2013-04-11 22:34:04 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2012-11-24 02:57:22 +08:00
2011-02-24 02:11:25 +08:00
""" gen_pattern.py
2015-04-12 01:03:17 +08:00
Usage example :
python gen_pattern . py - o out . svg - r 11 - c 8 - T circles - s 20.0 - R 5.0 - u mm - w 216 - h 279
- o , - - output - output file ( default out . svg )
- r , - - rows - pattern rows ( default 11 )
- c , - - columns - pattern columns ( default 8 )
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
- T , - - type - type of pattern : circles , acircles , checkerboard , radon_checkerboard , charuco_board . default circles .
2015-04-12 01:03:17 +08:00
- s , - - square_size - size of squares in pattern ( default 20.0 )
- R , - - radius_rate - circles_radius = square_size / radius_rate ( default 5.0 )
- u , - - units - mm , inches , px , m ( default mm )
- w , - - page_width - page width in units ( default 216 )
- h , - - page_height - page height in units ( default 279 )
2019-02-10 05:29:54 +08:00
- a , - - page_size - page size ( default A4 ) , supersedes - h - w arguments
2021-09-28 15:30:07 +08:00
- m , - - markers - list of cells with markers for the radon checkerboard
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
- p , - - aruco_marker_size - aruco markers size for ChAruco pattern ( default 10.0 )
- f , - - dict_file - file name of custom aruco dictionary for ChAruco pattern
2015-04-12 01:03:17 +08:00
- H , - - help - show help
2011-02-24 02:11:25 +08:00
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
import argparse
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
import numpy as np
import json
import gzip
2011-02-24 02:11:25 +08:00
from svgfig import *
class PatternMaker :
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
def __init__ ( self , cols , rows , output , units , square_size , radius_rate , page_width , page_height , markers , aruco_marker_size , dict_file ) :
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
self . cols = cols
self . rows = rows
self . output = output
self . units = units
self . square_size = square_size
self . radius_rate = radius_rate
self . width = page_width
self . height = page_height
2021-09-28 15:30:07 +08:00
self . markers = markers
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
self . aruco_marker_size = aruco_marker_size #for charuco boards only
self . dict_file = dict_file
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
self . g = SVG ( " g " ) # the svg group container
2015-04-12 01:03:17 +08:00
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
def make_circles_pattern ( self ) :
spacing = self . square_size
r = spacing / self . radius_rate
2020-08-24 06:32:58 +08:00
pattern_width = ( ( self . cols - 1.0 ) * spacing ) + ( 2.0 * r )
pattern_height = ( ( self . rows - 1.0 ) * spacing ) + ( 2.0 * r )
x_spacing = ( self . width - pattern_width ) / 2.0
y_spacing = ( self . height - pattern_height ) / 2.0
for x in range ( 0 , self . cols ) :
for y in range ( 0 , self . rows ) :
dot = SVG ( " circle " , cx = ( x * spacing ) + x_spacing + r ,
cy = ( y * spacing ) + y_spacing + r , r = r , fill = " black " , stroke = " none " )
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
self . g . append ( dot )
2012-10-17 07:18:30 +08:00
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
def make_acircles_pattern ( self ) :
spacing = self . square_size
r = spacing / self . radius_rate
2020-08-24 06:32:58 +08:00
pattern_width = ( ( self . cols - 1.0 ) * 2 * spacing ) + spacing + ( 2.0 * r )
pattern_height = ( ( self . rows - 1.0 ) * spacing ) + ( 2.0 * r )
x_spacing = ( self . width - pattern_width ) / 2.0
y_spacing = ( self . height - pattern_height ) / 2.0
for x in range ( 0 , self . cols ) :
for y in range ( 0 , self . rows ) :
dot = SVG ( " circle " , cx = ( 2 * x * spacing ) + ( y % 2 ) * spacing + x_spacing + r ,
cy = ( y * spacing ) + y_spacing + r , r = r , fill = " black " , stroke = " none " )
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
