2016-07-19 08:47:57 +00:00
cuda replaced static const members with static functions for msvc 2016-07-18 14:41:55 +02:00
brox.cpp refactor cudaoptflow public API: 2015-01-21 15:50:21 +03:00
farneback.cpp Wrap DenseOptFlow class around Farneback optical flow computation 2016-01-28 20:03:27 +01:00
precomp.hpp Modified sparse pyrlk optical flow to allow input of an image pyramid which thus allows caching of image pyramids on successive calls. 2015-12-29 10:48:14 -05:00
pyrlk.cpp Wrap SparseOptFlow class around PyrLK optical flow computation 2016-01-29 01:47:51 +01:00
tvl1flow.cpp Fixes namespace error on cudaoptflow 2015-07-29 14:22:45 -03:00