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815 lines
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815 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Prints data in a table format.
This module serves as utility for other scripts.
import sys, re, os.path, stat, math
from html import escape
from optparse import OptionParser
from color import getColorizer, dummyColorizer
class tblCell(object):
def __init__(self, text, value = None, props = None):
self.text = text
self.value = value
self.props = props
class tblColumn(object):
def __init__(self, caption, title = None, props = None):
self.text = caption
self.title = title
self.props = props
class tblRow(object):
def __init__(self, colsNum, props = None):
self.cells = [None] * colsNum
self.props = props
def htmlEncode(str):
return '<br/>'.join([escape(s) for s in str])
class table(object):
def_align = "left"
def_valign = "middle"
def_color = None
def_colspan = 1
def_rowspan = 1
def_bold = False
def_italic = False
def __init__(self, caption = None, format=None):
self.format = format
self.is_markdown = self.format == 'markdown'
self.is_tabs = self.format == 'tabs'
self.columns = {}
self.rows = []
self.ridx = -1;
self.caption = caption
def newRow(self, **properties):
if len(self.rows) - 1 == self.ridx:
self.rows.append(tblRow(len(self.columns), properties))
self.rows[self.ridx + 1].props = properties
self.ridx += 1
return self.rows[self.ridx]
def trimLastRow(self):
if self.rows:
if self.ridx >= len(self.rows):
self.ridx = len(self.rows) - 1
def newColumn(self, name, caption, title = None, **properties):
if name in self.columns:
index = self.columns[name].index
index = len(self.columns)
if isinstance(caption, tblColumn):
caption.index = index
self.columns[name] = caption
return caption
col = tblColumn(caption, title, properties)
col.index = index
self.columns[name] = col
return col
def getColumn(self, name):
if isinstance(name, str):
return self.columns.get(name, None)
vals = [v for v in self.columns.values() if v.index == name]
if vals:
return vals[0]
return None
def newCell(self, col_name, text, value = None, **properties):
if self.ridx < 0:
col = self.getColumn(col_name)
row = self.rows[self.ridx]
if not col:
return None
if isinstance(text, tblCell):
cl = text
cl = tblCell(text, value, properties)
row.cells[col.index] = cl
return cl
def layoutTable(self):
columns = self.columns.values()
columns = sorted(columns, key=lambda c: c.index)
colspanned = []
rowspanned = []
self.headerHeight = 1
rowsToAppend = 0
for col in columns:
if col.height > self.headerHeight:
self.headerHeight = col.height
col.minwidth = col.width
col.line = None
for r in range(len(self.rows)):
row = self.rows[r]
row.minheight = 1
for i in range(len(row.cells)):
cell = row.cells[i]
if row.cells[i] is None:
cell.line = None
colspan = int(self.getValue("colspan", cell))
rowspan = int(self.getValue("rowspan", cell))
if colspan > 1:
if i + colspan > len(columns):
colspan = len(columns) - i
cell.colspan = colspan
#clear spanned cells
for j in range(i+1, min(len(row.cells), i + colspan)):
row.cells[j] = None
elif columns[i].minwidth < cell.width:
columns[i].minwidth = cell.width
if rowspan > 1:
rowsToAppend2 = r + colspan - len(self.rows)
if rowsToAppend2 > rowsToAppend:
rowsToAppend = rowsToAppend2
cell.rowspan = rowspan
#clear spanned cells
for j in range(r+1, min(len(self.rows), r + rowspan)):
if len(self.rows[j].cells) > i:
self.rows[j].cells[i] = None
elif row.minheight < cell.height:
row.minheight = cell.height
self.ridx = len(self.rows) - 1
for r in range(rowsToAppend):
self.rows[len(self.rows) - 1].minheight = 1
while colspanned:
colspanned_new = []
for r, c in colspanned:
cell = self.rows[r].cells[c]
sum([col.minwidth for col in columns[c:c + cell.colspan]])
cell.awailable = sum([col.minwidth for col in columns[c:c + cell.colspan]]) + cell.colspan - 1
if cell.awailable < cell.width:
colspanned = colspanned_new
if colspanned:
r,c = colspanned[0]
cell = self.rows[r].cells[c]
cols = columns[c:c + cell.colspan]
total = cell.awailable - cell.colspan + 1
budget = cell.width - cell.awailable
spent = 0
s = 0
for col in cols:
s += col.minwidth
addition = s * budget / total - spent
spent += addition
col.minwidth += addition
while rowspanned:
rowspanned_new = []
for r, c in rowspanned:
cell = self.rows[r].cells[c]
cell.awailable = sum([row.minheight for row in self.rows[r:r + cell.rowspan]])
if cell.awailable < cell.height:
rowspanned = rowspanned_new
if rowspanned:
r,c = rowspanned[0]
cell = self.rows[r].cells[c]
rows = self.rows[r:r + cell.rowspan]
total = cell.awailable
budget = cell.height - cell.awailable
spent = 0
s = 0
for row in rows:
s += row.minheight
addition = s * budget / total - spent
spent += addition
row.minheight += addition
return columns
def measureCell(self, cell):
text = self.getValue("text", cell)
cell.text = self.reformatTextValue(text)
cell.height = len(cell.text)
cell.width = len(max(cell.text, key = lambda line: len(line)))
def reformatTextValue(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
vstr = value
vstr = '\n'.join([str(v) for v in value])
except TypeError:
vstr = str(value)
return vstr.splitlines()
def adjustColWidth(self, cols, width):
total = sum([c.minWidth for c in cols])
if total + len(cols) - 1 >= width:
budget = width - len(cols) + 1 - total
spent = 0
s = 0
for col in cols:
s += col.minWidth
addition = s * budget / total - spent
spent += addition
col.minWidth += addition
def getValue(self, name, *elements):
for el in elements:
return getattr(el, name)
except AttributeError:
val = el.props[name]
if val:
return val
except AttributeError:
except KeyError:
return getattr(self.__class__, "def_" + name)
except AttributeError:
return None
def consolePrintTable(self, out):
columns = self.layoutTable()
colrizer = getColorizer(out) if not (self.is_markdown or self.is_tabs) else dummyColorizer(out)
if self.caption:
out.write("%s%s%s" % ( os.linesep, os.linesep.join(self.reformatTextValue(self.caption)), os.linesep * 2))
headerRow = tblRow(len(columns), {"align": "center", "valign": "top", "bold": True, "header": True})
headerRow.cells = columns
headerRow.minheight = self.headerHeight
self.consolePrintRow2(colrizer, headerRow, columns)
for i in range(0, len(self.rows)):
self.consolePrintRow2(colrizer, i, columns)
def consolePrintRow2(self, out, r, columns):
if isinstance(r, tblRow):
row = r
r = -1
row = self.rows[r]
#evaluate initial values for line numbers
i = 0
while i < len(row.cells):
cell = row.cells[i]
colspan = self.getValue("colspan", cell)
if cell is not None:
cell.wspace = sum([col.minwidth for col in columns[i:i + colspan]]) + colspan - 1
if cell.line is None:
if r < 0:
rows = [row]
rows = self.rows[r:r + self.getValue("rowspan", cell)]
cell.line = self.evalLine(cell, rows, columns[i])
if len(rows) > 1:
for rw in rows:
rw.cells[i] = cell
i += colspan
#print content
if self.is_markdown:
for c in row.cells:
text = ' '.join(self.getValue('text', c) or [])
out.write(text + "|")
elif self.is_tabs:
cols_to_join=[' '.join(self.getValue('text', c) or []) for c in row.cells]
for ln in range(row.minheight):
i = 0
while i < len(row.cells):
if i > 0:
out.write(" ")
cell = row.cells[i]
column = columns[i]
if cell is None:
out.write(" " * column.minwidth)
i += 1
self.consolePrintLine(cell, row, column, out)
i += self.getValue("colspan", cell)
if self.is_markdown:
if self.is_markdown and row.props.get('header', False):
for th in row.cells:
align = self.getValue("align", th)
if align == 'center':
elif align == 'right':
def consolePrintLine(self, cell, row, column, out):
if cell.line < 0 or cell.line >= cell.height:
line = ""
line = cell.text[cell.line]
width = cell.wspace
align = self.getValue("align", ((None, cell)[isinstance(cell, tblCell)]), row, column)
if align == "right":
pattern = "%" + str(width) + "s"
elif align == "center":
pattern = "%" + str((width - len(line)) // 2 + len(line)) + "s" + " " * (width - len(line) - (width - len(line)) // 2)
pattern = "%-" + str(width) + "s"
out.write(pattern % line, color = self.getValue("color", cell, row, column))
cell.line += 1
def evalLine(self, cell, rows, column):
height = cell.height
valign = self.getValue("valign", cell, rows[0], column)
space = sum([row.minheight for row in rows])
if valign == "bottom":
return height - space
if valign == "middle":
return (height - space + 1) // 2
return 0
def htmlPrintTable(self, out, embeedcss = False):
columns = self.layoutTable()
if embeedcss:
out.write("<div style=\"font-family: Lucida Console, Courier New, Courier;font-size: 16px;color:#3e4758;\">\n<table style=\"background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;border-collapse:collapse;font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode','Lucida Grande',Sans-Serif;font-size:14px;margin:20px;text-align:left;width:480px;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;white-space:nowrap;\">\n")
out.write("<div class=\"tableFormatter\">\n<table class=\"tbl\">\n")
if self.caption:
if embeedcss:
out.write(" <caption style=\"font:italic 16px 'Trebuchet MS',Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;padding:0 0 5px;text-align:right;white-space:normal;\">%s</caption>\n" % htmlEncode(self.reformatTextValue(self.caption)))
out.write(" <caption>%s</caption>\n" % htmlEncode(self.reformatTextValue(self.caption)))
out.write(" <thead>\n")
headerRow = tblRow(len(columns), {"align": "center", "valign": "top", "bold": True, "header": True})
headerRow.cells = columns
header_rows = [headerRow]
header_rows.extend([row for row in self.rows if self.getValue("header")])
last_row = header_rows[len(header_rows) - 1]
for row in header_rows:
out.write(" <tr>\n")
for th in row.cells:
align = self.getValue("align", ((None, th)[isinstance(th, tblCell)]), row, row)
valign = self.getValue("valign", th, row)
cssclass = self.getValue("cssclass", th)
attr = ""
if align:
attr += " align=\"%s\"" % align
if valign:
attr += " valign=\"%s\"" % valign
if cssclass:
attr += " class=\"%s\"" % cssclass
css = ""
if embeedcss:
css = " style=\"border:none;color:#003399;font-size:16px;font-weight:normal;white-space:nowrap;padding:3px 10px;\""
if row == last_row:
css = css[:-1] + "padding-bottom:5px;\""
out.write(" <th%s%s>\n" % (attr, css))
if th is not None:
out.write(" %s\n" % htmlEncode(th.text))
out.write(" </th>\n")
out.write(" </tr>\n")
out.write(" </thead>\n <tbody>\n")
rows = [row for row in self.rows if not self.getValue("header")]
for r in range(len(rows)):
row = rows[r]
rowattr = ""
cssclass = self.getValue("cssclass", row)
if cssclass:
rowattr += " class=\"%s\"" % cssclass
out.write(" <tr%s>\n" % (rowattr))
i = 0
while i < len(row.cells):
column = columns[i]
td = row.cells[i]
if isinstance(td, int):
i += td
colspan = self.getValue("colspan", td)
rowspan = self.getValue("rowspan", td)
align = self.getValue("align", td, row, column)
valign = self.getValue("valign", td, row, column)
color = self.getValue("color", td, row, column)
bold = self.getValue("bold", td, row, column)
italic = self.getValue("italic", td, row, column)
style = ""
attr = ""
if color:
style += "color:%s;" % color
if bold:
style += "font-weight: bold;"
if italic:
style += "font-style: italic;"
if align and align != "left":
attr += " align=\"%s\"" % align
if valign and valign != "middle":
attr += " valign=\"%s\"" % valign
if colspan > 1:
attr += " colspan=\"%s\"" % colspan
if rowspan > 1:
attr += " rowspan=\"%s\"" % rowspan
for q in range(r+1, min(r+rowspan, len(rows))):
rows[q].cells[i] = colspan
if style:
attr += " style=\"%s\"" % style
css = ""
if embeedcss:
css = " style=\"border:none;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;color:#666699;padding:6px 8px;white-space:nowrap;\""
if r == 0:
css = css[:-1] + "border-top:2px solid #6678B1;\""
out.write(" <td%s%s>\n" % (attr, css))
if td is not None:
out.write(" %s\n" % htmlEncode(td.text))
out.write(" </td>\n")
i += colspan
out.write(" </tr>\n")
out.write(" </tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n")
def htmlPrintHeader(out, title = None):
if title:
titletag = "<title>%s</title>\n" % htmlEncode([str(title)])
titletag = ""
out.write("""<!DOCTYPE HTML>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
%s<style type="text/css">
html, body {font-family: Lucida Console, Courier New, Courier;font-size: 16px;color:#3e4758;}
.tbl{background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;border-collapse:collapse;font-family:"Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande",Sans-Serif;font-size:14px;margin:20px;text-align:left;width:480px;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;white-space:nowrap;}
.tbl span{display:block;white-space:nowrap;}
.tbl thead tr:last-child th {padding-bottom:5px;}
.tbl tbody tr:first-child td {border-top:3px solid #6678B1;}
.tbl th{border:none;color:#003399;font-size:16px;font-weight:normal;white-space:nowrap;padding:3px 10px;}
.tbl td{border:none;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;color:#666699;padding:6px 8px;white-space:nowrap;}
.tbl tbody tr:hover td{color:#000099;}
.tbl caption{font:italic 16px "Trebuchet MS",Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;padding:0 0 5px;text-align:right;white-space:normal;}
.firstingroup {border-top:2px solid #6678B1;}
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function abs(val) { return val < 0 ? -val : val }
//generate filter rows
$("div.tableFormatter table.tbl").each(function(tblIdx, tbl) {
var head = $("thead", tbl)
var filters = $("<tr></tr>")
var hasAny = false
$("tr:first th", head).each(function(colIdx, col) {
col = $(col)
var cell
var id = "t" + tblIdx + "r" + colIdx
if (col.hasClass("col_name")){
cell = $("<th><input id='" + id + "' name='" + id + "' type='text' style='width:100%%' class='filter_col_name' title='Regular expression for name filtering ("resize.*640x480" - resize tests on VGA resolution)'></input></th>")
hasAny = true
else if (col.hasClass("col_rel")){
cell = $("<th><input id='" + id + "' name='" + id + "' type='text' style='width:100%%' class='filter_col_rel' title='Filter out lines with a x-factor of acceleration less than Nx'></input></th>")
hasAny = true
else if (col.hasClass("col_cr")){
cell = $("<th><input id='" + id + "' name='" + id + "' type='text' style='width:100%%' class='filter_col_cr' title='Filter out lines with a percentage of acceleration less than N%%'></input></th>")
hasAny = true
cell = $("<th></th>")
if (hasAny){
$(tbl).wrap("<form id='form_t" + tblIdx + "' method='get' action=''></form>")
$("<input it='test' type='submit' value='Apply Filters' style='margin-left:10px;'></input>")
.appendTo($("th:last", filters.appendTo(head)))
//get filter values
var vars = []
var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&')
for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; ++i)
hash = hashes[i].split('=')
vars[decodeURIComponent(hash[0])] = decodeURIComponent(hash[1]);
//set filter values
for(var i = 0; i < vars.length; ++i)
$("#" + vars[i]).val(vars[vars[i]])
//apply filters
$("div.tableFormatter table.tbl").each(function(tblIdx, tbl) {
filters = $("input:text", tbl)
var predicate = function(row) {return true;}
var empty = true
$.each($("input:text", tbl), function(i, flt) {
flt = $(flt)
var val = flt.val()
var pred = predicate;
if(val) {
empty = false
var colIdx = parseInt(flt.attr("id").slice(flt.attr("id").indexOf('r') + 1))
if(flt.hasClass("filter_col_name")) {
var re = new RegExp(val);
predicate = function(row) {
if (re.exec($(row.get(colIdx)).text()) == null)
return false
return pred(row)
} else if(flt.hasClass("filter_col_rel")) {
var percent = parseFloat(val)
if (percent < 0) {
predicate = function(row) {
var val = parseFloat($(row.get(colIdx)).text())
if (!val || val >= 1 || val > 1+percent)
return false
return pred(row)
} else {
predicate = function(row) {
var val = parseFloat($(row.get(colIdx)).text())
if (!val || val < percent)
return false
return pred(row)
} else if(flt.hasClass("filter_col_cr")) {
var percent = parseFloat(val)
predicate = function(row) {
var val = parseFloat($(row.get(colIdx)).text())
if (!val || val < percent)
return false
return pred(row)
if (!empty){
$("tbody tr", tbl).each(function (i, tbl_row) {
if(!predicate($("td", tbl_row)))
if($("tbody tr", tbl).length == 0) {
$("<tr><td colspan='"+$("thead tr:first th", tbl).length+"'>No results matching your search criteria</td></tr>")
.appendTo($("tbody", tbl))
""" % titletag)
def htmlPrintFooter(out):
def getStdoutFilename():
if os.name == "nt":
import msvcrt, ctypes
handle = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(sys.stdout.fileno())
size = ctypes.c_ulong(1024)
nameBuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(size.value)
ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetFinalPathNameByHandleA(handle, nameBuffer, size, 4)
return nameBuffer.value
return os.readlink('/proc/self/fd/1')
return ""
def detectHtmlOutputType(requestedType):
if requestedType in ['txt', 'markdown']:
return False
elif requestedType in ["html", "moinwiki"]:
return True
if sys.stdout.isatty():
return False
outname = getStdoutFilename()
if outname:
if outname.endswith(".htm") or outname.endswith(".html"):
return True
return False
return False
def getRelativeVal(test, test0, metric):
if not test or not test0:
return None
val0 = test0.get(metric, "s")
if not val0:
return None
val = test.get(metric, "s")
if not val or val == 0:
return None
return float(val0)/val
def getCycleReduction(test, test0, metric):
if not test or not test0:
return None
val0 = test0.get(metric, "s")
if not val0 or val0 == 0:
return None
val = test.get(metric, "s")
if not val:
return None
return (1.0-float(val)/val0)*100
def getScore(test, test0, metric):
if not test or not test0:
return None
m0 = float(test.get("gmean", None))
m1 = float(test0.get("gmean", None))
if m0 == 0 or m1 == 0:
return None
s0 = float(test.get("gstddev", None))
s1 = float(test0.get("gstddev", None))
s = math.sqrt(s0*s0 + s1*s1)
m0 = math.log(m0)
m1 = math.log(m1)
if s == 0:
return None
return (m0-m1)/s
metrix_table = \
"name": ("Name of Test", lambda test,test0,units: str(test)),
"samples": ("Number of\ncollected samples", lambda test,test0,units: test.get("samples", units)),
"outliers": ("Number of\noutliers", lambda test,test0,units: test.get("outliers", units)),
"gmean": ("Geometric mean", lambda test,test0,units: test.get("gmean", units)),
"mean": ("Mean", lambda test,test0,units: test.get("mean", units)),
"min": ("Min", lambda test,test0,units: test.get("min", units)),
"median": ("Median", lambda test,test0,units: test.get("median", units)),
"stddev": ("Standard deviation", lambda test,test0,units: test.get("stddev", units)),
"gstddev": ("Standard deviation of Ln(time)", lambda test,test0,units: test.get("gstddev")),
"gmean%": ("Geometric mean (relative)", lambda test,test0,units: getRelativeVal(test, test0, "gmean")),
"mean%": ("Mean (relative)", lambda test,test0,units: getRelativeVal(test, test0, "mean")),
"min%": ("Min (relative)", lambda test,test0,units: getRelativeVal(test, test0, "min")),
"median%": ("Median (relative)", lambda test,test0,units: getRelativeVal(test, test0, "median")),
"stddev%": ("Standard deviation (relative)", lambda test,test0,units: getRelativeVal(test, test0, "stddev")),
