mirror of
synced 2025-01-20 07:34:42 +08:00
fixed bug in opencv_stitching (corrected resize images step), added matches checking (both 1->2 and 2->1 must be presented)
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,312 +38,312 @@
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include "blenders.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static const float WEIGHT_EPS = 1e-5f;
Ptr<Blender> Blender::createDefault(int type)
if (type == NO)
return new Blender();
if (type == FEATHER)
return new FeatherBlender();
if (type == MULTI_BAND)
return new MultiBandBlender();
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "unsupported blending method");
return NULL;
void Blender::prepare(const vector<Point> &corners, const vector<Size> &sizes)
prepare(resultRoi(corners, sizes));
void Blender::prepare(Rect dst_roi)
dst_.create(dst_roi.size(), CV_16SC3);
dst_mask_.create(dst_roi.size(), CV_8U);
dst_roi_ = dst_roi;
void Blender::feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl)
CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_16SC3);
CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);
int dx = tl.x - dst_roi_.x;
int dy = tl.y - dst_roi_.y;
for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; ++y)
const Point3_<short> *src_row = img.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
Point3_<short> *dst_row = dst_.ptr<Point3_<short> >(dy + y);
const uchar *mask_row = mask.ptr<uchar>(y);
uchar *dst_mask_row = dst_mask_.ptr<uchar>(dy + y);
for (int x = 0; x < img.cols; ++x)
if (mask_row[x])
dst_row[dx + x] = src_row[x];
dst_mask_row[dx + x] |= mask_row[x];
void Blender::blend(Mat &dst, Mat &dst_mask)
dst_.setTo(Scalar::all(0), dst_mask_ == 0);
dst = dst_;
dst_mask = dst_mask_;
void FeatherBlender::prepare(Rect dst_roi)
dst_weight_map_.create(dst_roi.size(), CV_32F);
void FeatherBlender::feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl)
CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_16SC3);
CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);
createWeightMap(mask, sharpness_, weight_map_);
int dx = tl.x - dst_roi_.x;
int dy = tl.y - dst_roi_.y;
for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; ++y)
const Point3_<short>* src_row = img.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
Point3_<short>* dst_row = dst_.ptr<Point3_<short> >(dy + y);
const float* weight_row = weight_map_.ptr<float>(y);
float* dst_weight_row = dst_weight_map_.ptr<float>(dy + y);
for (int x = 0; x < img.cols; ++x)
dst_row[dx + x].x += static_cast<short>(src_row[x].x * weight_row[x]);
dst_row[dx + x].y += static_cast<short>(src_row[x].y * weight_row[x]);
dst_row[dx + x].z += static_cast<short>(src_row[x].z * weight_row[x]);
dst_weight_row[dx + x] += weight_row[x];
void FeatherBlender::blend(Mat &dst, Mat &dst_mask)
normalize(dst_weight_map_, dst_);
dst_mask_ = dst_weight_map_ > WEIGHT_EPS;
Blender::blend(dst, dst_mask);
void MultiBandBlender::prepare(Rect dst_roi)
dst_roi_final_ = dst_roi;
// Crop unnecessary bands
double max_len = static_cast<double>(max(dst_roi.width, dst_roi.height));
num_bands_ = min(actual_num_bands_, static_cast<int>(ceil(log(max_len) / log(2.0))));
// Add border to the final image, to ensure sizes are divided by (1 << num_bands_)
dst_roi.width += ((1 << num_bands_) - dst_roi.width % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
dst_roi.height += ((1 << num_bands_) - dst_roi.height % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
dst_pyr_laplace_.resize(num_bands_ + 1);
dst_pyr_laplace_[0] = dst_;
dst_band_weights_.resize(num_bands_ + 1);
dst_band_weights_[0].create(dst_roi.size(), CV_32F);
for (int i = 1; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
dst_pyr_laplace_[i].create((dst_pyr_laplace_[i - 1].rows + 1) / 2,
(dst_pyr_laplace_[i - 1].cols + 1) / 2, CV_16SC3);
dst_band_weights_[i].create((dst_band_weights_[i - 1].rows + 1) / 2,
(dst_band_weights_[i - 1].cols + 1) / 2, CV_32F);
void MultiBandBlender::feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl)
CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_16SC3);
CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);
// Keep source image in memory with small border
int gap = 3 * (1 << num_bands_);
Point tl_new(max(dst_roi_.x, tl.x - gap),
max(dst_roi_.y, tl.y - gap));
Point br_new(min(dst_roi_.br().x, tl.x + img.cols + gap),
min(dst_roi_.br().y, tl.y + img.rows + gap));
// Ensure coordinates of top-left, bottom-right corners are divided by (1 << num_bands_).
// After that scale between layers is exactly 2.
// We do it to avoid interpolation problems when keeping sub-images only. There is no such problem when
// image is bordered to have size equal to the final image size, but this is too memory hungry approach.
tl_new.x = dst_roi_.x + (((tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_);
tl_new.y = dst_roi_.y + (((tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_);
int width = br_new.x - tl_new.x;
int height = br_new.y - tl_new.y;
width += ((1 << num_bands_) - width % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
height += ((1 << num_bands_) - height % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
br_new.x = tl_new.x + width;
br_new.y = tl_new.y + height;
int dy = max(br_new.y - dst_roi_.br().y, 0);
int dx = max(br_new.x - dst_roi_.br().x, 0);
tl_new.x -= dx; br_new.x -= dx;
tl_new.y -= dy; br_new.y -= dy;
int top = tl.y - tl_new.y;
int left = tl.x - tl_new.x;
int bottom = br_new.y - tl.y - img.rows;
int right = br_new.x - tl.x - img.cols;
// Create the source image Laplacian pyramid
vector<Mat> src_pyr_gauss(num_bands_ + 1);
copyMakeBorder(img, src_pyr_gauss[0], top, bottom, left, right,
for (int i = 0; i < num_bands_; ++i)
pyrDown(src_pyr_gauss[i], src_pyr_gauss[i + 1]);
vector<Mat> src_pyr_laplace;
createLaplacePyr(src_pyr_gauss, src_pyr_laplace);
// Create the weight map Gaussian pyramid
Mat weight_map;
mask.convertTo(weight_map, CV_32F, 1./255.);
vector<Mat> weight_pyr_gauss(num_bands_ + 1);
copyMakeBorder(weight_map, weight_pyr_gauss[0], top, bottom, left, right,
for (int i = 0; i < num_bands_; ++i)
pyrDown(weight_pyr_gauss[i], weight_pyr_gauss[i + 1]);
int y_tl = tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y;
int y_br = br_new.y - dst_roi_.y;
int x_tl = tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x;
int x_br = br_new.x - dst_roi_.x;
// Add weighted layer of the source image to the final Laplacian pyramid layer
for (int i = 0; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
for (int y = y_tl; y < y_br; ++y)
int y_ = y - y_tl;
const Point3_<short>* src_row = src_pyr_laplace[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y_);
Point3_<short>* dst_row = dst_pyr_laplace_[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
const float* weight_row = weight_pyr_gauss[i].ptr<float>(y_);
float* dst_weight_row = dst_band_weights_[i].ptr<float>(y);
for (int x = x_tl; x < x_br; ++x)
int x_ = x - x_tl;
dst_row[x].x += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].x * weight_row[x_]);
dst_row[x].y += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].y * weight_row[x_]);
dst_row[x].z += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].z * weight_row[x_]);
dst_weight_row[x] += weight_row[x_];
x_tl /= 2; y_tl /= 2;
x_br /= 2; y_br /= 2;
void MultiBandBlender::blend(Mat &dst, Mat &dst_mask)
for (int i = 0; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
normalize(dst_band_weights_[i], dst_pyr_laplace_[i]);
dst_ = dst_pyr_laplace_[0];
dst_ = dst_(Range(0, dst_roi_final_.height), Range(0, dst_roi_final_.width));
dst_mask_ = dst_band_weights_[0] > WEIGHT_EPS;
dst_mask_ = dst_mask_(Range(0, dst_roi_final_.height), Range(0, dst_roi_final_.width));
Blender::blend(dst, dst_mask);
// Auxiliary functions
void normalize(const Mat& weight, Mat& src)
CV_Assert(weight.type() == CV_32F);
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_16SC3);
for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y)
Point3_<short> *row = src.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
const float *weight_row = weight.ptr<float>(y);
for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x)
row[x].x = static_cast<short>(row[x].x / (weight_row[x] + WEIGHT_EPS));
row[x].y = static_cast<short>(row[x].y / (weight_row[x] + WEIGHT_EPS));
row[x].z = static_cast<short>(row[x].z / (weight_row[x] + WEIGHT_EPS));
void createWeightMap(const Mat &mask, float sharpness, Mat &weight)
CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);
distanceTransform(mask, weight, CV_DIST_L1, 3);
threshold(weight * sharpness, weight, 1.f, 1.f, THRESH_TRUNC);
void createLaplacePyr(const vector<Mat> &pyr_gauss, vector<Mat> &pyr_laplace)
if (pyr_gauss.size() == 0)
Mat tmp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pyr_laplace.size() - 1; ++i)
pyrUp(pyr_gauss[i + 1], tmp, pyr_gauss[i].size());
subtract(pyr_gauss[i], tmp, pyr_laplace[i]);
pyr_laplace[pyr_laplace.size() - 1] = pyr_gauss[pyr_laplace.size() - 1].clone();
void restoreImageFromLaplacePyr(vector<Mat> &pyr)
if (pyr.size() == 0)
Mat tmp;
for (size_t i = pyr.size() - 1; i > 0; --i)
pyrUp(pyr[i], tmp, pyr[i - 1].size());
add(tmp, pyr[i - 1], pyr[i - 1]);
#include "blenders.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static const float WEIGHT_EPS = 1e-5f;
Ptr<Blender> Blender::createDefault(int type)
if (type == NO)
return new Blender();
if (type == FEATHER)
return new FeatherBlender();
if (type == MULTI_BAND)
return new MultiBandBlender();
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "unsupported blending method");
return NULL;
void Blender::prepare(const vector<Point> &corners, const vector<Size> &sizes)
prepare(resultRoi(corners, sizes));
void Blender::prepare(Rect dst_roi)
dst_.create(dst_roi.size(), CV_16SC3);
dst_mask_.create(dst_roi.size(), CV_8U);
dst_roi_ = dst_roi;
void Blender::feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl)
CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_16SC3);
CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);
int dx = tl.x - dst_roi_.x;
int dy = tl.y - dst_roi_.y;
for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; ++y)
const Point3_<short> *src_row = img.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
Point3_<short> *dst_row = dst_.ptr<Point3_<short> >(dy + y);
const uchar *mask_row = mask.ptr<uchar>(y);
uchar *dst_mask_row = dst_mask_.ptr<uchar>(dy + y);
for (int x = 0; x < img.cols; ++x)
if (mask_row[x])
dst_row[dx + x] = src_row[x];
dst_mask_row[dx + x] |= mask_row[x];
void Blender::blend(Mat &dst, Mat &dst_mask)
dst_.setTo(Scalar::all(0), dst_mask_ == 0);
dst = dst_;
dst_mask = dst_mask_;
void FeatherBlender::prepare(Rect dst_roi)
dst_weight_map_.create(dst_roi.size(), CV_32F);
void FeatherBlender::feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl)
CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_16SC3);
CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);
createWeightMap(mask, sharpness_, weight_map_);
int dx = tl.x - dst_roi_.x;
int dy = tl.y - dst_roi_.y;
for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; ++y)
const Point3_<short>* src_row = img.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
Point3_<short>* dst_row = dst_.ptr<Point3_<short> >(dy + y);
const float* weight_row = weight_map_.ptr<float>(y);
float* dst_weight_row = dst_weight_map_.ptr<float>(dy + y);
for (int x = 0; x < img.cols; ++x)
dst_row[dx + x].x += static_cast<short>(src_row[x].x * weight_row[x]);
dst_row[dx + x].y += static_cast<short>(src_row[x].y * weight_row[x]);
dst_row[dx + x].z += static_cast<short>(src_row[x].z * weight_row[x]);
dst_weight_row[dx + x] += weight_row[x];
void FeatherBlender::blend(Mat &dst, Mat &dst_mask)
normalize(dst_weight_map_, dst_);
dst_mask_ = dst_weight_map_ > WEIGHT_EPS;
Blender::blend(dst, dst_mask);
void MultiBandBlender::prepare(Rect dst_roi)
dst_roi_final_ = dst_roi;
// Crop unnecessary bands
double max_len = static_cast<double>(max(dst_roi.width, dst_roi.height));
num_bands_ = min(actual_num_bands_, static_cast<int>(ceil(log(max_len) / log(2.0))));
// Add border to the final image, to ensure sizes are divided by (1 << num_bands_)
dst_roi.width += ((1 << num_bands_) - dst_roi.width % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
dst_roi.height += ((1 << num_bands_) - dst_roi.height % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
dst_pyr_laplace_.resize(num_bands_ + 1);
dst_pyr_laplace_[0] = dst_;
dst_band_weights_.resize(num_bands_ + 1);
dst_band_weights_[0].create(dst_roi.size(), CV_32F);
for (int i = 1; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
dst_pyr_laplace_[i].create((dst_pyr_laplace_[i - 1].rows + 1) / 2,
(dst_pyr_laplace_[i - 1].cols + 1) / 2, CV_16SC3);
dst_band_weights_[i].create((dst_band_weights_[i - 1].rows + 1) / 2,
(dst_band_weights_[i - 1].cols + 1) / 2, CV_32F);
void MultiBandBlender::feed(const Mat &img, const Mat &mask, Point tl)
CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_16SC3);
CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);
// Keep source image in memory with small border
int gap = 3 * (1 << num_bands_);
Point tl_new(max(dst_roi_.x, tl.x - gap),
max(dst_roi_.y, tl.y - gap));
Point br_new(min(dst_roi_.br().x, tl.x + img.cols + gap),
min(dst_roi_.br().y, tl.y + img.rows + gap));
// Ensure coordinates of top-left, bottom-right corners are divided by (1 << num_bands_).
