Extracts Speeded Up Robust Features from an image.
:param image:The input 8-bit grayscale image
:param mask:The optional input 8-bit mask. The features are only found in the areas that contain more than 50 % of non-zero mask pixels
:param keypoints:The output parameter; double pointer to the sequence of keypoints. The sequence of CvSURFPoint structures is as follows:
typedef struct CvSURFPoint
CvPoint2D32f pt; // position of the feature within the image
int laplacian; // -1, 0 or +1. sign of the laplacian at the point.
// can be used to speedup feature comparison
// (normally features with laplacians of different
// signs can not match)
int size; // size of the feature
float dir; // orientation of the feature: 0..360 degrees
float hessian; // value of the hessian (can be used to
// approximately estimate the feature strengths;
// see also params.hessianThreshold)
:param descriptors:The optional output parameter; double pointer to the sequence of descriptors. Depending on the params.extended value, each element of the sequence will be either a 64-element or a 128-element floating-point ( ``CV_32F`` ) vector. If the parameter is NULL, the descriptors are not computed
:param storage:Memory storage where keypoints and descriptors will be stored
:param params:Various algorithm parameters put to the structure CvSURFParams:
typedef struct CvSURFParams
int extended; // 0 means basic descriptors (64 elements each),
// 1 means extended descriptors (128 elements each)
double hessianThreshold; // only features with keypoint.hessian
// larger than that are extracted.
// good default value is ~300-500 (can depend on the
// average local contrast and sharpness of the image).
// user can further filter out some features based on
// their hessian values and other characteristics.
int nOctaves; // the number of octaves to be used for extraction.
// With each next octave the feature size is doubled
// (3 by default)
int nOctaveLayers; // The number of layers within each octave
// (4 by default)
CvSURFParams cvSURFParams(double hessianThreshold, int extended=0);
// returns default parameters
The function cvExtractSURF finds robust features in the image, as
described in
. For each feature it returns its location, size,
orientation and optionally the descriptor, basic or extended. The function
can be used for object tracking and localization, image stitching etc.