self . g . append ( dot )
2012-10-17 07:18:30 +08:00
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
def make_checkerboard_pattern ( self ) :
spacing = self . square_size
xspacing = ( self . width - self . cols * self . square_size ) / 2.0
yspacing = ( self . height - self . rows * self . square_size ) / 2.0
for x in range ( 0 , self . cols ) :
for y in range ( 0 , self . rows ) :
if x % 2 == y % 2 :
square = SVG ( " rect " , x = x * spacing + xspacing , y = y * spacing + yspacing , width = spacing ,
height = spacing , fill = " black " , stroke = " none " )
self . g . append ( square )
2015-04-12 01:03:17 +08:00
2021-09-28 15:30:07 +08:00
def _make_round_rect ( x , y , diam , corners = ( " right " , " right " , " right " , " right " ) ) :
rad = diam / 2
cw_point = ( ( 0 , 0 ) , ( diam , 0 ) , ( diam , diam ) , ( 0 , diam ) )
mid_cw_point = ( ( 0 , rad ) , ( rad , 0 ) , ( diam , rad ) , ( rad , diam ) )
res_str = " M {} , {} " . format ( x + mid_cw_point [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , y + mid_cw_point [ 0 ] [ 1 ] )
n = len ( cw_point )
for i in range ( n ) :
if corners [ i ] == " right " :
res_str + = " L {} , {} L {} , {} " . format ( x + cw_point [ i ] [ 0 ] , y + cw_point [ i ] [ 1 ] ,
x + mid_cw_point [ ( i + 1 ) % n ] [ 0 ] , y + mid_cw_point [ ( i + 1 ) % n ] [ 1 ] )
elif corners [ i ] == " round " :
res_str + = " A {} , {} 0,0,1 {} , {} " . format ( rad , rad , x + mid_cw_point [ ( i + 1 ) % n ] [ 0 ] ,
y + mid_cw_point [ ( i + 1 ) % n ] [ 1 ] )
else :
raise TypeError ( " unknown corner type " )
return res_str
def _get_type ( self , x , y ) :
corners = [ " right " , " right " , " right " , " right " ]
is_inside = True
if x == 0 :
corners [ 0 ] = " round "
corners [ 3 ] = " round "
is_inside = False
if y == 0 :
corners [ 0 ] = " round "
corners [ 1 ] = " round "
is_inside = False
if x == self . cols - 1 :
corners [ 1 ] = " round "
corners [ 2 ] = " round "
is_inside = False
if y == self . rows - 1 :
corners [ 2 ] = " round "
corners [ 3 ] = " round "
is_inside = False
return corners , is_inside
def make_radon_checkerboard_pattern ( self ) :
spacing = self . square_size
xspacing = ( self . width - self . cols * self . square_size ) / 2.0
yspacing = ( self . height - self . rows * self . square_size ) / 2.0
for x in range ( 0 , self . cols ) :
for y in range ( 0 , self . rows ) :
if x % 2 == y % 2 :
corner_types , is_inside = self . _get_type ( x , y )
if is_inside :
square = SVG ( " rect " , x = x * spacing + xspacing , y = y * spacing + yspacing , width = spacing ,
height = spacing , fill = " black " , stroke = " none " )
else :
square = SVG ( " path " , d = self . _make_round_rect ( x * spacing + xspacing , y * spacing + yspacing ,
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
spacing , corner_types ) , fill = " black " , stroke = " none " )
2021-09-28 15:30:07 +08:00
self . g . append ( square )
if self . markers is not None :
r = self . square_size * 0.17
pattern_width = ( ( self . cols - 1.0 ) * spacing ) + ( 2.0 * r )
pattern_height = ( ( self . rows - 1.0 ) * spacing ) + ( 2.0 * r )
x_spacing = ( self . width - pattern_width ) / 2.0
y_spacing = ( self . height - pattern_height ) / 2.0
for x , y in self . markers :
color = " black "
if x % 2 == y % 2 :
color = " white "
dot = SVG ( " circle " , cx = ( x * spacing ) + x_spacing + r ,
cy = ( y * spacing ) + y_spacing + r , r = r , fill = color , stroke = " none " )
self . g . append ( dot )
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
def _create_marker_bits ( markerSize_bits , byteList ) :
marker = np . zeros ( ( markerSize_bits + 2 , markerSize_bits + 2 ) )
bits = marker [ 1 : markerSize_bits + 1 , 1 : markerSize_bits + 1 ]
for i in range ( markerSize_bits ) :
for j in range ( markerSize_bits ) :
bits [ i ] [ j ] = int ( byteList [ i * markerSize_bits + j ] )
return marker
def make_charuco_board ( self ) :
if ( self . aruco_marker_size > self . square_size ) :
print ( " Error: Aruco marker cannot be lager than chessboard square! " )
