:: this batch file copies compiled executable to the device, :: runs it and gets resulting image back to the host :: :: Here is sample output of successful run: :: :: 204 KB/s (2887388 bytes in 13.790s) :: Hello Android! :: 304 KB/s (8723 bytes in 0.028s) @ECHO OFF :: enable command extensions VERIFY BADVALUE 2>NUL SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS || (ECHO Unable to enable command extensions. & EXIT \B) PUSHD %~dp0 :: project specific settings SET PROJECT_NAME=HelloAndroid SET BUILD_DIR=build_armeabi SET ARM_TARGET=armeabi :: try to load config file SET CFG_PATH=..\..\scripts\wincfg.cmd IF EXIST %CFG_PATH% CALL %CFG_PATH% :: check if sdk path defined IF NOT DEFINED ANDROID_SDK (ECHO. & ECHO You should set an environment variable ANDROID_SDK to the full path to your copy of Android SDK & GOTO end) (PUSHD "%ANDROID_SDK%" 2>NUL && POPD) || (ECHO. & ECHO Directory "%ANDROID_SDK%" specified by ANDROID_SDK variable does not exist & GOTO end) SET adb=%ANDROID_SDK%\platform-tools\adb.exe ::binary output path is different for emulator build IF "%ARM_TARGET%"=="armeabi" (SET OUT_DIR=armeabi) ELSE (SET OUT_DIR=armeabi-v7a) :: copy file to device (usually takes 10 seconds or more) %adb% push .\bin\%OUT_DIR%\%PROJECT_NAME% /data/bin/sample/%PROJECT_NAME% || GOTO end :: set execute permission %adb% shell chmod 777 /data/bin/sample/%PROJECT_NAME% || GOTO end :: execute our application %adb% shell /data/bin/sample/%PROJECT_NAME% || GOTO end :: get image result from device %adb% pull /mnt/sdcard/HelloAndroid.png || GOTO end GOTO end :: cleanup (comment out GOTO above to enable cleanup) %adb% shell rm /data/bin/sample/%PROJECT_NAME% %adb% shell rm /mnt/sdcard/HelloAndroid.png :end POPD ENDLOCAL