// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. function generateTestFrame(width, height) { let w = width || 200; let h = height || 200; let img = new cv.Mat(h, w, cv.CV_8UC1, new cv.Scalar(0, 0, 0, 0)); let s = new cv.Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255); let s128 = new cv.Scalar(128, 128, 128, 128); let rect = new cv.Rect(w / 4, h / 4, w / 2, h / 2); img.roi(rect).setTo(s); img.roi(new cv.Rect(w / 2 - w / 8, h / 2 - h / 8, w / 4, h / 4)).setTo(s128); cv.rectangle(img, new cv.Point(w / 8, h / 8), new cv.Point(w - w / 8, h - h / 8), s, 5); cv.rectangle(img, new cv.Point(w / 5, h / 5), new cv.Point(w - w / 5, h - h / 5), s128, 3); cv.line(img, new cv.Point(-w, 0), new cv.Point(w / 2, h / 2), s128, 5); cv.line(img, new cv.Point(2*w, 0), new cv.Point(w / 2, h / 2), s, 5); return img; } QUnit.module('Features', {}); QUnit.test('Detectors', function(assert) { let image = generateTestFrame(); let kp = new cv.KeyPointVector(); let orb = new cv.ORB(); orb.detect(image, kp); assert.equal(kp.size(), 67, 'ORB'); /* TODO: Fix test failure Expected: 7 Result: 0 bug: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/25862 let mser = new cv.MSER(); mser.detect(image, kp); assert.equal(kp.size(), 7, 'MSER'); */ let ffd = new cv.FastFeatureDetector(); ffd.detect(image, kp); assert.equal(kp.size(), 12, 'FastFeatureDetector'); let gftt = new cv.GFTTDetector(); gftt.detect(image, kp); assert.equal(kp.size(), 168, 'GFTTDetector'); }); QUnit.test('SimpleBlobDetector', function(assert) { let image = generateTestFrame(); let kp = new cv.KeyPointVector(); let sbd = new cv.SimpleBlobDetector(); sbd.detect(image, kp); assert.equal(kp.size(), 0); }); QUnit.test('BFMatcher', function(assert) { // Generate key points. let image = generateTestFrame(); let kp = new cv.KeyPointVector(); let descriptors = new cv.Mat(); let orb = new cv.ORB(); orb.detectAndCompute(image, new cv.Mat(), kp, descriptors); assert.equal(kp.size(), 67); // Run a matcher. let dm = new cv.DMatchVector(); let matcher = new cv.BFMatcher(); matcher.match(descriptors, descriptors, dm); assert.equal(dm.size(), 67); }); QUnit.test('Drawing', function(assert) { // Generate key points. let image = generateTestFrame(); let kp = new cv.KeyPointVector(); let descriptors = new cv.Mat(); let orb = new cv.ORB(); orb.detectAndCompute(image, new cv.Mat(), kp, descriptors); assert.equal(kp.size(), 67); let dst = new cv.Mat(); cv.drawKeypoints(image, kp, dst); assert.equal(dst.rows, image.rows); assert.equal(dst.cols, image.cols); // Run a matcher. let dm = new cv.DMatchVector(); let matcher = new cv.BFMatcher(); matcher.match(descriptors, descriptors, dm); assert.equal(dm.size(), 67); cv.drawMatches(image, kp, image, kp, dm, dst); assert.equal(dst.rows, image.rows); assert.equal(dst.cols, 2 * image.cols); dm = new cv.DMatchVectorVector(); matcher.knnMatch(descriptors, descriptors, dm, 2); assert.equal(dm.size(), 67); cv.drawMatchesKnn(image, kp, image, kp, dm, dst); assert.equal(dst.rows, image.rows); assert.equal(dst.cols, 2 * image.cols); });