# this is a list of functions, classes and methods # that are not supposed to be documented in the near future, # to make the output of check_docs.py script more sensible. # # Syntax: # every line starting with # is a comment # there can be empty lines # each line includes either a class name (including all the necessary namespaces), # or a function/method name # or a full declaration of a function/method # if a class name is in the whitelist, all the methods are considered "white-listed" too # if a method/function name is listed, then all the overload variants are "white-listed". # that is, to white list a particular overloaded variant of a function/method you need to put # full declaration into the file # ######################################### core ##################################### cv::Mat::MSize cv::Mat::MStep cv::MatConstIterator cv::NAryMatIterator cv::Algorithm cv::_InputArray cv::_OutputArray ######################################## imgproc ################################### CvLSHOperations cv::FilterEngine cv::BaseFilter cv::BaseRowFilter cv::BaseColumnFilter cv::Moments ######################################## calib3d ################################### CvLevMarq Mat cv::findFundamentalMat( InputArray points1, InputArray points2, OutputArray mask, int method=FM_RANSAC, double param1=3., double param2=0.99) Mat findHomography( InputArray srcPoints, InputArray dstPoints, OutputArray mask, int method=0, double ransacReprojThreshold=3); ########################################## ml ###################################### CvBoostTree CvForestTree CvSVMKernel CvSVMSolver CvDTreeTrainData CvERTreeTrainData CvKNearest::CvKNearest CvKNearest::clear CvDTree::CvDTree CvDTree::clear CvDTree::read CvDTree::write CvEM::CvEM CvEM::clear CvEM::read CvEM::write CvSVM::CvSVM CvSVM::clear CvSVM::read CvSVM::write CvRTrees::CvRTrees CvRTrees::clear CvRTrees::read CvRTrees::write CvBoost::CvBoost CvBoost::clear CvBoost::read CvBoost::write CvGBTrees::CvGBTrees CvGBTrees::clear CvGBTrees::read CvGBTrees::write CvNormalBayesClassifier::CvNormalBayerClassifier CvNormalBayesClassifier::clear CvNormalBayesClassifier::read CvNormalBayesClassifier::write CvANN_MLP::CvANN_MLP CvANN_MLP::clear CvANN_MLP::read CvANN_MLP::write CvTrainTestSplit