#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const std::string about = "This is an OpenCV-based version of OMZ MTCNN Face Detection example"; const std::string keys = "{ h help | | Print this help message }" "{ input | | Path to the input video file }" "{ mtcnnpm | mtcnn-p.xml | Path to OpenVINO MTCNN P (Proposal) detection model (.xml)}" "{ mtcnnpd | CPU | Target device for the MTCNN P (e.g. CPU, GPU, VPU, ...) }" "{ mtcnnrm | mtcnn-r.xml | Path to OpenVINO MTCNN R (Refinement) detection model (.xml)}" "{ mtcnnrd | CPU | Target device for the MTCNN R (e.g. CPU, GPU, VPU, ...) }" "{ mtcnnom | mtcnn-o.xml | Path to OpenVINO MTCNN O (Output) detection model (.xml)}" "{ mtcnnod | CPU | Target device for the MTCNN O (e.g. CPU, GPU, VPU, ...) }" "{ thrp | 0.6 | MTCNN P confidence threshold}" "{ thrr | 0.7 | MTCNN R confidence threshold}" "{ thro | 0.7 | MTCNN O confidence threshold}" "{ half_scale | false | MTCNN P use half scale pyramid}" ; namespace { std::string weights_path(const std::string& model_path) { const auto EXT_LEN = 4u; const auto sz = model_path.size(); CV_Assert(sz > EXT_LEN); const auto ext = model_path.substr(sz - EXT_LEN); CV_Assert(cv::toLowerCase(ext) == ".xml"); return model_path.substr(0u, sz - EXT_LEN) + ".bin"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // anonymous namespace namespace custom { namespace { // Define custom structures and operations #define NUM_REGRESSIONS 4 #define NUM_PTS 5 struct BBox { double x1; double y1; double x2; double y2; cv::Rect getRect() const { return cv::Rect(static_cast(x1), static_cast(y1), static_cast(x2 - x1), static_cast(y2 - y1)); } BBox getSquare() const { BBox bbox; double bboxWidth = x2 - x1; double bboxHeight = y2 - y1; double side = std::max(bboxWidth, bboxHeight); bbox.x1 = static_cast(x1) + (bboxWidth - side) * 0.5; bbox.y1 = static_cast(y1) + (bboxHeight - side) * 0.5; bbox.x2 = bbox.x1 + side; bbox.y2 = bbox.y1 + side; return bbox; } }; struct Face { BBox bbox; double score; std::array regression; double ptsCoords[2 * NUM_PTS]; static void applyRegression(std::vector& faces, bool addOne = false) { for (auto& face : faces) { double bboxWidth = face.bbox.x2 - face.bbox.x1 + static_cast(addOne); double bboxHeight = face.bbox.y2 - face.bbox.y1 + static_cast(addOne); face.bbox.x1 = face.bbox.x1 + static_cast(face.regression[1]) * bboxWidth; face.bbox.y1 = face.bbox.y1 + static_cast(face.regression[0]) * bboxHeight; face.bbox.x2 = face.bbox.x2 + static_cast(face.regression[3]) * bboxWidth; face.bbox.y2 = face.bbox.y2 + static_cast(face.regression[2]) * bboxHeight; } } static void bboxes2Squares(std::vector& faces) { for (auto& face : faces) { face.bbox = face.bbox.getSquare(); } } static std::vector runNMS(std::vector& faces, const double threshold, const bool useMin = false) { std::vector facesNMS; if (faces.empty()) { return facesNMS; } std::sort(faces.begin(), faces.end(), [](const Face& f1, const Face& f2) { return f1.score > f2.score; }); std::vector indices(faces.size()); std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0); while (indices.size() > 0) { const int idx = indices[0]; facesNMS.push_back(faces[idx]); std::vector tmpIndices = indices; indices.clear(); const double area1 = (faces[idx].bbox.x2 - faces[idx].bbox.x1 + 1) * (faces[idx].bbox.y2 - faces[idx].bbox.y1 + 1); for (size_t i = 1; i < tmpIndices.size(); ++i) { int tmpIdx = tmpIndices[i]; const double interX1 = std::max(faces[idx].bbox.x1, faces[tmpIdx].bbox.x1); const double interY1 = std::max(faces[idx].bbox.y1, faces[tmpIdx].bbox.y1); const double interX2 = std::min(faces[idx].bbox.x2, faces[tmpIdx].bbox.x2); const double interY2 = std::min(faces[idx].bbox.y2, faces[tmpIdx].bbox.y2); const double bboxWidth = std::max(0.0, (interX2 - interX1 + 1)); const double bboxHeight = std::max(0.0, (interY2 - interY1 + 1)); const double interArea = bboxWidth * bboxHeight; const double area2 = (faces[tmpIdx].bbox.x2 - faces[tmpIdx].bbox.x1 + 1) * (faces[tmpIdx].bbox.y2 - faces[tmpIdx].bbox.y1 + 1); double overlap = 0.0; if (useMin) { overlap = interArea / std::min(area1, area2); } else { overlap = interArea / (area1 + area2 - interArea); } if (overlap <= threshold) { indices.push_back(tmpIdx); } } } return facesNMS; } }; const double P_NET_WINDOW_SIZE = 12.0; const double P_NET_STRIDE = 2.0; std::vector buildFaces(const cv::Mat& scores, const cv::Mat& regressions, const double scaleFactor, const double threshold) { auto w = scores.size[3]; auto h = scores.size[2]; auto size = w * h; const float* scores_data = scores.ptr(); scores_data += size; const float* reg_data = regressions.ptr(); std::vector boxes; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (scores_data[i] >= (threshold)) { int y = i / w; int x = i - w * y; Face faceInfo; BBox& faceBox = faceInfo.bbox; faceBox.x1 = (static_cast(x) * P_NET_STRIDE) / scaleFactor; faceBox.y1 = (static_cast(y) * P_NET_STRIDE) / scaleFactor; faceBox.x2 = (static_cast(x) * P_NET_STRIDE + P_NET_WINDOW_SIZE - 1.f) / scaleFactor; faceBox.y2 = (static_cast(y) * P_NET_STRIDE + P_NET_WINDOW_SIZE - 1.f) / scaleFactor; faceInfo.regression[0] = reg_data[i]; faceInfo.regression[1] = reg_data[i + size]; faceInfo.regression[2] = reg_data[i + 2 * size]; faceInfo.regression[3] = reg_data[i + 3 * size]; faceInfo.score = scores_data[i]; boxes.push_back(faceInfo); } } return boxes; } // Define networks for this sample using GMat2 = std::tuple; using GMat3 = std::tuple; using GMats = cv::GArray; using GRects = cv::GArray; using GSize = cv::GOpaque; G_API_NET(MTCNNRefinement, , "sample.custom.mtcnn_refinement"); G_API_NET(MTCNNOutput, , "sample.custom.mtcnn_output"); using GFaces = cv::GArray; G_API_OP(BuildFaces, , "sample.custom.mtcnn.build_faces") { static cv::GArrayDesc outMeta(const cv::GMatDesc&, const cv::GMatDesc&, const double, const double) { return cv::empty_array_desc(); } }; G_API_OP(RunNMS, , "sample.custom.mtcnn.run_nms") { static cv::GArrayDesc outMeta(const cv::GArrayDesc&, const double, const bool) { return cv::empty_array_desc(); } }; G_API_OP(AccumulatePyramidOutputs, , "sample.custom.mtcnn.accumulate_pyramid_outputs") { static cv::GArrayDesc outMeta(const cv::GArrayDesc&, const cv::GArrayDesc&) { return cv::empty_array_desc(); } }; G_API_OP(ApplyRegression, , "sample.custom.mtcnn.apply_regression") { static cv::GArrayDesc outMeta(const cv::GArrayDesc&, const bool) { return cv::empty_array_desc(); } }; G_API_OP(BBoxesToSquares, , "sample.custom.mtcnn.bboxes_to_squares") { static cv::GArrayDesc outMeta(const cv::GArrayDesc&) { return cv::empty_array_desc(); } }; G_API_OP(R_O_NetPreProcGetROIs, , "sample.custom.mtcnn.bboxes_r_o_net_preproc_get_rois") { static cv::GArrayDesc outMeta(const cv::GArrayDesc&, const cv::GOpaqueDesc&) { return cv::empty_array_desc(); } }; G_API_OP(RNetPostProc, , "sample.custom.mtcnn.rnet_postproc") { static cv::GArrayDesc outMeta(const cv::GArrayDesc&, const cv::GArrayDesc&, const cv::GArrayDesc&, const double) { return cv::empty_array_desc(); } }; G_API_OP(ONetPostProc, , "sample.custom.mtcnn.onet_postproc") { static cv::GArrayDesc outMeta(const cv::GArrayDesc&, const cv::GArrayDesc&, const cv::GArrayDesc&, const cv::GArrayDesc&, const double) { return cv::empty_array_desc(); } }; G_API_OP(SwapFaces, , "sample.custom.mtcnn.swap_faces") { static cv::GArrayDesc outMeta(const cv::GArrayDesc&) { return cv::empty_array_desc(); } }; G_API_OP(Transpose, , "sample.custom.mtcnn.transpose") { static cv::GMatDesc outMeta(const cv::GMatDesc in) { return in.withSize(cv::Size(in.size.height, in.size.width)); } }; //Custom kernels implementation GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVBuildFaces, BuildFaces) { static void run(const cv::Mat & in_scores, const cv::Mat & in_regresssions, const double scaleFactor, const double threshold, std::vector &out_faces) { out_faces = buildFaces(in_scores, in_regresssions, scaleFactor, threshold); } };// GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(BuildFaces) GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVRunNMS, RunNMS) { static void run(const std::vector &in_faces, const double threshold, const bool useMin, std::vector &out_faces) { std::vector in_faces_copy = in_faces; out_faces = Face::runNMS(in_faces_copy, threshold, useMin); } };// GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(RunNMS) GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVAccumulatePyramidOutputs, AccumulatePyramidOutputs) { static void run(const std::vector &total_faces, const std::vector &in_faces, std::vector &out_faces) { out_faces = total_faces; out_faces.insert(out_faces.end(), in_faces.begin(), in_faces.end()); } };// GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(AccumulatePyramidOutputs) GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVApplyRegression, ApplyRegression) { static void run(const std::vector &in_faces, const bool addOne, std::vector &out_faces) { std::vector in_faces_copy = in_faces; Face::applyRegression(in_faces_copy, addOne); out_faces.clear(); out_faces.insert(out_faces.end(), in_faces_copy.begin(), in_faces_copy.end()); } };// GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(ApplyRegression) GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVBBoxesToSquares, BBoxesToSquares) { static void run(const std::vector &in_faces, std::vector &out_faces) { std::vector in_faces_copy = in_faces; Face::bboxes2Squares(in_faces_copy); out_faces.clear(); out_faces.insert(out_faces.end(), in_faces_copy.begin(), in_faces_copy.end()); } };// GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(BBoxesToSquares) GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVR_O_NetPreProcGetROIs, R_O_NetPreProcGetROIs) { static void run(const std::vector &in_faces, const cv::Size & in_image_size, std::vector &outs) { outs.clear(); for (const auto& face : in_faces) { cv::Rect tmp_rect = face.bbox.getRect(); //Compare to transposed sizes width<->height tmp_rect &= cv::Rect(tmp_rect.x, tmp_rect.y, in_image_size.height - tmp_rect.x - 4, in_image_size.width - tmp_rect.y - 4); outs.push_back(tmp_rect); } } };// GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(R_O_NetPreProcGetROIs) GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVRNetPostProc, RNetPostProc) { static void run(const std::vector &in_faces, const std::vector &in_scores, const std::vector &in_regresssions, const double threshold, std::vector &out_faces) { out_faces.clear(); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < in_faces.size(); ++k) { const float* scores_data = in_scores[k].ptr(); const float* reg_data = in_regresssions[k].ptr(); if (scores_data[1] >= threshold) { Face info = in_faces[k]; info.score = scores_data[1]; std::copy_n(reg_data, NUM_REGRESSIONS, info.regression.begin()); out_faces.push_back(info); } } } };// GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(RNetPostProc) GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVONetPostProc, ONetPostProc) { static void run(const std::vector &in_faces, const std::vector &in_scores, const std::vector &in_regresssions, const std::vector &in_landmarks, const double threshold, std::vector &out_faces) { out_faces.clear(); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < in_faces.size(); ++k) { const float* scores_data = in_scores[k].ptr(); const float* reg_data = in_regresssions[k].ptr(); const float* landmark_data = in_landmarks[k].ptr(); if (scores_data[1] >= threshold) { Face info = in_faces[k]; info.score = scores_data[1]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { info.regression[i] = reg_data[i]; } double w = info.bbox.x2 - info.bbox.x1 + 1.0; double h = info.bbox.y2 - info.bbox.y1 + 1.0; for (int p = 0; p < NUM_PTS; ++p) { info.ptsCoords[2 * p] = info.bbox.x1 + static_cast(landmark_data[NUM_PTS + p]) * w - 1; info.ptsCoords[2 * p + 1] = info.bbox.y1 + static_cast(landmark_data[p]) * h - 1; } out_faces.push_back(info); } } } };// GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(ONetPostProc) GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVSwapFaces, SwapFaces) { static void run(const std::vector &in_faces, std::vector &out_faces) { std::vector in_faces_copy = in_faces; out_faces.clear(); if (!in_faces_copy.empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < in_faces_copy.size(); ++i) { std::swap(in_faces_copy[i].bbox.x1, in_faces_copy[i].bbox.y1); std::swap(in_faces_copy[i].bbox.x2, in_faces_copy[i].bbox.y2); for (int p = 0; p < NUM_PTS; ++p) { std::swap(in_faces_copy[i].ptsCoords[2 * p], in_faces_copy[i].ptsCoords[2 * p + 1]); } } out_faces = in_faces_copy; } } };// GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(SwapFaces) GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVTranspose, Transpose) { static void run(const cv::Mat &in_mat, cv::Mat &out_mat) { cv::transpose(in_mat, out_mat); } };// GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(Transpose) } // anonymous namespace } // namespace custom namespace vis { namespace { void bbox(const cv::Mat& m, const cv::Rect& rc) { cv::rectangle(m, rc, cv::Scalar{ 0,255,0 }, 2, cv::LINE_8, 0); }; using rectPoints = std::pair>; static cv::Mat drawRectsAndPoints(const cv::Mat& img, const std::vector data) { cv::Mat outImg; img.copyTo(outImg); for (const auto& el : data) { vis::bbox(outImg, el.first); auto pts = el.second; for (size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); ++i) { cv::circle(outImg, pts[i], 3, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1); } } return outImg; } } // anonymous namespace } // namespace vis //Infer helper function namespace { static inline std::tuple run_mtcnn_p(cv::GMat &in, const std::string &id) { cv::GInferInputs inputs; inputs["data"] = in; auto outputs = cv::gapi::infer(id, inputs); auto regressions = outputs.at("conv4-2"); auto scores = outputs.at("prob1"); return std::make_tuple(regressions, scores); } //Operator fot PNet network package creation in the loop inline cv::gapi::GNetPackage& operator += (cv::gapi::GNetPackage& lhs, const cv::gapi::GNetPackage& rhs) { lhs.networks.reserve(lhs.networks.size() + rhs.networks.size()); lhs.networks.insert(lhs.networks.end(), rhs.networks.begin(), rhs.networks.end()); return lhs; } static inline std::string get_pnet_level_name(const cv::Size &in_size) { return "MTCNNProposal_" + std::to_string(in_size.width) + "x" + std::to_string(in_size.height); } int calculate_scales(const cv::Size &input_size, std::vector &out_scales, std::vector &out_sizes ) { //calculate multi - scale and limit the maxinum side to 1000 //pr_scale: limit the maxinum side to 1000, < 1.0 double pr_scale = 1.0; double h = static_cast(input_size.height); double w = static_cast(input_size.width); if (std::min(w, h) > 1000) { pr_scale = 1000.0 / std::min(h, w); w = w * pr_scale; h = h * pr_scale; } else if (std::max(w, h) < 1000) { w = w * pr_scale; h = h * pr_scale; } //multi - scale out_scales.clear(); out_sizes.clear(); const double factor = 0.709; int factor_count = 0; double minl = std::min(h, w); while (minl >= 12) { const double current_scale = pr_scale * std::pow(factor, factor_count); cv::Size current_size(static_cast(static_cast(input_size.width) * current_scale), static_cast(static_cast(input_size.height) * current_scale)); out_scales.push_back(current_scale); out_sizes.push_back(current_size); minl *= factor; factor_count += 1; } return factor_count; } int calculate_half_scales(const cv::Size &input_size, std::vector& out_scales, std::vector& out_sizes) { double pr_scale = 0.5; const double h = static_cast(input_size.height); const double w = static_cast(input_size.width); //multi - scale out_scales.clear(); out_sizes.clear(); const double factor = 0.5; int factor_count = 0; double minl = std::min(h, w); while (minl >= 12.0*2.0) { const double current_scale = pr_scale; cv::Size current_size(static_cast(static_cast(input_size.width) * current_scale), static_cast(static_cast(input_size.height) * current_scale)); out_scales.push_back(current_scale); out_sizes.push_back(current_size); minl *= factor; factor_count += 1; pr_scale *= 0.5; } return factor_count; } const int MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS = 13; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // anonymous namespace int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { cv::CommandLineParser cmd(argc, argv, keys); cmd.about(about); if (cmd.has("help")) { cmd.printMessage(); return 0; } const auto input_file_name = cmd.get("input"); const auto model_path_p = cmd.get("mtcnnpm"); const auto target_dev_p = cmd.get("mtcnnpd"); const auto conf_thresh_p = cmd.get("thrp"); const auto model_path_r = cmd.get("mtcnnrm"); const auto target_dev_r = cmd.get("mtcnnrd"); const auto conf_thresh_r = cmd.get("thrr"); const auto model_path_o = cmd.get("mtcnnom"); const auto target_dev_o = cmd.get("mtcnnod"); const auto conf_thresh_o = cmd.get("thro"); const auto use_half_scale = cmd.get("half_scale"); std::vector level_size; std::vector scales; //MTCNN input size cv::VideoCapture cap; cap.open(input_file_name); if (!cap.isOpened()) CV_Assert(false); auto in_rsz = cv::Size{ static_cast(cap.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), static_cast(cap.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) }; //Calculate scales, number of pyramid levels and sizes for PNet pyramid auto pyramid_levels = use_half_scale ? calculate_half_scales(in_rsz, scales, level_size) : calculate_scales(in_rsz, scales, level_size); CV_Assert(pyramid_levels <= MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS); //Proposal part of MTCNN graph //Preprocessing BGR2RGB + transpose (NCWH is expected instead of NCHW) cv::GMat in_original; cv::GMat in_originalRGB = cv::gapi::BGR2RGB(in_original); cv::GOpaque in_sz = cv::gapi::streaming::size(in_original); cv::GMat in_resized[MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS]; cv::GMat in_transposed[MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS]; cv::GMat regressions[MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS]; cv::GMat scores[MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS]; cv::GArray nms_p_faces[MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS]; cv::GArray total_faces[MAX_PYRAMID_LEVELS]; cv::GArray faces_init(std::vector{}); //The very first PNet pyramid layer to init total_faces[0] in_resized[0] = cv::gapi::resize(in_originalRGB, level_size[0]); in_transposed[0] = custom::Transpose::on(in_resized[0]); std::tie(regressions[0], scores[0]) = run_mtcnn_p(in_transposed[0], get_pnet_level_name(level_size[0])); cv::GArray faces0 = custom::BuildFaces::on(scores[0], regressions[0], scales[0], conf_thresh_p); nms_p_faces[0] = custom::RunNMS::on(faces0, 0.5, false); total_faces[0] = custom::AccumulatePyramidOutputs::on(faces_init, nms_p_faces[0]); //The rest PNet pyramid layers to accumlate all layers result in total_faces[PYRAMID_LEVELS - 1]] for (int i = 1; i < pyramid_levels; ++i) { in_resized[i] = cv::gapi::resize(in_originalRGB, level_size[i]); in_transposed[i] = custom::Transpose::on(in_resized[i]); std::tie(regressions[i], scores[i]) = run_mtcnn_p(in_transposed[i], get_pnet_level_name(level_size[i])); cv::GArray faces = custom::BuildFaces::on(scores[i], regressions[i], scales[i], conf_thresh_p); nms_p_faces[i] = custom::RunNMS::on(faces, 0.5, false); total_faces[i] = custom::AccumulatePyramidOutputs::on(total_faces[i - 1], nms_p_faces[i]); } //Proposal post-processing cv::GArray nms07_p_faces_total = custom::RunNMS::on(total_faces[pyramid_levels - 1], 0.7, false); cv::GArray final_p_faces_for_bb2squares = custom::ApplyRegression::on(nms07_p_faces_total, false); cv::GArray final_faces_pnet = custom::BBoxesToSquares::on(final_p_faces_for_bb2squares); //Refinement part of MTCNN graph cv::GArray faces_roi_pnet = custom::R_O_NetPreProcGetROIs::on(final_faces_pnet, in_sz); cv::GArray regressionsRNet, scoresRNet; cv::GMat in_originalRGB_transposed = custom::Transpose::on(in_originalRGB); std::tie(regressionsRNet, scoresRNet) = cv::gapi::infer(faces_roi_pnet, in_originalRGB_transposed); //Refinement post-processing cv::GArray rnet_post_proc_faces = custom::RNetPostProc::on(final_faces_pnet, scoresRNet, regressionsRNet, conf_thresh_r); cv::GArray nms07_r_faces_total = custom::RunNMS::on(rnet_post_proc_faces, 0.7, false); cv::GArray final_r_faces_for_bb2squares = custom::ApplyRegression::on(nms07_r_faces_total, true); cv::GArray final_faces_rnet = custom::BBoxesToSquares::on(final_r_faces_for_bb2squares); //Output part of MTCNN graph cv::GArray faces_roi_rnet = custom::R_O_NetPreProcGetROIs::on(final_faces_rnet, in_sz); cv::GArray regressionsONet, scoresONet, landmarksONet; std::tie(regressionsONet, landmarksONet, scoresONet) = cv::gapi::infer(faces_roi_rnet, in_originalRGB_transposed); //Output post-processing cv::GArray onet_post_proc_faces = custom::ONetPostProc::on(final_faces_rnet, scoresONet, regressionsONet, landmarksONet, conf_thresh_o); cv::GArray final_o_faces_for_nms07 = custom::ApplyRegression::on(onet_post_proc_faces, true); cv::GArray nms07_o_faces_total = custom::RunNMS::on(final_o_faces_for_nms07, 0.7, true); cv::GArray final_faces_onet = custom::SwapFaces::on(nms07_o_faces_total); cv::GComputation graph_mtcnn(cv::GIn(in_original), cv::GOut(cv::gapi::copy(in_original), final_faces_onet)); // MTCNN Refinement detection network auto mtcnnr_net = cv::gapi::ie::Params{ model_path_r, // path to topology IR weights_path(model_path_r), // path to weights target_dev_r, // device specifier }.cfgOutputLayers({ "conv5-2", "prob1" }).cfgInputLayers({ "data" }); // MTCNN Output detection network auto mtcnno_net = cv::gapi::ie::Params{ model_path_o, // path to topology IR weights_path(model_path_o), // path to weights target_dev_o, // device specifier }.cfgOutputLayers({ "conv6-2", "conv6-3", "prob1" }).cfgInputLayers({ "data" }); auto networks_mtcnn = cv::gapi::networks(mtcnnr_net, mtcnno_net); // MTCNN Proposal detection network for (int i = 0; i < pyramid_levels; ++i) { std::string net_id = get_pnet_level_name(level_size[i]); std::vector reshape_dims = { 1, 3, (size_t)level_size[i].width, (size_t)level_size[i].height }; cv::gapi::ie::Params mtcnnp_net{ net_id, // tag model_path_p, // path to topology IR weights_path(model_path_p), // path to weights target_dev_p, // device specifier }; mtcnnp_net.cfgInputReshape({ {"data", reshape_dims} }); networks_mtcnn += cv::gapi::networks(mtcnnp_net); } auto kernels_mtcnn = cv::gapi::kernels< custom::OCVBuildFaces , custom::OCVRunNMS , custom::OCVAccumulatePyramidOutputs , custom::OCVApplyRegression , custom::OCVBBoxesToSquares , custom::OCVR_O_NetPreProcGetROIs , custom::OCVRNetPostProc , custom::OCVONetPostProc , custom::OCVSwapFaces , custom::OCVTranspose >(); auto pipeline_mtcnn = graph_mtcnn.compileStreaming(cv::compile_args(networks_mtcnn, kernels_mtcnn)); std::cout << "Reading " << input_file_name << std::endl; // Input stream auto in_src = cv::gapi::wip::make_src(input_file_name); // Set the pipeline source & start the pipeline pipeline_mtcnn.setSource(cv::gin(in_src)); pipeline_mtcnn.start(); // Declare the output data & run the processing loop cv::TickMeter tm; cv::Mat image; std::vector out_faces; tm.start(); int frames = 0; while (pipeline_mtcnn.pull(cv::gout(image, out_faces))) { frames++; std::cout << "Final Faces Size " << out_faces.size() << std::endl; std::vector data; // show the image with faces in it for (const auto& out_face : out_faces) { std::vector pts; for (int p = 0; p < NUM_PTS; ++p) { pts.push_back( cv::Point(static_cast(out_face.ptsCoords[2 * p]), static_cast(out_face.ptsCoords[2 * p + 1]))); } auto rect = out_face.bbox.getRect(); auto d = std::make_pair(rect, pts); data.push_back(d); } // Visualize results on the frame auto resultImg = vis::drawRectsAndPoints(image, data); tm.stop(); const auto fps_str = std::to_string(frames / tm.getTimeSec()) + " FPS"; cv::putText(resultImg, fps_str, { 0,32 }, cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, { 0,255,0 }, 2); cv::imshow("Out", resultImg); cv::waitKey(1); out_faces.clear(); tm.start(); } tm.stop(); std::cout << "Processed " << frames << " frames" << " (" << frames / tm.getTimeSec() << " FPS)" << std::endl; return 0; }