/*********************************************************************** * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright 2008-2009 Marius Muja (mariusm@cs.ubc.ca). All rights reserved. * Copyright 2008-2009 David G. Lowe (lowe@cs.ubc.ca). All rights reserved. * * THE BSD LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *************************************************************************/ #ifndef KMEANSTREE_H #define KMEANSTREE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "constants.h" #include "common.h" #include "heap.h" #include "allocator.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "result_set.h" #include "random.h" #include "nn_index.h" using namespace std; namespace flann { /** * Chooses the initial centers in the k-means clustering in a random manner. * * Params: * k = number of centers * vecs = the dataset of points * indices = indices in the dataset * indices_length = length of indices vector * */ void chooseCentersRandom(int k, const Matrix& vecs, int* indices, int indices_length, float** centers, int& centers_length) { UniqueRandom r(indices_length); int index; for (index=0;index& vecs, int* indices, int indices_length, float** centers, int& centers_length) { int n = indices_length; int rnd = rand_int(n); assert(rnd >=0 && rnd < n); centers[0] = vecs[indices[rnd]]; int index; for (index=1; indexbest_val) { best_val = dist; best_index = j; } } if (best_index!=-1) { centers[index] = vecs[indices[best_index]]; } else { break; } } centers_length = index; } /** * Chooses the initial centers in the k-means using the algorithm * proposed in the KMeans++ paper: * Arthur, David; Vassilvitskii, Sergei - k-means++: The Advantages of Careful Seeding * * Implementation of this function was converted from the one provided in Arthur's code. * * Params: * k = number of centers * vecs = the dataset of points * indices = indices in the dataset * Returns: */ void chooseCentersKMeanspp(int k, const Matrix& vecs, int* indices, int indices_length, float** centers, int& centers_length) { int n = indices_length; double currentPot = 0; double* closestDistSq = new double[n]; // Choose one random center and set the closestDistSq values int index = rand_int(n); assert(index >=0 && index < n); centers[0] = vecs[indices[index]]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { closestDistSq[i] = flann_dist(vecs[indices[i]], vecs[indices[i]] + vecs.cols, vecs[indices[index]]); currentPot += closestDistSq[i]; } const int numLocalTries = 1; // Choose each center int centerCount; for (centerCount = 1; centerCount < k; centerCount++) { // Repeat several trials double bestNewPot = -1; int bestNewIndex = 0; for (int localTrial = 0; localTrial < numLocalTries; localTrial++) { // Choose our center - have to be slightly careful to return a valid answer even accounting // for possible rounding errors double randVal = rand_double(currentPot); for (index = 0; index < n-1; index++) { if (randVal <= closestDistSq[index]) break; else randVal -= closestDistSq[index]; } // Compute the new potential double newPot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) newPot += min( (double)flann_dist(vecs[indices[i]], vecs[indices[i]] + vecs.cols, vecs[indices[index]]), closestDistSq[i] ); // Store the best result if (bestNewPot < 0 || newPot < bestNewPot) { bestNewPot = newPot; bestNewIndex = index; } } // Add the appropriate center centers[centerCount] = vecs[indices[bestNewIndex]]; currentPot = bestNewPot; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) closestDistSq[i] = min( (double)flann_dist(vecs[indices[i]], vecs[indices[i]]+vecs.cols, vecs[indices[bestNewIndex]]), closestDistSq[i] ); } centers_length = centerCount; delete[] closestDistSq; } namespace { typedef void (*centersAlgFunction)(int, const Matrix&, int*, int, float**, int&); /** * Associative array with functions to use for choosing the cluster centers. */ map centerAlgs; /** * Static initializer. Performs initialization befor the program starts. */ void centers_init() { centerAlgs[CENTERS_RANDOM] = &chooseCentersRandom; centerAlgs[CENTERS_GONZALES] = &chooseCentersGonzales; centerAlgs[CENTERS_KMEANSPP] = &chooseCentersKMeanspp; } struct Init { Init() { centers_init(); } }; Init __init; } /** * Hierarchical kmeans index * * Contains a tree constructed through a hierarchical kmeans clustering * and other information for indexing a set of points for nearest-neighbor matching. */ class KMeansIndex : public NNIndex { /** * The branching factor used in the hierarchical k-means clustering */ int branching; /** * Maximum number of iterations to use when performing k-means * clustering */ int max_iter; /** * Cluster border index. This is used in the tree search phase when determining * the closest cluster to explore next. A zero value takes into account only * the cluster centers, a value greater then zero also take into account the size * of the cluster. */ float cb_index; /** * The dataset used by this index */ const Matrix dataset; /** * Number of features in the dataset. */ int size_; /** * Length of each feature. */ int veclen_; /** * Struture representing a node in the hierarchical k-means tree. */ struct KMeansNodeSt { /** * The cluster center. */ float* pivot; /** * The cluster radius. */ float radius; /** * The cluster mean radius. */ float mean_radius; /** * The cluster variance. */ float variance; /** * The cluster size (number of points in the cluster) */ int size; /** * Child nodes (only for non-terminal nodes) */ KMeansNodeSt** childs; /** * Node points (only for terminal nodes) */ int* indices; /** * Level */ int level; }; typedef KMeansNodeSt* KMeansNode; /** * Alias definition for a nicer syntax. */ typedef BranchStruct BranchSt; /** * Priority queue storing intermediate branches in the best-bin-first search */ Heap* heap; /** * The root node in the tree. */ KMeansNode root; /** * Array of indices to vectors in the dataset. */ int* indices; /** * Pooled memory allocator. * * Using a pooled memory allocator is more efficient * than allocating memory directly when there is a large * number small of memory allocations. */ PooledAllocator pool; /** * Memory occupied by the index. */ int memoryCounter; /** * The function used for choosing the cluster centers. */ centersAlgFunction chooseCenters; public: flann_algorithm_t getType() const { return KMEANS; } /** * Index constructor * * Params: * inputData = dataset with the input features * params = parameters passed to the hierarchical k-means algorithm */ KMeansIndex(const Matrix& inputData, const KMeansIndexParams& params = KMeansIndexParams() ) : dataset(inputData), root(NULL), indices(NULL) { memoryCounter = 0; size_ = dataset.rows; veclen_ = dataset.cols; branching = params.branching; max_iter = params.iterations; if (max_iter<0) { max_iter = numeric_limits::max(); } flann_centers_init_t centersInit = params.centers_init; if ( centerAlgs.find(centersInit) != centerAlgs.end() ) { chooseCenters = centerAlgs[centersInit]; } else { throw FLANNException("Unknown algorithm for choosing initial centers."); } cb_index = 0.4f; heap = new Heap(size_); } /** * Index destructor. * * Release the memory used by the index. */ virtual ~KMeansIndex() { if (root != NULL) { free_centers(root); } delete heap; if (indices!=NULL) { delete[] indices; } } /** * Returns size of index. */ int size() const { return size_; } /** * Returns the length of an index feature. */ int veclen() const { return veclen_; } void set_cb_index( float index) { cb_index = index; } /** * Computes the inde memory usage * Returns: memory used by the index */ int usedMemory() const { return pool.usedMemory+pool.wastedMemory+memoryCounter; } /** * Builds the index */ void buildIndex() { if (branching<2) { throw FLANNException("Branching factor must be at least 2"); } indices = new int[size_]; for (int i=0;i(); computeNodeStatistics(root, indices, size_); computeClustering(root, indices, size_, branching,0); } void saveIndex(FILE* stream) { save_header(stream, *this); save_value(stream, branching); save_value(stream, max_iter); save_value(stream, memoryCounter); save_value(stream, cb_index); save_value(stream, *indices, size_); save_tree(stream, root); } void loadIndex(FILE* stream) { IndexHeader header = load_header(stream); if (header.rows!=size() || header.cols!=veclen()) { throw FLANNException("The index saved belongs to a different dataset"); } load_value(stream, branching); load_value(stream, max_iter); load_value(stream, memoryCounter); load_value(stream, cb_index); if (indices!