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synced 2024-12-14 17:29:17 +08:00
Add multiview calibration [GSOC 2022] ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist - [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [x] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [x] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [x] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake The usage tutorial is on Google Docs following this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k6YpD0tpSVqnVnvU2nzE34K3cp_Po6mLWqXV06CUHwQ/edit?usp=sharing
337 lines
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337 lines
18 KiB
# This file is part of OpenCV project.
# It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
# of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
import argparse
import numpy as np
import math
import yaml
from drawer import animation2D, animation3D
from utils import RandGen, insideImage, eul2rot, saveKDRT, areAllInsideImage, insideImageMask, projectCamera, export2JSON
from pathlib import Path
from board import CheckerBoard
class Camera:
def __init__(self, idx, img_width, img_height, fx_limit, euler_limit, t_limit, is_fisheye, fy_deviation=None, skew=None,
distortion_limit=None, noise_scale_img_diag=None):
@skew : is either None or in radians
@fy_deviation : is either None (that is fx=fy) or value such that fy = [fx*(1-fy_deviation/100), fx*(1+fy_deviation/100)]
@distortion_limit : is either None or array of size (num_tangential_dist+num_radial_dist) x 2
@euler_limit : is 3 x 2 limit of euler angles in degrees
@t_limit : is 3 x 2 limit of translation in meters
assert len(fx_limit) == 2 and img_width >= 0 and img_width >= 0
if is_fisheye and distortion_limit is not None: assert len(distortion_limit) == 4 # distortion for fisheye has only 4 parameters
self.idx = idx
self.img_width, self.img_height = img_width, img_height
self.fx_min = fx_limit[0]
self.fx_max = fx_limit[1]
self.fy_deviation = fy_deviation
self.img_diag = math.sqrt(img_height ** 2 + img_width ** 2)
self.is_fisheye = is_fisheye
self.fx, self.fy = None, None
self.px, self.py = None, None
self.K, self.R, self.t, self.P = None, None, None, None
self.skew = skew
self.distortion = None
self.distortion_lim = distortion_limit
self.euler_limit = np.array(euler_limit, dtype=np.float32)
self.t_limit = t_limit
self.noise_scale_img_diag = noise_scale_img_diag
if idx != 0:
assert len(euler_limit) == len(t_limit) == 3
for i in range(3):
assert len(euler_limit[i]) == len(t_limit[i]) == 2
self.euler_limit[i] *= (np.pi / 180)
def generateAll(cameras, board, num_frames, rand_gen, MAX_RAND_ITERS=10000, save_proj_animation=None, save_3d_animation=None):
EPS = 1e-10
for i in range(len(cameras)):
cameras[i].t = np.zeros((3, 1))
if cameras[i].idx == 0:
cameras[i].R = np.identity(3)
angles = [0, 0, 0]
for k in range(3):
if abs(cameras[i].t_limit[k][0] - cameras[i].t_limit[k][1]) < EPS:
cameras[i].t[k] = cameras[i].t_limit[k][0]
cameras[i].t[k] = rand_gen.randRange(cameras[i].t_limit[k][0], cameras[i].t_limit[k][1])
if abs(cameras[i].euler_limit[k][0] - cameras[i].euler_limit[k][1]) < EPS:
angles[k] = cameras[i].euler_limit[k][0]
angles[k] = rand_gen.randRange(cameras[i].euler_limit[k][0], cameras[i].euler_limit[k][1])
cameras[i].R = eul2rot(angles)
if abs(cameras[i].fx_min - cameras[i].fx_max) < EPS:
cameras[i].fx = cameras[i].fx_min
cameras[i].fx = rand_gen.randRange(cameras[i].fx_min, cameras[i].fx_max)
if cameras[i].fy_deviation is None:
cameras[i].fy = cameras[i].fx
cameras[i].fy = rand_gen.randRange((1 - cameras[i].fy_deviation) * cameras[i].fx,
(1 + cameras[i].fy_deviation) * cameras[i].fx)
cameras[i].px = int(cameras[i].img_width / 2.0) + 1
cameras[i].py = int(cameras[i].img_height / 2.0) + 1
cameras[i].K = np.array([[cameras[i].fx, 0, cameras[i].px], [0, cameras[i].fy, cameras[i].py], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)
if cameras[i].skew is not None: cameras[i].K[0, 1] = np.tan(cameras[i].skew) * cameras[i].K[0, 0]
cameras[i].P = cameras[i].K @ np.concatenate((cameras[i].R, cameras[i].t), 1)
if cameras[i].distortion_lim is not None:
cameras[i].distortion = np.zeros((1, len(cameras[i].distortion_lim))) # opencv using 5 values distortion as default
for k, lim in enumerate(cameras[i].distortion_lim):
cameras[i].distortion[0,k] = rand_gen.randRange(lim[0], lim[1])
cameras[i].distortion = np.zeros((1, 5)) # opencv is using 5 values distortion as default
origin = None
box = np.array([[0, board.square_len * (board.w - 1), 0, board.square_len * (board.w - 1)],
[0, 0, board.square_len * (board.h - 1), board.square_len * (board.h - 1)],
[0, 0, 0, 0]])
if board.t_origin is None:
import torch, pytorch3d, pytorch3d.transforms
has_pytorch = True
has_pytorch = False
if has_pytorch:
rot_angles = torch.zeros(3, requires_grad=True)
origin = torch.ones((3,1), requires_grad=True)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([rot_angles, origin], lr=5e-3)
Ps = torch.tensor(np.stack([cam.K @ np.concatenate((cam.R, cam.t), 1) for cam in cameras]), dtype=torch.float32)
rot_conv = 'XYZ'
board_pattern = torch.tensor(box, dtype=Ps.dtype)
corners = torch.tensor([[[0, 0], [0, cam.img_height], [cam.img_width, 0], [cam.img_width, cam.img_height]] for cam in cameras], dtype=Ps.dtype).transpose(-1,-2)
loss_fnc = torch.nn.HuberLoss()
lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, 'min', min_lr=1e-4, factor=0.8, patience=10)
prev_loss = 1e10
for it in range(500):
pts_board = pytorch3d.transforms.euler_angles_to_matrix(rot_angles, rot_conv) @ board_pattern + origin
pts_proj = Ps[:,:3,:3] @ pts_board[None,:] + Ps[:,:,[-1]]
pts_proj = pts_proj[:, :2] / (pts_proj[:, [2]]+1e-15)
loss = num_wrong = 0
for i, proj in enumerate(pts_proj):
if not areAllInsideImage(pts_proj[i], cameras[i].img_width, cameras[i].img_height):
loss += loss_fnc(corners[i], pts_proj[i])
num_wrong += 1
if num_wrong > 0:
loss /= num_wrong
if origin[2] < 0:
with torch.no_grad(): origin[2] = 2.0
if it % 5 == 0:
print('iter', it, 'loss %.2E' % loss)
if abs(prev_loss - loss) < 1e-10:
prev_loss = loss.item()
print('all points inside')
points_board = (torch.tensor(board.pattern, dtype=Ps.dtype) + origin).detach().numpy()
max_sum_diag = 0.0
total_tested = 0
for z in np.arange(0.25, 50, .5):
if origin is not None: break # will not update