if ( self . dict_file . split ( " . " ) [ - 1 ] == " gz " ) :
with gzip . open ( self . dict_file , ' r ' ) as fin :
json_bytes = fin . read ( )
json_str = json_bytes . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
dictionary = json . loads ( json_str )
else :
f = open ( self . dict_file )
dictionary = json . load ( f )
if ( dictionary [ " nmarkers " ] < int ( self . cols * self . rows / 2 ) ) :
print ( " Error: Aruco dictionary contains less markers than it needs for chosen board. Please choose another dictionary or use smaller board than required for chosen board " )
markerSize_bits = dictionary [ " markersize " ]
side = self . aruco_marker_size / ( markerSize_bits + 2 )
spacing = self . square_size
xspacing = ( self . width - self . cols * self . square_size ) / 2.0
yspacing = ( self . height - self . rows * self . square_size ) / 2.0
ch_ar_border = ( self . square_size - self . aruco_marker_size ) / 2
marker_id = 0
for y in range ( 0 , self . rows ) :
for x in range ( 0 , self . cols ) :
if x % 2 == y % 2 :
square = SVG ( " rect " , x = x * spacing + xspacing , y = y * spacing + yspacing , width = spacing ,
height = spacing , fill = " black " , stroke = " none " )
self . g . append ( square )
else :
img_mark = self . _create_marker_bits ( markerSize_bits , dictionary [ " marker_ " + str ( marker_id ) ] )
marker_id + = 1
x_pos = x * spacing + xspacing
y_pos = y * spacing + yspacing
square = SVG ( " rect " , x = x_pos + ch_ar_border , y = y_pos + ch_ar_border , width = self . aruco_marker_size ,
height = self . aruco_marker_size , fill = " black " , stroke = " none " )
self . g . append ( square )
for x_ in range ( len ( img_mark [ 0 ] ) ) :
for y_ in range ( len ( img_mark ) ) :
if ( img_mark [ y_ ] [ x_ ] != 0 ) :
square = SVG ( " rect " , x = x_pos + ch_ar_border + ( x_ ) * side , y = y_pos + ch_ar_border + ( y_ ) * side , width = side ,
height = side , fill = " white " , stroke = " white " , stroke_width = spacing * 0.01 )
self . g . append ( square )
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
def save ( self ) :
c = canvas ( self . g , width = " %d %s " % ( self . width , self . units ) , height = " %d %s " % ( self . height , self . units ) ,
viewBox = " 0 0 %d %d " % ( self . width , self . height ) )
c . save ( self . output )
2012-10-17 07:18:30 +08:00
2011-02-24 02:11:25 +08:00
def main ( ) :
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
# parse command line options
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = " generate camera-calibration pattern " , add_help = False )
parser . add_argument ( " -H " , " --help " , help = " show help " , action = " store_true " , dest = " show_help " )
parser . add_argument ( " -o " , " --output " , help = " output file " , default = " out.svg " , action = " store " , dest = " output " )
parser . add_argument ( " -c " , " --columns " , help = " pattern columns " , default = " 8 " , action = " store " , dest = " columns " ,
type = int )
parser . add_argument ( " -r " , " --rows " , help = " pattern rows " , default = " 11 " , action = " store " , dest = " rows " , type = int )
parser . add_argument ( " -T " , " --type " , help = " type of pattern " , default = " circles " , action = " store " , dest = " p_type " ,
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
choices = [ " circles " , " acircles " , " checkerboard " , " radon_checkerboard " , " charuco_board " ] )
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
parser . add_argument ( " -u " , " --units " , help = " length unit " , default = " mm " , action = " store " , dest = " units " ,
choices = [ " mm " , " inches " , " px " , " m " ] )
parser . add_argument ( " -s " , " --square_size " , help = " size of squares in pattern " , default = " 20.0 " , action = " store " ,
dest = " square_size " , type = float )
parser . add_argument ( " -R " , " --radius_rate " , help = " circles_radius = square_size/radius_rate " , default = " 5.0 " ,
