Grammatical errors for help() in detect_mser.cpp (#14122)
* Grammatical errors for help() statement
Corrected spelling of "synthetic" and added grammatical clarification for keys to press to change view or use mouse.
* Adjustment of superfluous spaces
Improve stitching detailed (#13584)
* Added block size getter/setters
* Added a bunch of new features to the stitching_detailed sample
* Do not required XFEATURES2D for default use
* Add support for akaze features in stitching_detailed
* Improved sample logs
* G-API: First steps with tutorial
* G-API Tutorial: First iteration
* G-API port of anisotropic image segmentation tutorial;
* Currently works via OpenCV only;
* Some new kernels have been required.
* G-API Tutorial: added chapters on execution code, inspection, and profiling
* G-API Tutorial: make Fluid kernel headers public
For some reason, these headers were not moved to the public
headers subtree during the initial development. Somehow it even
worked for the existing workloads.
* G-API Tutorial: Fix a couple of issues found during the work
* Introduced Phase & Sqrt kernels, OCV & Fluid versions
* Extended GKernelPackage to allow kernel removal & policies on include()
All the above stuff needs to be tested, tests will be added later
* G-API Tutorial: added chapter on running Fluid backend
* G-API Tutorial: fix a number of issues in the text
* G-API Tutorial - some final updates
- Fixed post-merge issues after Sobel kernel renaming;
- Simplified G-API code a little bit;
- Put a conclusion note in text.
* G-API Tutorial - fix build issues in test/perf targets
Public headers were refactored but tests suites were not updated in time
* G-API Tutorial: Added tests & reference docs on new kernels
* Phase
* Sqrt
* G-API Tutorial: added link to the tutorial from the main module doc
* G-API Tutorial: Added tests on new GKernelPackage functionality
* G-API Tutorial: Extended InRange tests to cover 32F
* G-API Tutorial: Misc fixes
* Avoid building examples when gapi module is not there
* Added a volatile API disclaimer to G-API root documentation page
* G-API Tutorial: Fix perf tests build issue
This change came from master where Fluid kernels are still used
* G-API Tutorial: Fixed channels support in Sqrt/Phase fluid kernels
Extended tests to cover this case
* G-API Tutorial: Fix text problems found on team review
[evolution] Stitching for OpenCV 4.0
* stitching: wrap Stitcher::create for bindings
* provide method for consistent stitcher usage across languages
* samples: add python stitching sample
* port cpp stitching sample to python
* stitching: consolidate Stitcher create methods
* remove Stitcher::createDefault, it returns Stitcher, not Ptr<Stitcher> -> inconsistent API
* deprecate cv::createStitcher and cv::createStitcherScans in favor of Stitcher::create
* stitching: avoid anonymous enum in Stitcher
* ORIG_RESOL should be double
* add documentatiton
* stitching: improve documentation in Stitcher
* stitching: expose estimator in Stitcher
* remove ABI hack
* stitching: drop try_use_gpu flag
* OCL will be used automatically through T-API in OCL-enable paths
* CUDA won't be used unless user sets CUDA-enabled classes manually
* stitching: drop FeaturesFinder
* use Feature2D instead of FeaturesFinder
* interoperability with features2d module
* detach from dependency on xfeatures2d
* features2d: fix compute and detect to work with UMat vectors
* correctly pass UMats as UMats to allow OCL paths
* support vector of UMats as output arg
* stitching: use nearest interpolation for resizing masks
* fix warnings
* moved DIS optical flow from opencv_contrib to opencv, moved TVL1 from opencv to opencv_contrib
* fixed compile warning
* TVL1 optical flow example moved to opencv_contrib
More accurate pinhole camera calibration with imperfect planar target (#12772)
43 commits:
* Add derivatives with respect to object points
Add an output parameter to calculate derivatives of image points with
respect to 3D coordinates of object points. The output jacobian matrix
is a 2Nx3N matrix where N is the number of points.
This commit introduces incompatibility to old function signature.
* Set zero for dpdo matrix before using
dpdo is a sparse matrix with only non-zero value close to major
diagonal. Set it to zero because only elements near major diagonal are
* Add jacobian columns to projectPoints()
The output jacobian matrix of derivatives with respect to coordinates of
3D object points are added. This might break callers who assume the
columns of jacobian matrix.
* Adapt test code to updated project functions
The test cases for projectPoints() and cvProjectPoints2() are updated to
fit new function signatures.
* Add accuracy test code for dpdo
* Add badarg test for dpdo
* Add new enum item for new calibration method
CALIB_RELEASE_OBJECT is used to whether to release 3D coordinates of
object points. The method was proposed in: K. H. Strobl and G. Hirzinger.
