For visualisations you need to compile OpenCV library with OpenGL support.
For this you should set WITH_OPENGL flag ON in CMake while building OpenCV from source.
Loading and saving of point cloud can be done using `cv::loadPointCloud` and `cv::savePointCloud` accordingly.
Currently supported formats are:
- [.OBJ]( (supported keys are v(which is responsible for point position), vn(normal coordinates) and f(faces of a mesh), other keys are ignored)
- [.PLY]( (all encoding types(ascii and byte) are supported with limitation to only float type for data)
Other possible way to draw 3d objects can be a mesh.
For that we use special functions to load mesh data and display it.
Here for now only .OBJ files are supported and they should be triangulated before processing (triangulation - process of breaking faces into triangles).