- Substituted HAVE_WINRT with WINRT
- Fixed compilation issues in ocl.cpp and parallel.cpp
- Fixed compiler issue for WP8: "C2678: binary '+' : no operator found which takes a left-hand - Fixed gitignore
- Added #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL to remove compiler warnings in ocl.cpp
- Used NO_GETENV similar to '3rdparty\libjpeg\jmemmgr.c;
- Added ole32.lib for core module (for WindowsStore 8.0 builds)
- Made OpenCV_ARCH aware of ARM
Signed-off-by: Maxim Kostin <v-maxkos@microsoft.com>
To speed up rebuilds, define the NDK_CCACHE environment or CMake variable
to the path to your ccache binary. When declared, the android.cmake.toolchain
automatically uses CCache when compiling any C/C++ source file. For example:
export NDK_CCACHE=ccache
[~] Automatically tracked dependencies between modules
[+] Support for optional module dependencies
[+] Options to choose modules to build
[~] Removed hardcoded modules lists from OpenCVConfig.cmake, opencv.pc and OpenCV.mk
[+] Added COMPONENTS support for FIND_PACKAGE(OpenCV)
[~] haartraining and traincascade are moved outside of modules folder since they aren't the modules