"gstddev%": ("Standard deviation of Ln(time) (relative)", lambda test,test0,units: getRelativeVal(test, test0, "gstddev")),
"gmean$": ("Geometric mean (cycle reduction)", lambda test,test0,units: getCycleReduction(test, test0, "gmean")),
"mean$": ("Mean (cycle reduction)", lambda test,test0,units: getCycleReduction(test, test0, "mean")),
"min$": ("Min (cycle reduction)", lambda test,test0,units: getCycleReduction(test, test0, "min")),
"median$": ("Median (cycle reduction)", lambda test,test0,units: getCycleReduction(test, test0, "median")),
"stddev$": ("Standard deviation (cycle reduction)", lambda test,test0,units: getCycleReduction(test, test0, "stddev")),
"gstddev$": ("Standard deviation of Ln(time) (cycle reduction)", lambda test,test0,units: getCycleReduction(test, test0, "gstddev")),
"score": ("SCORE", lambda test,test0,units: getScore(test, test0, "gstddev")),
def formatValue(val, metric, units = None):
if val is None:
return "-"
if metric.endswith("%"):
return "%.2f" % val
if metric.endswith("$"):
return "%.2f%%" % val
if metric.endswith("S"):
if val > 3.5:
return "SLOWER"
if val < -3.5:
return "FASTER"
if val > -1.5 and val < 1.5:
return " "
if val < 0:
return "faster"
if val > 0:
return "slower"
#return "%.4f" % val
if units:
return "%.3f %s" % (val, units)
return "%.3f" % val
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage:\n", os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), "<log_name>.xml")
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="format", help="output results in text format (can be 'txt', 'html', 'markdown' or 'auto' - default)", metavar="FMT", default="auto")
parser.add_option("-m", "--metric", dest="metric", help="output metric", metavar="NAME", default="gmean")
parser.add_option("-u", "--units", dest="units", help="units for output values (s, ms (default), us, ns or ticks)", metavar="UNITS", default="ms")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
options.generateHtml = detectHtmlOutputType(options.format)
if options.metric not in metrix_table:
options.metric = "gmean"
#print options
#print args
# tbl = table()
# tbl.newColumn("first", "qqqq", align = "left")
# tbl.newColumn("second", "wwww\nz\nx\n")
# tbl.newColumn("third", "wwasdas")
# tbl.newCell(0, "ccc111", align = "right")
# tbl.newCell(1, "dddd1")
# tbl.newCell(2, "8768756754")
# tbl.newRow()
# tbl.newCell(0, "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7", align = "center", colspan = 2, rowspan = 2)
# tbl.newCell(2, "xxx\nqqq", align = "center", colspan = 1, valign = "middle")
# tbl.newRow()
# tbl.newCell(2, "+", align = "center", colspan = 1, valign = "middle")
# tbl.newRow()
# tbl.newCell(0, "vcvvbasdsadassdasdasv", align = "right", colspan = 2)
# tbl.newCell(2, "dddd1")
# tbl.newRow()
# tbl.newCell(0, "vcvvbv")
# tbl.newCell(1, "3445324", align = "right")
# tbl.newCell(2, None)
# tbl.newCell(1, "0000")
# if sys.stdout.isatty():
# tbl.consolePrintTable(sys.stdout)
# else:
# htmlPrintHeader(sys.stdout)
# tbl.htmlPrintTable(sys.stdout)
# htmlPrintFooter(sys.stdout)
import testlog_parser
if options.generateHtml:
htmlPrintHeader(sys.stdout, "Tables demo")
getter = metrix_table[options.metric][1]
for arg in args:
tests = testlog_parser.parseLogFile(arg)
tbl = table(arg, format=options.format)
tbl.newColumn("name", "Name of Test", align = "left")
tbl.newColumn("value", metrix_table[options.metric][0], align = "center", bold = "true")
for t in sorted(tests):
tbl.newCell("name", str(t))
status = t.get("status")
if status != "run":
tbl.newCell("value", status)
val = getter(t, None, options.units)
if val:
if options.metric.endswith("%"):
tbl.newCell("value", "%.2f" % val, val)
tbl.newCell("value", "%.3f %s" % (val, options.units), val)
tbl.newCell("value", "-")
if options.generateHtml:
if options.generateHtml: