GAPI (fluid): Sobel 3x3 optimization: remove needless file

This commit is contained in:
Latkin, Yevgeny I 2018-11-14 10:17:40 +03:00
parent 8b7f805642
commit a62539489d

View File

@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#if !defined(GAPI_STANDALONE)
#include "gfluidimgproc_func.hpp"
#include "gfluidutils.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core/hal/intrin.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#ifdef __GNUC__
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-overflow"
namespace cv {
namespace gapi {
namespace fluid {
// Fluid kernels: Sobel
// Sobel 3x3: vertical pass
template<bool noscale, typename DST>
void run_sobel3x3_vert(DST out[], int length, const float ky[],
float scale, float delta, const int r[], float *buf[])
float ky0 = ky[0],
ky1 = ky[1],
ky2 = ky[2];
int r0 = r[0],
r1 = r[1],
r2 = r[2];
// for floating-point output,
// manual vectoring may be not better than compiler's optimization
#define EXPLICIT_SIMD_32F 0 // 1=vectorize 32f case explicitly, 0=don't
if (std::is_same<DST, float>::value && length >= v_int16::nlanes)
constexpr static int nlanes = v_float32::nlanes;
for (int l=0; l < length; )
for (; l <= length - nlanes; l += nlanes)
v_float32 sum = vx_load(&buf[r0][l]) * vx_setall_f32(ky0);
sum = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r1][l]), vx_setall_f32(ky1), sum);
sum = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r2][l]), vx_setall_f32(ky2), sum);
if (!noscale)
sum = v_fma(sum, vx_setall_f32(scale), vx_setall_f32(delta));
v_store(reinterpret_cast<float*>(&out[l]), sum);
if (l < length)
// tail: recalculate last pixels
GAPI_DbgAssert(length >= nlanes);
l = length - nlanes;
if ((std::is_same<DST, short>::value || std::is_same<DST, ushort>::value)
&& length >= v_int16::nlanes)
constexpr static int nlanes = v_int16::nlanes;
for (int l=0; l < length; )
for (; l <= length - nlanes; l += nlanes)
v_float32 sum0 = vx_load(&buf[r0][l]) * vx_setall_f32(ky0);
sum0 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r1][l]), vx_setall_f32(ky1), sum0);
sum0 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r2][l]), vx_setall_f32(ky2), sum0);
v_float32 sum1 = vx_load(&buf[r0][l + nlanes/2]) * vx_setall_f32(ky0);
sum1 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r1][l + nlanes/2]), vx_setall_f32(ky1), sum1);
sum1 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r2][l + nlanes/2]), vx_setall_f32(ky2), sum1);
if (!noscale)
sum0 = v_fma(sum0, vx_setall_f32(scale), vx_setall_f32(delta));
sum1 = v_fma(sum1, vx_setall_f32(scale), vx_setall_f32(delta));
v_int32 isum0 = v_round(sum0),
isum1 = v_round(sum1);
if (std::is_same<DST, short>::value)
// signed short
v_int16 res = v_pack(isum0, isum1);
v_store(reinterpret_cast<short*>(&out[l]), res);
} else
// unsigned short
v_uint16 res = v_pack_u(isum0, isum1);
v_store(reinterpret_cast<ushort*>(&out[l]), res);
if (l < length)
// tail: recalculate last pixels
GAPI_DbgAssert(length >= nlanes);
l = length - nlanes;
if (std::is_same<DST, uchar>::value && length >= v_uint8::nlanes)
constexpr static int nlanes = v_uint8::nlanes;
for (int l=0; l < length; )
for (; l <= length - nlanes; l += nlanes)
v_float32 sum0 = vx_load(&buf[r0][l]) * vx_setall_f32(ky0);
sum0 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r1][l]), vx_setall_f32(ky1), sum0);
sum0 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r2][l]), vx_setall_f32(ky2), sum0);
