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synced 2025-01-21 08:37:57 +08:00
New dnn engine #26056 This is the 1st PR with the new engine; CI is green and PR is ready to be merged, I think. Merge together with https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/pull/3794 --- **Known limitations:** * [solved] OpenVINO is temporarily disabled, but is probably easy to restore (it's not a deal breaker to merge this PR, I guess) * The new engine does not support any backends nor any targets except for the default CPU implementation. But it's possible to choose the old engine when loading a model, then all the functionality is available. * [Caffe patch is here: #26208] The new engine only supports ONNX. When a model is constructed manually or is loaded from a file of different format (.tf, .tflite, .caffe, .darknet), the old engine is used. * Even in the case of ONNX some layers are not supported by the new engine, such as all quantized layers (including DequantizeLinear, QuantizeLinear, QLinearConv etc.), LSTM, GRU, .... It's planned, of course, to have full support for ONNX by OpenCV 5.0 gold release. When a loaded model contains unsupported layers, we switch to the old engine automatically (at ONNX parsing time, not at `forward()` time). * Some layers , e.g. Expat, are only partially supported by the new engine. In the case of unsupported flavours it switches to the old engine automatically (at ONNX parsing time, not at `forward()` time). * 'Concat' graph optimization is disabled. The optimization eliminates Concat layer and instead makes the layers that generate tensors to be concatenated to write the outputs to the final destination. Of course, it's only possible when `axis=0` or `axis=N=1`. The optimization is not compatible with dynamic shapes since we need to know in advance where to store the tensors. Because some of the layer implementations have been modified to become more compatible with the new engine, the feature appears to be broken even when the old engine is used. * Some `dnn::Net` API is not available with the new engine. Also, shape inference may return false if some of the output or intermediate tensors' shapes cannot be inferred without running the model. Probably this can be fixed by a dummy run of the model with zero inputs. * Some overloads of `dnn::Net::getFLOPs()` and `dnn::Net::getMemoryConsumption()` are not exposed any longer in wrapper generators; but the most useful overloads are exposed (and checked by Java tests). * [in progress] A few Einsum tests related to empty shapes have been disabled due to crashes in the tests and in Einsum implementations. The code and the tests need to be repaired. * OpenCL implementation of Deconvolution is disabled. It's very bad and very slow anyway; need to be completely revised. * Deconvolution3D test is now skipped, because it was only supported by CUDA and OpenVINO backends, both of which are not supported by the new engine. * Some tests, such as FastNeuralStyle, checked that the in the case of CUDA backend there is no fallback to CPU. Currently all layers in the new engine are processed on CPU, so there are many fallbacks. The checks, therefore, have been temporarily disabled. --- - [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake
1723 lines
81 KiB
Executable File
1723 lines
81 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import sys, re, os.path, errno, fnmatch
import json
import logging
import codecs
import io
from shutil import copyfile
from pprint import pformat
from string import Template
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): # Python 3.8+
from shutil import copytree
def copy_tree(src, dst):
copytree(src, dst, dirs_exist_ok=True)
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
from io import StringIO # Python 3
from io import BytesIO as StringIO
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# list of modules
config = None
total_files = 0
updated_files = 0
module_imports = []
# list of namespaces, which should be skipped by wrapper generator
# the list is loaded from misc/objc/gen_dict.json defined for the module only
namespace_ignore_list = []
# list of class names, which should be skipped by wrapper generator
# the list is loaded from misc/objc/gen_dict.json defined for the module and its dependencies
class_ignore_list = []
# list of enum names, which should be skipped by wrapper generator
enum_ignore_list = []
# list of constant names, which should be skipped by wrapper generator
# ignored constants can be defined using regular expressions
const_ignore_list = []
# list of private constants
const_private_list = []
# { Module : { public : [[name, val],...], private : [[]...] } }
missing_consts = {}
type_dict = {
"" : {"objc_type" : ""}, # c-tor ret_type
"void" : {"objc_type" : "void", "is_primitive" : True, "swift_type": "Void"},
"bool" : {"objc_type" : "BOOL", "is_primitive" : True, "to_cpp": "(bool)%(n)s", "swift_type": "Bool"},
"char" : {"objc_type" : "char", "is_primitive" : True, "swift_type": "Int8"},
"int" : {"objc_type" : "int", "is_primitive" : True, "out_type" : "int*", "out_type_ptr": "%(n)s", "out_type_ref": "*(int*)(%(n)s)", "swift_type": "Int32"},
"long" : {"objc_type" : "long", "is_primitive" : True, "swift_type": "Int"},
"float" : {"objc_type" : "float", "is_primitive" : True, "out_type" : "float*", "out_type_ptr": "%(n)s", "out_type_ref": "*(float*)(%(n)s)", "swift_type": "Float"},
"double" : {"objc_type" : "double", "is_primitive" : True, "out_type" : "double*", "out_type_ptr": "%(n)s", "out_type_ref": "*(double*)(%(n)s)", "swift_type": "Double"},
"size_t" : {"objc_type" : "size_t", "is_primitive" : True},
"int64" : {"objc_type" : "long", "is_primitive" : True, "swift_type": "Int"},
"string" : {"objc_type" : "NSString*", "is_primitive" : True, "from_cpp": "[NSString stringWithUTF8String:%(n)s.c_str()]", "cast_to": "std::string", "swift_type": "String"}
# Defines a rule to add extra prefixes for names from specific namespaces.
# In example, cv::fisheye::stereoRectify from namespace fisheye is wrapped as fisheye_stereoRectify
namespaces_dict = {}
# { module: { class | "*" : [ header ]} }
AdditionalImports = {}
# { class : { func : {declaration, implementation} } }
ManualFuncs = {}
# { class : { func : { arg_name : {"ctype" : ctype, "attrib" : [attrib]} } } }
func_arg_fix = {}
# { class : { func : { prolog : "", epilog : "" } } }
header_fix = {}
# { class : { enum: fixed_enum } }
enum_fix = {}
# { class : { enum: { const: fixed_const} } }
const_fix = {}
# { (class, func) : objc_signature }
method_dict = {
("Mat", "convertTo") : "-convertTo:rtype:alpha:beta:",
("Mat", "setTo") : "-setToScalar:mask:",
("Mat", "zeros") : "+zeros:cols:type:",
("Mat", "ones") : "+ones:cols:type:",
("Mat", "dot") : "-dot:"
modules = []
class SkipSymbolException(Exception):
def __init__(self, text):
self.t = text
def __str__(self):
return self.t
def read_contents(fname):
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
data = f.read()
return data
def mkdir_p(path):
''' mkdir -p '''
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):
def header_import(hdr):
""" converts absolute header path to import parameter """
pos = hdr.find('/include/')
hdr = hdr[pos+9 if pos >= 0 else 0:]
#pos = hdr.find('opencv2/')
#hdr = hdr[pos+8 if pos >= 0 else 0:]
return hdr
def make_objcname(m):
return "Cv"+m if (m[0] in "0123456789") else m
def make_objcmodule(m):
return "cv"+m if (m[0] in "0123456789") else m
T_OBJC_CLASS_HEADER = read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/objc_class_header.template'))
T_OBJC_CLASS_BODY = read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/objc_class_body.template'))
T_OBJC_MODULE_HEADER = read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/objc_module_header.template'))
T_OBJC_MODULE_BODY = read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/objc_module_body.template'))
class GeneralInfo():
def __init__(self, type, decl, namespaces):
self.symbol_id, self.namespace, self.classpath, self.classname, self.name = self.parseName(decl[0], namespaces)
for ns_ignore in namespace_ignore_list:
if self.symbol_id.startswith(ns_ignore + '.'):
raise SkipSymbolException('ignored namespace ({}): {}'.format(ns_ignore, self.symbol_id))
# parse doxygen comments
self.deprecated = False
if type == "class":
docstring = "// C++: class " + self.name + "\n"
if len(decl)>5 and decl[5]:
doc = decl[5]
if re.search("(@|\\\\)deprecated", doc):
self.deprecated = True
docstring += sanitize_documentation_string(doc, type)
elif type == "class":
docstring += "/**\n * The " + self.name + " module\n */\n"
self.docstring = docstring
def parseName(self, name, namespaces):
input: full name and available namespaces
returns: (namespace, classpath, classname, name)
name = name[name.find(" ")+1:].strip() # remove struct/class/const prefix
spaceName = ""
localName = name # <classes>.<name>
for namespace in sorted(namespaces, key=len, reverse=True):
if name.startswith(namespace + "."):
spaceName = namespace
localName = name.replace(namespace + ".", "")
pieces = localName.split(".")
if len(pieces) > 2: # <class>.<class>.<class>.<name>
return name, spaceName, ".".join(pieces[:-1]), pieces[-2], pieces[-1]
elif len(pieces) == 2: # <class>.<name>
return name, spaceName, pieces[0], pieces[0], pieces[1]
elif len(pieces) == 1: # <name>
return name, spaceName, "", "", pieces[0]
return name, spaceName, "", "" # error?!
