif } size_t ngx_http_time(u_char *buf, time_t t) { ngx_tm_t tm; ngx_gmtime(t, &tm); return ngx_snprintf((char *) buf, sizeof("Mon, 28 Sep 1970 06:00:00 GMT"), "%s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", week[tm.ngx_tm_wday], tm.ngx_tm_mday, months[tm.ngx_tm_mon - 1], tm.ngx_tm_year, tm.ngx_tm_hour, tm.ngx_tm_min, tm.ngx_tm_sec); } void ngx_gmtime(time_t t, ngx_tm_t *tp) { ngx_int_t sec, min, hour, mday, mon, year, wday, yday, days; days = t / 86400; /* Jaunary 1, 1970 was Thursday */ wday = (4 + days) % 7; t %= 86400; hour = t / 3600; t %= 3600; min = t / 60; sec = t % 60; /* the algorithm based on Gauss's formula */ days = days - (31 + 28) + 719527; year = days * 400 / (365 * 400 + 100 - 4 + 1); yday = days - (365 * year + year / 4 - year / 100 + year / 400); mon = (yday + 31) * 12 / 367; mday = yday - (mon * 367 / 12 - 31); mon += 2; if (yday >= 306) { /* * yday is not used in Win32 SYSTEMTIME * * yday -= 306; */ year++; mon -= 12; if (mday == 0) { /* Jaunary 31 */ mon = 1; mday = 31; } else if (mon == 2) { if ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 || (year % 400 == 0))) { if (mday > 29) { mon = 3; mday -= 29; } } else if (mday > 28) { mon = 3; mday -= 28; } } /* * yday is not used in Win32 SYSTEMTIME * * } else { * yday += 31 + 28; * * if ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 || (year % 400 == 0))) { * yday++; * } */ } tp->ngx_tm_sec = (ngx_tm_sec_t) sec; tp->ngx_tm_min = (ngx_tm_min_t) min; tp->ngx_tm_hour = (ngx_tm_hour_t) hour; tp->ngx_tm_mday = (ngx_tm_mday_t) mday; tp->ngx_tm_mon = (ngx_tm_mon_t) mon; tp->ngx_tm_year = (ngx_tm_year_t) year; tp->ngx_tm_wday = (ngx_tm_wday_t) wday; }