v_float32 sum1 = vx_load(&buf[r0][l + nlanes/4]) * vx_setall_f32(ky0);
sum1 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r1][l + nlanes/4]), vx_setall_f32(ky1), sum1);
sum1 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r2][l + nlanes/4]), vx_setall_f32(ky2), sum1);
v_float32 sum2 = vx_load(&buf[r0][l + 2*nlanes/4]) * vx_setall_f32(ky0);
sum2 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r1][l + 2*nlanes/4]), vx_setall_f32(ky1), sum2);
sum2 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r2][l + 2*nlanes/4]), vx_setall_f32(ky2), sum2);
v_float32 sum3 = vx_load(&buf[r0][l + 3*nlanes/4]) * vx_setall_f32(ky0);
sum3 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r1][l + 3*nlanes/4]), vx_setall_f32(ky1), sum3);
sum3 = v_fma(vx_load(&buf[r2][l + 3*nlanes/4]), vx_setall_f32(ky2), sum3);
if (!noscale)
sum0 = v_fma(sum0, vx_setall_f32(scale), vx_setall_f32(delta));
sum1 = v_fma(sum1, vx_setall_f32(scale), vx_setall_f32(delta));
sum2 = v_fma(sum2, vx_setall_f32(scale), vx_setall_f32(delta));
sum3 = v_fma(sum3, vx_setall_f32(scale), vx_setall_f32(delta));
v_int32 isum0 = v_round(sum0),
isum1 = v_round(sum1),
isum2 = v_round(sum2),
isum3 = v_round(sum3);
v_int16 ires0 = v_pack(isum0, isum1),
ires1 = v_pack(isum2, isum3);
v_uint8 res = v_pack_u(ires0, ires1);
v_store(reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(&out[l]), res);
if (l < length)
// tail: recalculate last pixels
GAPI_DbgAssert(length >= nlanes);
l = length - nlanes;
// reference code
for (int l=0; l < length; l++)
float sum = buf[r0][l]*ky0 + buf[r1][l]*ky1 + buf[r2][l]*ky2;
if (!noscale)
sum = sum*scale + delta;
out[l] = saturate<DST>(sum, rintf);
template<typename DST, typename SRC>
void run_sobel_impl(DST out[], const SRC *in[], int width, int chan,
const float kx[], const float ky[], int border,
float scale, float delta, float *buf[],
int y, int y0)
int r[3];
r[0] = (y - y0) % 3; // buf[r[0]]: previous
r[1] = (y - y0 + 1) % 3; // this
r[2] = (y - y0 + 2) % 3; // next row
int length = width * chan;
// horizontal pass
// full horizontal pass is needed only if very 1st row in ROI;
// for 2nd and further rows, it is enough to convolve only the
// "next" row - as we can reuse buffers from previous calls to
// this kernel (note that Fluid processes rows consequently)
int k0 = (y == y0)? 0: 2;
for (int k = k0; k < 3; k++)
// previous, this , next pixel
const SRC *s[3] = {in[k] - border*chan , in[k], in[k] + border*chan};
// rely on compiler vectoring
for (int l=0; l < length; l++)
buf[r[k]][l] = s[0][l]*kx[0] + s[1][l]*kx[1] + s[2][l]*kx[2];
// vertical pass
if (scale == 1 && delta == 0)
constexpr static bool noscale = true; // omit scaling
run_sobel3x3_vert<noscale, DST>(out, length, ky, scale, delta, r, buf);
} else
constexpr static bool noscale = false; // do scaling
run_sobel3x3_vert<noscale, DST>(out, length, ky, scale, delta, r, buf);
template void run_sobel_impl(DST out[], const SRC *in[], int width, int chan, \
const float kx[], const float ky[], int border, \
float scale, float delta, float *buf[], \
int y, int y0);
INSTANTIATE(uchar , uchar )
INSTANTIATE(ushort, ushort)
INSTANTIATE( short, uchar )
INSTANTIATE( short, ushort)
INSTANTIATE( short, short)
INSTANTIATE( float, uchar )
INSTANTIATE( float, ushort)
INSTANTIATE( float, short)
INSTANTIATE( float, float)
} // namespace fliud
} // namespace gapi
} // namespace cv
#endif // !defined(GAPI_STANDALONE)