Enable PNG exif orientation test

This commit is contained in:
Suleyman TURKMEN 2024-09-24 02:17:36 +03:00
parent 450e741f8d
commit 48a48fe11c
6 changed files with 155 additions and 229 deletions

View File

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ endif()
ocv_target_compile_definitions(opencv_test_imgcodecs PRIVATE OPENCV_IMGCODECS_ENABLE_OPENEXR_TESTS=1)
if(TARGET opencv_test_imgcodecs AND ((HAVE_PNG AND NOT (PNG_VERSION VERSION_LESS "1.6.31")) OR HAVE_SPNG))
# details: https://github.com/glennrp/libpng/commit/68cb0aaee3de6371b81a4613476d9b33e43e95b1
ocv_target_compile_definitions(opencv_test_imgcodecs PRIVATE OPENCV_IMGCODECS_PNG_WITH_EXIF=1)

View File

@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ static Size validateInputImageSize(const Size& size)
static inline int calcType(int type, int flags)
return type;
if( (flags & IMREAD_ANYDEPTH) == 0 )

View File

@ -187,51 +187,6 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(
typedef testing::TestWithParam<string> Imgcodecs_AVIF_Exif;
TEST_P(Imgcodecs_AVIF_Exif, exif_orientation) {
const string root = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path();
const string filename = root + GetParam();
const int colorThresholdHigh = 250;
const int colorThresholdLow = 5;
Mat m_img = imread(filename);
Vec3b vec;
// Checking the first quadrant (with supposed red)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(2, 2); // some point inside the square
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdHigh);
// Checking the second quadrant (with supposed green)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(2, 7); // some point inside the square
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdHigh);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdLow);
// Checking the third quadrant (with supposed blue)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(7, 2); // some point inside the square
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdHigh);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdLow);
const string exif_files[] = {"readwrite/testExifOrientation_1.avif",
class Imgcodecs_Avif_Animation_RoundTripSuite
: public Imgcodecs_Avif_RoundTripSuite {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level
// directory of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
namespace opencv_test { namespace {
* Test to check whether the EXIF orientation tag was processed successfully or not.
* The test uses a set of 8 images named testExifOrientation_{1 to 8}.(extension).
* Each test image is a 10x10 square, divided into four smaller sub-squares:
* (R corresponds to Red, G to Green, B to Blue, W to White)
* --------- ---------
* | R | G | | G | R |
* |-------| - (tag 1) |-------| - (tag 2)
* | B | W | | W | B |
* --------- ---------
* --------- ---------
* | W | B | | B | W |
* |-------| - (tag 3) |-------| - (tag 4)
* | G | R | | R | G |
* --------- ---------
* --------- ---------
* | R | B | | G | W |
* |-------| - (tag 5) |-------| - (tag 6)
* | G | W | | R | B |
* --------- ---------
* --------- ---------
* | W | G | | B | R |
* |-------| - (tag 7) |-------| - (tag 8)
* | B | R | | W | G |
* --------- ---------
* Each image contains an EXIF field with an orientation tag (0x112).
* After reading each image and applying the orientation tag,
* the resulting image should be:
* ---------
* | R | G |
* |-------|
* | B | W |
* ---------
* Note:
* The flags parameter of the imread function is set as IMREAD_COLOR | IMREAD_ANYCOLOR | IMREAD_ANYDEPTH.
* Using this combination is an undocumented trick to load images similarly to the IMREAD_UNCHANGED flag,
* preserving the alpha channel (if present) while also applying the orientation.
typedef testing::TestWithParam<string> Exif;
TEST_P(Exif, exif_orientation)
const string root = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path();
const string filename = root + GetParam();
const int colorThresholdHigh = 250;
const int colorThresholdLow = 5;
// Refer to the note in the explanation above.
if (m_img.channels() == 3)
Vec3b vec;
//Checking the first quadrant (with supposed red)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(2, 2); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdHigh);
//Checking the second quadrant (with supposed green)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(2, 7); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdHigh);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdLow);
//Checking the third quadrant (with supposed blue)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(7, 2); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdHigh);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdLow);
Vec4b vec;
//Checking the first quadrant (with supposed red)
vec = m_img.at<Vec4b>(2, 2); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdHigh);
//Checking the second quadrant (with supposed green)
vec = m_img.at<Vec4b>(2, 7); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdHigh);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdLow);
//Checking the third quadrant (with supposed blue)
vec = m_img.at<Vec4b>(7, 2); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdHigh);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdLow);
const string exif_files[] =
#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
#ifdef HAVE_AVIF

View File

@ -11,95 +11,6 @@ extern "C" {
#include "jpeglib.h"
* Test for check whether reading exif orientation tag was processed successfully or not
* The test info is the set of 8 images named testExifRotate_{1 to 8}.jpg
* The test image is the square 10x10 points divided by four sub-squares:
* (R corresponds to Red, G to Green, B to Blue, W to white)
* --------- ---------
* | R | G | | G | R |
* |-------| - (tag 1) |-------| - (tag 2)
* | B | W | | W | B |
* --------- ---------
* --------- ---------
* | W | B | | B | W |
* |-------| - (tag 3) |-------| - (tag 4)
* | G | R | | R | G |
* --------- ---------
* --------- ---------
* | R | B | | G | W |
* |-------| - (tag 5) |-------| - (tag 6)
* | G | W | | R | B |
* --------- ---------
* --------- ---------
* | W | G | | B | R |
* |-------| - (tag 7) |-------| - (tag 8)
* | B | R | | W | G |
* --------- ---------
* Every image contains exif field with orientation tag (0x112)
* After reading each image the corresponding matrix must be read as
* ---------
* | R | G |
* |-------|
* | B | W |
* ---------
typedef testing::TestWithParam<string> Imgcodecs_Jpeg_Exif;
TEST_P(Imgcodecs_Jpeg_Exif, exif_orientation)
const string root = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path();
const string filename = root + GetParam();
const int colorThresholdHigh = 250;
const int colorThresholdLow = 5;
Mat m_img = imread(filename);
Vec3b vec;
//Checking the first quadrant (with supposed red)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(2, 2); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdHigh);
//Checking the second quadrant (with supposed green)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(2, 7); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdHigh);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdLow);
//Checking the third quadrant (with supposed blue)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(7, 2); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdHigh);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdLow);
const string exif_files[] =
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ExifFiles, Imgcodecs_Jpeg_Exif,
TEST(Imgcodecs_Jpeg, encode_empty)
cv::Mat img;

View File

@ -109,100 +109,6 @@ TEST(Imgcodecs_Png, read_color_palette_with_alpha)
EXPECT_EQ(img.at<Vec3b>(0, 1), Vec3b(255, 0, 0));
* Test for check whether reading exif orientation tag was processed successfully or not
* The test info is the set of 8 images named testExifRotate_{1 to 8}.png
* The test image is the square 10x10 points divided by four sub-squares:
* (R corresponds to Red, G to Green, B to Blue, W to white)
* --------- ---------
* | R | G | | G | R |
* |-------| - (tag 1) |-------| - (tag 2)
* | B | W | | W | B |
* --------- ---------
* --------- ---------
* | W | B | | B | W |
* |-------| - (tag 3) |-------| - (tag 4)
* | G | R | | R | G |
* --------- ---------
* --------- ---------
* | R | B | | G | W |
* |-------| - (tag 5) |-------| - (tag 6)
* | G | W | | R | B |
* --------- ---------
* --------- ---------
* | W | G | | B | R |
* |-------| - (tag 7) |-------| - (tag 8)
* | B | R | | W | G |
* --------- ---------
* Every image contains exif field with orientation tag (0x112)
* After reading each image and applying the orientation tag,
* the resulting image should be:
* ---------
* | R | G |
* |-------|
* | B | W |
* ---------
typedef testing::TestWithParam<string> Imgcodecs_PNG_Exif;
// Solution to issue 16579: PNG read doesn't support Exif orientation data
TEST_P(Imgcodecs_PNG_Exif, exif_orientation)
TEST_P(Imgcodecs_PNG_Exif, DISABLED_exif_orientation)
const string root = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path();
const string filename = root + GetParam();
const int colorThresholdHigh = 250;
const int colorThresholdLow = 5;
Mat m_img = imread(filename);
Vec3b vec;
//Checking the first quadrant (with supposed red)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(2, 2); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdHigh);
//Checking the second quadrant (with supposed green)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(2, 7); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdHigh);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdLow);
//Checking the third quadrant (with supposed blue)
vec = m_img.at<Vec3b>(7, 2); //some point inside the square
EXPECT_GE(vec.val[0], colorThresholdHigh);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[1], colorThresholdLow);
EXPECT_LE(vec.val[2], colorThresholdLow);
const string exif_files[] =
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ExifFiles, Imgcodecs_PNG_Exif,
typedef testing::TestWithParam<string> Imgcodecs_Png_PngSuite;
TEST_P(Imgcodecs_Png_PngSuite, decode)