min_x1, max_x1 = -z * cameras[0].px / cameras[0].fx, (cameras[0].img_width * z - z * cameras[0].px) / cameras[0].fx
min_y1, max_y1 = -z * cameras[0].py / cameras[0].fy, (cameras[0].img_height * z - z * cameras[0].py) / cameras[0].fy
min_x2, max_x2 = -z * cameras[0].px / cameras[0].fx - box[0, 1], (cameras[0].img_width * z - z * cameras[0].px) / cameras[0].fx - box[0, 1]
min_y2, max_y2 = -z * cameras[0].py / cameras[0].fy - box[1, 2], (cameras[0].img_height * z - z * cameras[0].py) / cameras[0].fy - box[1, 2]
min_x = max(min_x1, min_x2)
min_y = max(min_y1, min_y2)
max_x = min(max_x1, max_x2)
max_y = min(max_y1, max_y2)
if max_x < min_x or max_y < min_y: continue
for x in np.linspace(min_x, max_x, 40):
for y in np.linspace(min_y, max_y, 40):
total_tested += 1
pts = box + np.array([[x], [y], [z]])
sum_diag = 0.0
all_visible = True
for i in range(len(cameras)):
pts_proj = projectCamera(cameras[i], pts)
visible_pts = insideImage(pts_proj, cameras[i].img_width, cameras[i].img_height)
if visible_pts != pts_proj.shape[1]:
# print(i,')',x, y, z, 'not visible, total', visible_pts, '/', pts_proj.shape[1])
all_visible = False
sum_diag += np.linalg.norm(pts_proj[:, 0] - pts_proj[:, -1])
if not all_visible: continue
if max_sum_diag < sum_diag:
max_sum_diag = sum_diag
origin = np.array([[x], [y], [z]])
points_board = board.pattern + origin
points_board = board.pattern + board.t_origin
points_2d, points_3d = [], []
valid_frames_per_camera = np.zeros(len(cameras))
MIN_FRAMES_PER_CAM = int(num_frames * 0.1)
for frame in range(MAX_RAND_ITERS):
R_board = eul2rot([ rand_gen.randRange(board.euler_limit[0][0], board.euler_limit[0][1]),
rand_gen.randRange(board.euler_limit[1][0], board.euler_limit[1][1]),
rand_gen.randRange(board.euler_limit[2][0], board.euler_limit[2][1])])
t_board = np.array([[rand_gen.randRange(board.t_limit[0][0], board.t_limit[0][1])],
[rand_gen.randRange(board.t_limit[1][0], board.t_limit[1][1])],
[rand_gen.randRange(board.t_limit[2][0], board.t_limit[2][1])]])
points_board_mean = points_board.mean(-1)[:,None]
pts_board = R_board @ (points_board - points_board_mean) + points_board_mean + t_board
cam_points_2d = [projectCamera(cam, pts_board) for cam in cameras]
# plot normals
board_normal = 10*np.cross(pts_board[:,board.w] - pts_board[:,0], pts_board[:,board.w-1] - pts_board[:,0])
ax = plotCamerasAndBoardFig(pts_board, cameras, pts_color=board.colors_board)
pts = np.stack((pts_board[:,0], pts_board[:,0]+board_normal))
ax.plot(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], pts[:,2], 'r-')
for ii, cam in enumerate(cameras):
pts = np.stack((cam.t.flatten(), cam.t.flatten()+cam.R[2]))
ax.plot(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], pts[:,2], 'g-')
print(ii, np.arccos(board_normal.dot(cam.R[2]) / np.linalg.norm(board_normal))*180/np.pi, np.arccos((-board_normal).dot(cam.R[2]) / np.linalg.norm(board_normal))*180/np.pi)
plotAllProjectionsFig(np.stack(cam_points_2d), cameras, pts_color=board.colors_board)
for cam_idx in range(len(cameras)):
if not board.isProjectionValid(cam_points_2d[cam_idx]):
cam_points_2d[cam_idx] = -np.ones_like(cam_points_2d[cam_idx])
