// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. #include "precomp.hpp" #include #include #include "utils/logtagmanager.hpp" #include "utils/logtagconfigparser.hpp" #include #include #include #ifdef __ANDROID__ # include #endif namespace cv { namespace utils { namespace logging { namespace internal { // Combining several things that require static dynamic initialization in a // well-defined order into a struct. // struct GlobalLoggingInitStruct { public: #if defined NDEBUG static const bool m_isDebugBuild = false; #else static const bool m_isDebugBuild = true; #endif public: static LogLevel m_defaultUnconfiguredGlobalLevel; public: LogTagManager logTagManager; GlobalLoggingInitStruct() : logTagManager(m_defaultUnconfiguredGlobalLevel) { applyConfigString(); handleMalformed(); } private: void applyConfigString() { logTagManager.setConfigString(utils::getConfigurationParameterString("OPENCV_LOG_LEVEL", "")); } void handleMalformed() { // need to print warning for malformed log tag config strings? if (m_isDebugBuild) { const auto& parser = logTagManager.getConfigParser(); if (parser.hasMalformed()) { const auto& malformedList = parser.getMalformed(); for (const auto& malformed : malformedList) { std::cout << "Malformed log level config: \"" << malformed << "\"\n"; } std::cout.flush(); } } } }; LogLevel GlobalLoggingInitStruct::m_defaultUnconfiguredGlobalLevel = GlobalLoggingInitStruct::m_isDebugBuild ? LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG : LOG_LEVEL_WARNING; // Static dynamic initialization guard function for the combined struct // just defined above // // An initialization guard function guarantees that outside code cannot // accidentally see not-yet-dynamically-initialized data, by routing // all outside access request to this function, so that this function // has a chance to run the initialization code if necessary. // // An initialization guard function only guarantees initialization upon // the first call to this function. // static GlobalLoggingInitStruct& getGlobalLoggingInitStruct() { static GlobalLoggingInitStruct globalLoggingInitInstance; return globalLoggingInitInstance; } // To ensure that the combined struct defined above is initialized even // if the initialization guard function wasn't called, a dummy static // instance of a struct is defined below, which will call the // initialization guard function. // struct GlobalLoggingInitCall { GlobalLoggingInitCall() { getGlobalLoggingInitStruct(); } }; static GlobalLoggingInitCall globalLoggingInitCall; static LogTagManager& getLogTagManager() { static LogTagManager& logTagManagerInstance = getGlobalLoggingInitStruct().logTagManager; return logTagManagerInstance; } static LogLevel& getLogLevelVariable() { static LogLevel& refGlobalLogLevel = getGlobalLogTag()->level; return refGlobalLogLevel; } LogTag* getGlobalLogTag() { static LogTag* globalLogTagPtr = getGlobalLoggingInitStruct().logTagManager.get("global"); return globalLogTagPtr; } } // namespace void registerLogTag(LogTag* plogtag) { if (!plogtag || !plogtag->name) { return; } internal::getLogTagManager().assign(plogtag->name, plogtag); } void setLogTagLevel(const char* tag, LogLevel level) { if (!tag) { return; } internal::getLogTagManager().setLevelByFullName(std::string(tag), level); } LogLevel getLogTagLevel(const char* tag) { if (!tag) { return getLogLevel(); } const LogTag* ptr = internal::getLogTagManager().get(std::string(tag)); if (!ptr) { return getLogLevel(); } return ptr->level; } LogLevel setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel) { // note: not thread safe, use sparingly and do not critically depend on outcome LogLevel& refGlobalLevel = internal::getLogLevelVariable(); const LogLevel old = refGlobalLevel; refGlobalLevel = logLevel; return old; } LogLevel getLogLevel() { return internal::getLogLevelVariable(); } namespace internal { void writeLogMessage(LogLevel logLevel, const char* message) { const int threadID = cv::utils::getThreadID(); std::ostringstream ss; switch (logLevel) { case LOG_LEVEL_FATAL: ss << "[FATAL:" << threadID << "] " << message << std::endl; break; case LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: ss << "[ERROR:" << threadID << "] " << message << std::endl; break; case LOG_LEVEL_WARNING: ss << "[ WARN:" << threadID << "] " << message << std::endl; break; case LOG_LEVEL_INFO: ss << "[ INFO:" << threadID << "] " << message << std::endl; break; case LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: ss << "[DEBUG:" << threadID << "] " << message << std::endl; break; case LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE: ss << message << std::endl; break; default: return; } #ifdef __ANDROID__ int android_logLevel = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; switch (logLevel) { case LOG_LEVEL_FATAL: android_logLevel = ANDROID_LOG_FATAL; break; case LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: android_logLevel = ANDROID_LOG_ERROR; break; case LOG_LEVEL_WARNING: android_logLevel = ANDROID_LOG_WARN; break; case LOG_LEVEL_INFO: android_logLevel = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; break; case LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: android_logLevel = ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG; break; case LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE: android_logLevel = ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE; break; default: break; } __android_log_print(android_logLevel, "OpenCV/" CV_VERSION, "%s", ss.str().c_str()); #endif std::ostream* out = (logLevel <= LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) ? &std::cerr : &std::cout; (*out) << ss.str(); if (logLevel <= LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) (*out) << std::flush; } void writeLogMessageEx(LogLevel logLevel, const char* tag, const char* file, int line, const char* func, const char* message) { std::ostringstream strm; if (tag) { strm << tag << " "; } if (file) { strm << file << " "; } if (line > 0) { strm << "(" << line << ") "; } if (func) { strm << func << " "; } strm << message; writeLogMessage(logLevel, strm.str().c_str()); } } // namespace }}} // namespace