Rostislav Vasilikhin bae9cef0b5
Merge pull request #20013 from savuor:rgbd_to_3d
Moving RGBD parts to 3d

* files moved from rgbd module in contrib repo

* header paths fixed

* perf file added

* lapack compilation fixed

* Rodrigues fixed in tests

* rgbd namespace removed

* headers fixed

* initial: rgbd files moved to 3d module

* rgbd updated from latest contrib master; less file duplication

* "std::" for sin(), cos(), etc.

* KinFu family -> back to contrib

* paths & namespaces

* removed duplicates, file version updated

* namespace kinfu removed from 3d module

* forgot to move test_colored_kinfu.cpp to contrib

* tests fixed: Params removed

* kinfu namespace removed

* it works without objc bindings

* include headers fixed

* tests: data paths fixed

* headers moved to/from public API

* Intr -> Matx33f in public API

* from kinfu_frame.hpp to utils.hpp

* submap: Intr -> Matx33f, HashTSDFVolume -> Volume; no extra headers

* no RgbdFrame class, no Mat fields & arg -> InputArray & pImpl

* get/setPyramidAt() instead of lots of methods

* Mat -> InputArray, TMat

* prepareFrameCache: refactored

* FastICPOdometry: +truncate threshold, +depthFactor; Mat/UMat choose

* Mat/UMat choose

* minor stuff related to headers

* (un)signed int warnings; compilation minor issues

* minors: submap: pyramids -> OdometryFrame; tests fix; FastICP minor; CV_EXPORTS_W for kinfu_frame.hpp

* FastICPOdometry: caching, rgbCameraMatrix

* OdometryFrame: pyramid%s% -> pyramids[]

* drop: rgbCameraMatrix from FastICP, RGB cache mode, makeColoredFrameFrom depth and all color-functions it calls

* makeFrameFromDepth, buildPyramidPointsNormals -> from public to internal utils.hpp

* minors

* FastICPOdometry: caching updated, init fields

* OdometryFrameImpl<UMat> fixed

* matrix building fixed; minors

* returning linemode back to contrib

* params.pose is Mat now

* precomp headers reorganized

* minor fixes, header paths, extra header removed

* minors: intrinsics -> utils.hpp; whitespaces; empty namespace; warning fixed

* moving declarations from/to headers

* internal headers reorganized (once again)

* fix include

* extra var fix

* fix include, fix (un)singed warning

* calibration.cpp: reverting back

* headers fix

* workaround to fix bindings

* temporary removed wrappers

* VolumeType -> VolumeParams

* (temporarily) removing wrappers for Volume and VolumeParams

* pyopencv_linemod -> contrib

* try to fix

* headers fixed

* fixing wrappers for rgbd

* fixing docs

* fixing rgbdPlane

* RgbdNormals wrapped

* wrap Volume and VolumeParams, VolumeType from enum to int

* DepthCleaner wrapped

* header folder "rgbd" -> "3d"

* fixing header path

* VolumeParams referenced by Ptr to support Python wrappers

* render...() fixed

* Ptr<VolumeParams> fixed

* makeVolume(... resolution -> [X, Y, Z])

* fixing static declaration

* try to fix ios objc bindings

* OdometryFrame::release...() removed

* fix for Odometry algos not supporting UMats: prepareFrameCache<>()

* preparePyramidMask(): fix to compile with TMat = UMat

* fixing debug guards

* removing references back; adding makeOdometryFrame() instead

* fixing OpenCL ICP hanging (some threads exit before reaching the barrier -> the rest threads hang)

* try to fix objc wrapper warnings; rerun builders

* VolumeType -> VolumeKind

* try to fix OCL bug

* prints removed

* indentation fixed

* headers fixed

* license fix

* WillowGarage licence notion removed, since it's in OpenCV's COPYRIGHT already

* KinFu license notion shortened

* debugging code removed

* include guards fixed

* KinFu license left in contrib module

* isValidDepth() moved to private header

* indentation fix

* indentation fix in src files

* RgbdNormals rewritten to pImpl

* minor

* DepthCleaner removed due to low code quality, no depthScale provided, no depth images found to be successfully filtered; can be replaced by bilateral filtering