action = " store " , dest = " radius_rate " , type = float )
2020-10-27 07:04:55 +08:00
parser . add_argument ( " -w " , " --page_width " , help = " page width in units " , default = argparse . SUPPRESS , action = " store " ,
2020-08-24 06:32:58 +08:00
dest = " page_width " , type = float )
2020-10-27 07:04:55 +08:00
parser . add_argument ( " -h " , " --page_height " , help = " page height in units " , default = argparse . SUPPRESS , action = " store " ,
dest = " page_height " , type = float )
2021-09-28 15:30:07 +08:00
parser . add_argument ( " -a " , " --page_size " , help = " page size, superseded if -h and -w are set " , default = " A4 " ,
action = " store " , dest = " page_size " , choices = [ " A0 " , " A1 " , " A2 " , " A3 " , " A4 " , " A5 " ] )
parser . add_argument ( " -m " , " --markers " , help = " list of cells with markers for the radon checkerboard. Marker "
" coordinates as list of numbers: -m 1 2 3 4 means markers in cells "
" [1, 2] and [3, 4] " ,
2021-11-10 16:14:06 +08:00
default = argparse . SUPPRESS , action = " store " , dest = " markers " , nargs = " + " , type = int )
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
parser . add_argument ( " -p " , " --marker_size " , help = " aruco markers size for ChAruco pattern (default 10.0) " , default = " 10.0 " ,
action = " store " , dest = " aruco_marker_size " , type = float )
parser . add_argument ( " -f " , " --dict_file " , help = " file name of custom aruco dictionary for ChAruco pattern " , default = " DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL.json " ,
action = " store " , dest = " dict_file " , type = str )
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
args = parser . parse_args ( )
show_help = args . show_help
if show_help :
parser . print_help ( )
output = args . output
columns = args . columns
rows = args . rows
p_type = args . p_type
units = args . units
square_size = args . square_size
radius_rate = args . radius_rate
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
aruco_marker_size = args . aruco_marker_size
dict_file = args . dict_file
2020-10-27 07:04:55 +08:00
if ' page_width ' and ' page_height ' in args :
page_width = args . page_width
page_height = args . page_height
else :
page_size = args . page_size
# page size dict (ISO standard, mm) for easy lookup. format - size: [width, height]
page_sizes = { " A0 " : [ 840 , 1188 ] , " A1 " : [ 594 , 840 ] , " A2 " : [ 420 , 594 ] , " A3 " : [ 297 , 420 ] , " A4 " : [ 210 , 297 ] ,
" A5 " : [ 148 , 210 ] }
page_width = page_sizes [ page_size ] [ 0 ]
page_height = page_sizes [ page_size ] [ 1 ]
2021-11-10 16:14:06 +08:00
markers = None
if p_type == " radon_checkerboard " and " markers " in args :
if len ( args . markers ) % 2 == 1 :
raise ValueError ( " The length of the markers array= {} must be even " . format ( len ( args . markers ) ) )
markers = set ( )
for x , y in zip ( args . markers [ : : 2 ] , args . markers [ 1 : : 2 ] ) :
if x in range ( 0 , columns ) and y in range ( 0 , rows ) :
markers . add ( ( x , y ) )
else :
raise ValueError ( " The marker {} , {} is outside the checkerboard " . format ( x , y ) )
2021-09-28 15:30:07 +08:00
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
pm = PatternMaker ( columns , rows , output , units , square_size , radius_rate , page_width , page_height , markers , aruco_marker_size , dict_file )
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
# dict for easy lookup of pattern type
mp = { " circles " : pm . make_circles_pattern , " acircles " : pm . make_acircles_pattern ,
2023-05-20 01:25:59 +08:00
" checkerboard " : pm . make_checkerboard_pattern , " radon_checkerboard " : pm . make_radon_checkerboard_pattern ,
" charuco_board " : pm . make_charuco_board }
2011-02-24 02:11:25 +08:00
mp [ p_type ] ( )
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
# this should save pattern to output
2011-02-24 02:11:25 +08:00
pm . save ( )
2020-04-05 11:57:04 +08:00
2011-02-24 02:11:25 +08:00
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )