2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os , sys , subprocess , argparse , shutil , glob , re
import logging as log
import xml . etree . ElementTree as ET
class Fail ( Exception ) :
def __init__ ( self , text = None ) :
self . t = text
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " ERROR " if self . t is None else self . t
2015-09-01 05:59:08 +08:00
def execute ( cmd , shell = False ) :
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
try :
log . info ( " Executing: %s " % cmd )
2015-09-01 05:59:08 +08:00
retcode = subprocess . call ( cmd , shell = shell )
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
if retcode < 0 :
raise Fail ( " Child was terminated by signal: " % s - retcode )
elif retcode > 0 :
raise Fail ( " Child returned: %s " % retcode )
except OSError as e :
2015-09-01 17:14:40 +08:00
raise Fail ( " Execution failed: %d / %s " % ( e . errno , e . strerror ) )
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
def rm_one ( d ) :
d = os . path . abspath ( d )
if os . path . exists ( d ) :
if os . path . isdir ( d ) :
log . info ( " Removing dir: %s " , d )
shutil . rmtree ( d )
elif os . path . isfile ( d ) :
log . info ( " Removing file: %s " , d )
os . remove ( d )
def check_dir ( d , create = False , clean = False ) :
d = os . path . abspath ( d )
log . info ( " Check dir %s (create: %s , clean: %s ) " , d , create , clean )
if os . path . exists ( d ) :
if not os . path . isdir ( d ) :
raise Fail ( " Not a directory: %s " % d )
if clean :
for x in glob . glob ( os . path . join ( d , " * " ) ) :
rm_one ( x )
else :
if create :
os . makedirs ( d )
return d
def determine_engine_version ( manifest_path ) :
with open ( manifest_path , " rt " ) as f :
return re . search ( r ' android:versionName= " ( \ d+ \ . \ d+) " ' , f . read ( ) , re . MULTILINE ) . group ( 1 )
def determine_opencv_version ( version_hpp_path ) :
with open ( version_hpp_path , " rt " ) as f :
data = f . read ( )
major = re . search ( r ' ^#define \ W+CV_VERSION_MAJOR \ W+( \ d+)$ ' , data , re . MULTILINE ) . group ( 1 )
minor = re . search ( r ' ^#define \ W+CV_VERSION_MINOR \ W+( \ d+)$ ' , data , re . MULTILINE ) . group ( 1 )
revision = re . search ( r ' ^#define \ W+CV_VERSION_REVISION \ W+( \ d+)$ ' , data , re . MULTILINE ) . group ( 1 )
2015-12-18 22:38:04 +08:00
version_status = re . search ( r ' ^#define \ W+CV_VERSION_STATUS \ W+ " ([^ " ]*) " $ ' , data , re . MULTILINE ) . group ( 1 )
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
return " %(major)s . %(minor)s . %(revision)s %(version_status)s " % locals ( )
class ABI :
def __init__ ( self , platform_id , name , toolchain , cmake_name = None ) :
self . platform_id = platform_id # platform code to add to apk version (for cmake)
self . name = name # general name (official Android ABI identifier)
self . toolchain = toolchain # toolchain identifier (for cmake)
self . cmake_name = cmake_name # name of android toolchain (for cmake)
if self . cmake_name is None :
self . cmake_name = self . name
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " %s ( %s ) " % ( self . name , self . toolchain )
def haveIPP ( self ) :
2016-01-18 19:11:02 +08:00
return self . name == " x86 " or self . name == " x86_64 "
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
ABIs = [
ABI ( " 2 " , " armeabi-v7a " , " arm-linux-androideabi-4.8 " , cmake_name = " armeabi-v7a with NEON " ) ,
ABI ( " 1 " , " armeabi " , " arm-linux-androideabi-4.8 " ) ,
ABI ( " 3 " , " arm64-v8a " , " aarch64-linux-android-4.9 " ) ,
ABI ( " 5 " , " x86_64 " , " x86_64-4.9 " ) ,
ABI ( " 4 " , " x86 " , " x86-4.8 " ) ,
ABI ( " 7 " , " mips64 " , " mips64el-linux-android-4.9 " ) ,
ABI ( " 6 " , " mips " , " mipsel-linux-android-4.8 " )
class Builder :
def __init__ ( self , workdir , opencvdir ) :
self . workdir = check_dir ( workdir , create = True )
self . opencvdir = check_dir ( opencvdir )
2016-04-23 06:09:07 +08:00
self . extra_modules_path = None
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
self . libdest = check_dir ( os . path . join ( self . workdir , " o4a " ) , create = True , clean = True )
self . docdest = check_dir ( os . path . join ( self . workdir , " javadoc " ) , create = True , clean = True )
self . resultdest = check_dir ( os . path . join ( self . workdir , " OpenCV-android-sdk " ) , create = True , clean = True )
self . extra_packs = [ ]
self . opencv_version = determine_opencv_version ( os . path . join ( self . opencvdir , " modules " , " core " , " include " , " opencv2 " , " core " , " version.hpp " ) )
self . engine_version = determine_engine_version ( os . path . join ( self . opencvdir , " platforms " , " android " , " service " , " engine " , " AndroidManifest.xml " ) )
