#!/usr/bin/env python ''' This program detects the QR-codes using OpenCV Library. Usage: qrcode.py ''' import numpy as np import cv2 as cv import argparse class QrSample: def __init__(self, args): self.fname = '' self.fext = '' self.fsaveid = 0 self.input = args.input self.detect = args.detect self.out = args.out self.multi = args.multi self.saveDetections = args.save_detections self.saveAll = args.save_all self.arucoBased = args.aruco_based def getQRModeString(self): msg1 = "multi " if self.multi else "" msg2 = "detector" if self.detect else "decoder" msg = "QR {:s}{:s}".format(msg1, msg2) return msg def drawFPS(self, result, fps): message = '{:.2f} FPS({:s})'.format(fps, self.getQRModeString()) cv.putText(result, message, (20, 20), 1, cv.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, (0, 0, 255)) def drawQRCodeContours(self, image, cnt): if cnt.size != 0: rows, cols, _ = image.shape show_radius = 2.813 * ((rows / cols) if rows > cols else (cols / rows)) contour_radius = show_radius * 0.4 cv.drawContours(image, [cnt], 0, (0, 255, 0), int(round(contour_radius))) tpl = cnt.reshape((-1, 2)) for x in tuple(tpl.tolist()): color = (255, 0, 0) cv.circle(image, tuple(x), int(round(contour_radius)), color, -1) def drawQRCodeResults(self, result, points, decode_info, fps): n = len(points) if isinstance(decode_info, str): decode_info = [decode_info] if n > 0: for i in range(n): cnt = np.array(points[i]).reshape((-1, 1, 2)).astype(np.int32) self.drawQRCodeContours(result, cnt) msg = 'QR[{:d}]@{} : '.format(i, *(cnt.reshape(1, -1).tolist())) print(msg, end="") if len(decode_info) > i: if decode_info[i]: print("'", decode_info[i], "'") else: print("Can't decode QR code") else: print("Decode information is not available (disabled)") else: print("QRCode not detected!") self.drawFPS(result, fps) def runQR(self, qrCode, inputimg): if not self.multi: if not self.detect: decode_info, points, _ = qrCode.detectAndDecode(inputimg) dec_info = decode_info else: _, points = qrCode.detect(inputimg) dec_info = [] else: if not self.detect: _, decode_info, points, _ = qrCode.detectAndDecodeMulti( inputimg) dec_info = decode_info else: _, points = qrCode.detectMulti(inputimg) dec_info = [] if points is None: points = [] return points, dec_info def DetectQRFrmImage(self, inputfile): inputimg = cv.imread(inputfile, cv.IMREAD_COLOR) if inputimg is None: print('ERROR: Can not read image: {}'.format(inputfile)) return print('Run {:s} on image [{:d}x{:d}]'.format( self.getQRModeString(), inputimg.shape[1], inputimg.shape[0])) if self.arucoBased: qrCode = cv.QRCodeDetectorAruco() else: qrCode = cv.QRCodeDetector() count = 10 timer = cv.TickMeter() for _ in range(count): timer.start() points, decode_info = self.runQR(qrCode, inputimg) timer.stop() fps = count / timer.getTimeSec() print('FPS: {}'.format(fps)) result = inputimg self.drawQRCodeResults(result, points, decode_info, fps) cv.imshow("QR", result) cv.waitKey(1) if self.out != '': outfile = self.fname + self.fext print("Saving Result: {}".format(outfile)) cv.imwrite(outfile, result) print("Press any key to exit ...") cv.waitKey(0) print("Exit") def processQRCodeDetection(self, qrcode, frame): if len(frame.shape) == 2: result = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) else: result = frame print('Run {:s} on video frame [{:d}x{:d}]'.format( self.getQRModeString(), frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0])) timer = cv.TickMeter() timer.start() points, decode_info = self.runQR(qrcode, frame) timer.stop() fps = 1 / timer.getTimeSec() self.drawQRCodeResults(result, points, decode_info, fps) return fps, result, points def DetectQRFrmCamera(self): cap = cv.VideoCapture(0) if not cap.isOpened(): print("Cannot open the camera") return print("Press 'm' to switch between detectAndDecode and detectAndDecodeMulti") print("Press 'd' to switch between decoder and detector") print("Press ' ' (space) to save result into images") print("Press 'ESC' to exit") if self.arucoBased: qrcode = cv.QRCodeDetectorAruco() else: qrcode = cv.QRCodeDetector() while True: ret, frame = cap.read() if not ret: print("End of video stream") break forcesave = self.saveAll result = frame try: fps, result, corners = self.processQRCodeDetection(qrcode, frame) print('FPS: {:.2f}'.format(fps)) forcesave |= self.saveDetections and (len(corners) != 0) except cv.error as e: print("Error exception: ", e) forcesave = True cv.imshow("QR code", result) code = cv.waitKey(1) if code < 0 and (not forcesave): continue if code == ord(' ') or forcesave: fsuffix = '-{:05d}'.format(self.fsaveid) self.fsaveid += 1 fname_in = self.fname + fsuffix + "_input.png" print("Saving QR code detection result: '{}' ...".format(fname_in)) cv.imwrite(fname_in, frame) print("Saved") if code == ord('m'): self.multi = not self.multi msg = 'Switching QR code mode ==> {:s}'.format( "detectAndDecodeMulti" if self.multi else "detectAndDecode") print(msg) if code == ord('d'): self.detect = not self.detect msg = 'Switching QR code mode ==> {:s}'.format( "detect" if self.detect else "decode") print(msg) if code == 27: print("'ESC' is pressed. Exiting...") break print("Exit.") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='This program detects the QR-codes input images using OpenCV Library.') parser.add_argument( '-i', '--input', help="input image path (for example, 'opencv_extra/testdata/cv/qrcode/multiple/*_qrcodes.png)", default="", metavar="") parser.add_argument( '--aruco_based', help="use aruco-based detector", action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--detect', help="detect QR code only (skip decoding) (default: False)", action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '-m', '--multi', help="enable multiple qr-codes detection", action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--out', help="path to result file (default: qr_code.png)", default="qr_code.png", metavar="") parser.add_argument( '--save_detections', help="save all QR detections (video mode only)", action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--save_all', help="save all processed frames (video mode only)", action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() qrinst = QrSample(args) if args.out != '': index = args.out.rfind('.') if index != -1: qrinst.fname = args.out[:index] qrinst.fext = args.out[index:] else: qrinst.fname = args.out qrinst.fext = ".png" if args.input != '': qrinst.DetectQRFrmImage(args.input) else: qrinst.DetectQRFrmCamera() if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__) main() cv.destroyAllWindows()