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synced 2024-12-16 18:39:12 +08:00
Add normal estimation and region growing algorithm for point cloud * Add normal estimation and region growing algorithm for point cloud * 1.Modified documentation for normal estimation;2.Converted curvature in region growing to absolute values;3.Changed the data type of threshold from float to double;4.Fixed some bugs; * Finished documentation * Add tests for normal estimation. Test the normal and curvature of each point in the plane and sphere of the point cloud. * Fix some warnings caused by to small numbers in test * Change the test to calculate the average difference instead of comparing each normal and curvature * Fixed the bugs found by testing * Redesigned the interface and fixed problems: 1. Make the interface compatible with radius search. 2. Make region growing optionally sortable on results. 3. Modified the region growing interface. 4. Format reference. 5. Removed sphere test. * Fix warnings * Remove flann dependency * Move the flann dependency to the corresponding test
412 lines
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412 lines
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
// Copyright (C) 2021, Yechun Ruan <ruanyc@mail.sustech.edu.cn>
namespace cv {
//! @addtogroup _3d
//! @{
//! type of the robust estimation algorithm
enum SacMethod
/** The RANSAC algorithm described in @cite fischler1981random.
enum SacModelType
/** The 3D PLANE model coefficients in list **[a, b, c, d]**,
corresponding to the coefficients of equation
\f$ ax + by + cz + d = 0 \f$. */
/** The 3D SPHERE model coefficients in list **[center_x, center_y, center_z, radius]**,
corresponding to the coefficients of equation
\f$ (x - center\_x)^2 + (y - center\_y)^2 + (z - center\_z)^2 = radius^2 \f$.*/
/** @brief Sample Consensus algorithm segmentation of 3D point cloud model.
Example of segmenting plane from a 3D point cloud using the RANSAC algorithm:
@snippet snippets/3d_sac_segmentation.cpp planeSegmentationUsingRANSAC
1. Supported algorithms: enum SacMethod in ptcloud.hpp.
2. Supported models: enum SacModelType in ptcloud.hpp.
class CV_EXPORTS SACSegmentation
/** @brief Custom function that take the model coefficients and return whether the model is acceptable or not.
Example of constructing SACSegmentation::ModelConstraintFunction:
@snippet snippets/3d_sac_segmentation.cpp usageExampleSacModelConstraintFunction
@note The content of model_coefficients depends on the model.
Refer to the comments inside enumeration type SacModelType.
using ModelConstraintFunction =
std::function<bool(const std::vector<double> &/*model_coefficients*/)>;
//-------------------------- CREATE -----------------------
static Ptr<SACSegmentation> create(SacModelType sac_model_type = SAC_MODEL_PLANE,
SacMethod sac_method = SAC_METHOD_RANSAC,
double threshold = 0.5, int max_iterations = 1000);
// -------------------------- CONSTRUCTOR, DESTRUCTOR --------------------------
SACSegmentation() = default;
virtual ~SACSegmentation() = default;
//-------------------------- SEGMENT -----------------------
* @brief Execute segmentation using the sample consensus method.
* @param input_pts Original point cloud, vector of Point3 or Mat of size Nx3/3xN.
* @param[out] labels The label corresponds to the model number, 0 means it
* does not belong to any model, range [0, Number of final resultant models obtained].
* @param[out] models_coefficients The resultant models coefficients.
* Currently supports passing in cv::Mat. Models coefficients are placed in a matrix of NxK
* with depth CV_64F (will automatically adjust if the passing one does not look like this),
* where N is the number of models and K is the number of coefficients of one model.
* The coefficients for each model refer to the comments inside enumeration type SacModelType.
* @return Number of final resultant models obtained by segmentation.
virtual int
segment(InputArray input_pts, OutputArray labels, OutputArray models_coefficients) = 0;
//-------------------------- Getter and Setter -----------------------
//! Set the type of sample consensus model to use.
virtual void setSacModelType(SacModelType sac_model_type) = 0;
//! Get the type of sample consensus model used.
virtual SacModelType getSacModelType() const = 0;
//! Set the type of sample consensus method to use.
virtual void setSacMethodType(SacMethod sac_method) = 0;
//! Get the type of sample consensus method used.
virtual SacMethod getSacMethodType() const = 0;
//! Set the distance to the model threshold.