// After that scale between layers is exactly 2.
// We do it to avoid interpolation problems when keeping sub-images only. There is no such problem when
// image is bordered to have size equal to the final image size, but this is too memory hungry approach.
tl_new.x = dst_roi_.x + (((tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_);
tl_new.y = dst_roi_.y + (((tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_);
int width = br_new.x - tl_new.x;
int height = br_new.y - tl_new.y;
width += ((1 << num_bands_) - width % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
height += ((1 << num_bands_) - height % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_);
br_new.x = tl_new.x + width;
br_new.y = tl_new.y + height;
int dy = max(br_new.y - dst_roi_.br().y, 0);
int dx = max(br_new.x - dst_roi_.br().x, 0);
tl_new.x -= dx; br_new.x -= dx;
tl_new.y -= dy; br_new.y -= dy;
int top = tl.y - tl_new.y;
int left = tl.x - tl_new.x;
int bottom = br_new.y - tl.y - img.rows;
int right = br_new.x - tl.x - img.cols;
// Create the source image Laplacian pyramid
vector<Mat> src_pyr_gauss(num_bands_ + 1);
copyMakeBorder(img, src_pyr_gauss[0], top, bottom, left, right,
for (int i = 0; i < num_bands_; ++i)
pyrDown(src_pyr_gauss[i], src_pyr_gauss[i + 1]);
vector<Mat> src_pyr_laplace;
createLaplacePyr(src_pyr_gauss, src_pyr_laplace);
// Create the weight map Gaussian pyramid
Mat weight_map;
mask.convertTo(weight_map, CV_32F, 1./255.);
vector<Mat> weight_pyr_gauss(num_bands_ + 1);
copyMakeBorder(weight_map, weight_pyr_gauss[0], top, bottom, left, right,
for (int i = 0; i < num_bands_; ++i)
pyrDown(weight_pyr_gauss[i], weight_pyr_gauss[i + 1]);
int y_tl = tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y;
int y_br = br_new.y - dst_roi_.y;
int x_tl = tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x;
int x_br = br_new.x - dst_roi_.x;
// Add weighted layer of the source image to the final Laplacian pyramid layer
for (int i = 0; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
for (int y = y_tl; y < y_br; ++y)
int y_ = y - y_tl;
const Point3_<short>* src_row = src_pyr_laplace[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y_);
Point3_<short>* dst_row = dst_pyr_laplace_[i].ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
const float* weight_row = weight_pyr_gauss[i].ptr<float>(y_);
float* dst_weight_row = dst_band_weights_[i].ptr<float>(y);
for (int x = x_tl; x < x_br; ++x)
int x_ = x - x_tl;
dst_row[x].x += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].x * weight_row[x_]);
dst_row[x].y += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].y * weight_row[x_]);
dst_row[x].z += static_cast<short>(src_row[x_].z * weight_row[x_]);
dst_weight_row[x] += weight_row[x_];
x_tl /= 2; y_tl /= 2;
x_br /= 2; y_br /= 2;
void MultiBandBlender::blend(Mat &dst, Mat &dst_mask)
for (int i = 0; i <= num_bands_; ++i)
normalize(dst_band_weights_[i], dst_pyr_laplace_[i]);
dst_ = dst_pyr_laplace_[0];
dst_ = dst_(Range(0, dst_roi_final_.height), Range(0, dst_roi_final_.width));
dst_mask_ = dst_band_weights_[0] > WEIGHT_EPS;
dst_mask_ = dst_mask_(Range(0, dst_roi_final_.height), Range(0, dst_roi_final_.width));
Blender::blend(dst, dst_mask);
// Auxiliary functions
void normalize(const Mat& weight, Mat& src)
CV_Assert(weight.type() == CV_32F);
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_16SC3);
for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y)
Point3_<short> *row = src.ptr<Point3_<short> >(y);
const float *weight_row = weight.ptr<float>(y);
for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x)
row[x].x = static_cast<short>(row[x].x / (weight_row[x] + WEIGHT_EPS));
row[x].y = static_cast<short>(row[x].y / (weight_row[x] + WEIGHT_EPS));
row[x].z = static_cast<short>(row[x].z / (weight_row[x] + WEIGHT_EPS));
void createWeightMap(const Mat &mask, float sharpness, Mat &weight)
CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8U);
distanceTransform(mask, weight, CV_DIST_L1, 3);
threshold(weight * sharpness, weight, 1.f, 1.f, THRESH_TRUNC);
void createLaplacePyr(const vector<Mat> &pyr_gauss, vector<Mat> &pyr_laplace)
if (pyr_gauss.size() == 0)
Mat tmp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pyr_laplace.size() - 1; ++i)
pyrUp(pyr_gauss[i + 1], tmp, pyr_gauss[i].size());
subtract(pyr_gauss[i], tmp, pyr_laplace[i]);
pyr_laplace[pyr_laplace.size() - 1] = pyr_gauss[pyr_laplace.size() - 1].clone();
void restoreImageFromLaplacePyr(vector<Mat> &pyr)
if (pyr.size() == 0)
Mat tmp;
for (size_t i = pyr.size() - 1; i > 0; --i)
pyrUp(pyr[i], tmp, pyr[i - 1].size());
add(tmp, pyr[i - 1], pyr[i - 1]);
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void printUsage()
" --work_megapix <float>\n"
" Resolution for image registration step. The default is 0.6 Mpx.\n"
" --match_conf <float>\n"
" Confidence for feature matching step. The default is 0.7.\n"
" Confidence for feature matching step. The default is 0.65.\n"
" --conf_thresh <float>\n"
" Threshold for two images are from the same panorama confidence.\n"
" The default is 1.0.\n"
@ -320,11 +320,14 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Mat full_img, img;
vector<Mat> images(num_images);
vector<Size> full_img_sizes(num_images);
double seam_work_aspect = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
full_img = imread(img_names[i]);
full_img_sizes[i] = full_img.size();
if (full_img.empty())
LOGLN("Can't open image " << img_names[i]);
@ -376,14 +379,17 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
vector<int> indices = leaveBiggestComponent(features, pairwise_matches, conf_thresh);
vector<Mat> img_subset;
vector<string> img_names_subset;
vector<Size> full_img_sizes_subset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
images = img_subset;
img_names = img_names_subset;
full_img_sizes = full_img_sizes_subset;
// Check if we still have enough images
num_images = static_cast<int>(img_names.size());
@ -519,16 +525,21 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
warper = Warper::createByCameraFocal(warped_image_scale, warp_type);
// Update corners and sizes
Rect dst_roi = resultRoi(corners, sizes);
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
// Update camera focal
cameras[i].focal *= compose_work_aspect;
// Update corner and size
corners[i] = dst_roi.tl() + (corners[i] - dst_roi.tl()) * compose_seam_aspect;
sizes[i] = Size(static_cast<int>((sizes[i].width + 1) * compose_seam_aspect),
static_cast<int>((sizes[i].height + 1) * compose_seam_aspect));
Size sz = full_img_sizes[i];
if (abs(compose_scale - 1) > 1e-1)
sz.width = cvRound(full_img_sizes[i].width * compose_scale);
sz.height = cvRound(full_img_sizes[i].height * compose_scale);
Rect roi = warper->warpRoi(sz, static_cast<float>(cameras[i].focal), cameras[i].R);
corners[i] = roi.tl();
sizes[i] = roi.size();
if (abs(compose_scale - 1) > 1e-1)
@ -539,7 +550,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Size img_size = img.size();
// Warp the current image
warper->warp(img, static_cast<float>(cameras[img_idx].focal), cameras[img_idx].R,
warper->warp(img, static_cast<float>(cameras[img_idx].focal), cameras[img_idx].R,
// Warp the current image mask
@ -587,7 +598,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Mat result, result_mask;
blender->blend(result, result_mask);
blender->blend(result, result_mask);
LOGLN("Compositing, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ namespace
const DMatch& m1 = pair_matches[i][1];
if (m0.distance < (1.f - match_conf_) * m1.distance)
matches.insert(make_pair(m0.queryIdx, m0.trainIdx));
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ namespace
const DMatch& m0 = pair_matches[i][0];
const DMatch& m1 = pair_matches[i][1];
if (m0.distance < (1.f - match_conf_) * m1.distance)
if (matches.find(make_pair(m0.trainIdx, m0.queryIdx)) == matches.end())
if (matches.find(make_pair(m0.trainIdx, m0.queryIdx)) != matches.end())
matches_info.matches.push_back(DMatch(m0.trainIdx, m0.queryIdx, m0.distance));
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ namespace
const DMatch& m1 = pair_matches[i][1];
if (m0.distance < (1.f - match_conf_) * m1.distance)
matches.insert(make_pair(m0.queryIdx, m0.trainIdx));
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ namespace
const DMatch& m0 = pair_matches[i][0];
const DMatch& m1 = pair_matches[i][1];
if (m0.distance < (1.f - match_conf_) * m1.distance)
if (matches.find(make_pair(m0.trainIdx, m0.queryIdx)) == matches.end())
if (matches.find(make_pair(m0.trainIdx, m0.queryIdx)) != matches.end())
matches_info.matches.push_back(DMatch(m0.trainIdx, m0.queryIdx, m0.distance));
@ -38,478 +38,478 @@
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include <algorithm>
#include "autocalib.hpp"
#include "motion_estimators.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
CameraParams::CameraParams() : focal(1), R(Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F)), t(Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64F)) {}
CameraParams::CameraParams(const CameraParams &other) { *this = other; }
const CameraParams& CameraParams::operator =(const CameraParams &other)
focal = other.focal;
R = other.R.clone();
t = other.t.clone();
return *this;
struct IncDistance
IncDistance(vector<int> &dists) : dists(&dists[0]) {}
void operator ()(const GraphEdge &edge) { dists[edge.to] = dists[edge.from] + 1; }
int* dists;
struct CalcRotation
CalcRotation(int num_images, const vector<MatchesInfo> &pairwise_matches, vector<CameraParams> &cameras)
: num_images(num_images), pairwise_matches(&pairwise_matches[0]), cameras(&cameras[0]) {}
void operator ()(const GraphEdge &edge)
int pair_idx = edge.from * num_images + edge.to;
double f_from = cameras[edge.from].focal;
double f_to = cameras[edge.to].focal;
Mat K_from = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F);
K_from.at<double>(0, 0) = f_from;
K_from.at<double>(1, 1) = f_from;
Mat K_to = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F);
K_to.at<double>(0, 0) = f_to;
K_to.at<double>(1, 1) = f_to;
Mat R = K_from.inv() * pairwise_matches[pair_idx].H.inv() * K_to;
cameras[edge.to].R = cameras[edge.from].R * R;
int num_images;
const MatchesInfo* pairwise_matches;
CameraParams* cameras;
void HomographyBasedEstimator::estimate(const vector<ImageFeatures> &features, const vector<MatchesInfo> &pairwise_matches,
vector<CameraParams> &cameras)
const int num_images = static_cast<int>(features.size());
// Estimate focal length and set it for all cameras
vector<double> focals;
estimateFocal(features, pairwise_matches, focals);
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
cameras[i].focal = focals[i];
// Restore global motion
Graph span_tree;
vector<int> span_tree_centers;
findMaxSpanningTree(num_images, pairwise_matches, span_tree, span_tree_centers);
