Changed the type of variable *r* from int to size_t.
This change makes sure that a valid result of std::max(r + delta,
(r*3+1)/2) can be passed into the reserve function.
* make sure that the matrix with more than INT_MAX elements is marked as non-continuous, and thus all the pixel-wise functions process it correctly (i.e. row-by-row, not as a single row, where integer overflow may occur when computing the total number of elements)
The same code was repeated several time for different data types, so
it was extracted as a templated function to improve maintability and
make a code more clear.
Exception may be rasied inside the body of a copying constructor after
refcount has been increased, and beacause in the case of the exception
destrcutor is never called what causes memory leak. This commit adds a
workaround that calls the release() function before the exception is
thrown outside the contructor.
- Optimizations set change. Now IPP integrations will provide code for SSE42, AVX2 and AVX512 (SKX) CPUs only. For HW below SSE42 IPP code is disabled.
- Performance regressions fixes for IPP code paths;
- cv::boxFilter integration improvement;
- cv::filter2D integration improvement;
Add support for std::array<T, N> (#8535)
* Add support for std::array<T, N>
* Add std::array<Mat, N> support
* Remove UMat constructor with std::array parameter
Currently, to select a submatrix of a N-dimensional matrix, it requires
two lines of code while only one line of code is required if using a 2D
I added functionality to be able to select an N-dim submatrix using a
vector list instead of a Range pointer. This allows initializer lists to
be used for a one-line selection.
This allows for an N-dimensional array to be setup in one line instead of two when using C++11 initializer lists. cv::Mat(3, {zDim, yDim, xDim}, ...) can be used instead of having to create an int pointer to hold the size array.
Minor fix in MatAllocator::upload
Minor fix in MatAllocator::copy
Minor fix in setSize function
Minor fix in Mat::Mat
Minor fix in cvMatNDToMat function
Minor fix in _InputArray::getMatVector
Minor fix in _InputArray::getUMatVector
Minor fix in cv::hconcat
Minor fix in cv::vconcat
Minor fix in cv::setIdentity
Minor fix in cv::trace
Minor fix in transposeI_ template function
Minor fix in reduceC_ template function
Minor fix in sort_ template function
Minor fix in sortIdx_ template function
Minor fix in cvRange function
Minor fix in MatConstIterator::seek
Minor fix in SparseMat::create
Minor fix in SparseMat::copyTo
Minor fix in SparseMat::convertTo
Minor fix in SparseMat::convertTo
Minor fix in SparseMat::ptr
Minor fix in SparseMat::resizeHashTab
Fixes indentation
to manage changes between updates more easily.
IPP_DISABLE_BLOCK was added to ease tracking of disabled IPP functions;