//! Considered as inlier point if distance to the model less than threshold.
virtual void setDistanceThreshold(double threshold) = 0;
//! Get the distance to the model threshold.
virtual double getDistanceThreshold() const = 0;
//! Set the minimum and maximum radius limits for the model.
//! Only used for models whose model parameters include a radius.
virtual void setRadiusLimits(double radius_min, double radius_max) = 0;
//! Get the minimum and maximum radius limits for the model.
virtual void getRadiusLimits(double &radius_min, double &radius_max) const = 0;
//! Set the maximum number of iterations to attempt.
virtual void setMaxIterations(int max_iterations) = 0;
//! Get the maximum number of iterations to attempt.
virtual int getMaxIterations() const = 0;
//! Set the confidence that ensure at least one of selections is an error-free set of data points.
virtual void setConfidence(double confidence) = 0;
//! Get the confidence that ensure at least one of selections is an error-free set of data points.
virtual double getConfidence() const = 0;
//! Set the number of models expected.
virtual void setNumberOfModelsExpected(int number_of_models_expected) = 0;
//! Get the expected number of models.
virtual int getNumberOfModelsExpected() const = 0;
//! Set whether to use parallelism or not.
//! The number of threads is set by cv::setNumThreads(int nthreads).
virtual void setParallel(bool is_parallel) = 0;
//! Get whether to use parallelism or not.
virtual bool isParallel() const = 0;
//! Set state used to initialize the RNG(Random Number Generator).
virtual void setRandomGeneratorState(uint64 rng_state) = 0;
//! Get state used to initialize the RNG(Random Number Generator).
virtual uint64 getRandomGeneratorState() const = 0;
//! Set custom model coefficient constraint function.
//! A custom function that takes model coefficients and returns whether the model is acceptable or not.
virtual void
setCustomModelConstraints(const ModelConstraintFunction &custom_model_constraints) = 0;
//! Get custom model coefficient constraint function.
virtual const ModelConstraintFunction &getCustomModelConstraints() const = 0;
* @brief Point cloud sampling by Voxel Grid filter downsampling.
* Creates a 3D voxel grid (a set of tiny 3D boxes in space) over the input
* point cloud data, in each voxel (i.e., 3D box), all the points present will be
* approximated (i.e., downsampled) with the point closest to their centroid.
* @param[out] sampled_point_flags Flags of the sampled point, (pass in std::vector<int> or std::vector<char> etc.)
* sampled_point_flags[i] is 1 means i-th point selected, 0 means it is not selected.
* @param input_pts Original point cloud, vector of Point3 or Mat of size Nx3/3xN.
* @param length Grid length.
* @param width Grid width.
* @param height Grid height.
* @return The number of points actually sampled.
CV_EXPORTS int voxelGridSampling(OutputArray sampled_point_flags, InputArray input_pts,
float length, float width, float height);
* @brief Point cloud sampling by randomly select points.
* Use cv::randShuffle to shuffle the point index list,
* then take the points corresponding to the front part of the list.
* @param sampled_pts Point cloud after sampling.
* Support cv::Mat(sampled_pts_size, 3, CV_32F), std::vector<cv::Point3f>.
* @param input_pts Original point cloud, vector of Point3 or Mat of size Nx3/3xN.
* @param sampled_pts_size The desired point cloud size after sampling.
* @param rng Optional random number generator used for cv::randShuffle;
* if it is nullptr, theRNG () is used instead.
CV_EXPORTS void randomSampling(OutputArray sampled_pts, InputArray input_pts,
int sampled_pts_size, RNG *rng = nullptr);
* @overload
* @param sampled_pts Point cloud after sampling.
* Support cv::Mat(size * sampled_scale, 3, CV_32F), std::vector<cv::Point3f>.
* @param input_pts Original point cloud, vector of Point3 or Mat of size Nx3/3xN.
* @param sampled_scale Range (0, 1), the percentage of the sampled point cloud to the original size,
* that is, sampled size = original size * sampled_scale.
* @param rng Optional random number generator used for cv::randShuffle;
* if it is nullptr, theRNG () is used instead.
CV_EXPORTS void randomSampling(OutputArray sampled_pts, InputArray input_pts,
float sampled_scale, RNG *rng = nullptr);
* @brief Point cloud sampling by Farthest Point Sampling(FPS).