span_tree.walkBreadthFirst(span_tree_centers[0], CalcRotation(num_images, pairwise_matches, cameras));
void BundleAdjuster::estimate(const vector<ImageFeatures> &features, const vector<MatchesInfo> &pairwise_matches,
vector<CameraParams> &cameras)
num_images_ = static_cast<int>(features.size());
features_ = &features[0];
pairwise_matches_ = &pairwise_matches[0];
// Prepare focals and rotations
cameras_.create(num_images_ * 4, 1, CV_64F);
SVD svd;
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_; ++i)
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0) = cameras[i].focal;
svd(cameras[i].R, SVD::FULL_UV);
Mat R = svd.u * svd.vt;
if (determinant(R) < 0)
R *= -1;
Mat rvec;
Rodrigues(R, rvec); CV_Assert(rvec.type() == CV_32F);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0) = rvec.at<float>(0, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0) = rvec.at<float>(1, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0) = rvec.at<float>(2, 0);
// Select only consistent image pairs for futher adjustment
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_ - 1; ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < num_images_; ++j)
const MatchesInfo& matches_info = pairwise_matches_[i * num_images_ + j];
if (matches_info.confidence > conf_thresh_)
edges_.push_back(make_pair(i, j));
// Compute number of correspondences
total_num_matches_ = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges_.size(); ++i)
total_num_matches_ += static_cast<int>(pairwise_matches[edges_[i].first * num_images_ + edges_[i].second].num_inliers);
CvLevMarq solver(num_images_ * 4, total_num_matches_ * 3,
CvMat matParams = cameras_;
cvCopy(&matParams, solver.param);
int count = 0;
const CvMat* _param = 0;
CvMat* _J = 0;
CvMat* _err = 0;
bool proceed = solver.update(_param, _J, _err);
cvCopy( _param, &matParams );
if( !proceed || !_err )
if( _J )
CvMat matJ = J_;
cvCopy( &matJ, _J );
if (_err)
CvMat matErr = err_;
cvCopy( &matErr, _err );
LOGLN("Bundle adjustment, final error: " << sqrt(err_.dot(err_)));
LOGLN("Bundle adjustment, iterations done: " << count);
// Obtain global motion
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_; ++i)
cameras[i].focal = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0);
Mat rvec(3, 1, CV_64F);
rvec.at<double>(0, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0);
rvec.at<double>(1, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0);
rvec.at<double>(2, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0);
Rodrigues(rvec, cameras[i].R);
Mat Mf;
cameras[i].R.convertTo(Mf, CV_32F);
cameras[i].R = Mf;
// Normalize motion to center image
Graph span_tree;
vector<int> span_tree_centers;
findMaxSpanningTree(num_images_, pairwise_matches, span_tree, span_tree_centers);
Mat R_inv = cameras[span_tree_centers[0]].R.inv();
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_; ++i)
cameras[i].R = R_inv * cameras[i].R;
void BundleAdjuster::calcError(Mat &err)
err.create(total_num_matches_ * 3, 1, CV_64F);
int match_idx = 0;
for (size_t edge_idx = 0; edge_idx < edges_.size(); ++edge_idx)
int i = edges_[edge_idx].first;
int j = edges_[edge_idx].second;
double f1 = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0);
double f2 = cameras_.at<double>(j * 4, 0);
double R1[9], R2[9];
Mat R1_(3, 3, CV_64F, R1), R2_(3, 3, CV_64F, R2);
Mat rvec(3, 1, CV_64F);
rvec.at<double>(0, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0);
rvec.at<double>(1, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0);
rvec.at<double>(2, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0);
Rodrigues(rvec, R1_); CV_Assert(R1_.type() == CV_64F);
rvec.at<double>(0, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(j * 4 + 1, 0);
rvec.at<double>(1, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(j * 4 + 2, 0);
rvec.at<double>(2, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(j * 4 + 3, 0);
Rodrigues(rvec, R2_); CV_Assert(R2_.type() == CV_64F);
const ImageFeatures& features1 = features_[i];
const ImageFeatures& features2 = features_[j];
const MatchesInfo& matches_info = pairwise_matches_[i * num_images_ + j];
for (size_t k = 0; k < matches_info.matches.size(); ++k)
if (!matches_info.inliers_mask[k])
const DMatch& m = matches_info.matches[k];
Point2d kp1 = features1.keypoints[m.queryIdx].pt;
kp1.x -= 0.5 * features1.img_size.width;
kp1.y -= 0.5 * features1.img_size.height;
Point2d kp2 = features2.keypoints[m.trainIdx].pt;
kp2.x -= 0.5 * features2.img_size.width;
kp2.y -= 0.5 * features2.img_size.height;
double len1 = sqrt(kp1.x * kp1.x + kp1.y * kp1.y + f1 * f1);
double len2 = sqrt(kp2.x * kp2.x + kp2.y * kp2.y + f2 * f2);
Point3d p1(kp1.x / len1, kp1.y / len1, f1 / len1);
Point3d p2(kp2.x / len2, kp2.y / len2, f2 / len2);
Point3d d1(p1.x * R1[0] + p1.y * R1[1] + p1.z * R1[2],
p1.x * R1[3] + p1.y * R1[4] + p1.z * R1[5],
p1.x * R1[6] + p1.y * R1[7] + p1.z * R1[8]);
Point3d d2(p2.x * R2[0] + p2.y * R2[1] + p2.z * R2[2],
p2.x * R2[3] + p2.y * R2[4] + p2.z * R2[5],
p2.x * R2[6] + p2.y * R2[7] + p2.z * R2[8]);
double mult = 1;
if (cost_space_ == FOCAL_RAY_SPACE)
mult = sqrt(f1 * f2);
err.at<double>(3 * match_idx, 0) = mult * (d1.x - d2.x);
err.at<double>(3 * match_idx + 1, 0) = mult * (d1.y - d2.y);
err.at<double>(3 * match_idx + 2, 0) = mult * (d1.z - d2.z);
void calcDeriv(const Mat &err1, const Mat &err2, double h, Mat res)
for (int i = 0; i < err1.rows; ++i)
res.at<double>(i, 0) = (err2.at<double>(i, 0) - err1.at<double>(i, 0)) / h;
void BundleAdjuster::calcJacobian()
J_.create(total_num_matches_ * 3, num_images_ * 4, CV_64F);
double f, r;
const double df = 0.001; // Focal length step
const double dr = 0.001; // Angle step
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_; ++i)
f = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0) = f - df;
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0) = f + df;
calcDeriv(err1_, err2_, 2 * df, J_.col(i * 4));
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0) = f;
r = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0) = r - dr;
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0) = r + dr;
calcDeriv(err1_, err2_, 2 * dr, J_.col(i * 4 + 1));
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0) = r;
r = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0) = r - dr;
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0) = r + dr;
calcDeriv(err1_, err2_, 2 * dr, J_.col(i * 4 + 2));
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0) = r;
r = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0) = r - dr;
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0) = r + dr;
calcDeriv(err1_, err2_, 2 * dr, J_.col(i * 4 + 3));
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0) = r;
void waveCorrect(vector<Mat> &rmats)
float data[9];
Mat r0(1, 3, CV_32F, data);
Mat r1(1, 3, CV_32F, data + 3);
Mat r2(1, 3, CV_32F, data + 6);
Mat R(3, 3, CV_32F, data);
Mat cov = Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV_32F);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rmats.size(); ++i)
Mat r0 = rmats[i].col(0);
cov += r0 * r0.t();
SVD svd;
svd(cov, SVD::FULL_UV);
if (determinant(svd.vt) < 0) r1 *= -1;
Mat avgz = Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_32F);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rmats.size(); ++i)
avgz += rmats[i].col(2);
normalize(r0, r0);
if (determinant(R) < 0) R *= -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rmats.size(); ++i)
rmats[i] = R * rmats[i];
vector<int> leaveBiggestComponent(vector<ImageFeatures> &features, vector<MatchesInfo> &pairwise_matches,
float conf_threshold)
const int num_images = static_cast<int>(features.size());
DjSets comps(num_images);
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < num_images; ++j)
if (pairwise_matches[i*num_images + j].confidence < conf_threshold)
int comp1 = comps.find(i);
int comp2 = comps.find(j);
if (comp1 != comp2)
comps.merge(comp1, comp2);
int max_comp = max_element(comps.size.begin(), comps.size.end()) - comps.size.begin();
vector<int> indices;
vector<int> indices_removed;
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
if (comps.find(i) == max_comp)
vector<ImageFeatures> features_subset;
vector<MatchesInfo> pairwise_matches_subset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < indices.size(); ++j)
pairwise_matches_subset.push_back(pairwise_matches[indices[i]*num_images + indices[j]]);
pairwise_matches_subset.back().src_img_idx = i;
pairwise_matches_subset.back().dst_img_idx = j;
if (static_cast<int>(features_subset.size()) == num_images)
return indices;
LOG("Removed some images, because can't match them: (");
for (size_t i = 1; i < indices_removed.size(); ++i)
LOG(", " << indices_removed[i]+1);
features = features_subset;
pairwise_matches = pairwise_matches_subset;
return indices;
void findMaxSpanningTree(int num_images, const vector<MatchesInfo> &pairwise_matches,
Graph &span_tree, vector<int> ¢ers)
Graph graph(num_images);
vector<GraphEdge> edges;
// Construct images graph and remember its edges
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < num_images; ++j)
if (pairwise_matches[i * num_images + j].H.empty())
float conf = static_cast<float>(pairwise_matches[i * num_images + j].num_inliers);
graph.addEdge(i, j, conf);
edges.push_back(GraphEdge(i, j, conf));
DjSets comps(num_images);
vector<int> span_tree_powers(num_images, 0);
// Find maximum spanning tree
sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), greater<GraphEdge>());
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
int comp1 = comps.find(edges[i].from);
int comp2 = comps.find(edges[i].to);
if (comp1 != comp2)
comps.merge(comp1, comp2);
span_tree.addEdge(edges[i].from, edges[i].to, edges[i].weight);
span_tree.addEdge(edges[i].to, edges[i].from, edges[i].weight);
// Find spanning tree leafs
vector<int> span_tree_leafs;
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
if (span_tree_powers[i] == 1)
// Find maximum distance from each spanning tree vertex
vector<int> max_dists(num_images, 0);
vector<int> cur_dists;
for (size_t i = 0; i < span_tree_leafs.size(); ++i)
cur_dists.assign(num_images, 0);
span_tree.walkBreadthFirst(span_tree_leafs[i], IncDistance(cur_dists));
for (int j = 0; j < num_images; ++j)
max_dists[j] = max(max_dists[j], cur_dists[j]);
// Find min-max distance
int min_max_dist = max_dists[0];
for (int i = 1; i < num_images; ++i)
if (min_max_dist > max_dists[i])
min_max_dist = max_dists[i];
// Find spanning tree centers
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
if (max_dists[i] == min_max_dist)
CV_Assert(centers.size() > 0 && centers.size() <= 2);
#include <algorithm>
#include "autocalib.hpp"
#include "motion_estimators.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
CameraParams::CameraParams() : focal(1), R(Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F)), t(Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64F)) {}