self . use_ccache = True
def get_toolchain_file ( self ) :
return os . path . join ( self . opencvdir , " platforms " , " android " , " android.toolchain.cmake " )
def get_engine_apk_dest ( self , engdest ) :
return os . path . join ( engdest , " platforms " , " android " , " service " , " engine " , " .build " )
def add_extra_pack ( self , ver , path ) :
if path is None :
self . extra_packs . append ( ( ver , check_dir ( path ) ) )
def clean_library_build_dir ( self ) :
for d in [ " CMakeCache.txt " , " CMakeFiles/ " , " bin/ " , " libs/ " , " lib/ " , " package/ " , " install/samples/ " ] :
rm_one ( d )
def build_library ( self , abi , do_install ) :
cmd = [
" cmake " ,
" -GNinja " ,
" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE= ' %s ' " % self . get_toolchain_file ( ) ,
" -DWITH_IPP= %s " % ( " ON " if abi . haveIPP ( ) else " OFF " ) ,
" -DANDROID_STL=gnustl_static " ,
2016-07-07 18:37:18 +08:00
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
" -DANDROID_ABI= ' %s ' " % abi . cmake_name ,
2016-04-23 06:09:07 +08:00
" -DANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME= %s " % abi . toolchain
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
2016-04-23 06:09:07 +08:00
if self . extra_modules_path is not None :
cmd . append ( " -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH= ' %s ' " % self . extra_modules_path )
cmd . append ( self . opencvdir )
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
if self . use_ccache == True :
2016-01-18 19:11:02 +08:00
cmd . append ( " -DNDK_CCACHE=ccache " )
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
if do_install :
cmd . extend ( [ " -DBUILD_TESTS=ON " , " -DINSTALL_TESTS=ON " ] )
execute ( cmd )
if do_install :
execute ( [ " ninja " ] )
for c in [ " libs " , " dev " , " java " , " samples " ] :
execute ( [ " cmake " , " -DCOMPONENT= %s " % c , " -P " , " cmake_install.cmake " ] )
else :
execute ( [ " ninja " , " install/strip " ] )
def build_engine ( self , abi , engdest ) :
cmd = [
" cmake " ,
" -GNinja " ,
" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE= ' %s ' " % self . get_toolchain_file ( ) ,
" -DANDROID_ABI= ' %s ' " % abi . cmake_name ,
" -DANDROID_PLATFORM_ID= %s " % abi . platform_id ,
self . opencvdir
execute ( cmd )
apkdest = self . get_engine_apk_dest ( engdest )
# Add extra data
apkxmldest = check_dir ( os . path . join ( apkdest , " res " , " xml " ) , create = True )
apklibdest = check_dir ( os . path . join ( apkdest , " libs " , abi . name ) , create = True )
2015-12-18 22:57:07 +08:00
for ver , d in self . extra_packs + [ ( " 3.1.0 " , os . path . join ( self . libdest , " lib " ) ) ] :
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
r = ET . Element ( " library " , attrib = { " version " : ver } )
log . info ( " Adding libraries from %s " , d )
2015-09-01 17:14:40 +08:00
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
for f in glob . glob ( os . path . join ( d , abi . name , " *.so " ) ) :
log . info ( " Copy file: %s " , f )
shutil . copy2 ( f , apklibdest )
if " libnative_camera " in f :
log . info ( " Register file: %s " , os . path . basename ( f ) )
n = ET . SubElement ( r , " file " , attrib = { " name " : os . path . basename ( f ) } )
2015-09-01 17:14:40 +08:00
if len ( list ( r ) ) > 0 :
xmlname = os . path . join ( apkxmldest , " config %s .xml " % ver . replace ( " . " , " " ) )
log . info ( " Generating XML config: %s " , xmlname )
ET . ElementTree ( r ) . write ( xmlname , encoding = " utf-8 " )
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
execute ( [ " ninja " , " opencv_engine " ] )
2015-09-01 17:14:40 +08:00
execute ( [ " ant " , " -f " , os . path . join ( apkdest , " build.xml " ) , " debug " ] ,
shell = ( sys . platform == ' win32 ' ) )
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
# TODO: Sign apk
def build_javadoc ( self ) :
classpaths = [ os . path . join ( self . libdest , " bin " , " classes " ) ]
for dir , _ , files in os . walk ( os . environ [ " ANDROID_SDK " ] ) :
for f in files :
if f == " android.jar " or f == " annotations.jar " :
classpaths . append ( os . path . join ( dir , f ) )
cmd = [
" javadoc " ,
" -header " , " OpenCV %s " % self . opencv_version ,
" -nodeprecated " ,
" -footer " , ' <a href= " http://docs.opencv.org " >OpenCV %s Documentation</a> ' % self . opencv_version ,
" -public " ,
" -sourcepath " , os . path . join ( self . libdest , " src " ) ,
" -d " , self . docdest ,
" -classpath " , " : " . join ( classpaths )
for _ , dirs , _ in os . walk ( os . path . join ( self . libdest , " src " , " org " , " opencv " ) ) :
cmd . extend ( [ " org.opencv. " + d for d in dirs ] )
execute ( cmd )
def gather_results ( self , engines ) :
# Copy all files
root = os . path . join ( self . libdest , " install " )
for item in os . listdir ( root ) :
name = item
item = os . path . join ( root , item )
if os . path . isdir ( item ) :
log . info ( " Copy dir: %s " , item )
shutil . copytree ( item , os . path . join ( self . resultdest , name ) )
elif os . path . isfile ( item ) :
log . info ( " Copy file: %s " , item )
shutil . copy2 ( item , os . path . join ( self . resultdest , name ) )
# Copy engines for all platforms
for abi , engdest in engines :
log . info ( " Copy engine: %s ( %s ) " , abi , engdest )
f = os . path . join ( self . get_engine_apk_dest ( engdest ) , " bin " , " opencv_engine-debug.apk " )
resname = " OpenCV_ %s _Manager_ %s _ %s .apk " % ( self . opencv_version , self . engine_version , abi )
shutil . copy2 ( f , os . path . join ( self . resultdest , " apk " , resname ) )
# Copy javadoc
log . info ( " Copy docs: %s " , self . docdest )
shutil . copytree ( self . docdest , os . path . join ( self . resultdest , " sdk " , " java " , " javadoc " ) )
# Clean samples
path = os . path . join ( self . resultdest , " samples " )
for item in os . listdir ( path ) :
item = os . path . join ( path , item )
if os . path . isdir ( item ) :
for name in [ " build.xml " , " local.properties " , " proguard-project.txt " ] :
rm_one ( os . path . join ( item , name ) )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' Build OpenCV for Android SDK ' )
parser . add_argument ( " work_dir " , help = " Working directory (and output) " )
parser . add_argument ( " opencv_dir " , help = " Path to OpenCV source dir " )
parser . add_argument ( ' --ndk_path ' , help = " Path to Android NDK to use for build " )
parser . add_argument ( ' --sdk_path ' , help = " Path to Android SDK to use for build " )
2016-04-23 06:09:07 +08:00
parser . add_argument ( " --extra_modules_path " , help = " Path to extra modules to use for build " )
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --sign_with ' , help = " Sertificate to sign the Manager apk " )
parser . add_argument ( ' --build_doc ' , action = " store_true " , help = " Build javadoc " )
parser . add_argument ( ' --no_ccache ' , action = " store_true " , help = " Do not use ccache during library build " )
parser . add_argument ( ' --extra_pack ' , action = ' append ' , help = " provide extra OpenCV libraries for Manager apk in form <version>:<path-to-native-libs>, for example ' 2.4.11:unpacked/sdk/native/libs ' " )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
log . basicConfig ( format = ' %(message)s ' , level = log . DEBUG )
log . debug ( " Args: %s " , args )
if args . ndk_path is not None :
os . environ [ " ANDROID_NDK " ] = args . ndk_path
if args . sdk_path is not None :
os . environ [ " ANDROID_SDK " ] = args . sdk_path
log . info ( " Android NDK path: %s " , os . environ [ " ANDROID_NDK " ] )
log . info ( " Android SDK path: %s " , os . environ [ " ANDROID_SDK " ] )
builder = Builder ( args . work_dir , args . opencv_dir )
2016-04-23 06:09:07 +08:00
if args . extra_modules_path is not None :
builder . extra_modules_path = os . path . abspath ( args . extra_modules_path )
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
if args . no_ccache :
builder . use_ccache = False
log . info ( " Detected OpenCV version: %s " , builder . opencv_version )
log . info ( " Detected Engine version: %s " , builder . engine_version )
2015-09-01 05:59:08 +08:00
if args . extra_pack :
for one in args . extra_pack :
i = one . find ( " : " )
if i > 0 and i < len ( one ) - 1 :
builder . add_extra_pack ( one [ : i ] , one [ i + 1 : ] )
else :
raise Fail ( " Bad extra pack provided: %s , should be in form ' <version>:<path-to-native-libs> ' " % one )
2015-08-10 23:02:41 +08:00
engines = [ ]
for i , abi in enumerate ( ABIs ) :
do_install = ( i == 0 )
engdest = check_dir ( os . path . join ( builder . workdir , " build_service_ %s " % abi . name ) , create = True , clean = True )
log . info ( " ===== " )
log . info ( " ===== Building library for %s " , abi )
log . info ( " ===== " )
os . chdir ( builder . libdest )
builder . clean_library_build_dir ( )
builder . build_library ( abi , do_install )
log . info ( " ===== " )
log . info ( " ===== Building engine for %s " , abi )
log . info ( " ===== " )
os . chdir ( engdest )
builder . build_engine ( abi , engdest )
engines . append ( ( abi . name , engdest ) )
if args . build_doc :
builder . build_javadoc ( )
builder . gather_results ( engines )
log . info ( " ===== " )
log . info ( " ===== Build finished " )
log . info ( " ===== " )
log . info ( " SDK location: %s " , builder . resultdest )
log . info ( " Documentation location: %s " , builder . docdest )