* FPS Algorithm:
* + Input: Point cloud *C*, *sampled_pts_size*, *dist_lower_limit*
* + Initialize: Set sampled point cloud S to the empty set
* + Step:
* 1. Randomly take a seed point from C and take it from C to S;
* 2. Find a point in C that is the farthest away from S and take it from C to S;
* (The distance from point to set S is the smallest distance from point to all points in S)
* 3. Repeat *step 2* until the farthest distance of the point in C from S
* is less than *dist_lower_limit*, or the size of S is equal to *sampled_pts_size*.
* + Output: Sampled point cloud S
* @param[out] sampled_point_flags Flags of the sampled point, (pass in std::vector<int> or std::vector<char> etc.)
* sampled_point_flags[i] is 1 means i-th point selected, 0 means it is not selected.
* @param input_pts Original point cloud, vector of Point3 or Mat of size Nx3/3xN.
* @param sampled_pts_size The desired point cloud size after sampling.
* @param dist_lower_limit Sampling is terminated early if the distance from
* the farthest point to S is less than dist_lower_limit, default 0.
* @param rng Optional random number generator used for selecting seed point for FPS;
* if it is nullptr, theRNG () is used instead.
* @return The number of points actually sampled.
CV_EXPORTS int farthestPointSampling(OutputArray sampled_point_flags, InputArray input_pts,
int sampled_pts_size, float dist_lower_limit = 0, RNG *rng = nullptr);
* @overload
* @param[out] sampled_point_flags Flags of the sampled point, (pass in std::vector<int> or std::vector<char> etc.)
* sampled_point_flags[i] is 1 means i-th point selected, 0 means it is not selected.
* @param input_pts Original point cloud, vector of Point3 or Mat of size Nx3/3xN.
* @param sampled_scale Range (0, 1), the percentage of the sampled point cloud to the original size,
* that is, sampled size = original size * sampled_scale.
* @param dist_lower_limit Sampling is terminated early if the distance from
* the farthest point to S is less than dist_lower_limit, default 0.
* @param rng Optional random number generator used for selecting seed point for FPS;
* if it is nullptr, theRNG () is used instead.
* @return The number of points actually sampled.
CV_EXPORTS int farthestPointSampling(OutputArray sampled_point_flags, InputArray input_pts,
float sampled_scale, float dist_lower_limit = 0, RNG *rng = nullptr);
* @brief Estimate the normal and curvature of each point in point cloud from NN results.
* Normal estimation by PCA:
* + Input: Nearest neighbor points of a specific point: \f$ pt\_set \f$
* + Step:
* 1. Calculate the \f$ mean(\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z}) \f$ of \f$ pt\_set \f$;
* 2. A 3x3 covariance matrix \f$ cov \f$ is obtained by \f$ mean^T \cdot mean \f$;
* 3. Calculate the eigenvalues(\f$ λ_2 \ge λ_1 \ge λ_0 \f$) and corresponding
* eigenvectors(\f$ v_2, v_1, v_0 \f$) of \f$ cov \f$;
* 4. \f$ v0 \f$ is the normal of the specific point,
* \f$ \frac{λ_0}{λ_0 + λ_1 + λ_2} \f$ is the curvature of the specific point;
* + Output: Normal and curvature of the specific point.
* @param[out] normals Normal of each point, support vector<Point3f> and Mat of size Nx3.
* @param[out] curvatures Curvature of each point, support vector<float> and Mat.
* @param input_pts Original point cloud, support vector<Point3f> and Mat of size Nx3/3xN.
* @param nn_idx Index information of nearest neighbors of all points. The first nearest neighbor of
* each point is itself. Support vector<vector<int>>, vector<Mat> and Mat of size NxK.
* If the information in a row is [0, 2, 1, -5, -1, 4, 7 ... negative number], it will
* use only non-negative indexes until it meets a negative number or bound of this row
* i.e. [0, 2, 1].
* @param max_neighbor_num The maximum number of neighbors want to use including itself. Setting to
* a non-positive number or default will use the information from nn_idx.
CV_EXPORTS void normalEstimate(OutputArray normals, OutputArray curvatures, InputArray input_pts,
InputArrayOfArrays nn_idx, int max_neighbor_num = 0);
* @brief Region Growing algorithm in 3D point cloud.
