2012-11-24 02:57:22 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2022-10-20 19:11:02 +08:00
""" Print performance test run statistics.
Performance data is stored in the GTest log file created by performance tests . Default name is
` test_details . xml ` . It can be changed with the ` - - gtest_output = xml : < location > / < filename > . xml ` test
option . See https : / / github . com / opencv / opencv / wiki / HowToUsePerfTests for more details .
This script produces configurable performance report tables in text and HTML formats . It allows to
filter test cases by name and parameter string and select specific performance metrics columns . One
or multiple test results can be used for input .
### Example
. / report . py - c min , mean , median - f ' (LUT|Match).*640 ' opencv_perf_core . xml opencv_perf_features2d . xml
opencv_perf_features2d . xml , opencv_perf_core . xml
Name of Test Min Mean Median
KnnMatch : : OCL_BruteForceMatcherFixture : : ( 640 x480 , 32 FC1 ) 1365.04 ms 1368.18 ms 1368.52 ms
LUT : : OCL_LUTFixture : : ( 640 x480 , 32 FC1 ) 2.57 ms 2.62 ms 2.64 ms
LUT : : OCL_LUTFixture : : ( 640 x480 , 32 FC4 ) 21.15 ms 21.25 ms 21.24 ms
LUT : : OCL_LUTFixture : : ( 640 x480 , 8 UC1 ) 2.22 ms 2.28 ms 2.29 ms
LUT : : OCL_LUTFixture : : ( 640 x480 , 8 UC4 ) 19.12 ms 19.24 ms 19.19 ms
LUT : : SizePrm : : 640 x480 2.22 ms 2.27 ms 2.29 ms
Match : : OCL_BruteForceMatcherFixture : : ( 640 x480 , 32 FC1 ) 1364.15 ms 1367.73 ms 1365.45 ms
RadiusMatch : : OCL_BruteForceMatcherFixture : : ( 640 x480 , 32 FC1 ) 1372.68 ms 1375.52 ms 1375.42 ms
### Options
- o FMT , - - output = FMT - output results in text format ( can be ' txt ' , ' html ' or ' auto ' - default )
- u UNITS , - - units = UNITS - units for output values ( s , ms ( default ) , us , ns or ticks )
- c COLS , - - columns = COLS - comma - separated list of columns to show
- f REGEX , - - filter = REGEX - regex to filter tests
- - show - all - also include empty and " notrun " lines
2012-11-24 02:57:22 +08:00
2021-11-26 18:57:54 +08:00
from __future__ import print_function
2011-09-08 14:27:46 +08:00
import testlog_parser , sys , os , xml , re , glob
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
from table_formatter import *
from optparse import OptionParser
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
parser = OptionParser ( )
parser . add_option ( " -o " , " --output " , dest = " format " , help = " output results in text format (can be ' txt ' , ' html ' or ' auto ' - default) " , metavar = " FMT " , default = " auto " )
2018-01-27 22:30:37 +08:00
parser . add_option ( " -u " , " --units " , dest = " units " , help = " units for output values (s, ms (default), us, ns or ticks) " , metavar = " UNITS " , default = " ms " )
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
parser . add_option ( " -c " , " --columns " , dest = " columns " , help = " comma-separated list of columns to show " , metavar = " COLS " , default = " " )
parser . add_option ( " -f " , " --filter " , dest = " filter " , help = " regex to filter tests " , metavar = " REGEX " , default = None )
parser . add_option ( " " , " --show-all " , action = " store_true " , dest = " showall " , default = False , help = " also include empty and \" notrun \" lines " )
( options , args ) = parser . parse_args ( )
2012-10-17 07:18:30 +08:00
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
if len ( args ) < 1 :
2021-11-26 18:57:54 +08:00
print ( " Usage: \n " , os . path . basename ( sys . argv [ 0 ] ) , " <log_name1>.xml " , file = sys . stderr )
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
exit ( 0 )
options . generateHtml = detectHtmlOutputType ( options . format )
2012-10-17 07:18:30 +08:00
2011-09-08 14:27:46 +08:00
# expand wildcards and filter duplicates
files = [ ]
files1 = [ ]
for arg in args :
if ( " * " in arg ) or ( " ? " in arg ) :
files1 . extend ( [ os . path . abspath ( f ) for f in glob . glob ( arg ) ] )
else :
files . append ( os . path . abspath ( arg ) )
seen = set ( )
files = [ x for x in files if x not in seen and not seen . add ( x ) ]
files . extend ( ( set ( files1 ) - set ( files ) ) )
args = files
# load test data
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
tests = [ ]
files = [ ]
for arg in set ( args ) :
2011-09-08 14:27:46 +08:00
try :
cases = testlog_parser . parseLogFile ( arg )
if cases :
files . append ( os . path . basename ( arg ) )
tests . extend ( cases )
except :
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
if options . filter :
expr = re . compile ( options . filter )
2012-10-17 07:18:30 +08:00
tests = [ t for t in tests if expr . search ( str ( t ) ) ]
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
tbl = table ( " , " . join ( files ) )
if options . columns :
metrics = [ s . strip ( ) for s in options . columns . split ( " , " ) ]
metrics = [ m for m in metrics if m and not m . endswith ( " % " ) and m in metrix_table ]
else :
metrics = None
if not metrics :
metrics = [ " name " , " samples " , " outliers " , " min " , " median " , " gmean " , " mean " , " stddev " ]
if " name " not in metrics :
metrics . insert ( 0 , " name " )
2012-10-17 07:18:30 +08:00
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
for m in metrics :
if m == " name " :
tbl . newColumn ( m , metrix_table [ m ] [ 0 ] )
else :
tbl . newColumn ( m , metrix_table [ m ] [ 0 ] , align = " center " )
2012-10-17 07:18:30 +08:00
needNewRow = True
2018-09-30 01:03:54 +08:00
for case in sorted ( tests , key = lambda x : str ( x ) ) :
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
if needNewRow :
tbl . newRow ( )
if not options . showall :
needNewRow = False
status = case . get ( " status " )
if status != " run " :
if status != " notrun " :
needNewRow = True
for m in metrics :
if m == " name " :
tbl . newCell ( m , str ( case ) )
else :
tbl . newCell ( m , status , color = " red " )
else :
needNewRow = True
for m in metrics :
val = metrix_table [ m ] [ 1 ] ( case , None , options . units )
if isinstance ( val , float ) :
tbl . newCell ( m , " %.2f %s " % ( val , options . units ) , val )
else :
tbl . newCell ( m , val , val )
if not needNewRow :
tbl . trimLastRow ( )
2012-10-17 07:18:30 +08:00
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
# output table
if options . generateHtml :
2011-09-09 20:15:09 +08:00
if options . format == " moinwiki " :
tbl . htmlPrintTable ( sys . stdout , True )
else :
htmlPrintHeader ( sys . stdout , " Report %s tests from %s " % ( len ( tests ) , " , " . join ( files ) ) )
tbl . htmlPrintTable ( sys . stdout )
htmlPrintFooter ( sys . stdout )
2011-09-06 23:30:28 +08:00
else :
2013-08-21 21:26:54 +08:00
tbl . consolePrintTable ( sys . stdout )