"More Accurate Pinhole Camera Calibration with Imperfect Planar Target".
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
(ICCV 2011), 1st IEEE Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Robot
Perception, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1068-1075, November 2011.
* Add releasing object method into internal function
It's a simple extension of the standard calibration scheme. We choose to
fix the first and last object point and a user-selected fixed point.
* Add interfaces for extended calibration method
* Refine document for calibrateCamera()
When releasing object points, only the z coordinates of the
objectPoints[0].back is fixed.
* Add link to strobl2011iccv paper
* Improve documentation for calibrateCamera()
* Add implementations of wrapping calibrateCamera()
* Add checking for params of new calibration method
If input parameters are not qualified, then fall back to standard
calibration method.
* Add camera calibration method of releasing object
The current implementation is equal to or better than
CALIB_USE_QR or CALIB_USE_LU could be used for faster calibration with
potentially less precise and less stable in some rare cases.
* Add RELEASE_OBJECT calibration to tutorial code
To select the calibration method of releasing object points, a command
line parameter `-d=<number>` should be provided.
* Update tutorial doc for camera_calibration
If the method of releasing object points is merged into OpenCV. It will
be expected to be firstly released in 4.1, I think.
* Reduce epsilon for cornerSubPix()
Epsilon of 0.1 is a bigger one. Preciser corner positions are required
with calibration method of releasing object.
* Refine camera calibration tutorial
The hypothesis coordinates are used to indicate which distance must be
measured between two specified object points.
* Update sample calibration code method selection
Similar to camera_calibration tutorial application, a command line
argument `-dt=<number>` is used to select the calibration method.
* Add guard to flags of cvCalibrateCamera2()
cvCalibrateCamera2() doesn't accept CALIB_RELEASE_OBJECT unless overload
interface is added in the future.
* Simplify fallback when iFixedPoint is out of range
* Refactor projectPoints() to keep compatibilities
* Fix arg string "Bad rvecs header"
* Read calibration flags from test data files
Instead of being hard coded into source file, the calibration flags will
be read from test data files.
opencv_extra/testdata/cv/cameracalibration/calib?.dat must be sync with
the test code.
* Add new C interface of cvCalibrateCamera4()
With this new added C interface, the extended calibration method with
CALIB_RELEASE_OBJECT can be called by C API.
* Add regression test of extended calibration method
It has been tested with new added test data in xoox:calib-release-object
branch of opencv_extra.
* Fix assertion in test_cameracalibration.cpp
The total number of refined 3D object coordinates is checked.
* Add checker for iFixedPoint in cvCalibrateCamera4
If iFixedPoint is out of rational range, fall back to standard method.
* Fix documentation for overloaded calibrateCamera()
* Remove calibration flag of CALIB_RELEASE_OBJECT
The method selection is based on the range of the index of fixed point.
For minus values, standard calibration method will be chosen. Values in
a rational range will make the object-releasing calibration method
* Use new interfaces instead of function overload
Existing interfaces are preserved and new interfaces are added. Since
most part of the code base are shared, calibrateCamera() is now a
wrapper function of calibrateCameraRO().
* Fix exported name of calibrateCameraRO()
* Update documentation for calibrateCameraRO()
The circumstances where this method is mostly helpful are described.
* Add note on the rigidity of the calibration target
* Update documentation for calibrateCameraRO()
It is clarified that iFixedPoint is used as a switch to select
calibration method. If input data are not qualified, exceptions will be
thrown instead of fallback scheme.
* Clarify iFixedPoint as switch and remove fallback
iFixedPoint is now used as a switch for calibration method selection. No
fallback scheme is utilized anymore. If the input data are not
qualified, exceptions will be thrown.
* Add badarg test for object-releasing method
* Fix document format of sample list
List items of same level should be indented the same way. Otherwise they
will be formatted as nested lists by Doxygen.
* Add brief intro for objectPoints and imagePoints
* Sync tutorial to sample calibration code
* Update tutorial compatibility version to 4.0
In this tutorial you will learn:
- what is a degradation image model
- what is a PSF of an out-of-focus image
- how to restore a blurred image
- what is the Wiener filter
Mser sample improvments (#12032)
* Fixed bug in detect_mser sample
Wrong number of colors used to generate the synthetic images
* Formatting improvements
* Using safer casts
* Improved readability of legend generation
* Various readability fixes in detect_mser sample
* Include ELA example
* Include ELA example
* Include ELA example
* Include ELA example
* Include ELA example
* Include ELA example
* Include ELA example
* Include ELA example
* Include ELA example
* Include ELA example
* Include ELA example
* did some code cleanup
* fixed compile error
- show capturing information: width / height / fps
- show average FPS for via cv::getTickCount()
- optional frame processing code path
* Rewrite polar transformations
- A new wrapPolar function encapsulate both linear and semi-log remap
- Destination size is a parameter or calculated automatically to keep objects size between remapping
- linearPolar and logPolar has been deprecated
* Fix build warning and error in accuracy test
* Fix function name to warpPolar
* Explicitly specify the mapping mode, so we retain all the parameters as non-optional.
