Vladislav Vinogradov
added to gpu module linear filters for int and float source types.
refactored gpu module.
2010-10-20 08:50:14 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
added gpu version of magnitude, magnitudeSqr, phase, cartToPolar, polarToCart
2010-10-18 11:12:14 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
added magnitudeSqr and rectStdDev to gpu module.
added supports of CV_32SC2 source to gpu scalar arithm and float source to gpu::histRange.
minor fix of gpu tests.
2010-10-13 12:52:39 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
added min/max filters to gpu module.
added supports of 4-channels image to gpu::minMax and gpu::cvtColor for RGB <-> YCrCB, RGB <-> YUV and RGB <-> XYZ color conversion.
2010-10-11 08:54:28 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
added Filter Engine to gpu module.
disabled gpu::sum, gpu::minMax, gpu:Canny until fix crash.
2010-10-06 14:32:13 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
added gpu::magnitude for complex source vector (two channels float).
added gpu::cvtColor for BGR5x5 <-> BGR and BGR5x5 <-> Gray.
2010-09-27 14:10:19 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
added gpu add, subtract, multiply, divide, absdiff with Scalar.
added gpu exp, log, magnitude, based on NPP.
updated setTo with new NPP functions.
minor fix in tests and comments.
2010-09-27 12:44:57 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
added gpu::LUT for CV_8UC3 type, added gpu::cvtColor for BGR2BGR5x5, minor fix in tests.
2010-09-27 09:37:43 +00:00 |
Anatoly Baksheev
added black list for gpu tests
2010-09-27 06:57:25 +00:00 |
Anatoly Baksheev
modified according to NPP for CUDA 3.2 API updates.
2010-09-24 16:41:34 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
added gpu version of LUT, integral, boxFilter and cvtColor (RGB <-> YCrCb), based on NPP.
minor refactoring of GPU module and GPU tests, split arithm and imgproc parts.
2010-09-22 10:58:01 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
minor refactoring of GPU module and GPU tests
added gpu compare version for CMP_NE operation
2010-09-20 10:34:46 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
added nppSafeCall
2010-09-15 14:34:41 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
Added implementation and test for the GPU version of warpAffine, warpPerspective, rotate, based on NPP.
Renamed copyConstBorder to copyMakeBorder.
Fixed warnings when HAVE_CUDA is not defined.
2010-09-15 12:47:59 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
Added implementation and test for the GPU version of flip, resize, sum, minMax, copyConstBorder, setTo, based on NPP.
2010-09-15 08:26:18 +00:00 |
Vladislav Vinogradov
Added implementation and test for the GPU version of subtract, multiply, divide, transpose, absdiff, threshold, compare, meanStdDev, norm, based on NPP.
2010-09-13 14:30:09 +00:00 |
Kirill Kornyakov
gpu::add now supports 8UC4 and 32FC1
2010-09-10 15:04:54 +00:00 |
Kirill Kornyakov
Added initial implementation and test for the GPU version of add, based on NPP. Need to implement for other depths. Also waiting NPP at CMake.
2010-09-09 15:34:16 +00:00 |