The class discriminates between foreground and background pixels by building and maintaining a model of the background. Any pixel which does not fit this model is then deemed to be foreground. The class implements algorithm described in [VIBE2011]_.
The constructor.
..ocv:function:: gpu::VIBE_GPU::VIBE_GPU(unsigned long rngSeed = 1234567)
:param rngSeed:Value used to initiate a random sequence.
Default constructor sets all parameters to default values.
Initialize background model and allocates all inner buffers.
:param fgmask:The output foreground mask as an 8-bit binary image.
:param stream:Stream for the asynchronous version.
Releases all inner buffer's memory.
..ocv:function:: void gpu::VIBE_GPU::release()
..[VIBE2011] O. Barnich and M. Van D Roogenbroeck. *ViBe: A universal background subtraction algorithm for video sequences*. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 20(6) :1709-1724, June 2011