\section{Operations on Matrices} \cvCppFunc{gpu::transpose} Transposes a matrix. \cvdefCpp{void transpose(const GpuMat\& src, GpuMat\& dst);} \begin{description} \cvarg{src}{Source matrix. 1, 4, 8 bytes element sizes are supported for now.} \cvarg{dst}{Destination matrix.} \end{description} See also: \cvCppCross{transpose}. \cvCppFunc{gpu::flip} Flips a 2D matrix around vertical, horizontal or both axes. \cvdefCpp{void flip(const GpuMat\& a, GpuMat\& b, int flipCode);} \begin{description} \cvarg{a}{Source matrix. Only \texttt{CV\_8UC1} and \texttt{CV\_8UC4} matrixes are supported for now.} \cvarg{b}{Destination matrix.} \cvarg{flipCode}{Specifies how to flip the source: \begin{description} \cvarg{0}{Flip around x-axis.} \cvarg{$>$0}{Flip around y-axis.} \cvarg{$<$0}{Flip around both axes.} \end{description}} \end{description} See also: \cvCppCross{flip}. \cvCppFunc{gpu::LUT} Transforms the source matrix into the destination matrix using given look-up table: \texttt{dst(I) = lut(src(I))}. \cvdefCpp{void LUT(const GpuMat\& src, const Mat\& lut, GpuMat\& dst);} \begin{description} \cvarg{src}{Source matrix. \texttt{CV\_8UC1} and \texttt{CV\_8UC3} matrixes are supported for now.} \cvarg{lut}{Look-up table. Must be continuous, \texttt{CV\_8U} depth matrix. Its area must satisfy to \texttt{lut.rows} $\times$ \texttt{lut.cols} = 256 condition.} \cvarg{dst}{Destination matrix. Will have the same depth as \texttt{lut} and the same number of channels as \texttt{src}.} \end{description} See also: \cvCppCross{LUT}. \cvCppFunc{gpu::merge} Makes a multi-channel matrix out of several single-channel matrices. \cvdefCpp{void merge(const GpuMat* src, size\_t n, GpuMat\& dst);\newline void merge(const GpuMat* src, size\_t n, GpuMat\& dst,\par const Stream\& stream);\newline} \begin{description} \cvarg{src}{Pointer to array of the source matrices.} \cvarg{n}{Number of source matrices.} \cvarg{dst}{Destination matrix.} \cvarg{stream}{Stream for the asynchronous version.} \end{description} \cvdefCpp{void merge(const vector$<$GpuMat$>$\& src, GpuMat\& dst);\newline void merge(const vector$<$GpuMat$>$\& src, GpuMat\& dst,\par const Stream\& stream);} \begin{description} \cvarg{src}{Vector of the source matrices.} \cvarg{dst}{Destination matrix.} \cvarg{stream}{Stream for the asynchronous version.} \end{description} See also: \cvCppCross{merge}. \cvCppFunc{gpu::split} Copies each plane of a multi-channel matrix into an array. \cvdefCpp{void split(const GpuMat\& src, GpuMat* dst);\newline void split(const GpuMat\& src, GpuMat* dst, const Stream\& stream);} \begin{description} \cvarg{src}{Source matrix.} \cvarg{dst}{Pointer to array of single-channel matrices.} \cvarg{stream}{Stream for the asynchronous version.} \end{description} \cvdefCpp{void split(const GpuMat\& src, vector$<$GpuMat$>$\& dst);\newline void split(const GpuMat\& src, vector$<$GpuMat$>$\& dst,\par const Stream\& stream);} \begin{description} \cvarg{src}{Source matrix.} \cvarg{dst}{Destination vector of single-channel matrices.} \cvarg{stream}{Stream for the asynchronous version.} \end{description} See also: \cvCppCross{split}. \cvCppFunc{gpu::magnitude} Computes magnitudes of complex matrix elements. \cvdefCpp{void magnitude(const GpuMat\& x, GpuMat\& magnitude);} \begin{description} \cvarg{x}{Source complex matrix in the interleaved format (\texttt{CV\_32FC2}). } \cvarg{magnitude}{Destination matrix of float magnitudes (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \end{description} \cvdefCpp{void magnitude(const GpuMat\& x, const GpuMat\& y, GpuMat\& magnitude);\newline void magnitude(const GpuMat\& x, const GpuMat\& y, GpuMat\& magnitude,\par const Stream\& stream);} \begin{description} \cvarg{x}{Source matrix, containing real components (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{y}{Source matrix, containing imaginary components (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{magnitude}{Destination matrix of float magnitudes (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{stream}{Sream for the asynchronous version.} \end{description} See also: \cvCppCross{magnitude}. \cvCppFunc{gpu::magnitudeSqr} Computes squared magnitudes of complex matrix elements. \cvdefCpp{void magnitudeSqr(const GpuMat\& x, GpuMat\& magnitude);} \begin{description} \cvarg{x}{Source complex matrix in the interleaved format (\texttt{CV\_32FC2}). } \cvarg{magnitude}{Destination matrix of float magnitude squares (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \end{description} \cvdefCpp{void magnitudeSqr(const GpuMat\& x, const GpuMat\& y, GpuMat\& magnitude);\newline void magnitudeSqr(const GpuMat\& x, const GpuMat\& y, GpuMat\& magnitude,\par const Stream\& stream);} \begin{description} \cvarg{x}{Source matrix, containing real components (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{y}{Source matrix, containing imaginary components (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{magnitude}{Destination matrix of float magnitude squares (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{stream}{Sream for the asynchronous version.} \end{description} \cvCppFunc{gpu::phase} Computes polar angles of complex matrix elements. \cvdefCpp{void phase(const GpuMat\& x, const GpuMat\& y, GpuMat\& angle,\par bool angleInDegrees=false);\newline void phase(const GpuMat\& x, const GpuMat\& y, GpuMat\& angle,\par bool angleInDegrees, const Stream\& stream);} \begin{description} \cvarg{x}{Source matrix, containing real components (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{y}{Source matrix, containing imaginary components (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{angle}{Destionation matrix of angles (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{angleInDegress}{Flag which indicates angles must be evaluated in degress.} \cvarg{stream}{Sream for the asynchronous version.} \end{description} See also: \cvCppCross{phase}. \cvCppFunc{gpu::cartToPolar} Converts Cartesian coordinates into polar. \cvdefCpp{void cartToPolar(const GpuMat\& x, const GpuMat\& y, GpuMat\& magnitude,\par GpuMat\& angle, bool angleInDegrees=false);\newline void cartToPolar(const GpuMat\& x, const GpuMat\& y, GpuMat\& magnitude,\par GpuMat\& angle, bool angleInDegrees, const Stream\& stream);} \begin{description} \cvarg{x}{Source matrix, containing real components (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{y}{Source matrix, containing imaginary components (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{magnitude}{Destination matrix of float magnituds (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{angle}{Destionation matrix of angles (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{angleInDegress}{Flag which indicates angles must be evaluated in degress.} \cvarg{stream}{Sream for the asynchronous version.} \end{description} See also: \cvCppCross{cartToPolar}. \cvCppFunc{gpu::polarToCart} Converts polar coordinates into Cartesian. \cvdefCpp{void polarToCart(const GpuMat\& magnitude, const GpuMat\& angle,\par GpuMat\& x, GpuMat\& y, bool angleInDegrees=false);\newline void polarToCart(const GpuMat\& magnitude, const GpuMat\& angle,\par GpuMat\& x, GpuMat\& y, bool angleInDegrees,\par const Stream\& stream);} \begin{description} \cvarg{magnitude}{Source matrix, containing magnitudes (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{angle}{Source matrix, containing angles (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{x}{Destination matrix of real components (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{y}{Destination matrix of imaginary components (\texttt{CV\_32FC1}).} \cvarg{angleInDegress}{Flag which indicates angles are in degress.} \cvarg{stream}{Sream for the asynchronous version.} \end{description} See also: \cvCppCross{polarToCart}.