* minors, indentation

* no "private" in public headers

* depthTo3d test moved from separate file

* Normals: setDepth() is useless, removing it

* RgbdPlane => findPlanes()

* rescaleDepth(): minor

* warpFrame: minor

* minor TODO

* all Odometries (except base abstract class) rewritten to pImpl

* FastICPOdometry now supports maxRotation and maxTranslation

* minor

* Odometry's children: now checks are done in setters

* get rid of protected members in Odometry class

* get/set cameraMatrix, transformType, maxRot/Trans, iters, minGradients -> OdometryImpl

* cameraMatrix: from double to float

* matrix exponentiation: Eigen -> dual quaternions

* Odometry evaluation fixed to reuse existing code

* "small" macro fixed by undef

* pixNorm is calculated on CPU only now (and then uploads on GPU)

* test registration: no cvtest classes

* test RgbdNormals and findPlanes(): no cvtest classes

* minor fix

* tests for Odometry: no cvtest classes; UMat tests; logging fixed

* more CV_OVERRIDE to overriden functions

* fixing nondependent names to dependent

* more to prev commit

* forgotten fixes: overriden functions, (non)dependent names

* FastICPOdometry: fix UMat support when OpenCL is off

* try to fix compilation: missing namespaces

* Odometry: static const-mimicking functions to internal constants

* forgotten change to prev commit

* more forgotten fixes

* do not expose "submap.hpp" by default

* in-class enums: give names, CamelCase, int=>enums; minors

* namespaces, underscores, String

* std::map is used by pose graph, adding it

* compute()'s signature fixed, computeImpl()'s too

* RgbdNormals: Mat -> InputArray

* depth.hpp: Mat -> InputArray

* cameraMatrix: Matx33f -> InputArray + default value + checks

* "details" headers are not visible by default

* TSDF tests: rearranging checks

* cameraMatrix: no (realistic) default value

* renderPointsNormals*(): no wrappers for them

* debug: assert on empty frame in TSDF tests

* debugging code for TSDF GPU

* debug from integrate to raycast

* no (non-zero) default camera matrix anymore

* drop debugging code (does not help)

* try to fix TSDF GPU: constant -> global const ptr
2021-08-22 13:18:45 +00:00

211 lines
6.7 KiB

// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <opencv2/3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define BILATERAL_FILTER 0// if 1 then bilateral filter will be used for the depth
void writeResults( const string& filename, const vector<string>& timestamps, const vector<Mat>& Rt )
CV_Assert( timestamps.size() == Rt.size() );
ofstream file( filename.c_str() );
if( !file.is_open() )
for( size_t i = 0; i < Rt.size(); i++ )
const Mat& Rt_curr = Rt[i];
if( Rt_curr.empty() )
CV_Assert( Rt_curr.type() == CV_64FC1 );
Quatd rot = Quatd::createFromRotMat(Rt_curr(Rect(0, 0, 3, 3)));
// timestamp tx ty tz qx qy qz qw
file << timestamps[i] << " " << fixed
<<<double>(0,3) << " " <<<double>(1,3) << " " <<<double>(2,3) << " "
<< rot.x << " " << rot.y << " " << rot.z << " " << rot.w << endl;
void setCameraMatrixFreiburg1(float& fx, float& fy, float& cx, float& cy)
fx = 517.3f; fy = 516.5f; cx = 318.6f; cy = 255.3f;
void setCameraMatrixFreiburg2(float& fx, float& fy, float& cx, float& cy)
fx = 520.9f; fy = 521.0f; cx = 325.1f; cy = 249.7f;
* This sample helps to evaluate odometry on TUM datasets and benchmark
* At this link you can find instructions for evaluation. The sample runs some opencv odometry and saves a camera trajectory
* to file of format that the benchmark requires. Saved file can be used for online evaluation.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if(argc != 4)
cout << "Format: file_with_rgb_depth_pairs trajectory_file odometry_name [Rgbd or ICP or RgbdICP or FastICP]" << endl;
return -1;
vector<string> timestamps;
vector<Mat> Rts;
const string filename = argv[1];
ifstream file( filename.c_str() );
if( !file.is_open() )
return -1;
char dlmrt = '/';
size_t pos = filename.rfind(dlmrt);
string dirname = pos == string::npos ? "" : filename.substr(0, pos) + dlmrt;
const int timestampLength = 17;
const int rgbPathLehgth = 17+8;
const int depthPathLehgth = 17+10;
float fx = 525.0f, // default
fy = 525.0f,
cx = 319.5f,
cy = 239.5f;
if(filename.find("freiburg1") != string::npos)
setCameraMatrixFreiburg1(fx, fy, cx, cy);
if(filename.find("freiburg2") != string::npos)
setCameraMatrixFreiburg2(fx, fy, cx, cy);
Mat cameraMatrix = Mat::eye(3,3,CV_32FC1);
{<float>(0,0) = fx;<float>(1,1) = fy;<float>(0,2) = cx;<float>(1,2) = cy;
Ptr<OdometryFrame> frame_prev = OdometryFrame::create(),
frame_curr = OdometryFrame::create();
Ptr<Odometry> odometry = Odometry::createFromName(string(argv[3]) + "Odometry");
cout << "Can not create Odometry algorithm. Check the passed odometry name." << endl;
return -1;
TickMeter gtm;
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; !file.eof(); i++)
string str;
std::getline(file, str);
if(str.empty()) break;
if( == '#') continue; /* comment */
Mat image, depth;
// Read one pair (rgb and depth)
// example: 1305031453.359684 rgb/1305031453.359684.png 1305031453.374112 depth/1305031453.374112.png
TickMeter tm_bilateral_filter;
string rgbFilename = str.substr(timestampLength + 1, rgbPathLehgth );
string timestap = str.substr(0, timestampLength);
string depthFilename = str.substr(2*timestampLength + rgbPathLehgth + 3, depthPathLehgth );
image = imread(dirname + rgbFilename);
depth = imread(dirname + depthFilename, -1);
CV_Assert(depth.type() == CV_16UC1);
cout << i << " " << rgbFilename << " " << depthFilename << endl;
// scale depth
Mat depth_flt;
depth.convertTo(depth_flt, CV_32FC1, 1.f/5000.f);
depth_flt.setTo(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), depth == 0);
depth = depth_flt;
depth = Mat(depth_flt.size(), CV_32FC1, Scalar(0));
const double depth_sigma = 0.03;
const double space_sigma = 4.5; // in pixels
Mat invalidDepthMask = depth_flt == 0.f;
depth_flt.setTo(-5*depth_sigma, invalidDepthMask);
bilateralFilter(depth_flt, depth, -1, depth_sigma, space_sigma);
depth.setTo(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), invalidDepthMask);
cout << "Time filter " << tm_bilateral_filter.getTimeSec() << endl;
timestamps.push_back( timestap );
Mat gray;
cvtColor(image, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
Mat Rt;
TickMeter tm;
bool res = odometry->compute(frame_curr, frame_prev, Rt);
cout << "Time " << tm.getTimeSec() << endl;
cout << "Time ratio " << tm_bilateral_filter.getTimeSec() / tm.getTimeSec() << endl;
Rt = Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1);
if( Rts.empty() )
Mat& prevRt = *Rts.rbegin();
cout << "Rt " << Rt << endl;
Rts.push_back( prevRt * Rt );
if (!frame_prev.empty())
std::swap(frame_prev, frame_curr);
std::cout << "Average time " << gtm.getAvgTimeSec() << std::endl;
writeResults(argv[2], timestamps, Rts);
return 0;