def fullName(self, isCPP=False):
result = ".".join([self.fullClass(), self.name])
return result if not isCPP else get_cname(result)
def fullClass(self, isCPP=False):
result = ".".join([f for f in [self.namespace] + self.classpath.split(".") if len(f)>0])
return result if not isCPP else get_cname(result)
class ConstInfo(GeneralInfo):
def __init__(self, decl, addedManually=False, namespaces=[], enumType=None):
GeneralInfo.__init__(self, "const", decl, namespaces)
self.cname = get_cname(self.name)
self.swift_name = None
self.value = decl[1]
self.enumType = enumType
self.addedManually = addedManually
if self.namespace in namespaces_dict:
self.name = '%s_%s' % (namespaces_dict[self.namespace], self.name)
def __repr__(self):
return Template("CONST $name=$value$manual").substitute(name=self.name,
manual="(manual)" if self.addedManually else "")
def isIgnored(self):
for c in const_ignore_list:
if re.match(c, self.name):
return True
return False
def normalize_field_name(name):
return name.replace(".","_").replace("[","").replace("]","").replace("_getNativeObjAddr()","_nativeObj")
def normalize_class_name(name):
return re.sub(r"^cv\.", "", name).replace(".", "_")
def get_cname(name):
return name.replace(".", "::")
def cast_from(t):
if t in type_dict and "cast_from" in type_dict[t]:
return type_dict[t]["cast_from"]
return t
def cast_to(t):
if t in type_dict and "cast_to" in type_dict[t]:
return type_dict[t]["cast_to"]
return t
def gen_class_doc(docstring, module, members, enums):
lines = docstring.splitlines()
lines.insert(len(lines)-1, " *")
if len(members) > 0:
lines.insert(len(lines)-1, " * Member classes: " + ", ".join([("`" + m + "`") for m in members]))
lines.insert(len(lines)-1, " *")
lines.insert(len(lines)-1, " * Member of `" + module + "`")
if len(enums) > 0:
lines.insert(len(lines)-1, " * Member enums: " + ", ".join([("`" + m + "`") for m in enums]))
return "\n".join(lines)
class ClassPropInfo():
def __init__(self, decl): # [f_ctype, f_name, '', '/RW']
self.ctype = decl[0]
self.name = decl[1]
self.rw = "/RW" in decl[3]
def __repr__(self):
return Template("PROP $ctype $name").substitute(ctype=self.ctype, name=self.name)
class ClassInfo(GeneralInfo):
def __init__(self, decl, namespaces=[]): # [ 'class/struct cname', ': base', [modlist] ]
GeneralInfo.__init__(self, "class", decl, namespaces)
self.cname = self.name if not self.classname else self.classname + "_" + self.name
self.real_cname = self.name if not self.classname else self.classname + "::" + self.name
self.methods = []
self.methods_suffixes = {}
self.consts = [] # using a list to save the occurrence order
self.private_consts = []
self.imports = set()
self.props= []
self.objc_name = self.name if not self.classname else self.classname + self.name
self.smart = None # True if class stores Ptr<T>* instead of T* in nativeObj field
self.additionalImports = None # additional import files
self.enum_declarations = None # Objective-C enum declarations stream
self.method_declarations = None # Objective-C method declarations stream
self.method_implementations = None # Objective-C method implementations stream
self.objc_header_template = None # Objective-C header code
self.objc_body_template = None # Objective-C body code
for m in decl[2]:
if m.startswith("="):
self.objc_name = m[1:]
self.base = ''
self.is_base_class = True
self.native_ptr_name = "nativePtr"
self.member_classes = [] # Only relevant for modules
self.member_enums = [] # Only relevant for modules
if decl[1]:
self.base = re.sub(r"^.*:", "", decl[1].split(",")[0]).strip()
if self.base:
self.is_base_class = False
self.native_ptr_name = "nativePtr" + self.objc_name
def __repr__(self):
return Template("CLASS $namespace::$classpath.$name : $base").substitute(**self.__dict__)
def getImports(self, module):
return ["#import \"%s.h\"" % make_objcname(c) for c in sorted([m for m in [type_dict[m]["import_module"] if m in type_dict and "import_module" in type_dict[m] else m for m in self.imports] if m != self.name])]
def isEnum(self, c):
return c in type_dict and type_dict[c].get("is_enum", False)
def getForwardDeclarations(self, module):
enum_decl = [x for x in self.imports if self.isEnum(x) and type_dict[x]["import_module"] != module]
enum_imports = sorted(list(set([type_dict[m]["import_module"] for m in enum_decl])))
class_decl = [x for x in self.imports if not self.isEnum(x)]
return ["#import \"%s.h\"" % make_objcname(c) for c in enum_imports] + [""] + ["@class %s;" % c for c in sorted(class_decl)]
def addImports(self, ctype, is_out_type):
if ctype == self.cname:
if ctype in type_dict:
objc_import = None
if "v_type" in type_dict[ctype]:
objc_import = type_dict[type_dict[ctype]["v_type"]]["objc_type"]
elif "v_v_type" in type_dict[ctype]:
objc_import = type_dict[type_dict[ctype]["v_v_type"]]["objc_type"]
elif not type_dict[ctype].get("is_primitive", False):
objc_import = type_dict[ctype]["objc_type"]
if objc_import is not None and objc_import not in ["NSNumber*", "NSString*"] and not (objc_import in type_dict and type_dict[objc_import].get("is_primitive", False)):
objc_import = objc_import[:-1] if objc_import[-1] == "*" else objc_import # remove trailing "*"
if objc_import != self.cname:
self.imports.add(objc_import) # remove trailing "*"
def getAllMethods(self):
result = []
result += [fi for fi in self.methods if fi.isconstructor]
result += [fi for fi in self.methods if not fi.isconstructor]
return result
def addMethod(self, fi):
def getConst(self, name):
for cand in self.consts + self.private_consts:
if cand.name == name:
return cand
return None
def addConst(self, constinfo):
# choose right list (public or private)
consts = self.consts
for c in const_private_list:
if re.match(c, constinfo.name):
consts = self.private_consts
def initCodeStreams(self, Module):
self.additionalImports = StringIO()
self.enum_declarations = StringIO()
self.method_declarations = StringIO()
self.method_implementations = StringIO()
if self.base:
self.objc_header_template = T_OBJC_CLASS_HEADER
self.objc_body_template = T_OBJC_CLASS_BODY
self.base = "NSObject"
if self.name != Module:
self.objc_header_template = T_OBJC_CLASS_HEADER
self.objc_body_template = T_OBJC_CLASS_BODY
self.objc_header_template = T_OBJC_MODULE_HEADER
self.objc_body_template = T_OBJC_MODULE_BODY
# misc handling
if self.name == Module:
for i in module_imports or []:
def cleanupCodeStreams(self):
def generateObjcHeaderCode(self, m, M, objcM):
return Template(self.objc_header_template + "\n\n").substitute(
module = M,
additionalImports = self.additionalImports.getvalue(),
importBaseClass = '#import "' + make_objcname(self.base) + '.h"' if not self.is_base_class else "",
forwardDeclarations = "\n".join([_f for _f in self.getForwardDeclarations(objcM) if _f]),
enumDeclarations = self.enum_declarations.getvalue(),
nativePointerHandling = Template(
#ifdef __cplusplus
@property(readonly)cv::Ptr<$cName> $native_ptr_name;
#ifdef __cplusplus
- (instancetype)initWithNativePtr:(cv::Ptr<$cName>)nativePtr;
+ (instancetype)fromNative:(cv::Ptr<$cName>)nativePtr;
cName = self.fullName(isCPP=True),
native_ptr_name = self.native_ptr_name
manualMethodDeclations = "",
methodDeclarations = self.method_declarations.getvalue(),
name = self.name,
objcName = make_objcname(self.objc_name),
cName = self.cname,
imports = "\n".join(self.getImports(M)),
docs = gen_class_doc(self.docstring, M, self.member_classes, self.member_enums),
base = self.base)
def generateObjcBodyCode(self, m, M):
return Template(self.objc_body_template + "\n\n").substitute(
module = M,
objcname = make_objcname(M),
- (instancetype)initWithNativePtr:(cv::Ptr<$cName>)nativePtr {
self = [super $init_call];
if (self) {
_$native_ptr_name = nativePtr;
return self;
+ (instancetype)fromNative:(cv::Ptr<$cName>)nativePtr {
return [[$objcName alloc] initWithNativePtr:nativePtr];
cName = self.fullName(isCPP=True),
objcName = make_objcname(self.objc_name),
native_ptr_name = self.native_ptr_name,
init_call = "init" if self.is_base_class else "initWithNativePtr:nativePtr"
manualMethodDeclations = "",
methodImplementations = self.method_implementations.getvalue(),
name = self.name,
objcName = make_objcname(self.objc_name),
cName = self.cname,
imports = "\n".join(self.getImports(M)),
docs = gen_class_doc(self.docstring, M, self.member_classes, self.member_enums),
base = self.base)
class ArgInfo():
def __init__(self, arg_tuple): # [ ctype, name, def val, [mod], argno ]
