// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. #include "perf_precomp.hpp" namespace opencv_test { enum{HALF_SIZE=0, UPSIDE_DOWN, REFLECTION_X, REFLECTION_BOTH}; CV_ENUM(BorderMode, BORDER_CONSTANT, BORDER_REPLICATE) CV_ENUM(InterType, INTER_NEAREST, INTER_LINEAR) CV_ENUM(RemapMode, HALF_SIZE, UPSIDE_DOWN, REFLECTION_X, REFLECTION_BOTH) typedef TestBaseWithParam< tuple > TestWarpAffine; typedef TestBaseWithParam< tuple > TestWarpPerspective; typedef TestBaseWithParam< tuple > TestWarpPerspectiveNear_t; typedef TestBaseWithParam< tuple > TestRemap; void update_map(const Mat& src, Mat& map_x, Mat& map_y, const int remapMode ); PERF_TEST_P( TestWarpAffine, WarpAffine, Combine( Values( szVGA, sz720p, sz1080p ), InterType::all(), BorderMode::all() ) ) { Size sz, szSrc(512, 512); int borderMode, interType; sz = get<0>(GetParam()); interType = get<1>(GetParam()); borderMode = get<2>(GetParam()); Scalar borderColor = Scalar::all(150); Mat src(szSrc,CV_8UC4), dst(sz, CV_8UC4); cvtest::fillGradient(src); if(borderMode == BORDER_CONSTANT) cvtest::smoothBorder(src, borderColor, 1); Mat warpMat = getRotationMatrix2D(Point2f(src.cols/2.f, src.rows/2.f), 30., 2.2); declare.in(src).out(dst); TEST_CYCLE() warpAffine( src, dst, warpMat, sz, interType, borderMode, borderColor ); #ifdef __ANDROID__ SANITY_CHECK(dst, interType==INTER_LINEAR? 5 : 10); #else SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1); #endif } PERF_TEST_P(TestWarpAffine, DISABLED_WarpAffine_ovx, Combine( Values(szVGA, sz720p, sz1080p), InterType::all(), BorderMode::all() ) ) { Size sz, szSrc(512, 512); int borderMode, interType; sz = get<0>(GetParam()); interType = get<1>(GetParam()); borderMode = get<2>(GetParam()); Scalar borderColor = Scalar::all(150); Mat src(szSrc, CV_8UC1), dst(sz, CV_8UC1); cvtest::fillGradient(src); if (borderMode == BORDER_CONSTANT) cvtest::smoothBorder(src, borderColor, 1); Mat warpMat = getRotationMatrix2D(Point2f(src.cols / 2.f, src.rows / 2.f), 30., 2.2); declare.in(src).out(dst); TEST_CYCLE() warpAffine(src, dst, warpMat, sz, interType, borderMode, borderColor); #ifdef __ANDROID__ SANITY_CHECK(dst, interType == INTER_LINEAR ? 5 : 10); #else SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1); #endif } PERF_TEST_P( TestWarpPerspective, WarpPerspective, Combine( Values( szVGA, sz720p, sz1080p ), InterType::all(), BorderMode::all() ) ) { Size sz, szSrc(512, 512); int borderMode, interType; sz = get<0>(GetParam()); interType = get<1>(GetParam()); borderMode = get<2>(GetParam()); Scalar borderColor = Scalar::all(150); Mat src(szSrc,CV_8UC4), dst(sz, CV_8UC4); cvtest::fillGradient(src); if(borderMode == BORDER_CONSTANT) cvtest::smoothBorder(src, borderColor, 1); Mat rotMat = getRotationMatrix2D(Point2f(src.cols/2.f, src.rows/2.f), 30., 2.2); Mat warpMat(3, 3, CV_64FC1); for(int r=0; r<2; r++) for(int c=0; c<3; c++) warpMat.at(r, c) = rotMat.at(r, c); warpMat.at(2, 0) = .3/sz.width; warpMat.at(2, 1) = .3/sz.height; warpMat.at(2, 2) = 1; declare.in(src).out(dst); TEST_CYCLE() warpPerspective( src, dst, warpMat, sz, interType, borderMode, borderColor ); #ifdef __ANDROID__ SANITY_CHECK(dst, interType==INTER_LINEAR? 5 : 10); #else SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1); #endif } PERF_TEST_P(TestWarpPerspective, DISABLED_WarpPerspective_ovx, Combine( Values(szVGA, sz720p, sz1080p), InterType::all(), BorderMode::all() ) ) { Size sz, szSrc(512, 512); int borderMode, interType; sz = get<0>(GetParam()); interType = get<1>(GetParam()); borderMode = get<2>(GetParam()); Scalar borderColor = Scalar::all(150); Mat src(szSrc, CV_8UC1), dst(sz, CV_8UC1); cvtest::fillGradient(src); if (borderMode == BORDER_CONSTANT) cvtest::smoothBorder(src, borderColor, 1); Mat rotMat = getRotationMatrix2D(Point2f(src.cols / 2.f, src.rows / 2.f), 30., 2.2); Mat warpMat(3, 3, CV_64FC1); for (int r = 0; r<2; r++) for (int c = 0; c<3; c++) warpMat.at(r, c) = rotMat.at(r, c); warpMat.at(2, 0) = .3 / sz.width; warpMat.at(2, 1) = .3 / sz.height; warpMat.at(2, 2) = 1; declare.in(src).out(dst); TEST_CYCLE() warpPerspective(src, dst, warpMat, sz, interType, borderMode, borderColor); #ifdef __ANDROID__ SANITY_CHECK(dst, interType == INTER_LINEAR ? 5 : 10); #else SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1); #endif } PERF_TEST_P( TestWarpPerspectiveNear_t, WarpPerspectiveNear, Combine( Values( Size(640,480), Size(1920,1080), Size(2592,1944) ), InterType::all(), BorderMode::all(), Values( CV_8UC1, CV_8UC4 ) ) ) { Size size; int borderMode, interType, type; size = get<0>(GetParam()); interType = get<1>(GetParam()); borderMode = get<2>(GetParam()); type = get<3>(GetParam()); Scalar borderColor = Scalar::all(150); Mat src(size, type), dst(size, type); cvtest::fillGradient(src); if(borderMode == BORDER_CONSTANT) cvtest::smoothBorder(src, borderColor, 1); int shift = static_cast(src.cols*0.04); Mat srcVertices = (Mat_(1, 4) << Vec2f(0, 0), Vec2f(static_cast(size.width-1), 0), Vec2f(static_cast(size.width-1), static_cast(size.height-1)), Vec2f(0, static_cast(size.height-1))); Mat dstVertices = (Mat_(1, 4) << Vec2f(0, static_cast(shift)), Vec2f(static_cast(size.width-shift/2), 0), Vec2f(static_cast(size.width-shift), static_cast(size.height-shift)), Vec2f(static_cast(shift/2), static_cast(size.height-1))); Mat warpMat = getPerspectiveTransform(srcVertices, dstVertices); declare.in(src).out(dst); declare.time(100); TEST_CYCLE() { warpPerspective( src, dst, warpMat, size, interType, borderMode, borderColor ); } #ifdef __ANDROID__ SANITY_CHECK(dst, interType==INTER_LINEAR? 5 : 10); #else SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1); #endif } PERF_TEST_P( TestRemap, remap, Combine( Values( CV_8UC1, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC4, CV_32FC1 ), Values( szVGA, sz1080p ), InterType::all(), BorderMode::all(), RemapMode::all() ) ) { int type = get<0>(GetParam()); Size size = get<1>(GetParam()); int interpolationType = get<2>(GetParam()); int borderMode = get<3>(GetParam()); int remapMode = get<4>(GetParam()); unsigned int height = size.height; unsigned int width = size.width; Mat source(height, width, type); Mat destination; Mat map_x(height, width, CV_32F); Mat map_y(height, width, CV_32F); declare.in(source, WARMUP_RNG); update_map(source, map_x, map_y, remapMode); TEST_CYCLE() { remap(source, destination, map_x, map_y, interpolationType, borderMode); } SANITY_CHECK_NOTHING(); } void update_map(const Mat& src, Mat& map_x, Mat& map_y, const int remapMode ) { for( int j = 0; j < src.rows; j++ ) { for( int i = 0; i < src.cols; i++ ) { switch( remapMode ) { case HALF_SIZE: if( i > src.cols*0.25 && i < src.cols*0.75 && j > src.rows*0.25 && j < src.rows*0.75 ) { map_x.at(j,i) = 2*( i - src.cols*0.25f ) + 0.5f ; map_y.at(j,i) = 2*( j - src.rows*0.25f ) + 0.5f ; } else { map_x.at(j,i) = 0 ; map_y.at(j,i) = 0 ; } break; case UPSIDE_DOWN: map_x.at(j,i) = static_cast(i) ; map_y.at(j,i) = static_cast(src.rows - j) ; break; case REFLECTION_X: map_x.at(j,i) = static_cast(src.cols - i) ; map_y.at(j,i) = static_cast(j) ; break; case REFLECTION_BOTH: map_x.at(j,i) = static_cast(src.cols - i) ; map_y.at(j,i) = static_cast(src.rows - j) ; break; } // end of switch } } } PERF_TEST(Transform, getPerspectiveTransform_1000) { unsigned int size = 8; Mat source(1, size/2, CV_32FC2); Mat destination(1, size/2, CV_32FC2); Mat transformCoefficient; declare.in(source, destination, WARMUP_RNG); PERF_SAMPLE_BEGIN() for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { transformCoefficient = getPerspectiveTransform(source, destination); } PERF_SAMPLE_END() SANITY_CHECK_NOTHING(); } PERF_TEST(Undistort, InitUndistortMap) { Size size_w_h(512 + 3, 512); Mat k(3, 3, CV_32FC1); Mat d(1, 14, CV_64FC1); Mat dst(size_w_h, CV_32FC2); declare.in(k, d, WARMUP_RNG).out(dst); TEST_CYCLE() initUndistortRectifyMap(k, d, noArray(), k, size_w_h, CV_32FC2, dst, noArray()); SANITY_CHECK_NOTHING(); } } // namespace