=NULL) { delete[] indices; } indices = new int[size_]; load_value(stream, *indices, size_); if (root!=NULL) { free_centers(root); } load_tree(stream, root); } /** * Find set of nearest neighbors to vec. Their indices are stored inside * the result object. * * Params: * result = the result object in which the indices of the nearest-neighbors are stored * vec = the vector for which to search the nearest neighbors * searchParams = parameters that influence the search algorithm (checks, cb_index) */ void findNeighbors(ResultSet& result, const float* vec, const SearchParams& searchParams) { int maxChecks = searchParams.checks; if (maxChecks<0) { findExactNN(root, result, vec); } else { heap->clear(); int checks = 0; findNN(root, result, vec, checks, maxChecks); BranchSt branch; while (heap->popMin(branch) && (checks& centers) { int numClusters = centers.rows; if (numClusters<1) { throw FLANNException("Number of clusters must be at least 1"); } float variance; KMeansNode* clusters = new KMeansNode[numClusters]; int clusterCount = getMinVarianceClusters(root, clusters, numClusters, variance); // logger.info("Clusters requested: %d, returning %d\n",numClusters, clusterCount); for (int i=0;ipivot; for (int j=0;j* testset = NULL) // { // Params params; // // return params; // } private: void save_tree(FILE* stream, KMeansNode node) { save_value(stream, *node); save_value(stream, *(node->pivot), veclen_); if (node->childs==NULL) { int indices_offset = node->indices - indices; save_value(stream, indices_offset); } else { for(int i=0; ichilds[i]); } } } void load_tree(FILE* stream, KMeansNode& node) { node = pool.allocate(); load_value(stream, *node); node->pivot = new float[veclen_]; load_value(stream, *(node->pivot), veclen_); if (node->childs==NULL) { int indices_offset; load_value(stream, indices_offset); node->indices = indices + indices_offset; } else { node->childs = pool.allocate(branching); for(int i=0; ichilds[i]); } } } /** * Helper function */ void free_centers(KMeansNode node) { delete[] node->pivot; if (node->childs!=NULL) { for (int k=0;kchilds[k]); } } } /** * Computes the statistics of a node (mean, radius, variance). * * Params: * node = the node to use * indices = the indices of the points belonging to the node */ void computeNodeStatistics(KMeansNode node, int* indices, int indices_length) { float radius = 0; float variance = 0; float* mean = new float[veclen_]; memoryCounter += veclen_*sizeof(float); memset(mean,0,veclen_*sizeof(float)); for (int i=0;iradius) { radius = tmp; } } node->variance = variance; node->radius = radius; node->pivot = mean; } /** * The method responsible with actually doing the recursive hierarchical * clustering * * Params: * node = the node to cluster * indices = indices of the points belonging to the current node * branching = the branching factor to use in the clustering * * TODO: for 1-sized clusters don't store a cluster center (it's the same as the single cluster point) */ void computeClustering(KMeansNode node, int* indices, int indices_length, int branching, int level) { node->size = indices_length; node->level = level; if (indices_length < branching) { node->indices = indices; sort(node->indices,node->indices+indices_length); node->childs = NULL; return; } float** initial_centers = new float*[branching]; int centers_length; chooseCenters(branching, dataset, indices, indices_length, initial_centers, centers_length); if (centers_lengthindices = indices; sort(node->indices,node->indices+indices_length); node->childs = NULL; return; } Matrix dcenters(branching,veclen_); for (int i=0; inew_sq_dist) { belongs_to[i] = j; sq_dist = new_sq_dist; } } if (sq_dist>radiuses[belongs_to[i]]) { radiuses[belongs_to[i]] = sq_dist; } count[belongs_to[i]]++; } bool converged = false; int iteration = 0; while (!converged && iterationnew_sq_dist) { new_centroid = j; sq_dist = new_sq_dist; } } if (sq_dist>radiuses[new_centroid]) { radiuses[new_centroid] = sq_dist; } if (new_centroid != belongs_to[i]) { count[belongs_to[i]]--; count[new_centroid]++; belongs_to[i] = new_centroid; converged = false; } } for (int i=0;ichilds = pool.allocate(branching); int start = 0; int end = start; for (int c=0;cchilds[c] = pool.allocate(); node->childs[c]->radius = radiuses[c]; node->childs[c]->pivot = centers[c]; node->childs[c]->variance = variance; node->childs[c]->mean_radius = mean_radius; node->childs[c]->indices = NULL; computeClustering(node->childs[c],indices+start, end-start, branching, level+1); start=end; } delete[] centers; delete[] radiuses; delete[] count; delete[] belongs_to; } /** * Performs one descent in the hierarchical k-means tree. The branches not * visited are stored in a priority queue. * * Params: * node = node to explore * result = container for the k-nearest neighbors found * vec = query points * checks = how many points in the dataset have been checked so far * maxChecks = maximum dataset points to checks */ void findNN(KMeansNode node, ResultSet& result, const float* vec, int& checks, int maxChecks) { // Ignore those clusters that are too far away { float bsq = flann_dist(vec, vec+veclen_, node->pivot); float rsq = node->radius; float wsq = result.worstDist(); float val = bsq-rsq-wsq; float val2 = val*val-4*rsq*wsq; //if (val>0) { if (val>0 && val2>0) { return; } } if (node->childs==NULL) { if (checks>=maxChecks) { if (result.full()) return; } checks += node->size; for (int i=0;isize;++i) { result.addPoint(dataset[node->indices[i]], node->indices[i]); } } else { float* domain_distances = new float[branching]; int closest_center = exploreNodeBranches(node, vec, domain_distances); delete[] domain_distances; findNN(node->childs[closest_center],result,vec, checks, maxChecks); } } /** * Helper function that computes the nearest childs of a node to a given query point. * Params: * node = the node * q = the query point * distances = array with the distances to each child node. * Returns: */ int exploreNodeBranches(KMeansNode node, const float* q, float* domain_distances) { int best_index = 0; domain_distances[best_index] = flann_dist(q,q+veclen_,node->childs[best_index]->pivot); for (int i=1;ichilds[i]->pivot); if (domain_distances[i]childs[best_index]->pivot; for (int i=0;ichilds[i]->variance; // float dist_to_border = getDistanceToBorder(node.childs[i].pivot,best_center,q); // if (domain_distances[i]insert(BranchSt::make_branch(node->childs[i],domain_distances[i])); } } return best_index; } /** * Function the performs exact nearest neighbor search by traversing the entire tree. */ void findExactNN(KMeansNode node, ResultSet& result, const float* vec) { // Ignore those clusters that are too far away { float bsq = flann_dist(vec, vec+veclen_, node->pivot); float rsq = node->radius; float wsq = result.worstDist(); float val = bsq-rsq-wsq; float val2 = val*val-4*rsq*wsq; // if (val>0) { if (val>0 && val2>0) { return; } } if (node->childs==NULL) { for (int i=0;isize;++i) { result.addPoint(dataset[node->indices[i]], node->indices[i]); } } else { int* sort_indices = new int[branching]; getCenterOrdering(node, vec, sort_indices); for (int i=0; ichilds[sort_indices[i]],result,vec); } delete[] sort_indices; } } /** * Helper function. * * I computes the order in which to traverse the child nodes of a particular node. */ void getCenterOrdering(KMeansNode node, const float* q, int* sort_indices) { float* domain_distances = new float[branching]; for (int i=0;ichilds[i]->pivot); int j=0; while (domain_distances[j]j;--k) { domain_distances[k] = domain_distances[k-1]; sort_indices[k] = sort_indices[k-1]; } domain_distances[j] = dist; sort_indices[j] = i; } delete[] domain_distances; } /** * Method that computes the squared distance from the query point q * from inside region with center c to the border between this * region and the region with center p */ float getDistanceToBorder(float* p, float* c, float* q) { float sum = 0; float sum2 = 0; for (int i=0;ivariance*root->size; while (clusterCount::max(); int splitIndex = -1; for (int i=0;ichilds != NULL) { float variance = meanVariance - clusters[i]->variance*clusters[i]->size; for (int j=0;jchilds[j]->variance*clusters[i]->childs[j]->size; } if (variance clusters_length) break; meanVariance = minVariance; // split node KMeansNode toSplit = clusters[splitIndex]; clusters[splitIndex] = toSplit->childs[0]; for (int i=1;ichilds[i]; } } varianceValue = meanVariance/root->size; return clusterCount; } }; //register_index(KMEANS,KMeansTree) } #endif //KMEANSTREE_H