self.pointer = False
ctype = arg_tuple[0]
if ctype.endswith("*"):
ctype = ctype[:-1]
self.pointer = True
self.ctype = ctype
self.name = arg_tuple[1]
self.defval = arg_tuple[2]
self.out = ""
if "/O" in arg_tuple[3]:
self.out = "O"
if "/IO" in arg_tuple[3]:
self.out = "IO"
def __repr__(self):
return Template("ARG $ctype$p $name=$defval").substitute(ctype=self.ctype,
p=" *" if self.pointer else "",
class FuncInfo(GeneralInfo):
def __init__(self, decl, module, namespaces=[]): # [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ]
GeneralInfo.__init__(self, "func", decl, namespaces)
self.cname = get_cname(decl[0])
nested_type = self.classpath.find(".") != -1
self.objc_name = self.name if not nested_type else self.classpath.replace(".", "")
self.classname = self.classname if not nested_type else self.classpath.replace(".", "_")
self.swift_name = self.name
self.cv_name = self.fullName(isCPP=True)
self.isconstructor = self.name == self.classname
if "[" in self.name:
self.objc_name = "getelem"
if self.namespace in namespaces_dict:
self.objc_name = '%s_%s' % (namespaces_dict[self.namespace], self.objc_name)
self.swift_name = '%s_%s' % (namespaces_dict[self.namespace], self.swift_name)
for m in decl[2]:
if m.startswith("="):
self.objc_name = m[1:]
self.static = ["","static"][ "/S" in decl[2] ]
self.ctype = re.sub(r"^CvTermCriteria", "TermCriteria", decl[1] or "")
self.args = []
func_fix_map = func_arg_fix.get(self.classname or module, {}).get(self.objc_name, {})
header_fixes = header_fix.get(self.classname or module, {}).get(self.objc_name, {})
self.prolog = header_fixes.get('prolog', None)
self.epilog = header_fixes.get('epilog', None)
for a in decl[3]:
arg = a[:]
arg_fix_map = func_fix_map.get(arg[1], {})
arg[0] = arg_fix_map.get('ctype', arg[0]) #fixing arg type
arg[2] = arg_fix_map.get('defval', arg[2]) #fixing arg defval
arg[3] = arg_fix_map.get('attrib', arg[3]) #fixing arg attrib
if type_complete(self.args, self.ctype):
func_fix_map = func_arg_fix.get(self.classname or module, {}).get(self.signature(self.args), {})
name_fix_map = func_fix_map.get(self.name, {})
self.objc_name = name_fix_map.get('name', self.objc_name)
self.swift_name = name_fix_map.get('swift_name', self.swift_name)
for arg in self.args:
arg_fix_map = func_fix_map.get(arg.name, {})
arg.ctype = arg_fix_map.get('ctype', arg.ctype) #fixing arg type
arg.defval = arg_fix_map.get('defval', arg.defval) #fixing arg type
arg.name = arg_fix_map.get('name', arg.name) #fixing arg name
def __repr__(self):
return Template("FUNC <$ctype $namespace.$classpath.$name $args>").substitute(**self.__dict__)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.__repr__() < other.__repr__()
def signature(self, args):
objc_args = build_objc_args(args)
return "(" + type_dict[self.ctype]["objc_type"] + ")" + self.objc_name + " ".join(objc_args)
def type_complete(args, ctype):
for a in args:
if a.ctype not in type_dict:
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"):
a.defval = 0
if a.defval:
a.ctype = ''
return False
if ctype not in type_dict:
return False
return True
def build_objc_args(args):
objc_args = []
for a in args:
if a.ctype not in type_dict:
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"):
a.defval = 0
if a.defval:
a.ctype = ''
if not a.ctype: # hidden
objc_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"]
if "v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]:
if "O" in a.out:
objc_type = "NSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">*"
objc_type = "NSArray<" + objc_type + ">*"
elif "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]:
if "O" in a.out:
objc_type = "NSMutableArray<NSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">*>*"
objc_type = "NSArray<NSArray<" + objc_type + ">*>*"
if a.out and type_dict[a.ctype].get("out_type", ""):
objc_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["out_type"]
objc_args.append((a.name if len(objc_args) > 0 else '') + ':(' + objc_type + ')' + a.name)
return objc_args
def build_objc_method_name(args):
objc_method_name = ""
for a in args[1:]:
if a.ctype not in type_dict:
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"):
a.defval = 0
if a.defval:
a.ctype = ''
if not a.ctype: # hidden
objc_method_name += a.name + ":"
return objc_method_name
def get_swift_type(ctype):
has_swift_type = "swift_type" in type_dict[ctype]
swift_type = type_dict[ctype]["swift_type"] if has_swift_type else type_dict[ctype]["objc_type"]
if swift_type[-1:] == "*":
swift_type = swift_type[:-1]
if not has_swift_type:
if "v_type" in type_dict[ctype]:
swift_type = "[" + swift_type + "]"
elif "v_v_type" in type_dict[ctype]:
swift_type = "[[" + swift_type + "]]"
return swift_type
def build_swift_extension_decl(name, args, constructor, static, ret_type):
extension_decl = "@nonobjc " + ("class " if static else "") + (("func " + name) if not constructor else "convenience init") + "("
swift_args = []
for a in args:
if a.ctype not in type_dict:
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"):
a.defval = 0
if a.defval:
a.ctype = ''
if not a.ctype: # hidden
swift_type = get_swift_type(a.ctype)
if "O" in a.out:
if type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_type", False):
swift_type = "UnsafeMutablePointer<" + swift_type + ">"
elif "v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] or "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] or type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector", False) or type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector_vector", False):
swift_type = "inout " + swift_type
swift_args.append(a.name + ': ' + swift_type)
extension_decl += ", ".join(swift_args) + ")"
if ret_type:
extension_decl += " -> " + get_swift_type(ret_type)
return extension_decl
def extension_arg(a):
return a.ctype in type_dict and (type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector", False) or type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector_vector", False) or (("v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] or "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]) and "O" in a.out))
def extension_tmp_arg(a):
if a.ctype in type_dict:
if type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector", False) or type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector_vector", False):
return a.name + "Vector"
elif ("v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] or "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]) and "O" in a.out:
return a.name + "Array"
return a.name
def make_swift_extension(args):
for a in args:
if extension_arg(a):
return True
return False
def build_swift_signature(args):
swift_signature = ""
for a in args:
if a.ctype not in type_dict:
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"):
a.defval = 0
if a.defval:
a.ctype = ''
if not a.ctype: # hidden
swift_signature += a.name + ":"
return swift_signature
def build_unrefined_call(name, args, constructor, static, classname, has_ret):
swift_refine_call = ("let ret = " if has_ret and not constructor else "") + ((make_objcname(classname) + ".") if static else "") + (name if not constructor else "self.init")
call_args = []
for a in args:
if a.ctype not in type_dict:
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"):
a.defval = 0
if a.defval:
a.ctype = ''
if not a.ctype: # hidden
call_args.append(a.name + ": " + extension_tmp_arg(a))
swift_refine_call += "(" + ", ".join(call_args) + ")"
return swift_refine_call
def build_swift_logues(args):
prologue = []
epilogue = []
for a in args:
if a.ctype not in type_dict:
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"):
a.defval = 0
if a.defval:
a.ctype = ''
if not a.ctype: # hidden
if a.ctype in type_dict:
if type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector", False):
prologue.append("let " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + " = " + type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"][:-1] + "(" + a.name + ")")
if "O" in a.out:
unsigned = type_dict[a.ctype].get("unsigned", False)
array_prop = "array" if not unsigned else "unsignedArray"
epilogue.append(a.name + ".removeAll()")
epilogue.append(a.name + ".append(contentsOf: " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + "." + array_prop + ")")
elif type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector_vector", False):
if not "O" in a.out:
