* Fixing a bug in Canny implemetation when Sobel aperture size is 7.
* Fixing the bug in Canny accross variants and in test_canny.cpp
* Replacing a tab with white space
- Optimizations set change. Now IPP integrations will provide code for SSE42, AVX2 and AVX512 (SKX) CPUs only. For HW below SSE42 IPP code is disabled.
- Performance regressions fixes for IPP code paths;
- cv::boxFilter integration improvement;
- cv::filter2D integration improvement;
Parallelize Canny with custom gradient (#8694)
* New Canny implementation. Restructuring code in parallelCanny class. Align mag buffer and map.
* Fix warnings.
* Missing SIMD check added.
* Replaced local trailingZeros in contours.cpp. Use alignSize in canny.cpp
* Fix warnings in alignSize and allocate just minimum extra columns.
* Fix another warning in map.create.
* Exchange for loop by do loop to avoid double check at the beginning.
Define extra SIMD CANNY_CHECK to avoid unnecessary continue.
Updated integrations for:
cv::Mat::convertTo - now with scaled conversions support
cv::LUT - disabled due to performance issues
cv::copyMakeBorder - currently disabled
cv::pow - ipp pow function was removed due to performance issues
cv::hal::magnitude32f/64f - disabled for <= SSE42, poor performance
cv::canny - new integration. Disabled for threaded;
Maximum depth limit var was added to the instrumentation structure;
Trace names output console output fix: improper tree formatting could happen;
Output in case of error was added;
Custom regions improvements;
Improved timing and weight calculation for parallel regions; New TC (threads counter) value to indicate how many different threads accessed particular node;
parallel_for, warnings fixes and ReturnAddress code from Alexander Alekhin;
* use hasSIMD128 rather than calling checkHardwareSupport
* add SIMD check in spartialgradient.cpp
* add SIMD check in stereosgbm.cpp
* add SIMD check in canny.cpp
* Improve Canny by using _mm_movemask_epi8 to find next pixel magnitude greater than lower threshold. Added parallelized finalPass to Canny with variable gradients. Little changes in finalPass.
* Some things fixed
* Common Canny parallelization added. TBB and single thread code removed. Final pass vectorized with SSE2 intrinsics.
* wrong #ifdef replaced with #if
* Merged to actual Canny version
* Merged common parallelized Canny with actual Canny implementation
* Remove 'Mutex *mutex' and pass 'Mutex mutex' from outside to parallelCanny
* Replaced extern Mutex with intern mutable Mutex.
When setting a wrong kernel size, the error message only tells the user that it
must be odd, however the conditions for rejection include values > 7 which must
be communicated. Without that, the message would be incorrect and confusing if
the user is unaware that only values 3, 5, 7 are accepted.
HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY will be undefined if OpenCV was linked against ICV packet from IPP9 or greater. ICV9+ packets will be aligned with IPP in OpenCV APIs
This will ease code management between IPP and ICV
to manage changes between updates more easily.
IPP_DISABLE_BLOCK was added to ease tracking of disabled IPP functions;
IPP can be switched on and off on runtime;
Optional implementation collector was added (switched off by default in CMake). Gathers data of implementation used in functions and report this info through performance TS;
TS modifications for implementations control;
new hysteresis
delete whitespaces
fix problem with mad24
Dynamic work group size
dynamic work group size
Fix problem with warnings
Fix some problems with border
Another one fix
Delete trailing whitespaces
some changes
fix problem with warning