if(NOT WITH_VTK OR NOT DEFINED HAVE_VTK OR NOT HAVE_VTK) ocv_module_disable(viz) endif() set(the_description "Viz") include(${VTK_USE_FILE}) if(NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # We observed conflict between builtin 3rdparty libraries and # system-wide similar libraries (but with different versions) from VTK dependencies set(_conflicts "") foreach(dep ${VTK_LIBRARIES}) if(("${dep}" MATCHES "libz\\." AND BUILD_ZLIB) OR ("${dep}" MATCHES "libjpeg\\." AND BUILD_JPEG) OR ("${dep}" MATCHES "libpng\\." AND BUILD_PNG) OR ("${dep}" MATCHES "libtiff\\." AND BUILD_TIFF) ) list(APPEND _conflicts "${dep}") endif() endforeach() if(_conflicts) message(STATUS "Disabling VIZ module due conflicts with VTK dependencies: ${_conflicts}") ocv_module_disable(viz) endif() endif() ocv_define_module(viz opencv_core WRAP python) ocv_target_link_libraries(${the_module} ${VTK_LIBRARIES}) if(APPLE AND BUILD_opencv_viz) ocv_target_link_libraries(${the_module} "-framework Cocoa") endif() if(TARGET opencv_test_viz) set_target_properties(opencv_test_viz PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE TRUE) endif()