CameraParams::CameraParams(const CameraParams &other) { *this = other; }
const CameraParams& CameraParams::operator =(const CameraParams &other)
focal = other.focal;
R = other.R.clone();
t = other.t.clone();
return *this;
struct IncDistance
IncDistance(vector<int> &dists) : dists(&dists[0]) {}
void operator ()(const GraphEdge &edge) { dists[edge.to] = dists[edge.from] + 1; }
int* dists;
struct CalcRotation
CalcRotation(int num_images, const vector<MatchesInfo> &pairwise_matches, vector<CameraParams> &cameras)
: num_images(num_images), pairwise_matches(&pairwise_matches[0]), cameras(&cameras[0]) {}
void operator ()(const GraphEdge &edge)
int pair_idx = edge.from * num_images + edge.to;
double f_from = cameras[edge.from].focal;
double f_to = cameras[edge.to].focal;
Mat K_from = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F);
K_from.at<double>(0, 0) = f_from;
K_from.at<double>(1, 1) = f_from;
Mat K_to = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F);
K_to.at<double>(0, 0) = f_to;
K_to.at<double>(1, 1) = f_to;
Mat R = K_from.inv() * pairwise_matches[pair_idx].H.inv() * K_to;
cameras[edge.to].R = cameras[edge.from].R * R;
int num_images;
const MatchesInfo* pairwise_matches;
CameraParams* cameras;
void HomographyBasedEstimator::estimate(const vector<ImageFeatures> &features, const vector<MatchesInfo> &pairwise_matches,
vector<CameraParams> &cameras)
const int num_images = static_cast<int>(features.size());
// Estimate focal length and set it for all cameras
vector<double> focals;
estimateFocal(features, pairwise_matches, focals);
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
cameras[i].focal = focals[i];
// Restore global motion
Graph span_tree;
vector<int> span_tree_centers;
findMaxSpanningTree(num_images, pairwise_matches, span_tree, span_tree_centers);
span_tree.walkBreadthFirst(span_tree_centers[0], CalcRotation(num_images, pairwise_matches, cameras));
void BundleAdjuster::estimate(const vector<ImageFeatures> &features, const vector<MatchesInfo> &pairwise_matches,
vector<CameraParams> &cameras)
num_images_ = static_cast<int>(features.size());
features_ = &features[0];
pairwise_matches_ = &pairwise_matches[0];
// Prepare focals and rotations
cameras_.create(num_images_ * 4, 1, CV_64F);
SVD svd;
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_; ++i)
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0) = cameras[i].focal;
svd(cameras[i].R, SVD::FULL_UV);
Mat R = svd.u * svd.vt;
if (determinant(R) < 0)
R *= -1;
Mat rvec;
Rodrigues(R, rvec); CV_Assert(rvec.type() == CV_32F);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0) = rvec.at<float>(0, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0) = rvec.at<float>(1, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0) = rvec.at<float>(2, 0);
// Select only consistent image pairs for futher adjustment
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_ - 1; ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < num_images_; ++j)
const MatchesInfo& matches_info = pairwise_matches_[i * num_images_ + j];
if (matches_info.confidence > conf_thresh_)
edges_.push_back(make_pair(i, j));
// Compute number of correspondences
total_num_matches_ = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges_.size(); ++i)
total_num_matches_ += static_cast<int>(pairwise_matches[edges_[i].first * num_images_ + edges_[i].second].num_inliers);
CvLevMarq solver(num_images_ * 4, total_num_matches_ * 3,
CvMat matParams = cameras_;
cvCopy(&matParams, solver.param);
int count = 0;
const CvMat* _param = 0;
CvMat* _J = 0;
CvMat* _err = 0;
bool proceed = solver.update(_param, _J, _err);
cvCopy( _param, &matParams );
if( !proceed || !_err )
if( _J )
CvMat matJ = J_;
cvCopy( &matJ, _J );
if (_err)
CvMat matErr = err_;
cvCopy( &matErr, _err );
LOGLN("Bundle adjustment, final error: " << sqrt(err_.dot(err_)));
LOGLN("Bundle adjustment, iterations done: " << count);
// Obtain global motion
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_; ++i)
cameras[i].focal = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0);
Mat rvec(3, 1, CV_64F);
rvec.at<double>(0, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0);
rvec.at<double>(1, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0);
rvec.at<double>(2, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0);
Rodrigues(rvec, cameras[i].R);
Mat Mf;
cameras[i].R.convertTo(Mf, CV_32F);
cameras[i].R = Mf;
// Normalize motion to center image
Graph span_tree;
vector<int> span_tree_centers;
findMaxSpanningTree(num_images_, pairwise_matches, span_tree, span_tree_centers);
Mat R_inv = cameras[span_tree_centers[0]].R.inv();
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_; ++i)
cameras[i].R = R_inv * cameras[i].R;
void BundleAdjuster::calcError(Mat &err)
err.create(total_num_matches_ * 3, 1, CV_64F);
int match_idx = 0;
for (size_t edge_idx = 0; edge_idx < edges_.size(); ++edge_idx)
int i = edges_[edge_idx].first;
int j = edges_[edge_idx].second;
double f1 = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0);
double f2 = cameras_.at<double>(j * 4, 0);
double R1[9], R2[9];
Mat R1_(3, 3, CV_64F, R1), R2_(3, 3, CV_64F, R2);
Mat rvec(3, 1, CV_64F);
rvec.at<double>(0, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0);
rvec.at<double>(1, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0);
rvec.at<double>(2, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0);
Rodrigues(rvec, R1_); CV_Assert(R1_.type() == CV_64F);
rvec.at<double>(0, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(j * 4 + 1, 0);
rvec.at<double>(1, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(j * 4 + 2, 0);
rvec.at<double>(2, 0) = cameras_.at<double>(j * 4 + 3, 0);
Rodrigues(rvec, R2_); CV_Assert(R2_.type() == CV_64F);
const ImageFeatures& features1 = features_[i];
const ImageFeatures& features2 = features_[j];
const MatchesInfo& matches_info = pairwise_matches_[i * num_images_ + j];
for (size_t k = 0; k < matches_info.matches.size(); ++k)
if (!matches_info.inliers_mask[k])
const DMatch& m = matches_info.matches[k];
Point2d kp1 = features1.keypoints[m.queryIdx].pt;
kp1.x -= 0.5 * features1.img_size.width;
kp1.y -= 0.5 * features1.img_size.height;
Point2d kp2 = features2.keypoints[m.trainIdx].pt;
kp2.x -= 0.5 * features2.img_size.width;
kp2.y -= 0.5 * features2.img_size.height;
double len1 = sqrt(kp1.x * kp1.x + kp1.y * kp1.y + f1 * f1);
double len2 = sqrt(kp2.x * kp2.x + kp2.y * kp2.y + f2 * f2);
Point3d p1(kp1.x / len1, kp1.y / len1, f1 / len1);
Point3d p2(kp2.x / len2, kp2.y / len2, f2 / len2);
Point3d d1(p1.x * R1[0] + p1.y * R1[1] + p1.z * R1[2],
p1.x * R1[3] + p1.y * R1[4] + p1.z * R1[5],
p1.x * R1[6] + p1.y * R1[7] + p1.z * R1[8]);
Point3d d2(p2.x * R2[0] + p2.y * R2[1] + p2.z * R2[2],
p2.x * R2[3] + p2.y * R2[4] + p2.z * R2[5],
p2.x * R2[6] + p2.y * R2[7] + p2.z * R2[8]);
double mult = 1;
if (cost_space_ == FOCAL_RAY_SPACE)
mult = sqrt(f1 * f2);
err.at<double>(3 * match_idx, 0) = mult * (d1.x - d2.x);
err.at<double>(3 * match_idx + 1, 0) = mult * (d1.y - d2.y);
err.at<double>(3 * match_idx + 2, 0) = mult * (d1.z - d2.z);
void calcDeriv(const Mat &err1, const Mat &err2, double h, Mat res)
for (int i = 0; i < err1.rows; ++i)
res.at<double>(i, 0) = (err2.at<double>(i, 0) - err1.at<double>(i, 0)) / h;
void BundleAdjuster::calcJacobian()
J_.create(total_num_matches_ * 3, num_images_ * 4, CV_64F);
double f, r;
const double df = 0.001; // Focal length step
const double dr = 0.001; // Angle step
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_; ++i)
f = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0) = f - df;
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0) = f + df;
calcDeriv(err1_, err2_, 2 * df, J_.col(i * 4));
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4, 0) = f;
r = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0) = r - dr;
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0) = r + dr;
calcDeriv(err1_, err2_, 2 * dr, J_.col(i * 4 + 1));
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 1, 0) = r;
r = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0) = r - dr;
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0) = r + dr;
calcDeriv(err1_, err2_, 2 * dr, J_.col(i * 4 + 2));
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 2, 0) = r;
r = cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0);
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0) = r - dr;
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0) = r + dr;
calcDeriv(err1_, err2_, 2 * dr, J_.col(i * 4 + 3));
cameras_.at<double>(i * 4 + 3, 0) = r;
void waveCorrect(vector<Mat> &rmats)
float data[9];
Mat r0(1, 3, CV_32F, data);
Mat r1(1, 3, CV_32F, data + 3);
Mat r2(1, 3, CV_32F, data + 6);
Mat R(3, 3, CV_32F, data);
Mat cov = Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV_32F);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rmats.size(); ++i)
Mat r0 = rmats[i].col(0);
cov += r0 * r0.t();
SVD svd;
svd(cov, SVD::FULL_UV);
if (determinant(svd.vt) < 0) r1 *= -1;
Mat avgz = Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_32F);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rmats.size(); ++i)
avgz += rmats[i].col(2);
normalize(r0, r0);
if (determinant(R) < 0) R *= -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rmats.size(); ++i)
rmats[i] = R * rmats[i];
vector<int> leaveBiggestComponent(vector<ImageFeatures> &features, vector<MatchesInfo> &pairwise_matches,
float conf_threshold)
const int num_images = static_cast<int>(features.size());
DjSets comps(num_images);
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < num_images; ++j)
if (pairwise_matches[i*num_images + j].confidence < conf_threshold)
int comp1 = comps.find(i);
int comp2 = comps.find(j);
if (comp1 != comp2)
comps.merge(comp1, comp2);
int max_comp = max_element(comps.size.begin(), comps.size.end()) - comps.size.begin();
vector<int> indices;
vector<int> indices_removed;
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
if (comps.find(i) == max_comp)
vector<ImageFeatures> features_subset;
vector<MatchesInfo> pairwise_matches_subset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < indices.size(); ++j)
pairwise_matches_subset.push_back(pairwise_matches[indices[i]*num_images + indices[j]]);
pairwise_matches_subset.back().src_img_idx = i;
pairwise_matches_subset.back().dst_img_idx = j;
if (static_cast<int>(features_subset.size()) == num_images)
return indices;
LOG("Removed some images, because can't match them: (");
for (size_t i = 1; i < indices_removed.size(); ++i)
LOG(", " << indices_removed[i]+1);
LOGLN("). Try decrease --match_conf value.");
features = features_subset;
pairwise_matches = pairwise_matches_subset;
return indices;
void findMaxSpanningTree(int num_images, const vector<MatchesInfo> &pairwise_matches,
Graph &span_tree, vector<int> ¢ers)
Graph graph(num_images);
vector<GraphEdge> edges;
// Construct images graph and remember its edges
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < num_images; ++j)
if (pairwise_matches[i * num_images + j].H.empty())
float conf = static_cast<float>(pairwise_matches[i * num_images + j].num_inliers);
graph.addEdge(i, j, conf);
edges.push_back(GraphEdge(i, j, conf));
DjSets comps(num_images);
vector<int> span_tree_powers(num_images, 0);
// Find maximum spanning tree
sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), greater<GraphEdge>());
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
int comp1 = comps.find(edges[i].from);
int comp2 = comps.find(edges[i].to);
if (comp1 != comp2)
comps.merge(comp1, comp2);
span_tree.addEdge(edges[i].from, edges[i].to, edges[i].weight);
span_tree.addEdge(edges[i].to, edges[i].from, edges[i].weight);
// Find spanning tree leafs
vector<int> span_tree_leafs;
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
if (span_tree_powers[i] == 1)
// Find maximum distance from each spanning tree vertex
vector<int> max_dists(num_images, 0);
vector<int> cur_dists;
for (size_t i = 0; i < span_tree_leafs.size(); ++i)
cur_dists.assign(num_images, 0);
span_tree.walkBreadthFirst(span_tree_leafs[i], IncDistance(cur_dists));
for (int j = 0; j < num_images; ++j)
max_dists[j] = max(max_dists[j], cur_dists[j]);
// Find min-max distance
int min_max_dist = max_dists[0];
for (int i = 1; i < num_images; ++i)
if (min_max_dist > max_dists[i])
min_max_dist = max_dists[i];
// Find spanning tree centers
for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
if (max_dists[i] == min_max_dist)
CV_Assert(centers.size() > 0 && centers.size() <= 2);
@ -38,365 +38,365 @@
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include "seam_finders.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
Ptr<SeamFinder> SeamFinder::createDefault(int type)
if (type == NO)
return new NoSeamFinder();
if (type == VORONOI)
return new VoronoiSeamFinder();
if (type == GC_COLOR)
return new GraphCutSeamFinder(GraphCutSeamFinder::COST_COLOR);
if (type == GC_COLOR_GRAD)
return new GraphCutSeamFinder(GraphCutSeamFinder::COST_COLOR_GRAD);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "unsupported seam finding method");
return NULL;
void PairwiseSeamFinder::find(const vector<Mat> &src, const vector<Point> &corners,
vector<Mat> &masks)
if (src.size() == 0)
images_ = src;
corners_ = corners;
masks_ = masks;
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.size() - 1; ++i)
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < src.size(); ++j)
Rect roi;
if (overlapRoi(corners[i], corners[j], src[i].size(), src[j].size(), roi))
findInPair(i, j, roi);
void VoronoiSeamFinder::findInPair(size_t first, size_t second, Rect roi)
const int gap = 10;
Mat submask1(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_8U);
Mat submask2(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_8U);
Mat img1 = images_[first], img2 = images_[second];
Mat mask1 = masks_[first], mask2 = masks_[second];
Point tl1 = corners_[first], tl2 = corners_[second];
// Cut submasks with some gap
for (int y = -gap; y < roi.height + gap; ++y)
for (int x = -gap; x < roi.width + gap; ++x)
int y1 = roi.y - tl1.y + y;
int x1 = roi.x - tl1.x + x;
if (y1 >= 0 && x1 >= 0 && y1 < img1.rows && x1 < img1.cols)
submask1.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = mask1.at<uchar>(y1, x1);
submask1.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0;
int y2 = roi.y - tl2.y + y;
int x2 = roi.x - tl2.x + x;
if (y2 >= 0 && x2 >= 0 && y2 < img2.rows && x2 < img2.cols)
submask2.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = mask2.at<uchar>(y2, x2);
submask2.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0;
Mat collision = (submask1 != 0) & (submask2 != 0);
Mat unique1 = submask1.clone(); unique1.setTo(0, collision);
Mat unique2 = submask2.clone(); unique2.setTo(0, collision);
Mat dist1, dist2;
distanceTransform(unique1 == 0, dist1, CV_DIST_L1, 3);
distanceTransform(unique2 == 0, dist2, CV_DIST_L1, 3);
Mat seam = dist1 < dist2;
for (int y = 0; y < roi.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < roi.width; ++x)
if (seam.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap))
mask2.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl2.y + y, roi.x - tl2.x + x) = 0;
mask1.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl1.y + y, roi.x - tl1.x + x) = 0;
class GraphCutSeamFinder::Impl : public PairwiseSeamFinder
Impl(int cost_type, float terminal_cost, float bad_region_penalty)
: cost_type_(cost_type), terminal_cost_(terminal_cost), bad_region_penalty_(bad_region_penalty) {}
void find(const vector<Mat> &src, const vector<Point> &corners, vector<Mat> &masks);
void findInPair(size_t first, size_t second, Rect roi);
#include "seam_finders.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
Ptr<SeamFinder> SeamFinder::createDefault(int type)
if (type == NO)
return new NoSeamFinder();
if (type == VORONOI)
return new VoronoiSeamFinder();
if (type == GC_COLOR)
return new GraphCutSeamFinder(GraphCutSeamFinder::COST_COLOR);
if (type == GC_COLOR_GRAD)
return new GraphCutSeamFinder(GraphCutSeamFinder::COST_COLOR_GRAD);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "unsupported seam finding method");
return NULL;
void PairwiseSeamFinder::find(const vector<Mat> &src, const vector<Point> &corners,
vector<Mat> &masks)
if (src.size() == 0)
images_ = src;
corners_ = corners;
masks_ = masks;
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.size() - 1; ++i)
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < src.size(); ++j)
Rect roi;
if (overlapRoi(corners[i], corners[j], src[i].size(), src[j].size(), roi))
findInPair(i, j, roi);
void VoronoiSeamFinder::findInPair(size_t first, size_t second, Rect roi)
const int gap = 10;
Mat submask1(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_8U);
Mat submask2(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_8U);
Mat img1 = images_[first], img2 = images_[second];
Mat mask1 = masks_[first], mask2 = masks_[second];
Point tl1 = corners_[first], tl2 = corners_[second];
// Cut submasks with some gap
for (int y = -gap; y < roi.height + gap; ++y)
for (int x = -gap; x < roi.width + gap; ++x)
int y1 = roi.y - tl1.y + y;
int x1 = roi.x - tl1.x + x;
if (y1 >= 0 && x1 >= 0 && y1 < img1.rows && x1 < img1.cols)
submask1.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = mask1.at<uchar>(y1, x1);
submask1.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0;
int y2 = roi.y - tl2.y + y;
int x2 = roi.x - tl2.x + x;
if (y2 >= 0 && x2 >= 0 && y2 < img2.rows && x2 < img2.cols)
submask2.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = mask2.at<uchar>(y2, x2);
submask2.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0;
Mat collision = (submask1 != 0) & (submask2 != 0);
Mat unique1 = submask1.clone(); unique1.setTo(0, collision);
Mat unique2 = submask2.clone(); unique2.setTo(0, collision);
Mat dist1, dist2;
distanceTransform(unique1 == 0, dist1, CV_DIST_L1, 3);
distanceTransform(unique2 == 0, dist2, CV_DIST_L1, 3);
Mat seam = dist1 < dist2;
for (int y = 0; y < roi.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < roi.width; ++x)
if (seam.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap))
mask2.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl2.y + y, roi.x - tl2.x + x) = 0;
mask1.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl1.y + y, roi.x - tl1.x + x) = 0;
class GraphCutSeamFinder::Impl : public PairwiseSeamFinder
Impl(int cost_type, float terminal_cost, float bad_region_penalty)
: cost_type_(cost_type), terminal_cost_(terminal_cost), bad_region_penalty_(bad_region_penalty) {}
void find(const vector<Mat> &src, const vector<Point> &corners, vector<Mat> &masks);
void findInPair(size_t first, size_t second, Rect roi);
void setGraphWeightsColor(const Mat &img1, const Mat &img2,
const Mat &mask1, const Mat &mask2, GCGraph<float> &graph);
const Mat &mask1, const Mat &mask2, GCGraph<float> &graph);
void setGraphWeightsColorGrad(const Mat &img1, const Mat &img2, const Mat &dx1, const Mat &dx2,
const Mat &dy1, const Mat &dy2, const Mat &mask1, const Mat &mask2,
GCGraph<float> &graph);
vector<Mat> dx_, dy_;
int cost_type_;
float terminal_cost_;
float bad_region_penalty_;
void GraphCutSeamFinder::Impl::find(const vector<Mat> &src, const vector<Point> &corners,
vector<Mat> &masks)
// Compute gradients
Mat dx, dy;
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i)
CV_Assert(src[i].channels() == 3);
Sobel(src[i], dx, CV_32F, 1, 0);
Sobel(src[i], dy, CV_32F, 0, 1);
dx_[i].create(src[i].size(), CV_32F);
dy_[i].create(src[i].size(), CV_32F);
for (int y = 0; y < src[i].rows; ++y)
const Point3f* dx_row = dx.ptr<Point3f>(y);
const Point3f* dy_row = dy.ptr<Point3f>(y);
float* dx_row_ = dx_[i].ptr<float>(y);
float* dy_row_ = dy_[i].ptr<float>(y);
for (int x = 0; x < src[i].cols; ++x)
dx_row_[x] = normL2(dx_row[x]);
dy_row_[x] = normL2(dy_row[x]);
PairwiseSeamFinder::find(src, corners, masks);
const Mat &dy1, const Mat &dy2, const Mat &mask1, const Mat &mask2,
GCGraph<float> &graph);
vector<Mat> dx_, dy_;
int cost_type_;
float terminal_cost_;
float bad_region_penalty_;
void GraphCutSeamFinder::Impl::find(const vector<Mat> &src, const vector<Point> &corners,
vector<Mat> &masks)
// Compute gradients
Mat dx, dy;
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i)
CV_Assert(src[i].channels() == 3);
Sobel(src[i], dx, CV_32F, 1, 0);
Sobel(src[i], dy, CV_32F, 0, 1);
dx_[i].create(src[i].size(), CV_32F);
dy_[i].create(src[i].size(), CV_32F);
for (int y = 0; y < src[i].rows; ++y)
const Point3f* dx_row = dx.ptr<Point3f>(y);
const Point3f* dy_row = dy.ptr<Point3f>(y);
float* dx_row_ = dx_[i].ptr<float>(y);
float* dy_row_ = dy_[i].ptr<float>(y);
for (int x = 0; x < src[i].cols; ++x)
dx_row_[x] = normL2(dx_row[x]);
dy_row_[x] = normL2(dy_row[x]);
PairwiseSeamFinder::find(src, corners, masks);
void GraphCutSeamFinder::Impl::setGraphWeightsColor(const Mat &img1, const Mat &img2,
const Mat &mask1, const Mat &mask2, GCGraph<float> &graph)
const Size img_size = img1.size();
// Set terminal weights
for (int y = 0; y < img_size.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < img_size.width; ++x)
int v = graph.addVtx();
graph.addTermWeights(v, mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) ? terminal_cost_ : 0.f,
mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) ? terminal_cost_ : 0.f);
// Set regular edge weights
const float weight_eps = 1e-3f;
for (int y = 0; y < img_size.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < img_size.width; ++x)
int v = y * img_size.width + x;
if (x < img_size.width - 1)
float weight = normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x)) +
normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x + 1), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x + 1)) +
if (!mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask1.at<uchar>(y, x + 1) ||
!mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask2.at<uchar>(y, x + 1))
weight += bad_region_penalty_;
graph.addEdges(v, v + 1, weight, weight);
if (y < img_size.height - 1)
float weight = normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x)) +
normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y + 1, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y + 1, x)) +
if (!mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask1.at<uchar>(y + 1, x) ||
!mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask2.at<uchar>(y + 1, x))
weight += bad_region_penalty_;
graph.addEdges(v, v + img_size.width, weight, weight);
const Mat &mask1, const Mat &mask2, GCGraph<float> &graph)
const Size img_size = img1.size();
// Set terminal weights
for (int y = 0; y < img_size.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < img_size.width; ++x)
int v = graph.addVtx();
graph.addTermWeights(v, mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) ? terminal_cost_ : 0.f,
mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) ? terminal_cost_ : 0.f);
// Set regular edge weights
const float weight_eps = 1.f;
for (int y = 0; y < img_size.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < img_size.width; ++x)
int v = y * img_size.width + x;
if (x < img_size.width - 1)
float weight = normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x)) +
normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x + 1), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x + 1)) +
if (!mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask1.at<uchar>(y, x + 1) ||
!mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask2.at<uchar>(y, x + 1))
weight += bad_region_penalty_;
graph.addEdges(v, v + 1, weight, weight);
if (y < img_size.height - 1)
float weight = normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x)) +
normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y + 1, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y + 1, x)) +
if (!mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask1.at<uchar>(y + 1, x) ||
!mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask2.at<uchar>(y + 1, x))
weight += bad_region_penalty_;
graph.addEdges(v, v + img_size.width, weight, weight);
void GraphCutSeamFinder::Impl::setGraphWeightsColorGrad(
const Mat &img1, const Mat &img2, const Mat &dx1, const Mat &dx2,
const Mat &dy1, const Mat &dy2, const Mat &mask1, const Mat &mask2,
GCGraph<float> &graph)
const Size img_size = img1.size();
// Set terminal weights
for (int y = 0; y < img_size.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < img_size.width; ++x)
int v = graph.addVtx();
graph.addTermWeights(v, mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) ? terminal_cost_ : 0.f,
mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) ? terminal_cost_ : 0.f);
// Set regular edge weights
const float weight_eps = 1e-3f;
for (int y = 0; y < img_size.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < img_size.width; ++x)
int v = y * img_size.width + x;
if (x < img_size.width - 1)
const Mat &img1, const Mat &img2, const Mat &dx1, const Mat &dx2,
const Mat &dy1, const Mat &dy2, const Mat &mask1, const Mat &mask2,
GCGraph<float> &graph)
const Size img_size = img1.size();
// Set terminal weights
for (int y = 0; y < img_size.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < img_size.width; ++x)
int v = graph.addVtx();
graph.addTermWeights(v, mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) ? terminal_cost_ : 0.f,
mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) ? terminal_cost_ : 0.f);
// Set regular edge weights
const float weight_eps = 1.f;
for (int y = 0; y < img_size.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < img_size.width; ++x)
int v = y * img_size.width + x;
if (x < img_size.width - 1)
float grad = dx1.at<float>(y, x) + dx1.at<float>(y, x + 1) +
dx2.at<float>(y, x) + dx2.at<float>(y, x + 1) + weight_eps;
float weight = (normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x)) +
normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x + 1), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x + 1))) / grad +
if (!mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask1.at<uchar>(y, x + 1) ||
!mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask2.at<uchar>(y, x + 1))
weight += bad_region_penalty_;
graph.addEdges(v, v + 1, weight, weight);
if (y < img_size.height - 1)
dx2.at<float>(y, x) + dx2.at<float>(y, x + 1) + weight_eps;
float weight = (normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x)) +
normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x + 1), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x + 1))) / grad +
if (!mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask1.at<uchar>(y, x + 1) ||
!mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask2.at<uchar>(y, x + 1))
weight += bad_region_penalty_;
graph.addEdges(v, v + 1, weight, weight);
if (y < img_size.height - 1)
float grad = dy1.at<float>(y, x) + dy1.at<float>(y + 1, x) +
dy2.at<float>(y, x) + dy2.at<float>(y + 1, x) + weight_eps;
float weight = (normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x)) +
normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y + 1, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y + 1, x))) / grad +
if (!mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask1.at<uchar>(y + 1, x) ||
!mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask2.at<uchar>(y + 1, x))
weight += bad_region_penalty_;
graph.addEdges(v, v + img_size.width, weight, weight);
void GraphCutSeamFinder::Impl::findInPair(size_t first, size_t second, Rect roi)
Mat img1 = images_[first], img2 = images_[second];
Mat dx1 = dx_[first], dx2 = dx_[second];
Mat dy1 = dy_[first], dy2 = dy_[second];
Mat mask1 = masks_[first], mask2 = masks_[second];
Point tl1 = corners_[first], tl2 = corners_[second];
const int gap = 10;
Mat subimg1(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32FC3);
Mat subimg2(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32FC3);
Mat submask1(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_8U);
Mat submask2(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_8U);
Mat subdx1(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32F);
Mat subdy1(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32F);
Mat subdx2(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32F);
Mat subdy2(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32F);
// Cut subimages and submasks with some gap
for (int y = -gap; y < roi.height + gap; ++y)
for (int x = -gap; x < roi.width + gap; ++x)
int y1 = roi.y - tl1.y + y;
int x1 = roi.x - tl1.x + x;
if (y1 >= 0 && x1 >= 0 && y1 < img1.rows && x1 < img1.cols)
subimg1.at<Point3f>(y + gap, x + gap) = img1.at<Point3f>(y1, x1);
submask1.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = mask1.at<uchar>(y1, x1);
subdx1.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = dx1.at<float>(y1, x1);
subdy1.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = dy1.at<float>(y1, x1);
subimg1.at<Point3f>(y + gap, x + gap) = Point3f(0, 0, 0);
submask1.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0;
subdx1.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0.f;
subdy1.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0.f;
int y2 = roi.y - tl2.y + y;
int x2 = roi.x - tl2.x + x;
if (y2 >= 0 && x2 >= 0 && y2 < img2.rows && x2 < img2.cols)
subimg2.at<Point3f>(y + gap, x + gap) = img2.at<Point3f>(y2, x2);
submask2.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = mask2.at<uchar>(y2, x2);
subdx2.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = dx2.at<float>(y2, x2);
subdy2.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = dy2.at<float>(y2, x2);
subimg2.at<Point3f>(y + gap, x + gap) = Point3f(0, 0, 0);
submask2.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0;
subdx2.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0.f;
subdy2.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0.f;
const int vertex_count = (roi.height + 2 * gap) * (roi.width + 2 * gap);
const int edge_count = (roi.height - 1 + 2 * gap) * (roi.width + 2 * gap) +
(roi.width - 1 + 2 * gap) * (roi.height + 2 * gap);
GCGraph<float> graph(vertex_count, edge_count);
switch (cost_type_)
case GraphCutSeamFinder::COST_COLOR:
setGraphWeightsColor(subimg1, subimg2, submask1, submask2, graph);
case GraphCutSeamFinder::COST_COLOR_GRAD:
setGraphWeightsColorGrad(subimg1, subimg2, subdx1, subdx2, subdy1, subdy2,
submask1, submask2, graph);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "unsupported pixel similarity measure");
for (int y = 0; y < roi.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < roi.width; ++x)
if (graph.inSourceSegment((y + gap) * (roi.width + 2 * gap) + x + gap))
if (mask1.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl1.y + y, roi.x - tl1.x + x))
mask2.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl2.y + y, roi.x - tl2.x + x) = 0;
if (mask2.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl2.y + y, roi.x - tl2.x + x))
mask1.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl1.y + y, roi.x - tl1.x + x) = 0;
GraphCutSeamFinder::GraphCutSeamFinder(int cost_type, float terminal_cost, float bad_region_penalty)
: impl_(new Impl(cost_type, terminal_cost, bad_region_penalty)) {}
void GraphCutSeamFinder::find(const vector<Mat> &src, const vector<Point> &corners,
vector<Mat> &masks)
impl_->find(src, corners, masks);
dy2.at<float>(y, x) + dy2.at<float>(y + 1, x) + weight_eps;
float weight = (normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y, x)) +
normL2(img1.at<Point3f>(y + 1, x), img2.at<Point3f>(y + 1, x))) / grad +
if (!mask1.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask1.at<uchar>(y + 1, x) ||
!mask2.at<uchar>(y, x) || !mask2.at<uchar>(y + 1, x))
weight += bad_region_penalty_;
graph.addEdges(v, v + img_size.width, weight, weight);
void GraphCutSeamFinder::Impl::findInPair(size_t first, size_t second, Rect roi)
Mat img1 = images_[first], img2 = images_[second];
Mat dx1 = dx_[first], dx2 = dx_[second];
Mat dy1 = dy_[first], dy2 = dy_[second];
Mat mask1 = masks_[first], mask2 = masks_[second];
Point tl1 = corners_[first], tl2 = corners_[second];
const int gap = 10;
Mat subimg1(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32FC3);
Mat subimg2(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32FC3);
Mat submask1(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_8U);
Mat submask2(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_8U);