prologue.append("let " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + " = " + a.name + ".map {" + type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"][:-1] + "($0) }")
prologue.append("let " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + " = NSMutableArray(array: " + a.name + ".map {" + type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"][:-1] + "($0) })")
epilogue.append(a.name + ".removeAll()")
epilogue.append(a.name + ".append(contentsOf: " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + ".map { ($.0 as! " + type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"][:-1] + ").array })")
elif ("v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] or "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]) and "O" in a.out:
prologue.append("let " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + " = NSMutableArray(array: " + a.name + ")")
epilogue.append(a.name + ".removeAll()")
epilogue.append(a.name + ".append(contentsOf: " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + " as! " + get_swift_type(a.ctype) + ")")
return prologue, epilogue
def add_method_to_dict(class_name, fi):
static = fi.static if fi.classname else True
if (class_name, fi.objc_name) not in method_dict:
objc_method_name = ("+" if static else "-") + fi.objc_name + ":" + build_objc_method_name(fi.args)
method_dict[(class_name, fi.objc_name)] = objc_method_name
def see_lookup(objc_class, see):
semi_colon = see.find("::")
see_class = see[:semi_colon] if semi_colon > 0 else objc_class
see_method = see[(semi_colon + 2):] if semi_colon != -1 else see
if (see_class, see_method) in method_dict:
method = method_dict[(see_class, see_method)]
if see_class == objc_class:
return method
return ("-" if method[0] == "-" else "") + "[" + see_class + " " + method[1:] + "]"
return see
class ObjectiveCWrapperGenerator(object):
def __init__(self):
self.header_files = []
def clear(self):
self.namespaces = ["cv"]
mat_class_info = ClassInfo([ 'class Mat', '', [], [] ], self.namespaces)
mat_class_info.namespace = "cv"
self.classes = { "Mat" : mat_class_info }
self.classes["Mat"].namespace = "cv"
self.module = ""
self.Module = ""
self.extension_implementations = None # Swift extensions implementations stream
self.ported_func_list = []
self.skipped_func_list = []
self.def_args_hist = {} # { def_args_cnt : funcs_cnt }
def add_class(self, decl):
classinfo = ClassInfo(decl, namespaces=self.namespaces)
if classinfo.name in class_ignore_list:
logging.info('ignored: %s', classinfo)
return None
if classinfo.name != self.Module:
name = classinfo.cname
if self.isWrapped(name) and not classinfo.base:
logging.warning('duplicated: %s', classinfo)
return None
if name in self.classes: # TODO implement inner namespaces
if self.classes[name].symbol_id != classinfo.symbol_id:
logging.warning('duplicated under new id: {} (was {})'.format(classinfo.symbol_id, self.classes[name].symbol_id))
return None
self.classes[name] = classinfo
if name in type_dict and not classinfo.base:
logging.warning('duplicated: %s', classinfo)
return None
if name != self.Module:
type_dict.setdefault(name, {}).update(
{ "objc_type" : classinfo.objc_name + "*",
"from_cpp" : "[" + classinfo.objc_name + " fromNative:%(n)s]",
"to_cpp" : "*(%(n)s." + classinfo.native_ptr_name + ")" }
# missing_consts { Module : { public : [[name, val],...], private : [[]...] } }
if name in missing_consts:
if 'public' in missing_consts[name]:
for (n, val) in missing_consts[name]['public']:
classinfo.consts.append( ConstInfo([n, val], addedManually=True) )
# class props
for p in decl[3]:
classinfo.props.append( ClassPropInfo(p) )
if name != self.Module:
type_dict.setdefault("Ptr_"+name, {}).update(
{ "objc_type" : classinfo.objc_name + "*",
"c_type" : name,
"real_c_type" : classinfo.real_cname,
"to_cpp": "%(n)s." + classinfo.native_ptr_name,
"from_cpp": "[" + name + " fromNative:%(n)s]"}
logging.info('ok: class %s, name: %s, base: %s', classinfo, name, classinfo.base)
return classinfo
def add_const(self, decl, scope=None, enumType=None): # [ "const cname", val, [], [] ]
constinfo = ConstInfo(decl, namespaces=self.namespaces, enumType=enumType)
if constinfo.isIgnored():
logging.info('ignored: %s', constinfo)
objc_type = enumType.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] if enumType else ""
if constinfo.enumType and constinfo.classpath:
new_name = constinfo.classname + '_' + constinfo.name
const_fix.setdefault(constinfo.classpath, {}).setdefault(objc_type, {})[constinfo.name] = new_name
constinfo.swift_name = constinfo.name
constinfo.name = new_name
logging.info('use outer class prefix: %s', constinfo)
if constinfo.classpath in const_fix and objc_type in const_fix[constinfo.classpath]:
fixed_consts = const_fix[constinfo.classpath][objc_type]
if constinfo.name in fixed_consts:
fixed_const = fixed_consts[constinfo.name]
constinfo.name = fixed_const
constinfo.cname = fixed_const
if constinfo.value in fixed_consts:
constinfo.value = fixed_consts[constinfo.value]
if not self.isWrapped(constinfo.classname):
logging.info('class not found: %s', constinfo)
if not constinfo.name.startswith(constinfo.classname + "_"):
constinfo.swift_name = constinfo.name
constinfo.name = constinfo.classname + '_' + constinfo.name
constinfo.classname = ''
ci = self.getClass(constinfo.classname)
duplicate = ci.getConst(constinfo.name)
if duplicate:
if duplicate.addedManually:
logging.info('manual: %s', constinfo)
logging.warning('duplicated: %s', constinfo)
logging.info('ok: %s', constinfo)
def add_enum(self, decl): # [ "enum cname", "", [], [] ]
enumType = decl[0].rsplit(" ", 1)[1]
if enumType.endswith("<unnamed>"):
enumType = None
ctype = normalize_class_name(enumType)
constinfo = ConstInfo(decl[3][0], namespaces=self.namespaces, enumType=enumType)
objc_type = enumType.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
if objc_type in enum_ignore_list:
if constinfo.classname in enum_fix:
objc_type = enum_fix[constinfo.classname].get(objc_type, objc_type)
import_module = constinfo.classname if constinfo.classname and constinfo.classname != objc_type else self.Module
type_dict[ctype] = { "cast_from" : "int",
"cast_to" : get_cname(enumType),
"objc_type" : objc_type,
"is_enum" : True,
"import_module" : import_module,
"from_cpp" : "(" + objc_type + ")%(n)s"}
type_dict[objc_type] = { "cast_to" : get_cname(enumType),
"objc_type": objc_type,
"is_enum": True,
"import_module": import_module,
"from_cpp": "(" + objc_type + ")%(n)s"}
const_decls = decl[3]
for decl in const_decls:
self.add_const(decl, self.Module, enumType)
def add_func(self, decl):
fi = FuncInfo(decl, self.Module, namespaces=self.namespaces)
classname = fi.classname or self.Module
if classname in class_ignore_list:
logging.info('ignored: %s', fi)
elif classname in ManualFuncs and fi.objc_name in ManualFuncs[classname]:
logging.info('manual: %s', fi)
if "objc_method_name" in ManualFuncs[classname][fi.objc_name]:
method_dict[(classname, fi.objc_name)] = ManualFuncs[classname][fi.objc_name]["objc_method_name"]
elif not self.isWrapped(classname):
logging.warning('not found: %s', fi)
ci = self.getClass(classname)
if ci.symbol_id != fi.symbol_id[0:fi.symbol_id.rfind('.')] and ci.symbol_id != self.Module:
# TODO fix this (inner namepaces)
logging.warning('SKIP: mismatched class: {} (class: {})'.format(fi.symbol_id, ci.symbol_id))
logging.info('ok: %s', fi)
# calc args with def val
cnt = len([a for a in fi.args if a.defval])
self.def_args_hist[cnt] = self.def_args_hist.get(cnt, 0) + 1
add_method_to_dict(classname, fi)
def save(self, path, buf):
global total_files, updated_files
if len(buf) == 0:
total_files += 1
if os.path.exists(path):
with open(path, "rt") as f:
content = f.read()
if content == buf:
with codecs.open(path, "w", "utf-8") as f:
updated_files += 1
def get_namespace_prefix(self, cname):
namespace = self.classes[cname].namespace if cname in self.classes else "cv"
return namespace.replace(".", "::") + "::"
def gen(self, srcfiles, module, output_path, output_objc_path, common_headers, manual_classes):
self.module = module
self.objcmodule = make_objcmodule(module)
self.Module = module.capitalize()
extension_implementations = StringIO() # Swift extensions implementations stream
extension_signatures = []
# TODO: support UMat versions of declarations (implement UMat-wrapper for Java)
parser = hdr_parser.CppHeaderParser(generate_umat_decls=False)
module_ci = self.add_class( ['class ' + self.Module, '', [], []]) # [ 'class/struct cname', ':bases', [modlist] [props] ]
module_ci.header_import = module + '.hpp'
# scan the headers and build more descriptive maps of classes, consts, functions
includes = []
for hdr in common_headers:
logging.info("\n===== Common header : %s =====", hdr)
for hdr in srcfiles:
decls = parser.parse(hdr)
self.namespaces = sorted(parser.namespaces)
logging.info("\n\n===== Header: %s =====", hdr)
logging.info("Namespaces: %s", sorted(parser.namespaces))
if decls:
logging.info("Ignore header: %s", hdr)
for decl in decls:
logging.info("\n--- Incoming ---\n%s", pformat(decl[:5], 4)) # without docstring
name = decl[0]
if name.startswith("struct") or name.startswith("class"):
ci = self.add_class(decl)
if ci:
ci.header_import = header_import(hdr)
elif name.startswith("const"):
elif name.startswith("enum"):
# enum
else: # function
except SkipSymbolException as e:
logging.info('SKIP: {} due to {}'.format(name, e))
self.classes[self.Module].member_classes += manual_classes
logging.info("\n\n===== Generating... =====")
package_path = os.path.join(output_objc_path, self.objcmodule)
extension_file = "%s/%sExt.swift" % (package_path, make_objcname(self.Module))
for ci in sorted(self.classes.values(), key=lambda x: x.symbol_id):
if ci.name == "Mat":
self.gen_class(ci, self.module, extension_implementations, extension_signatures)
classObjcHeaderCode = ci.generateObjcHeaderCode(self.module, self.Module, ci.objc_name)
objc_mangled_name = make_objcname(ci.objc_name)
header_file = "%s/%s.h" % (package_path, objc_mangled_name)
self.save(header_file, classObjcHeaderCode)
classObjcBodyCode = ci.generateObjcBodyCode(self.module, self.Module)
self.save("%s/%s.mm" % (package_path, objc_mangled_name), classObjcBodyCode)
self.save(extension_file, extension_implementations.getvalue())
self.save(os.path.join(output_path, self.objcmodule+".txt"), self.makeReport())
def makeReport(self):
Returns string with generator report
report = StringIO()
total_count = len(self.ported_func_list)+ len(self.skipped_func_list)
report.write("PORTED FUNCs LIST (%i of %i):\n\n" % (len(self.ported_func_list), total_count))
report.write("\n\nSKIPPED FUNCs LIST (%i of %i):\n\n" % (len(self.skipped_func_list), total_count))
for i in sorted(self.def_args_hist.keys()):
report.write("\n%i def args - %i funcs" % (i, self.def_args_hist[i]))
return report.getvalue()
def fullTypeName(self, t):
if not type_dict[t].get("is_primitive", False) or "cast_to" in type_dict[t]:
if "cast_to" in type_dict[t]:
return type_dict[t]["cast_to"]
namespace_prefix = self.get_namespace_prefix(t)
return namespace_prefix + t
return t
def build_objc2cv_prologue(self, prologue, vector_type, vector_full_type, objc_type, vector_name, array_name):
if not (vector_type in type_dict and "to_cpp" in type_dict[vector_type] and type_dict[vector_type]["to_cpp"] != "%(n)s.nativeRef"):
prologue.append("OBJC2CV(" + vector_full_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_name + ", " + array_name + ");")
conv_macro = "CONV_" + array_name
prologue.append("#define " + conv_macro + "(e) " + type_dict[vector_type]["to_cpp"] % {"n": "e"})
prologue.append("OBJC2CV_CUSTOM(" + vector_full_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_name + ", " + array_name + ", " + conv_macro + ");")
prologue.append("#undef " + conv_macro)
def build_cv2objc_epilogue(self, epilogue, vector_type, vector_full_type, objc_type, vector_name, array_name):
if not (vector_type in type_dict and "from_cpp" in type_dict[vector_type] and type_dict[vector_type]["from_cpp"] != ("[" + objc_type[:-1] + " fromNative:%(n)s]")):
epilogue.append("CV2OBJC(" + vector_full_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_name + ", " + array_name + ");")
unconv_macro = "UNCONV_" + array_name
epilogue.append("#define " + unconv_macro + "(e) " + type_dict[vector_type]["from_cpp"] % {"n": "e"})
epilogue.append("CV2OBJC_CUSTOM(" + vector_full_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_name + ", " + array_name + ", " + unconv_macro + ");")
epilogue.append("#undef " + unconv_macro)
def gen_func(self, ci, fi, extension_implementations, extension_signatures):
logging.info("%s", fi)
method_declarations = ci.method_declarations
method_implementations = ci.method_implementations
decl_args = []
for a in fi.args:
s = a.ctype or ' _hidden_ '
if a.pointer:
s += "*"
elif a.out:
s += "&"
s += " " + a.name
if a.defval:
s += " = " + str(a.defval)
c_decl = "%s %s %s(%s)" % ( fi.static, fi.ctype, fi.cname, ", ".join(decl_args) )
# comment
method_declarations.write( "\n//\n// %s\n//\n" % c_decl )
method_implementations.write( "\n//\n// %s\n//\n" % c_decl )
# check if we 'know' all the types
if fi.ctype not in type_dict: # unsupported ret type
msg = "// Return type '%s' is not supported, skipping the function\n\n" % fi.ctype
self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg)
method_declarations.write( " "*4 + msg )
logging.warning("SKIP:" + c_decl.strip() + "\t due to RET type " + fi.ctype)
for a in fi.args:
if a.ctype not in type_dict:
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"):
a.defval = 0
if a.defval:
a.ctype = ''
msg = "// Unknown type '%s' (%s), skipping the function\n\n" % (a.ctype, a.out or "I")
self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg)
method_declarations.write( msg )
logging.warning("SKIP:" + c_decl.strip() + "\t due to ARG type " + a.ctype + "/" + (a.out or "I"))
# args
args = fi.args[:] # copy
while True:
# method args
cv_args = []
prologue = []
epilogue = []
if fi.ctype:
ci.addImports(fi.ctype, False)
for a in args:
if not "v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] and not "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]:
cast = ("(" + type_dict[a.ctype]["cast_to"] + ")") if "cast_to" in type_dict[a.ctype] else ""
cv_name = type_dict[a.ctype].get("to_cpp", cast + "%(n)s") if a.ctype else a.defval
if a.pointer and not cv_name == "0":
cv_name = "&(" + cv_name + ")"
if "O" in a.out and type_dict[a.ctype].get("out_type", ""):
cv_name = type_dict[a.ctype].get("out_type_ptr" if a.pointer else "out_type_ref", "%(n)s")
cv_args.append(type_dict[a.ctype].get("cv_name", cv_name) % {"n": a.name})
if not a.ctype: # hidden
ci.addImports(a.ctype, "O" in a.out)
if "v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]: # pass as vector
vector_cpp_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["v_type"]
objc_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"]
has_namespace = vector_cpp_type.find("::") != -1
ci.addImports(a.ctype, False)
vector_full_cpp_type = self.fullTypeName(vector_cpp_type) if not has_namespace else vector_cpp_type
vector_cpp_name = a.name + "Vector"
self.build_objc2cv_prologue(prologue, vector_cpp_type, vector_full_cpp_type, objc_type, vector_cpp_name, a.name)
if "O" in a.out:
self.build_cv2objc_epilogue(epilogue, vector_cpp_type, vector_full_cpp_type, objc_type, vector_cpp_name, a.name)
if "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]: # pass as vector of vector
vector_cpp_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["v_v_type"]
objc_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"]
ci.addImports(a.ctype, False)
vector_full_cpp_type = self.fullTypeName(vector_cpp_type)
vector_cpp_name = a.name + "Vector2"
prologue.append("OBJC2CV2(" + vector_full_cpp_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_cpp_name + ", " + a.name + ");")
if "O" in a.out:
"CV2OBJC2(" + vector_full_cpp_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_cpp_name + ", " + a.name + ");")
# calculate method signature to check for uniqueness
objc_args = build_objc_args(args)
objc_signature = fi.signature(args)
swift_ext = make_swift_extension(args)
logging.info("Objective-C: " + objc_signature)
if objc_signature in objc_signatures:
if args:
# doc comment
if fi.docstring:
lines = fi.docstring.splitlines()
toWrite = []
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
p0 = line.find("@param")
if p0 != -1:
p0 += 7 # len("@param" + 1)
p1 = line.find(' ', p0)
p1 = len(line) if p1 == -1 else p1
name = line[p0:p1]
for arg in args:
if arg.name == name:
toWrite.append(re.sub('\*\s*@param ', '* @param ', line))
s0 = line.find("@see")
if s0 != -1:
sees = line[(s0 + 5):].split(",")
toWrite.append(line[:(s0 + 5)] + ", ".join(["`" + see_lookup(ci.objc_name, see.strip()) + "`" for see in sees]))
for line in toWrite:
method_declarations.write(line + "\n")
# public wrapper method impl (calling native one above)
# e.g.
# public static void add( Mat src1, Mat src2, Mat dst, Mat mask, int dtype )
# { add_0( src1.nativeObj, src2.nativeObj, dst.nativeObj, mask.nativeObj, dtype ); }
ret_type = fi.ctype
if fi.ctype.endswith('*'):
ret_type = ret_type[:-1]
ret_val = self.fullTypeName(fi.ctype) + " retVal = "
ret = "return retVal;"
tail = ""
constructor = False
if "v_type" in type_dict[ret_type]:
objc_type = type_dict[ret_type]["objc_type"]
vector_type = type_dict[ret_type]["v_type"]
full_cpp_type = (self.get_namespace_prefix(vector_type) if (vector_type.find("::") == -1) else "") + vector_type
prologue.append("NSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">* retVal = [NSMutableArray new];")
ret_val = "std::vector<" + full_cpp_type + "> retValVector = "
self.build_cv2objc_epilogue(epilogue, vector_type, full_cpp_type, objc_type, "retValVector", "retVal")
elif "v_v_type" in type_dict[ret_type]:
objc_type = type_dict[ret_type]["objc_type"]
cpp_type = type_dict[ret_type]["v_v_type"]
if cpp_type.find("::") == -1:
cpp_type = self.get_namespace_prefix(cpp_type) + cpp_type
prologue.append("NSMutableArray<NSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">*>* retVal = [NSMutableArray new];")
ret_val = "std::vector< std::vector<" + cpp_type + "> > retValVector = "
epilogue.append("CV2OBJC2(" + cpp_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", retValVector, retVal);")
elif ret_type.startswith("Ptr_"):
cpp_type = type_dict[ret_type]["c_type"]
real_cpp_type = type_dict[ret_type].get("real_c_type", cpp_type)
namespace_prefix = self.get_namespace_prefix(cpp_type)
ret_val = "cv::Ptr<" + namespace_prefix + real_cpp_type + "> retVal = "
ret = "return [" + type_dict[ret_type]["objc_type"][:-1] + " fromNative:retVal];"
elif ret_type == "void":
ret_val = ""
ret = ""
elif ret_type == "": # c-tor
constructor = True
ret_val = "return [self initWithNativePtr:cv::Ptr<" + fi.fullClass(isCPP=True) + ">(new "
tail = ")]"
ret = ""
elif self.isWrapped(ret_type): # wrapped class
namespace_prefix = self.get_namespace_prefix(ret_type)
ret_val = "cv::Ptr<" + namespace_prefix + ret_type + "> retVal = new " + namespace_prefix + ret_type + "("
tail = ")"
ret_type_dict = type_dict[ret_type]
from_cpp = ret_type_dict["from_cpp_ptr"] if "from_cpp_ptr" in ret_type_dict else ret_type_dict["from_cpp"]
ret = "return " + (from_cpp % { "n" : "retVal" }) + ";"
elif "from_cpp" in type_dict[ret_type]:
ret = "return " + (type_dict[ret_type]["from_cpp"] % { "n" : "retVal" }) + ";"
static = fi.static if fi.classname else True
objc_ret_type = type_dict[fi.ctype]["objc_type"] if type_dict[fi.ctype]["objc_type"] else "void" if not constructor else "instancetype"
if "v_type" in type_dict[ret_type]:
objc_ret_type = "NSArray<" + objc_ret_type + ">*"
elif "v_v_type" in type_dict[ret_type]:
objc_ret_type = "NSArray<NSArray<" + objc_ret_type + ">*>*"
prototype = Template("$static ($objc_ret_type)$objc_name$objc_args").substitute(
static = "+" if static else "-",
objc_ret_type = objc_ret_type,
objc_args = " ".join(objc_args),
objc_name = fi.objc_name if not constructor else ("init" + ("With" + (args[0].name[0].upper() + args[0].name[1:]) if len(args) > 0 else ""))
if fi.prolog is not None:
method_declarations.write("\n%s\n\n" % fi.prolog)
method_declarations.write( Template(
prototype = prototype,
swift_name = " NS_SWIFT_NAME(" + fi.swift_name + "(" + build_swift_signature(args) + "))" if not constructor else "",
deprecation_decl = " DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE" if fi.deprecated else ""
if fi.epilog is not None:
method_declarations.write("%s\n\n" % fi.epilog)
method_implementations.write( Template(
"""$prototype {$prologue
prototype = prototype,
ret = "\n " + ret if ret else "",
ret_val = ret_val,
prologue = "\n " + "\n ".join(prologue) if prologue else "",
epilogue = "\n " + "\n ".join(epilogue) if epilogue else "",
static = "+" if static else "-",
obj_deref = ("self." + ci.native_ptr_name + "->") if not static and not constructor else "",
cv_name = fi.cv_name if static else fi.fullClass(isCPP=True) if constructor else fi.name,
cv_args = ", ".join(cv_args),
tail = tail
if swift_ext:
prototype = build_swift_extension_decl(fi.swift_name, args, constructor, static, ret_type)
if not (ci.name, prototype) in extension_signatures and not (ci.base, prototype) in extension_signatures:
(pro, epi) = build_swift_logues(args)
extension_implementations.write( Template(
"""public extension $classname {
$deprecation_decl$prototype {
classname = make_objcname(ci.name),
deprecation_decl = "@available(*, deprecated)\n " if fi.deprecated else "",
prototype = prototype,
prologue = " " + "\n ".join(pro),
unrefined_call = " " + build_unrefined_call(fi.swift_name, args, constructor, static, ci.name, ret_type is not None and ret_type != "void"),
epilogue = "\n " + "\n ".join(epi) if len(epi) > 0 else "",
ret = "\n return ret" if ret_type is not None and ret_type != "void" and not constructor else ""
extension_signatures.append((ci.name, prototype))
# adding method signature to dictionary
# processing args with default values
if args and args[-1].defval:
def gen_class(self, ci, module, extension_implementations, extension_signatures):
logging.info("%s", ci)
additional_imports = []
if module in AdditionalImports:
if "*" in AdditionalImports[module]:
additional_imports += AdditionalImports[module]["*"]
if ci.name in AdditionalImports[module]:
additional_imports += AdditionalImports[module][ci.name]
if hasattr(ci, 'header_import'):
h = '"{}"'.format(ci.header_import)
if not h in additional_imports:
h = '"{}.hpp"'.format(module)
if h in additional_imports:
h = '"opencv2/{}.hpp"'.format(module)
if not h in additional_imports:
additional_imports.insert(0, h)
if additional_imports:
ci.additionalImports.write('\n'.join(['#import %s' % make_objcname(h) for h in additional_imports]))
# constants
wrote_consts_pragma = False
consts_map = {c.name: c for c in ci.private_consts}
consts_map.update({c.name: c for c in ci.consts})
def const_value(v):
if v in consts_map:
target = consts_map[v]
assert target.value != v
return const_value(target.value)
return v
if ci.consts:
enumTypes = set([c.enumType for c in ci.consts])
grouped_consts = {enumType: [c for c in ci.consts if c.enumType == enumType] for enumType in enumTypes}
for typeName in sorted(grouped_consts.keys(), key=lambda x: str(x) if x is not None else ""):
consts = grouped_consts[typeName]
logging.info("%s", consts)
if typeName:
typeNameShort = typeName.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
if ci.cname in enum_fix:
typeNameShort = enum_fix[ci.cname].get(typeNameShort, typeNameShort)
// C++: enum {1} ({2})
typedef NS_ENUM(int, {1}) {{
",\n ".join(["%s = %s" % (c.name + (" NS_SWIFT_NAME(" + c.swift_name + ")" if c.swift_name else ""), c.value) for c in consts]),
typeNameShort, typeName)
if not wrote_consts_pragma:
ci.method_declarations.write("#pragma mark - Class Constants\n\n")
wrote_consts_pragma = True
{0}\n\n""".format("\n".join(["@property (class, readonly) int %s NS_SWIFT_NAME(%s);" % (c.name, c.name) for c in consts]))
declared_consts = []
match_alphabet = re.compile("[a-zA-Z]")
for c in consts:
value = str(c.value)
if match_alphabet.search(value):
for declared_const in sorted(declared_consts, key=len, reverse=True):
regex = re.compile("(?<!" + ci.cname + ".)" + declared_const)
value = regex.sub(ci.cname + "." + declared_const, value)
ci.method_implementations.write("+ (int)%s {\n return %s;\n}\n\n" % (c.name, value))
ci.method_declarations.write("#pragma mark - Methods\n\n")
# methods
for fi in ci.getAllMethods():
self.gen_func(ci, fi, extension_implementations, extension_signatures)
# props
for pi in ci.props:
ci.method_declarations.write("\n //\n // C++: %s %s::%s\n //\n\n" % (pi.ctype, ci.fullName(isCPP=True), pi.name))
type_data = type_dict[pi.ctype] if pi.ctype != "uchar" else {"objc_type" : "unsigned char", "is_primitive" : True}
objc_type = type_data.get("objc_type", pi.ctype)
ci.addImports(pi.ctype, False)
ci.method_declarations.write("@property " + ("(readonly) " if not pi.rw else "") + objc_type + " " + pi.name + ";\n")
ptr_ref = "self." + ci.native_ptr_name + "->" if not ci.is_base_class else "self.nativePtr->"
if "v_type" in type_data:
vector_cpp_type = type_data["v_type"]
has_namespace = vector_cpp_type.find("::") != -1
vector_full_cpp_type = self.fullTypeName(vector_cpp_type) if not has_namespace else vector_cpp_type
ret_val = "std::vector<" + vector_full_cpp_type + "> retValVector = "
