#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Test for disctrete fourier transform (dft) ''' # Python 2/3 compatibility from __future__ import print_function import cv2 as cv import numpy as np import sys from tests_common import NewOpenCVTests class imgproc_test(NewOpenCVTests): def test_filter2d(self): img = self.get_sample('samples/data/lena.jpg', 1) eps = 0.001 # compare 2 ways of computing 3x3 blur using the same function kernel = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]], dtype='float32') img_blur0 = cv.filter2D(img, cv.CV_32F, kernel*(1./9)) img_blur1 = cv.filter2Dp(img, kernel, ddepth=cv.CV_32F, scale=1./9) self.assertLess(cv.norm(img_blur0 - img_blur1, cv.NORM_INF), eps) if __name__ == '__main__': NewOpenCVTests.bootstrap()