Mat subdx1(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32F);
Mat subdy1(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32F);
Mat subdx2(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32F);
Mat subdy2(roi.height + 2 * gap, roi.width + 2 * gap, CV_32F);
// Cut subimages and submasks with some gap
for (int y = -gap; y < roi.height + gap; ++y)
for (int x = -gap; x < roi.width + gap; ++x)
int y1 = roi.y - tl1.y + y;
int x1 = roi.x - tl1.x + x;
if (y1 >= 0 && x1 >= 0 && y1 < img1.rows && x1 < img1.cols)
subimg1.at<Point3f>(y + gap, x + gap) = img1.at<Point3f>(y1, x1);
submask1.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = mask1.at<uchar>(y1, x1);
subdx1.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = dx1.at<float>(y1, x1);
subdy1.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = dy1.at<float>(y1, x1);
subimg1.at<Point3f>(y + gap, x + gap) = Point3f(0, 0, 0);
submask1.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0;
subdx1.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0.f;
subdy1.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0.f;
int y2 = roi.y - tl2.y + y;
int x2 = roi.x - tl2.x + x;
if (y2 >= 0 && x2 >= 0 && y2 < img2.rows && x2 < img2.cols)
subimg2.at<Point3f>(y + gap, x + gap) = img2.at<Point3f>(y2, x2);
submask2.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = mask2.at<uchar>(y2, x2);
subdx2.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = dx2.at<float>(y2, x2);
subdy2.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = dy2.at<float>(y2, x2);
subimg2.at<Point3f>(y + gap, x + gap) = Point3f(0, 0, 0);
submask2.at<uchar>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0;
subdx2.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0.f;
subdy2.at<float>(y + gap, x + gap) = 0.f;
const int vertex_count = (roi.height + 2 * gap) * (roi.width + 2 * gap);
const int edge_count = (roi.height - 1 + 2 * gap) * (roi.width + 2 * gap) +
(roi.width - 1 + 2 * gap) * (roi.height + 2 * gap);
GCGraph<float> graph(vertex_count, edge_count);
switch (cost_type_)
case GraphCutSeamFinder::COST_COLOR:
setGraphWeightsColor(subimg1, subimg2, submask1, submask2, graph);
case GraphCutSeamFinder::COST_COLOR_GRAD:
setGraphWeightsColorGrad(subimg1, subimg2, subdx1, subdx2, subdy1, subdy2,
submask1, submask2, graph);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "unsupported pixel similarity measure");
for (int y = 0; y < roi.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < roi.width; ++x)
if (graph.inSourceSegment((y + gap) * (roi.width + 2 * gap) + x + gap))
if (mask1.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl1.y + y, roi.x - tl1.x + x))
mask2.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl2.y + y, roi.x - tl2.x + x) = 0;
if (mask2.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl2.y + y, roi.x - tl2.x + x))
mask1.at<uchar>(roi.y - tl1.y + y, roi.x - tl1.x + x) = 0;
GraphCutSeamFinder::GraphCutSeamFinder(int cost_type, float terminal_cost, float bad_region_penalty)
: impl_(new Impl(cost_type, terminal_cost, bad_region_penalty)) {}
void GraphCutSeamFinder::find(const vector<Mat> &src, const vector<Point> &corners,
vector<Mat> &masks)
impl_->find(src, corners, masks);
@ -38,119 +38,122 @@
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include "precomp.hpp"
class Warper
static cv::Ptr<Warper> createByCameraFocal(float focal, int type);
virtual ~Warper() {}
virtual cv::Point warp(const cv::Mat &src, float focal, const cv::Mat& R, cv::Mat &dst,
int interp_mode = cv::INTER_LINEAR, int border_mode = cv::BORDER_REFLECT) = 0;
struct ProjectorBase
void setTransformation(const cv::Mat& R);
cv::Size size;
float focal;
float r[9];
float rinv[9];
float scale;
template <class P>
class WarperBase : public Warper
cv::Point warp(const cv::Mat &src, float focal, const cv::Mat &R, cv::Mat &dst,
int interp_mode, int border_mode);
// Detects ROI of the destination image. It's correct for any projection.
virtual void detectResultRoi(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br);
// Detects ROI of the destination image by walking over image border.
// Correctness for any projection isn't guaranteed.
void detectResultRoiByBorder(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br);
cv::Size src_size_;
P projector_;
struct PlaneProjector : ProjectorBase
void mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v);
void mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y);
float plane_dist;
// Projects image onto z = plane_dist plane
class PlaneWarper : public WarperBase<PlaneProjector>
PlaneWarper(float plane_dist = 1.f, float scale = 1.f)
projector_.plane_dist = plane_dist;
projector_.scale = scale;
void detectResultRoi(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br);
struct SphericalProjector : ProjectorBase
void mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v);
void mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y);
// Projects image onto unit sphere with origin at (0, 0, 0).
// Poles are located at (0, -1, 0) and (0, 1, 0) points.
class SphericalWarper : public WarperBase<SphericalProjector>
SphericalWarper(float scale = 300.f) { projector_.scale = scale; }
void detectResultRoi(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br);
struct CylindricalProjector : ProjectorBase
void mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v);
void mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y);
// Projects image onto x * x + z * z = 1 cylinder
class CylindricalWarper : public WarperBase<CylindricalProjector>
CylindricalWarper(float scale = 300.f) { projector_.scale = scale; }
void detectResultRoi(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br)
WarperBase<CylindricalProjector>::detectResultRoiByBorder(dst_tl, dst_br);
#include "warpers_inl.hpp"
#endif // __OPENCV_WARPERS_HPP__
#include "precomp.hpp"
class Warper
static cv::Ptr<Warper> createByCameraFocal(float focal, int type);
virtual ~Warper() {}
virtual cv::Point warp(const cv::Mat &src, float focal, const cv::Mat& R, cv::Mat &dst,
int interp_mode = cv::INTER_LINEAR, int border_mode = cv::BORDER_REFLECT) = 0;
virtual cv::Rect warpRoi(const cv::Size &sz, float focal, const cv::Mat &R) = 0;
struct ProjectorBase
void setTransformation(const cv::Mat& R);
cv::Size size;
float focal;
float r[9];
float rinv[9];
float scale;
template <class P>
class WarperBase : public Warper
cv::Point warp(const cv::Mat &src, float focal, const cv::Mat &R, cv::Mat &dst,
int interp_mode, int border_mode);
cv::Rect warpRoi(const cv::Size &sz, float focal, const cv::Mat &R);
// Detects ROI of the destination image. It's correct for any projection.
virtual void detectResultRoi(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br);
// Detects ROI of the destination image by walking over image border.
// Correctness for any projection isn't guaranteed.
void detectResultRoiByBorder(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br);
cv::Size src_size_;
P projector_;
struct PlaneProjector : ProjectorBase
void mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v);
void mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y);
float plane_dist;
// Projects image onto z = plane_dist plane
class PlaneWarper : public WarperBase<PlaneProjector>
PlaneWarper(float plane_dist = 1.f, float scale = 1.f)
projector_.plane_dist = plane_dist;
projector_.scale = scale;
void detectResultRoi(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br);
struct SphericalProjector : ProjectorBase
void mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v);
void mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y);
// Projects image onto unit sphere with origin at (0, 0, 0).
// Poles are located at (0, -1, 0) and (0, 1, 0) points.
class SphericalWarper : public WarperBase<SphericalProjector>
SphericalWarper(float scale = 300.f) { projector_.scale = scale; }
void detectResultRoi(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br);
struct CylindricalProjector : ProjectorBase
void mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v);
void mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y);
// Projects image onto x * x + z * z = 1 cylinder
class CylindricalWarper : public WarperBase<CylindricalProjector>
CylindricalWarper(float scale = 300.f) { projector_.scale = scale; }
void detectResultRoi(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br)
WarperBase<CylindricalProjector>::detectResultRoiByBorder(dst_tl, dst_br);
#include "warpers_inl.hpp"
#endif // __OPENCV_WARPERS_HPP__
@ -38,202 +38,218 @@
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include "warpers.hpp" // Make your IDE see declarations
template <class P>
cv::Point WarperBase<P>::warp(const cv::Mat &src, float focal, const cv::Mat &R, cv::Mat &dst,
int interp_mode, int border_mode)
src_size_ = src.size();
projector_.size = src.size();
projector_.focal = focal;
cv::Point dst_tl, dst_br;
detectResultRoi(dst_tl, dst_br);
cv::Mat xmap(dst_br.y - dst_tl.y + 1, dst_br.x - dst_tl.x + 1, CV_32F);
cv::Mat ymap(dst_br.y - dst_tl.y + 1, dst_br.x - dst_tl.x + 1, CV_32F);
float x, y;
for (int v = dst_tl.y; v <= dst_br.y; ++v)
for (int u = dst_tl.x; u <= dst_br.x; ++u)
projector_.mapBackward(static_cast<float>(u), static_cast<float>(v), x, y);
xmap.at<float>(v - dst_tl.y, u - dst_tl.x) = x;
ymap.at<float>(v - dst_tl.y, u - dst_tl.x) = y;
dst.create(dst_br.y - dst_tl.y + 1, dst_br.x - dst_tl.x + 1, src.type());
remap(src, dst, xmap, ymap, interp_mode, border_mode);
return dst_tl;
template <class P>
void WarperBase<P>::detectResultRoi(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br)
float tl_uf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float tl_vf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float br_uf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float br_vf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float u, v;
for (int y = 0; y < src_size_.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < src_size_.width; ++x)
projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y), u, v);
tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
dst_tl.x = static_cast<int>(tl_uf);
dst_tl.y = static_cast<int>(tl_vf);
dst_br.x = static_cast<int>(br_uf);
dst_br.y = static_cast<int>(br_vf);
template <class P>
void WarperBase<P>::detectResultRoiByBorder(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br)
float tl_uf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float tl_vf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float br_uf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float br_vf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float u, v;
for (float x = 0; x < src_size_.width; ++x)
projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(x), 0, u, v);
tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(src_size_.height - 1), u, v);
tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
for (int y = 0; y < src_size_.height; ++y)
projector_.mapForward(0, static_cast<float>(y), u, v);
tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(src_size_.width - 1), static_cast<float>(y), u, v);
tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
dst_tl.x = static_cast<int>(tl_uf);
dst_tl.y = static_cast<int>(tl_vf);
dst_br.x = static_cast<int>(br_uf);
dst_br.y = static_cast<int>(br_vf);
void PlaneProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)
x -= size.width * 0.5f;
y -= size.height * 0.5f;
float x_ = r[0] * x + r[1] * y + r[2] * focal;
float y_ = r[3] * x + r[4] * y + r[5] * focal;
float z_ = r[6] * x + r[7] * y + r[8] * focal;
u = scale * x_ / z_ * plane_dist;
v = scale * y_ / z_ * plane_dist;
void PlaneProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)
float x_ = u / scale;
float y_ = v / scale;
float z;
x = rinv[0] * x_ + rinv[1] * y_ + rinv[2] * plane_dist;
y = rinv[3] * x_ + rinv[4] * y_ + rinv[5] * plane_dist;
z = rinv[6] * x_ + rinv[7] * y_ + rinv[8] * plane_dist;
x = focal * x / z + size.width * 0.5f;
y = focal * y / z + size.height * 0.5f;
void SphericalProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)
x -= size.width * 0.5f;
y -= size.height * 0.5f;
float x_ = r[0] * x + r[1] * y + r[2] * focal;
float y_ = r[3] * x + r[4] * y + r[5] * focal;
float z_ = r[6] * x + r[7] * y + r[8] * focal;
u = scale * atan2f(x_, z_);
v = scale * (static_cast<float>(CV_PI) - acosf(y_ / sqrtf(x_ * x_ + y_ * y_ + z_ * z_)));
void SphericalProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)
float sinv = sinf(static_cast<float>(CV_PI) - v / scale);
float x_ = sinv * sinf(u / scale);
float y_ = cosf(static_cast<float>(CV_PI) - v / scale);
float z_ = sinv * cosf(u / scale);
float z;
x = rinv[0] * x_ + rinv[1] * y_ + rinv[2] * z_;
y = rinv[3] * x_ + rinv[4] * y_ + rinv[5] * z_;
z = rinv[6] * x_ + rinv[7] * y_ + rinv[8] * z_;
x = focal * x / z + size.width * 0.5f;
y = focal * y / z + size.height * 0.5f;
void CylindricalProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)
x -= size.width * 0.5f;
y -= size.height * 0.5f;
float x_ = r[0] * x + r[1] * y + r[2] * focal;
float y_ = r[3] * x + r[4] * y + r[5] * focal;
float z_ = r[6] * x + r[7] * y + r[8] * focal;
u = scale * atan2f(x_, z_);
v = scale * y_ / sqrtf(x_ * x_ + z_ * z_);
void CylindricalProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)
float x_ = sinf(u / scale);
float y_ = v / scale;
float z_ = cosf(u / scale);
float z;
x = rinv[0] * x_ + rinv[1] * y_ + rinv[2] * z_;
y = rinv[3] * x_ + rinv[4] * y_ + rinv[5] * z_;
z = rinv[6] * x_ + rinv[7] * y_ + rinv[8] * z_;
x = focal * x / z + size.width * 0.5f;
y = focal * y / z + size.height * 0.5f;
#include "warpers.hpp" // Make your IDE see declarations
template <class P>
cv::Point WarperBase<P>::warp(const cv::Mat &src, float focal, const cv::Mat &R, cv::Mat &dst,
int interp_mode, int border_mode)
src_size_ = src.size();
projector_.size = src.size();
projector_.focal = focal;
cv::Point dst_tl, dst_br;
detectResultRoi(dst_tl, dst_br);
cv::Mat xmap(dst_br.y - dst_tl.y + 1, dst_br.x - dst_tl.x + 1, CV_32F);
cv::Mat ymap(dst_br.y - dst_tl.y + 1, dst_br.x - dst_tl.x + 1, CV_32F);
float x, y;
for (int v = dst_tl.y; v <= dst_br.y; ++v)
for (int u = dst_tl.x; u <= dst_br.x; ++u)
projector_.mapBackward(static_cast<float>(u), static_cast<float>(v), x, y);
xmap.at<float>(v - dst_tl.y, u - dst_tl.x) = x;
ymap.at<float>(v - dst_tl.y, u - dst_tl.x) = y;
dst.create(dst_br.y - dst_tl.y + 1, dst_br.x - dst_tl.x + 1, src.type());
remap(src, dst, xmap, ymap, interp_mode, border_mode);
return dst_tl;
template <class P>
cv::Rect WarperBase<P>::warpRoi(const cv::Size &sz, float focal, const cv::Mat &R)
src_size_ = sz;
projector_.size = sz;
projector_.focal = focal;
cv::Point dst_tl, dst_br;
detectResultRoi(dst_tl, dst_br);
return cv::Rect(dst_tl, cv::Point(dst_br.x + 1, dst_br.y + 1));
template <class P>
void WarperBase<P>::detectResultRoi(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br)
float tl_uf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float tl_vf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float br_uf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float br_vf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float u, v;
for (int y = 0; y < src_size_.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < src_size_.width; ++x)
projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y), u, v);
tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
dst_tl.x = static_cast<int>(tl_uf);
dst_tl.y = static_cast<int>(tl_vf);
dst_br.x = static_cast<int>(br_uf);
dst_br.y = static_cast<int>(br_vf);
template <class P>
void WarperBase<P>::detectResultRoiByBorder(cv::Point &dst_tl, cv::Point &dst_br)
float tl_uf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float tl_vf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float br_uf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float br_vf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float u, v;
for (float x = 0; x < src_size_.width; ++x)
projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(x), 0, u, v);
tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(src_size_.height - 1), u, v);
tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
for (int y = 0; y < src_size_.height; ++y)
projector_.mapForward(0, static_cast<float>(y), u, v);
tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
projector_.mapForward(static_cast<float>(src_size_.width - 1), static_cast<float>(y), u, v);
tl_uf = std::min(tl_uf, u); tl_vf = std::min(tl_vf, v);
br_uf = std::max(br_uf, u); br_vf = std::max(br_vf, v);
dst_tl.x = static_cast<int>(tl_uf);
dst_tl.y = static_cast<int>(tl_vf);
dst_br.x = static_cast<int>(br_uf);
dst_br.y = static_cast<int>(br_vf);
void PlaneProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)
x -= size.width * 0.5f;
y -= size.height * 0.5f;
float x_ = r[0] * x + r[1] * y + r[2] * focal;
float y_ = r[3] * x + r[4] * y + r[5] * focal;
float z_ = r[6] * x + r[7] * y + r[8] * focal;
u = scale * x_ / z_ * plane_dist;
v = scale * y_ / z_ * plane_dist;
void PlaneProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)
float x_ = u / scale;
float y_ = v / scale;
float z;
x = rinv[0] * x_ + rinv[1] * y_ + rinv[2] * plane_dist;
y = rinv[3] * x_ + rinv[4] * y_ + rinv[5] * plane_dist;
z = rinv[6] * x_ + rinv[7] * y_ + rinv[8] * plane_dist;
x = focal * x / z + size.width * 0.5f;
y = focal * y / z + size.height * 0.5f;
void SphericalProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)
x -= size.width * 0.5f;
y -= size.height * 0.5f;
float x_ = r[0] * x + r[1] * y + r[2] * focal;
float y_ = r[3] * x + r[4] * y + r[5] * focal;
float z_ = r[6] * x + r[7] * y + r[8] * focal;
u = scale * atan2f(x_, z_);
v = scale * (static_cast<float>(CV_PI) - acosf(y_ / sqrtf(x_ * x_ + y_ * y_ + z_ * z_)));
void SphericalProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)
float sinv = sinf(static_cast<float>(CV_PI) - v / scale);
float x_ = sinv * sinf(u / scale);
float y_ = cosf(static_cast<float>(CV_PI) - v / scale);
float z_ = sinv * cosf(u / scale);
float z;
x = rinv[0] * x_ + rinv[1] * y_ + rinv[2] * z_;
y = rinv[3] * x_ + rinv[4] * y_ + rinv[5] * z_;
z = rinv[6] * x_ + rinv[7] * y_ + rinv[8] * z_;
x = focal * x / z + size.width * 0.5f;
y = focal * y / z + size.height * 0.5f;
void CylindricalProjector::mapForward(float x, float y, float &u, float &v)
x -= size.width * 0.5f;
y -= size.height * 0.5f;
float x_ = r[0] * x + r[1] * y + r[2] * focal;
float y_ = r[3] * x + r[4] * y + r[5] * focal;
float z_ = r[6] * x + r[7] * y + r[8] * focal;
u = scale * atan2f(x_, z_);
v = scale * y_ / sqrtf(x_ * x_ + z_ * z_);
void CylindricalProjector::mapBackward(float u, float v, float &x, float &y)
float x_ = sinf(u / scale);
float y_ = v / scale;
float z_ = cosf(u / scale);
float z;
x = rinv[0] * x_ + rinv[1] * y_ + rinv[2] * z_;
y = rinv[3] * x_ + rinv[4] * y_ + rinv[5] * z_;
z = rinv[6] * x_ + rinv[7] * y_ + rinv[8] * z_;
x = focal * x / z + size.width * 0.5f;
y = focal * y / z + size.height * 0.5f;
@ -32,7 +32,11 @@ int main()
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <cudaGL.h>
#include "opencv2/core/internal.hpp" // For TBB wrappers
#include "tbb/tbb.h"
#include "tbb/mutex.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
@ -54,7 +58,7 @@ inline void safeCall_(int code, const char* expr, const char* file, int line)
// Each GPU is associated with its own context
CUcontext contexts[2];
CUcontext contexts[/*2*/1];
void inline contextOn(int id)
@ -76,6 +80,10 @@ GpuMat d_result[2];
// CPU result
Mat result;
int some[2];
tbb::mutex mutex;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc < 3)
@ -85,11 +93,11 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
int num_devices = getCudaEnabledDeviceCount();
if (num_devices < 2)
std::cout << "Two or more GPUs are required\n";
return -1;
// if (num_devices < 2)
// {
// std::cout << "Two or more GPUs are required\n";
// return -1;
// }
for (int i = 0; i < num_devices; ++i)
@ -123,13 +131,14 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Create context for GPU #0
CUdevice device;
safeCall(cuDeviceGet(&device, 0));
safeCall(cuCtxCreate(&contexts[0], 0, device));
safeCall(cuGLCtxCreate(&contexts[0], 0, device));
//safeCall(cuCtxCreate(&contexts[0], 0, device));
// Create context for GPU #1
safeCall(cuDeviceGet(&device, 1));
safeCall(cuCtxCreate(&contexts[1], 0, device));
// // Create context for GPU #1
// safeCall(cuDeviceGet(&device, 0));
// safeCall(cuCtxCreate(&contexts[1], 0, device));
// contextOff();
// Split source images for processing on GPU #0
@ -139,15 +148,20 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Split source images for processing on the GPU #1
d_left[1].upload(left.rowRange(left.rows / 2, left.rows));
d_right[1].upload(right.rowRange(right.rows / 2, right.rows));
bm[1] = new StereoBM_GPU();
some[0] = some[1] = 0;
// Execute calculation in two threads using two GPUs
int devices[] = {0, 1};
parallel_do(devices, devices + 2, Worker());
vector<int> devices;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
tbb::parallel_do(&devices[0], &devices[devices.size() - 1], Worker());
cout << some[0] << " " << some[1] << endl;
// Release the first GPU resources
@ -159,7 +173,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Release the second GPU resources
imshow("GPU #1 result", Mat(d_result[1]));
@ -175,7 +189,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
void Worker::operator()(int device_id) const
bm[device_id]->operator()(d_left[device_id], d_right[device_id],
@ -184,13 +200,16 @@ void Worker::operator()(int device_id) const
<< "): finished\n";
void destroyContexts()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user