elif cameras[cam_idx].noise_scale_img_diag is not None:
cam_points_2d[cam_idx] += np.random.normal(0, cameras[cam_idx].img_diag * cameras[cam_idx].noise_scale_img_diag, cam_points_2d[cam_idx].shape)
### test
pts_inside_camera = np.zeros(len(cameras), dtype=bool)
for ii, pts_2d in enumerate(cam_points_2d):
mask = insideImageMask(pts_2d, cameras[ii].img_width, cameras[ii].img_height)
# cam_points_2d[ii] = cam_points_2d[ii][:,mask]
pts_inside_camera[ii] = mask.all()
# print(pts_inside, end=' ')
# print('from max inside', pts_board.shape[1])
if pts_inside_camera.sum() >= 2:
valid_frames_per_camera += np.array(pts_inside_camera, int)
if len(points_2d) >= num_frames and (valid_frames_per_camera >= MIN_FRAMES_PER_CAM).all():
print('tried samples', frame)
if save_proj_animation is not None: animation2D(board, cameras, points_2d, save_proj_animation, VIDEOS_FPS, VIDEOS_DPI, MAX_FRAMES)
if save_3d_animation is not None: animation3D(board, cameras, points_3d, save_3d_animation, VIDEOS_FPS, VIDEOS_DPI, MAX_FRAMES)
print('number of found frames', len(points_2d))
return np.stack(points_2d), np.stack(points_3d)
def createConfigFile(fname, params):
file = open(fname, 'w')
def writeDict(dict_write, tab):
for key, value in dict_write.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
file.write(tab+key+' :\n')
writeDict(value, tab+' ')
file.write(tab+key+' : '+str(value)+'\n')
writeDict(params, '')
def generateRoomConfiguration():
params = {'NAME' : '"room_corners"', 'NUM_SAMPLES': 1, 'SEED': 0, 'MAX_FRAMES' : 50, 'MAX_RANDOM_ITERS' : 100000, 'NUM_CAMERAS': 4,
'BOARD': {'WIDTH':9, 'HEIGHT':7, 'SQUARE_LEN':0.08, 'T_LIMIT': [[-0.2,0.2], [-0.2,0.2], [-0.1,0.1]], 'EULER_LIMIT': [[-45, 45], [-180, 180], [-45, 45]], 'T_ORIGIN': [-0.3,0,1.5]}}
params['CAMERA1'] = {'FX': [1200, 1200], 'FY_DEVIATION': 'null', 'IMG_WIDTH': 1500, 'IMG_HEIGHT': 1080, 'EULER_LIMIT': 'null', 'T_LIMIT': 'null', 'NOISE_SCALE': 3.0e-4, 'FISHEYE': False, 'DIST': [[5.2e-1,5.2e-1], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0]]}
params['CAMERA2'] = {'FX': [1000, 1000], 'FY_DEVIATION': 'null', 'IMG_WIDTH': 1300, 'IMG_HEIGHT': 1000, 'EULER_LIMIT': [[0,0], [90,90], [0,0]], 'T_LIMIT': [[-2.0,-2.0], [0.0, 0.0], [1.5, 1.5]], 'NOISE_SCALE': 3.5e-4, 'FISHEYE': False, 'DIST': [[3.2e-1,3.2e-1], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0]]}
params['CAMERA3'] = {'FX': [1000, 1000], 'FY_DEVIATION': 'null', 'IMG_WIDTH': 1300, 'IMG_HEIGHT': 1000, 'EULER_LIMIT': [[0,0], [-90,-90], [0,0]], 'T_LIMIT': [[2.0,2.0], [0.0, 0.0], [1.5, 1.5]], 'NOISE_SCALE': 4.0e-4, 'FISHEYE': False, 'DIST': [[6.2e-1,6.2e-1], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0]]}
params['CAMERA4'] = {'FX': [1000, 1000], 'FY_DEVIATION': 'null', 'IMG_WIDTH': 1300, 'IMG_HEIGHT': 1000, 'EULER_LIMIT': [[0,0], [180,180], [0,0]], 'T_LIMIT': [[0.0,0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [3.0, 3.0]], 'NOISE_SCALE': 3.2e-4, 'FISHEYE': False, 'DIST': [[4.2e-1,4.2e-1], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0]]}
createConfigFile('python/configs/config_room_corners.yaml', params)
def generateCircularCameras():
rand_gen = RandGen(0)