Introduces WarpPolarMode enum to specify the mapping mode in flags
* resolves performance warning on windows build
* removed duplicated logPolar and linearPolar implementations
In line 104 `if ( full_neg_lst[i].cols >= box.width && full_neg_lst[i].rows >= box.height )` removed '=' as it causes divide By Zero Error in line 106 and 107 `box.x = rand() % ( full_neg_lst[i].cols - size_x );` when full_neg_lst[i].cols = size_x or full_neg_lst[i].rows - size_y
- allow installing samples sources on all platforms
even if BUILD_EXAMPLES is disabled, fixed minor
issues in sources installation process
- use 'example_<group>_<name>' scheme for target and binary file naming
- use single function for sample executable creation
* Add a new interface for hough transform
* Fixed warning code
* Fix HoughLinesUsingSetOfPoints based on HoughLinesStandard
* Delete memset
* Rename HoughLinesUsingSetOfPoints and add common function
* Fix test error
* Change static function name
* Change using CV_Assert instead of if-block and add integer test case
* I solve the conflict and delete 'std :: tr1' and changed it to use 'tuple'
* I deleted std::tr1::get and changed int to use 'get'
* Fixed sample code
* revert test_main.cpp
* Delete sample code in comment and add snippets
* Change file name
* Delete static function
* Fixed build error
* Simulated Annealing for ANN_MLP training method
* just to test new data
* manage RNG
* Try again
* Just run buildbot with new data
* try to understand
* Test layer
* New data- new test
* Force RNG in backprop
* Use Impl to avoid virtual method
* reset all weights
* try to solve ABI
* retry
* ABI solved?
* till problem with dynamic_cast
* Something is wrong
* Solved?
* disable backprop test
* remove ANN_MLP_ANNEALImpl
* Disable weight in varmap
* Add example for SimulatedAnnealing
Adds fitEllipseDirect to imgproc: The Direct least square (Direct) method by Fitzgibbon1999.
New Tests are included for the methods.
fitEllipseAMS Tests
fitEllipseDirect Tests
Comparative examples are added to fitEllipse.cpp in Samples.
Added gradiantSize param into goodFeaturesToTrack API (#9618)
* Added gradiantSize param into goodFeaturesToTrack API
Removed hardcode value 3 in goodFeaturesToTrack API, and
added new param 'gradinatSize' in this API so that user can
pass any gradiant size as 3, 5 or 7.
Signed-off-by: Vipin Anand <>
Signed-off-by: Nilaykumar Patel<>
Signed-off-by: Prashanth Voora <>
* fixed compilation error for java test
Signed-off-by: Vipin Anand <>
* Modifying code for previous binary compatibility and fixing other warnings
fixed ABI break issue
resolved merged conflict
compilation error fix
Signed-off-by: Vipin Anand <>
Signed-off-by: Patel, Nilaykumar K <>
Add constructors taking initializer_list for some of OpenCV data types (#9034)
* Add a constructor taking initializer_list for Matx
* Add a constructor taking initializer list for Mat and Mat_
* Add one more method to initialize Mat to the corresponding tutorial
* Add a note how to initialize Matx
* CV_CXX_11->CV_CXX11
Remove unnecessary Non-ASCII characters from source code (#9075)
* Remove unnecessary Non-ASCII characters from source code
Remove unnecessary Non-ASCII characters and replace them with ASCII
* Remove dashes in the @param statement
Remove dashes and place single space in the @param statement to keep
coding style
* misc: more fixes for non-ASCII symbols
* misc: fix non-ASCII symbol in CMake file
*Fixing typos;
*Making codes more similar to the main one, in C++;
*Adding Grayscale option to the Python and Java codes;
*Fixing python identation, whitespaces and redundancies.
* Extending template_matching tutorial with Java
* adding mask to java version of the tutorial
* adding the python toggle and code
* updating table of content
* adding py and java to table of content
* adding mask to python
* going back to markdown with duplicated text
* non duplicated text