2024-09-06 17:47:04 +08:00
This sample demonstrates edge detection with dexined and canny edge detection techniques .
For switching between deep learning based model ( dexined ) and canny edge detector , press space bar in case of video . In case of image , pass the argument - - method for switching between dexined and canny .
2018-04-25 20:19:02 +08:00
import cv2 as cv
import argparse
2024-09-06 17:47:04 +08:00
import numpy as np
from common import *
def get_args_parser ( func_args ) :
backends = ( " default " , " openvino " , " opencv " , " vkcom " , " cuda " )
targets = ( " cpu " , " opencl " , " opencl_fp16 " , " ncs2_vpu " , " hddl_vpu " , " vulkan " , " cuda " , " cuda_fp16 " )
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( add_help = False )
parser . add_argument ( ' --zoo ' , default = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , ' models.yml ' ) ,
help = ' An optional path to file with preprocessing parameters. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --input ' , help = ' Path to input image or video file. Skip this argument to capture frames from a camera. ' , default = 0 , required = False )
parser . add_argument ( ' --method ' , help = ' choose method: dexined or canny ' , default = ' canny ' , required = False )
parser . add_argument ( ' --backend ' , default = " default " , type = str , choices = backends ,
help = " Choose one of computation backends: "
" default: automatically (by default), "
" openvino: Intel ' s Deep Learning Inference Engine (https://software.intel.com/openvino-toolkit), "
" opencv: OpenCV implementation, "
" vkcom: VKCOM, "
" cuda: CUDA, "
" webnn: WebNN " )
parser . add_argument ( ' --target ' , default = " cpu " , type = str , choices = targets ,
help = " Choose one of target computation devices: "
" cpu: CPU target (by default), "
" opencl: OpenCL, "
" opencl_fp16: OpenCL fp16 (half-float precision), "
" ncs2_vpu: NCS2 VPU, "
" hddl_vpu: HDDL VPU, "
" vulkan: Vulkan, "
" cuda: CUDA, "
" cuda_fp16: CUDA fp16 (half-float preprocess) " )
args , _ = parser . parse_known_args ( )
add_preproc_args ( args . zoo , parser , ' edge_detection ' , ' dexined ' )
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( parents = [ parser ] ,
description = '''
To run :
Canny :
python edge_detection . py - - input = path / to / your / input / image / or / video ( don ' t give --input flag if want to use device camera)
Dexined :
python edge_detection . py dexined - - input = path / to / your / input / image / or / video
" In case of video input, for switching between deep learning based model (Dexined) and Canny edge detector, press space bar. Pass as argument in case of image input. "
Model path can also be specified using - - model argument
''' , formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
return parser . parse_args ( func_args )
threshold1 = 0
threshold2 = 50
blur_amount = 5
gray = None
def sigmoid ( x ) :
return 1.0 / ( 1.0 + np . exp ( - x ) )
def post_processing ( output , shape ) :
h , w = shape
preds = [ ]
for p in output :
img = sigmoid ( p )
img = np . squeeze ( img )
img = cv . normalize ( img , None , 0 , 255 , cv . NORM_MINMAX , cv . CV_8U )
img = cv . resize ( img , ( w , h ) )
preds . append ( img )
fuse = preds [ - 1 ]
ave = np . array ( preds , dtype = np . float32 )
ave = np . uint8 ( np . mean ( ave , axis = 0 ) )
return fuse , ave
def apply_canny ( image ) :
global threshold1 , threshold2 , blur_amount
kernel_size = 2 * blur_amount + 1
blurred = cv . GaussianBlur ( image , ( kernel_size , kernel_size ) , 0 )
result = cv . Canny ( blurred , threshold1 , threshold2 )
cv . imshow ( ' Output ' , result )
def setupCannyWindow ( image ) :
global gray
cv . destroyWindow ( ' Output ' )
cv . namedWindow ( ' Output ' , cv . WINDOW_AUTOSIZE )
