mirror of
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Also, removed the one from modules/python/src2/cv.py and cleared its executable bit, since it's not a script.
165 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File
165 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
Digit recognition adjustment.
Grid search is used to find the best parameters for SVM and KNearest classifiers.
SVM adjustment follows the guidelines given in
Threading or cloud computing (with http://www.picloud.com/)) may be used
to speedup the computation.
digits_adjust.py [--model {svm|knearest}] [--cloud] [--env <PiCloud environment>]
--model {svm|knearest} - select the classifier (SVM is the default)
--cloud - use PiCloud computing platform
--env - cloud environment name
# TODO cloud env setup tutorial
import numpy as np
import cv2
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from digits import *
import cloud
have_cloud = True
except ImportError:
have_cloud = False
def cross_validate(model_class, params, samples, labels, kfold = 3, pool = None):
n = len(samples)
folds = np.array_split(np.arange(n), kfold)
def f(i):
model = model_class(**params)
test_idx = folds[i]
train_idx = list(folds)
train_idx = np.hstack(train_idx)
train_samples, train_labels = samples[train_idx], labels[train_idx]
test_samples, test_labels = samples[test_idx], labels[test_idx]
model.train(train_samples, train_labels)
resp = model.predict(test_samples)
score = (resp != test_labels).mean()
print ".",
return score
if pool is None:
scores = map(f, xrange(kfold))
scores = pool.map(f, xrange(kfold))
return np.mean(scores)
class App(object):
def __init__(self, usecloud=False, cloud_env=''):
if usecloud and not have_cloud:
print 'warning: cloud module is not installed, running locally'
usecloud = False
self.usecloud = usecloud
self.cloud_env = cloud_env
if self.usecloud:
print 'uploading dataset to cloud...'
self.preprocess_job = cloud.call(self.preprocess, _env=self.cloud_env)
self._samples, self._labels = self.preprocess()
def preprocess(self):
if self.usecloud:
digits, labels = load_digits(DIGITS_FN)
shuffle = np.random.permutation(len(digits))
digits, labels = digits[shuffle], labels[shuffle]
digits2 = map(deskew, digits)
samples = preprocess_hog(digits2)
return samples, labels
def get_dataset(self):
if self.usecloud:
return cloud.result(self.preprocess_job)
return self._samples, self._labels
def run_jobs(self, f, jobs):
if self.usecloud:
jids = cloud.map(f, jobs, _env=self.cloud_env, _profile=True, _depends_on=self.preprocess_job)
ires = cloud.iresult(jids)
pool = ThreadPool(processes=cv2.getNumberOfCPUs())
ires = pool.imap_unordered(f, jobs)
return ires
def adjust_SVM(self):
Cs = np.logspace(0, 10, 15, base=2)
gammas = np.logspace(-7, 4, 15, base=2)
scores = np.zeros((len(Cs), len(gammas)))
scores[:] = np.nan
print 'adjusting SVM (may take a long time) ...'
def f(job):
i, j = job
samples, labels = self.get_dataset()
params = dict(C = Cs[i], gamma=gammas[j])
score = cross_validate(SVM, params, samples, labels)
return i, j, score
ires = self.run_jobs(f, np.ndindex(*scores.shape))
for count, (i, j, score) in enumerate(ires):
scores[i, j] = score
print '%d / %d (best error: %.2f %%, last: %.2f %%)' % (count+1, scores.size, np.nanmin(scores)*100, score*100)
print scores
print 'writing score table to "svm_scores.npz"'
np.savez('svm_scores.npz', scores=scores, Cs=Cs, gammas=gammas)
i, j = np.unravel_index(scores.argmin(), scores.shape)
best_params = dict(C = Cs[i], gamma=gammas[j])
print 'best params:', best_params
print 'best error: %.2f %%' % (scores.min()*100)
return best_params
def adjust_KNearest(self):
print 'adjusting KNearest ...'
def f(k):
samples, labels = self.get_dataset()
err = cross_validate(KNearest, dict(k=k), samples, labels)
return k, err
best_err, best_k = np.inf, -1
for k, err in self.run_jobs(f, xrange(1, 9)):
if err < best_err:
best_err, best_k = err, k
print 'k = %d, error: %.2f %%' % (k, err*100)
best_params = dict(k=best_k)
print 'best params:', best_params, 'err: %.2f' % (best_err*100)
return best_params
if __name__ == '__main__':
import getopt
import sys
print __doc__
args, _ = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['model=', 'cloud', 'env='])
args = dict(args)
args.setdefault('--model', 'svm')
args.setdefault('--env', '')
if args['--model'] not in ['svm', 'knearest']:
print 'unknown model "%s"' % args['--model']
t = clock()
app = App(usecloud='--cloud' in args, cloud_env = args['--env'])
if args['--model'] == 'knearest':
print 'work time: %f s' % (clock() - t)