* The key idea of region growing is to merge the nearest neighbor points that satisfy a certain
* angle threshold into the same region according to the normal between the two points, so as to
* achieve the purpose of segmentation. For more details, please refer to @cite Rabbani2006SegmentationOP.
class CV_EXPORTS RegionGrowing3D
//-------------------------- CREATE -----------------------
static Ptr<RegionGrowing3D> create();
// -------------------------- CONSTRUCTOR, DESTRUCTOR --------------------------
RegionGrowing3D() = default;
virtual ~RegionGrowing3D() = default;
//-------------------------- SEGMENT -----------------------
* @brief Execute segmentation using the Region Growing algorithm.
* @param[out] regions_idx Index information of all points in each region, support
* vector<vector<int>>, vector<Mat>.
* @param[out] labels The label corresponds to the model number, 0 means it does not belong to
* any model, range [0, Number of final resultant models obtained]. Support
* vector<int> and Mat.
* @param input_pts Original point cloud, support vector<Point3f> and Mat of size Nx3/3xN.
* @param normals Normal of each point, support vector<Point3f> and Mat of size Nx3.
* @param nn_idx Index information of nearest neighbors of all points. The first nearest
* neighbor of each point is itself. Support vector<vector<int>>, vector<Mat> and
* Mat of size NxK. If the information in a row is
* [0, 2, 1, -5, -1, 4, 7 ... negative number]
* it will use only non-negative indexes until it meets a negative number or bound
* of this row i.e. [0, 2, 1].
* @return Number of final resultant regions obtained by segmentation.
virtual int
segment(OutputArrayOfArrays regions_idx, OutputArray labels, InputArray input_pts,
InputArray normals, InputArrayOfArrays nn_idx) = 0;
//-------------------------- Getter and Setter -----------------------
//! Set the minimum size of region.
//!Setting to a non-positive number or default will be unlimited.
virtual void setMinSize(int min_size) = 0;
//! Get the minimum size of region.
virtual int getMinSize() const = 0;
//! Set the maximum size of region.
//!Setting to a non-positive number or default will be unlimited.
virtual void setMaxSize(int max_size) = 0;
//! Get the maximum size of region.
virtual int getMaxSize() const = 0;
//! Set whether to use the smoothness mode. Default will be true.
//! If true it will check the angle between the normal of the current point and the normal of its neighbor.
//! Otherwise, it will check the angle between the normal of the seed point and the normal of current neighbor.
virtual void setSmoothModeFlag(bool smooth_mode) = 0;
//! Get whether to use the smoothness mode.
virtual bool getSmoothModeFlag() const = 0;
//! Set threshold value of the angle between normals, the input value is in radian.
//!Default will be 30(degree)*PI/180.
virtual void setSmoothnessThreshold(double smoothness_thr) = 0;
//! Get threshold value of the angle between normals.
virtual double getSmoothnessThreshold() const = 0;
//! Set threshold value of curvature. Default will be 0.05.
//! Only points with curvature less than the threshold will be considered to belong to the same region.
//! If the curvature of each point is not set, this option will not work.
virtual void setCurvatureThreshold(double curvature_thr) = 0;
//! Get threshold value of curvature.
virtual double getCurvatureThreshold() const = 0;
//! Set the maximum number of neighbors want to use including itself.
//! Setting to a non-positive number or default will use the information from nn_idx.
virtual void setMaxNumberOfNeighbors(int max_neighbor_num) = 0;
//! Get the maximum number of neighbors including itself.
virtual int getMaxNumberOfNeighbors() const = 0;
//! Set the maximum number of regions you want.
//!Setting to a non-positive number or default will be unlimited.
virtual void setNumberOfRegions(int region_num) = 0;
//! Get the maximum number of regions you want.
virtual int getNumberOfRegions() const = 0;
//! Set whether the results need to be sorted in descending order by the number of points.
virtual void setNeedSort(bool need_sort) = 0;
//! Get whether the results need to be sorted you have set.
virtual bool getNeedSort() const = 0;
//! Set the seed points, it will grow according to the seeds.
//! If noArray() is set, the default method will be used:
//! 1. If the curvature of each point is set, the seeds will be sorted in ascending order of curvatures.
//! 2. Otherwise, the natural order of the point cloud will be used.
virtual void setSeeds(InputArray seeds) = 0;
//! Get the seed points.
virtual void getSeeds(OutputArray seeds) const = 0;
//! Set the curvature of each point, support vector<float> and Mat. If not, you can set it to noArray().
virtual void setCurvatures(InputArray curvatures) = 0;
//! Get the curvature of each point if you have set.
virtual void getCurvatures(OutputArray curvatures) const = 0;
//! @} _3d
} //end namespace cv