// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html // To download the onnx model, see: https://storage.googleapis.com/ailia-models/colorization/colorizer.onnx #include #include #include #include "common.hpp" #include #include using namespace cv; using namespace std; using namespace cv::dnn; int main(int argc, char** argv) { const string about = "This sample demonstrates recoloring grayscale images with dnn.\n" "This program is based on:\n" " http://richzhang.github.io/colorization\n" " https://github.com/richzhang/colorization\n" "To download the onnx model:\n" " https://storage.googleapis.com/ailia-models/colorization/colorizer.onnx\n"; const string param_keys = "{ help h | | Print help message. }" "{ input i | baboon.jpg | Path to the input image }" "{ onnx_model_path | | Path to the ONNX model. Required. }"; const string backend_keys = format( "{ backend | 0 | Choose one of computation backends: " "%d: automatically (by default), " "%d: Intel's Deep Learning Inference Engine (https://software.intel.com/openvino-toolkit), " "%d: OpenCV implementation, " "%d: VKCOM, " "%d: CUDA, " "%d: WebNN }", cv::dnn::DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT, cv::dnn::DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE, cv::dnn::DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV, cv::dnn::DNN_BACKEND_VKCOM, cv::dnn::DNN_BACKEND_CUDA, cv::dnn::DNN_BACKEND_WEBNN); const string target_keys = format( "{ target | 0 | Choose one of target computation devices: " "%d: CPU target (by default), " "%d: OpenCL, " "%d: OpenCL fp16 (half-float precision), " "%d: VPU, " "%d: Vulkan, " "%d: CUDA, " "%d: CUDA fp16 (half-float preprocess) }", cv::dnn::DNN_TARGET_CPU, cv::dnn::DNN_TARGET_OPENCL, cv::dnn::DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16, cv::dnn::DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD, cv::dnn::DNN_TARGET_VULKAN, cv::dnn::DNN_TARGET_CUDA, cv::dnn::DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16); const string keys = param_keys + backend_keys + target_keys; CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys); parser.about(about); if (parser.has("help")) { parser.printMessage(); return 0; } string inputImagePath = parser.get("input"); string onnxModelPath = parser.get("onnx_model_path"); int backendId = parser.get("backend"); int targetId = parser.get("target"); if (onnxModelPath.empty()) { cerr << "The path to the ONNX model is required!" << endl; return -1; } Mat imgGray = imread(samples::findFile(inputImagePath), IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); if (imgGray.empty()) { cerr << "Could not read the image: " << inputImagePath << endl; return -1; } Mat imgL = imgGray; imgL.convertTo(imgL, CV_32F, 100.0/255.0); Mat imgLResized; resize(imgL, imgLResized, Size(256, 256), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC); // Prepare the model EngineType engine = ENGINE_AUTO; if (backendId != 0 || targetId != 0){ engine = ENGINE_CLASSIC; } dnn::Net net = dnn::readNetFromONNX(onnxModelPath, engine); net.setPreferableBackend(backendId); net.setPreferableTarget(targetId); //! [Read and initialize network] // Create blob from the image Mat blob = dnn::blobFromImage(imgLResized, 1.0, Size(256, 256), Scalar(), false, false); net.setInput(blob); // Run inference Mat result = net.forward(); Size siz(result.size[2], result.size[3]); Mat a(siz, CV_32F, result.ptr(0,0)); Mat b(siz, CV_32F, result.ptr(0,1)); resize(a, a, imgGray.size()); resize(b, b, imgGray.size()); // merge, and convert back to BGR Mat color, chn[] = {imgL, a, b}; // Proc Mat lab; merge(chn, 3, lab); cvtColor(lab, color, COLOR_Lab2BGR); imshow("input image", imgGray); imshow("output image", color); waitKey(); return 0; }