ci.method_implementations.write("-(NSArray<" + objc_type + ">*)" + pi.name + " {\n")
ci.method_implementations.write("\tNSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">* retVal = [NSMutableArray new];\n")
ci.method_implementations.write("\t" + ret_val + ptr_ref + pi.name + ";\n")
epilogue = []
self.build_cv2objc_epilogue(epilogue, vector_cpp_type, vector_full_cpp_type, objc_type, "retValVector", "retVal")
ci.method_implementations.write("\t" + ("\n\t".join(epilogue)) + "\n")
ci.method_implementations.write("\treturn retVal;\n}\n\n")
elif "v_v_type" in type_data:
vector_cpp_type = type_data["v_v_type"]
has_namespace = vector_cpp_type.find("::") != -1
vector_full_cpp_type = self.fullTypeName(vector_cpp_type) if not has_namespace else vector_cpp_type
ret_val = "std::vector<std::vector<" + vector_full_cpp_type + ">> retValVectorVector = "
ci.method_implementations.write("-(NSArray<NSArray<" + objc_type + ">*>*)" + pi.name + " {\n")
ci.method_implementations.write("\tNSMutableArray<NSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">*>* retVal = [NSMutableArray new];\n")
ci.method_implementations.write("\t" + ret_val + ptr_ref + pi.name + ";\n")
ci.method_implementations.write("\tCV2OBJC2(" + vector_full_cpp_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", retValVectorVector, retVal);\n")
ci.method_implementations.write("\treturn retVal;\n}\n\n")
elif self.isWrapped(pi.ctype): # wrapped class
namespace_prefix = self.get_namespace_prefix(pi.ctype)
ci.method_implementations.write("-(" + objc_type + ")" + pi.name + " {\n")
ci.method_implementations.write("\tcv::Ptr<" + namespace_prefix + pi.ctype + "> retVal = new " + namespace_prefix + pi.ctype + "(" + ptr_ref + pi.name + ");\n")
from_cpp = type_data["from_cpp_ptr"] if "from_cpp_ptr" in type_data else type_data["from_cpp"]
ci.method_implementations.write("\treturn " + (from_cpp % {"n": "retVal"}) + ";\n}\n\n")
from_cpp = type_data.get("from_cpp", "%(n)s")
retVal = from_cpp % {"n": (ptr_ref + pi.name)}
ci.method_implementations.write("-(" + objc_type + ")" + pi.name + " {\n\treturn " + retVal + ";\n}\n\n")
if pi.rw:
if "v_type" in type_data:
vector_cpp_type = type_data["v_type"]
has_namespace = vector_cpp_type.find("::") != -1
vector_full_cpp_type = self.fullTypeName(vector_cpp_type) if not has_namespace else vector_cpp_type
ci.method_implementations.write("-(void)set" + pi.name[0].upper() + pi.name[1:] + ":(NSArray<" + objc_type + ">*)" + pi.name + "{\n")
prologue = []
self.build_objc2cv_prologue(prologue, vector_cpp_type, vector_full_cpp_type, objc_type, "valVector", pi.name)
ci.method_implementations.write("\t" + ("\n\t".join(prologue)) + "\n")
ci.method_implementations.write("\t" + ptr_ref + pi.name + " = valVector;\n}\n\n")
to_cpp = type_data.get("to_cpp", ("(" + type_data.get("cast_to") + ")%(n)s") if "cast_to" in type_data else "%(n)s")
val = to_cpp % {"n": pi.name}
ci.method_implementations.write("-(void)set" + pi.name[0].upper() + pi.name[1:] + ":(" + objc_type + ")" + pi.name + " {\n\t" + ptr_ref + pi.name + " = " + val + ";\n}\n\n")
# manual ports
if ci.name in ManualFuncs:
for func in sorted(ManualFuncs[ci.name].keys()):
logging.info("manual function: %s", func)
fn = ManualFuncs[ci.name][func]
ci.method_declarations.write( "\n".join(fn["declaration"]) )
ci.method_implementations.write( "\n".join(fn["implementation"]) )
def getClass(self, classname):
return self.classes[classname or self.Module]
def isWrapped(self, classname):
name = classname or self.Module
return name in self.classes
def isSmartClass(self, ci):
Check if class stores Ptr<T>* instead of T* in nativeObj field
if ci.smart != None:
return ci.smart
# if parents are smart (we hope) then children are!
# if not we believe the class is smart if it has "create" method
ci.smart = False
if ci.base or ci.name == 'Algorithm':
ci.smart = True
for fi in ci.methods:
if fi.name == "create":
ci.smart = True
return ci.smart
def smartWrap(self, ci, fullname):
Wraps fullname with Ptr<> if needed
if self.isSmartClass(ci):
return "Ptr<" + fullname + ">"
return fullname
def finalize(self, objc_target, output_objc_path, output_objc_build_path):
opencv_header_file = os.path.join(output_objc_path, framework_name + ".h")
opencv_header = "#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>\n\n"
opencv_header += "// ! Project version number\nFOUNDATION_EXPORT double " + framework_name + "VersionNumber;\n\n"
opencv_header += "// ! Project version string\nFOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char " + framework_name + "VersionString[];\n\n"
opencv_header += "\n".join(["#define AVAILABLE_" + m['name'].upper() for m in config['modules']])
opencv_header += "\n\n"
opencv_header += "\n".join(["#import <" + framework_name + "/%s>" % os.path.basename(f) for f in self.header_files])
self.save(opencv_header_file, opencv_header)
opencv_modulemap_file = os.path.join(output_objc_path, framework_name + ".modulemap")
opencv_modulemap = "framework module " + framework_name + " {\n"
opencv_modulemap += " umbrella header \"" + framework_name + ".h\"\n"
opencv_modulemap += "\n".join([" header \"%s\"" % os.path.basename(f) for f in self.header_files])
opencv_modulemap += "\n export *\n module * {export *}\n}\n"
self.save(opencv_modulemap_file, opencv_modulemap)
available_modules = " ".join(["-DAVAILABLE_" + m['name'].upper() for m in config['modules']])
cmakelist_template = read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/cmakelists.template'))
cmakelist = Template(cmakelist_template).substitute(modules = ";".join(modules), framework = framework_name, objc_target=objc_target, module_availability_defines=available_modules)
self.save(os.path.join(dstdir, "CMakeLists.txt"), cmakelist)
mkdir_p(os.path.join(output_objc_build_path, "framework_build"))
mkdir_p(os.path.join(output_objc_build_path, "test_build"))
mkdir_p(os.path.join(output_objc_build_path, "doc_build"))
with open(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../doc/README.md')) as readme_in:
readme_body = readme_in.read()
readme_body += "\n\n\n##Modules\n\n" + ", ".join(["`" + m.capitalize() + "`" for m in modules])
with open(os.path.join(output_objc_build_path, "doc_build/README.md"), "w") as readme_out:
if framework_name != "OpenCV":
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(testdir, "test")):
if dirname.endswith('/resources'):
continue # don't touch resource binary files
for filename in files:
filepath = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
with io.open(filepath, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as file:
body = file.read()
body = body.replace("import OpenCV", "import " + framework_name)
body = body.replace("#import <OpenCV/OpenCV.h>", "#import <" + framework_name + "/" + framework_name + ".h>")
with codecs.open(filepath, "w", "utf-8") as file:
def copy_objc_files(objc_files_dir, objc_base_path, module_path, include = False):
global total_files, updated_files
objc_files = []
re_filter = re.compile(r'^.+\.(h|m|mm|swift)$')
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(objc_files_dir):
objc_files += [os.path.join(root, filename) for filename in filenames if re_filter.match(filename)]
objc_files = [f.replace('\\', '/') for f in objc_files]
re_prefix = re.compile(r'^.+/(.+)\.(h|m|mm|swift)$')
for objc_file in objc_files:
src = objc_file
m = re_prefix.match(objc_file)
target_fname = (m.group(1) + '.' + m.group(2)) if m else os.path.basename(objc_file)
dest = os.path.join(objc_base_path, os.path.join(module_path, target_fname))
total_files += 1
if include and m.group(2) == 'h':
if (not os.path.exists(dest)) or (os.stat(src).st_mtime - os.stat(dest).st_mtime > 1):
copyfile(src, dest)
updated_files += 1
return objc_files
def unescape(str):
return str.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace("&", "&")
def escape_underscore(str):
return str.replace('_', '\\_')
def escape_texttt(str):
return re.sub(re.compile('texttt{(.*?)\}', re.DOTALL), lambda x: 'texttt{' + escape_underscore(x.group(1)) + '}', str)
def get_macros(tex):
out = ""
if re.search("\\\\fork\s*{", tex):
out += "\\newcommand{\\fork}[4]{ \\left\\{ \\begin{array}{l l} #1 & \\text{#2}\\\\\\\\ #3 & \\text{#4}\\\\\\\\ \\end{array} \\right.} "
if re.search("\\\\vecthreethree\s*{", tex):
out += "\\newcommand{\\vecthreethree}[9]{ \\begin{bmatrix} #1 & #2 & #3\\\\\\\\ #4 & #5 & #6\\\\\\\\ #7 & #8 & #9 \\end{bmatrix} } "
return out
def fix_tex(tex):
macros = get_macros(tex)
fix_escaping = escape_texttt(unescape(tex))
return macros + fix_escaping
def sanitize_documentation_string(doc, type):
if type == "class":
doc = doc.replace("@param ", "")
doc = re.sub(re.compile('`\\$\\$(.*?)\\$\\$`', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$' + fix_tex(x.group(1)) + '$$`', doc)
doc = re.sub(re.compile('\\\\f\\{align\\*\\}\\{?(.*?)\\\\f\\}', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$\\begin{aligned} ' + fix_tex(x.group(1)) + ' \\end{aligned}$$`', doc)
doc = re.sub(re.compile('\\\\f\\{equation\\*\\}\\{(.*?)\\\\f\\}', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$\\begin{aligned} ' + fix_tex(x.group(1)) + ' \\end{aligned}$$`', doc)
doc = re.sub(re.compile('\\\\f\\$(.*?)\\\\f\\$', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$' + fix_tex(x.group(1)) + '$$`', doc)
doc = re.sub(re.compile('\\\\f\\[(.*?)\\\\f\\]', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$' + fix_tex(x.group(1)) + '$$`', doc)
doc = re.sub(re.compile('\\\\f\\{(.*?)\\\\f\\}', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$' + fix_tex(x.group(1)) + '$$`', doc)
doc = doc.replace("@anchor", "") \
.replace("@brief ", "").replace("\\brief ", "") \
.replace("@cite", "CITE:") \
.replace("@code{.cpp}", "<code>") \
.replace("@code{.txt}", "<code>") \
.replace("@code", "<code>") \
.replace("@copydoc", "") \
.replace("@copybrief", "") \
.replace("@date", "") \
.replace("@defgroup", "") \
.replace("@details ", "") \
.replace("@endcode", "</code>") \
.replace("@endinternal", "") \
.replace("@file", "") \
.replace("@include", "INCLUDE:") \
.replace("@ingroup", "") \
.replace("@internal", "") \
.replace("@overload", "") \
.replace("@param[in]", "@param") \
.replace("@param[out]", "@param") \
.replace("@ref", "REF:") \
.replace("@note", "NOTE:") \
.replace("@returns", "@return") \
.replace("@sa ", "@see ") \
.replace("@snippet", "SNIPPET:") \
.replace("@todo", "TODO:") \
lines = doc.splitlines()
in_code = False
for i,line in enumerate(lines):
if line.find("</code>") != -1:
in_code = False
lines[i] = line.replace("</code>", "")
if in_code:
lines[i] = unescape(line)
if line.find("<code>") != -1:
in_code = True
lines[i] = line.replace("<code>", "")
lines = list([x[x.find('*'):].strip() if x.lstrip().startswith("*") else x for x in lines])
lines = list(["* " + x[1:].strip() if x.startswith("*") and x != "*" else x for x in lines])
lines = list([x if x.startswith("*") else "* " + x if x and x != "*" else "*" for x in lines])
hasValues = False
for line in lines:
if line != "*":
hasValues = True
return "/**\n " + "\n ".join(lines) + "\n */" if hasValues else ""
if __name__ == "__main__":
# initialize logger
logging.basicConfig(filename='gen_objc.log', format=None, filemode='w', level=logging.INFO)
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler.setLevel(os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL', logging.WARNING))
# parse command line parameters
import argparse
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='OpenCV Objective-C Wrapper Generator')
arg_parser.add_argument('-p', '--parser', required=True, help='OpenCV header parser')
arg_parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', required=True, help='OpenCV modules config')
arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', required=True, help='Target (either ios or osx or visionos)')
arg_parser.add_argument('-f', '--framework', required=True, help='Framework name')
# import header parser
hdr_parser_path = os.path.abspath(args.parser)
if hdr_parser_path.endswith(".py"):
hdr_parser_path = os.path.dirname(hdr_parser_path)
import hdr_parser
with open(args.config) as f:
config = json.load(f)
ROOT_DIR = config['rootdir']; assert os.path.exists(ROOT_DIR)
if 'objc_build_dir' in config:
objc_build_dir = config['objc_build_dir']
assert os.path.exists(objc_build_dir), objc_build_dir
objc_build_dir = os.getcwd()
dstdir = "./gen"
testdir = "./test"
objc_base_path = os.path.join(dstdir, 'objc'); mkdir_p(objc_base_path)
objc_test_base_path = testdir; mkdir_p(objc_test_base_path)
copy_objc_files(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../test/test'), objc_test_base_path, 'test', False)
copy_objc_files(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../test/dummy'), objc_test_base_path, 'dummy', False)
copyfile(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../test/cmakelists.template'), os.path.join(objc_test_base_path, 'CMakeLists.txt'))
# launch Objective-C Wrapper generator
generator = ObjectiveCWrapperGenerator()
gen_dict_files = []
framework_name = args.framework
print("Objective-C: Processing OpenCV modules: %d" % len(config['modules']))
for e in config['modules']:
(module, module_location) = (e['name'], os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, e['location']))
logging.info("\n=== MODULE: %s (%s) ===\n" % (module, module_location))
module_imports = []
srcfiles = []
common_headers = []
misc_location = os.path.join(module_location, 'misc/objc')
srcfiles_fname = os.path.join(misc_location, 'filelist')
if os.path.exists(srcfiles_fname):
with open(srcfiles_fname) as f:
srcfiles = [os.path.join(module_location, str(l).strip()) for l in f.readlines() if str(l).strip()]
re_bad = re.compile(r'(private|.inl.hpp$|_inl.hpp$|.detail.hpp$|.details.hpp$|_winrt.hpp$|/cuda/|/legacy/)')
# .h files before .hpp
h_files = []
hpp_files = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(module_location, 'include')):
h_files += [os.path.join(root, filename) for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.h')]
hpp_files += [os.path.join(root, filename) for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.hpp')]
srcfiles = h_files + hpp_files
srcfiles = [f for f in srcfiles if not re_bad.search(f.replace('\\', '/'))]
logging.info("\nFiles (%d):\n%s", len(srcfiles), pformat(srcfiles))
common_headers_fname = os.path.join(misc_location, 'filelist_common')
if os.path.exists(common_headers_fname):
with open(common_headers_fname) as f:
common_headers = [os.path.join(module_location, str(l).strip()) for l in f.readlines() if str(l).strip()]
logging.info("\nCommon headers (%d):\n%s", len(common_headers), pformat(common_headers))
gendict_fname = os.path.join(misc_location, 'gen_dict.json')
module_source_map = {}
if os.path.exists(gendict_fname):
with open(gendict_fname) as f:
gen_type_dict = json.load(f)
namespace_ignore_list = gen_type_dict.get("namespace_ignore_list", [])
class_ignore_list += gen_type_dict.get("class_ignore_list", [])
enum_ignore_list += gen_type_dict.get("enum_ignore_list", [])
const_ignore_list += gen_type_dict.get("const_ignore_list", [])
const_private_list += gen_type_dict.get("const_private_list", [])
missing_consts.update(gen_type_dict.get("missing_consts", {}))
type_dict.update(gen_type_dict.get("type_dict", {}))
AdditionalImports[module] = gen_type_dict.get("AdditionalImports", {})
ManualFuncs.update(gen_type_dict.get("ManualFuncs", {}))
func_arg_fix.update(gen_type_dict.get("func_arg_fix", {}))
header_fix.update(gen_type_dict.get("header_fix", {}))
enum_fix.update(gen_type_dict.get("enum_fix", {}))
const_fix.update(gen_type_dict.get("const_fix", {}))
module_source_map = gen_type_dict.get("SourceMap", {})
namespaces_dict.update(gen_type_dict.get("namespaces_dict", {}))
module_imports += gen_type_dict.get("module_imports", [])
objc_files_dir = os.path.join(misc_location, 'common')
copied_files = []
if os.path.exists(objc_files_dir):
copied_files += copy_objc_files(objc_files_dir, objc_base_path, module, True)
target_path = 'macosx' if args.target == 'osx' else module_source_map.get(args.target, args.target)
target_files_dir = os.path.join(misc_location, target_path)
if os.path.exists(target_files_dir):
copied_files += copy_objc_files(target_files_dir, objc_base_path, module, True)
objc_test_files_dir = os.path.join(misc_location, 'test')
if os.path.exists(objc_test_files_dir):
copy_objc_files(objc_test_files_dir, objc_test_base_path, 'test', False)
objc_test_resources_dir = os.path.join(objc_test_files_dir, 'resources')
if os.path.exists(objc_test_resources_dir):
copy_tree(objc_test_resources_dir, os.path.join(objc_test_base_path, 'test', 'resources'))
manual_classes = [x for x in [x[x.rfind('/')+1:-2] for x in [x for x in copied_files if x.endswith('.h')]] if x in type_dict]
if len(srcfiles) > 0:
generator.gen(srcfiles, module, dstdir, objc_base_path, common_headers, manual_classes)
logging.info("No generated code for module: %s", module)
generator.finalize(args.target, objc_base_path, objc_build_dir)
print('Generated files: %d (updated %d)' % (total_files, updated_files))