params = {'NAME' : '"circular"', 'NUM_SAMPLES': 1, 'SEED': 0, 'MAX_FRAMES' : 70, 'MAX_RANDOM_ITERS' : 100000, 'NUM_CAMERAS': 9,
'BOARD': {'WIDTH': 9, 'HEIGHT': 7, 'SQUARE_LEN':0.08, 'T_LIMIT': [[-0.2,0.2], [-0.2,0.2], [-0.1,0.1]], 'EULER_LIMIT': [[-45, 45], [-180, 180], [-45, 45]], 'T_ORIGIN': [-0.3,0,2.2]}}
dist = 1.1
xs = np.arange(dist, dist*(params['NUM_CAMERAS']//4)+1e-3, dist)
xs = np.concatenate((xs, xs[::-1]))
xs = np.concatenate((xs, -xs))
dist_z = 0.90
zs = np.arange(dist_z, dist_z*(params['NUM_CAMERAS']//2)+1e-3, dist_z)
zs = np.concatenate((zs, zs[::-1]))
yaw = np.linspace(0, -360, params['NUM_CAMERAS']+1)[1:-1]
for i in range(9):
fx = rand_gen.randRange(900, 1300)
d0 = rand_gen.randRange(4e-1, 7e-1)
euler_limit = 'null'
t_limit = 'null'
if i > 0:
euler_limit = [[0,0], [yaw[i-1], yaw[i-1]], [0,0]]
t_limit = [[xs[i-1], xs[i-1]], [0,0], [zs[i-1], zs[i-1]]]
params['CAMERA'+str((i+1))] = {'FX': [fx, fx], 'FY_DEVIATION': 'null', 'IMG_WIDTH': int(rand_gen.randRange(1200, 1600)), 'IMG_HEIGHT': int(rand_gen.randRange(800, 1200)),
'EULER_LIMIT': euler_limit, 'T_LIMIT': t_limit, 'NOISE_SCALE': rand_gen.randRange(2e-4, 5e-4), 'FISHEYE': False, 'DIST': [[d0,d0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0]]}
createConfigFile('python/configs/config_circular.yaml', params)
def getCamerasFromCfg(cfg):
cameras = []
for i in range(cfg['NUM_CAMERAS']):
cameras.append(Camera(i, cfg['CAMERA' + str(i+1)]['IMG_WIDTH'], cfg['CAMERA' + str(i+1)]['IMG_HEIGHT'],
cfg['CAMERA' + str(i+1)]['FX'], cfg['CAMERA' + str(i+1)]['EULER_LIMIT'], cfg['CAMERA' + str(i+1)]['T_LIMIT'],
cfg['CAMERA' + str(i+1)]['FISHEYE'], cfg['CAMERA' + str(i+1)]['FY_DEVIATION'],
noise_scale_img_diag=cfg['CAMERA' + str(i+1)]['NOISE_SCALE'], distortion_limit=cfg['CAMERA' + str(i+1)]['DIST']))
return cameras
def main(cfg_name, save_folder):
cfg = yaml.safe_load(open(cfg_name, 'r'))
for trial in range(cfg['NUM_SAMPLES']):
Path(save_folder).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
checkerboard = CheckerBoard(cfg['BOARD']['WIDTH'], cfg['BOARD']['HEIGHT'], cfg['BOARD']['SQUARE_LEN'], cfg['BOARD']['EULER_LIMIT'], cfg['BOARD']['T_LIMIT'], cfg['BOARD']['T_ORIGIN'])
cameras = getCamerasFromCfg(cfg)
points_2d, points_3d = generateAll(cameras, checkerboard, cfg['MAX_FRAMES'], RandGen(cfg['SEED']), cfg['MAX_RANDOM_ITERS'], save_folder+'plots_projections.mp4', save_folder+'board_cameras.mp4')
for i in range(len(cameras)):
print('Camera', i)
print('K', cameras[i].K)
print('R', cameras[i].R)
print('t', cameras[i].t.flatten())
print('distortion', cameras[i].distortion.flatten())
imgs_width_height = [[cam.img_width, cam.img_height] for cam in cameras]
is_fisheye = [cam.is_fisheye for cam in cameras]
export2JSON(checkerboard.pattern, points_2d, imgs_width_height, is_fisheye, save_folder+'opencv_sample_'+cfg['NAME']+'.json')
saveKDRT(cameras, save_folder+'gt.txt')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--cfg', type=str, required=True, help='path to config file, e.g., config_cv_test.yaml')
parser.add_argument('--output_folder', type=str, default='', help='output folder')
params, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
main(params.cfg, params.output_folder)