cv . moveWindow ( ' Output ' , 200 , 50 )
gray = cv . cvtColor ( image , cv . COLOR_BGR2GRAY )
cv . createTrackbar ( ' thrs1 ' , ' Output ' , threshold1 , 255 , lambda value : [ globals ( ) . __setitem__ ( ' threshold1 ' , value ) , apply_canny ( gray ) ] )
cv . createTrackbar ( ' thrs2 ' , ' Output ' , threshold2 , 255 , lambda value : [ globals ( ) . __setitem__ ( ' threshold2 ' , value ) , apply_canny ( gray ) ] )
cv . createTrackbar ( ' blur ' , ' Output ' , blur_amount , 20 , lambda value : [ globals ( ) . __setitem__ ( ' blur_amount ' , value ) , apply_canny ( gray ) ] )
def loadModel ( args ) :
net = cv . dnn . readNetFromONNX ( args . model )
net . setPreferableBackend ( get_backend_id ( args . backend ) )
net . setPreferableTarget ( get_target_id ( args . target ) )
return net
def apply_dexined ( model , image ) :
out = model . forward ( )
result , _ = post_processing ( out , image . shape [ : 2 ] )
t , _ = model . getPerfProfile ( )
label = ' Inference time: %.2f ms ' % ( t * 1000.0 / cv . getTickFrequency ( ) )
cv . putText ( image , label , ( 0 , 15 ) , cv . FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 0.5 , ( 0 , 0 , 255 ) )
cv . putText ( result , label , ( 0 , 15 ) , cv . FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 0.5 , ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
cv . imshow ( " Output " , result )
def main ( func_args = None ) :
args = get_args_parser ( func_args )
cap = cv . VideoCapture ( cv . samples . findFile ( args . input ) if args . input else 0 )
if not cap . isOpened ( ) :
print ( " Failed to open the input video " )
exit ( - 1 )
cv . namedWindow ( ' Input ' , cv . WINDOW_AUTOSIZE )
cv . namedWindow ( ' Output ' , cv . WINDOW_AUTOSIZE )
cv . moveWindow ( ' Output ' , 200 , 50 )
method = args . method
if os . getenv ( ' OPENCV_SAMPLES_DATA_PATH ' ) is not None or hasattr ( args , ' model ' ) :
try :
args . model = findModel ( args . model , args . sha1 )
method = ' dexined '
except :
print ( " [WARN] Model file not provided, using canny instead. Pass model using --model=/path/to/dexined.onnx to use dexined model. " )
method = ' canny '
args . model = None
else :
print ( " [WARN] Model file not provided, using canny instead. Pass model using --model=/path/to/dexined.onnx to use dexined model. " )
method = ' canny '
if method == ' canny ' :
dummy = np . zeros ( ( 512 , 512 , 3 ) , dtype = " uint8 " )
setupCannyWindow ( dummy )
net = None
if method == " dexined " :
net = loadModel ( args )
while cv . waitKey ( 1 ) < 0 :
hasFrame , image = cap . read ( )
if not hasFrame :
print ( " Press any key to exit " )
cv . waitKey ( 0 )
if method == " canny " :
global gray
gray = cv . cvtColor ( image , cv . COLOR_BGR2GRAY )
apply_canny ( gray )
elif method == " dexined " :
inp = cv . dnn . blobFromImage ( image , args . scale , ( args . width , args . height ) , args . mean , swapRB = args . rgb , crop = False )
net . setInput ( inp )
apply_dexined ( net , image )
cv . imshow ( " Input " , image )
key = cv . waitKey ( 30 )
if key == ord ( ' ' ) and method == ' canny ' :
if hasattr ( args , ' model ' ) and args . model is not None :
print ( " model: " , args . model )
method = " dexined "
if net is None :
net = loadModel ( args )
cv . destroyWindow ( ' Output ' )
cv . namedWindow ( ' Output ' , cv . WINDOW_AUTOSIZE )
cv . moveWindow ( ' Output ' , 200 , 50 )
else :
print ( " [ERROR] Provide model file using --model to use dexined. Download model using python download_models.py dexined from dnn samples directory " )
elif key == ord ( ' ' ) and method == ' dexined ' :
method = " canny "
setupCannyWindow ( image )
elif key == 27 or key == ord ( ' q ' ) :
cv . destroyAllWindows ( )
2018-04-25 20:19:02 +08:00
2024-09-06 17:47:04 +08:00
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )