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synced 2025-01-22 01:13:11 +08:00
[GSoC] OpenCV.js: Accelerate OpenCV.js DNN via WebNN * Add WebNN backend for OpenCV DNN Module Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Add WebNN head files into OpenCV 3rd partiy files Create webnn.hpp update cmake Complete README and add OpenCVDetectWebNN.cmake file add webnn.cpp Modify webnn.cpp Can successfully compile the codes for creating a MLContext Update webnn.cpp Update README.md Update README.md Update README.md Update README.md Update cmake files and update README.md Update OpenCVDetectWebNN.cmake and README.md Update OpenCVDetectWebNN.cmake Fix OpenCVDetectWebNN.cmake and update README.md Add source webnn_cpp.cpp and libary libwebnn_proc.so Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp update dnn.cpp update op_webnn update op_webnn Update op_webnn.hpp update op_webnn.cpp & hpp Update op_webnn.hpp Update op_webnn update the skeleton Update op_webnn.cpp Update op_webnn Update op_webnn.cpp Update op_webnn.cpp Update op_webnn.hpp update op_webnn update op_webnn Solved the problems of released variables. Fixed the bugs in op_webnn.cpp Implement op_webnn Implement Relu by WebNN API Update dnn.cpp for better test Update elementwise_layers.cpp Implement ReLU6 Update elementwise_layers.cpp Implement SoftMax using WebNN API Implement Reshape by WebNN API Implement PermuteLayer by WebNN API Implement PoolingLayer using WebNN API Update pooling_layer.cpp Update pooling_layer.cpp Update pooling_layer.cpp Update pooling_layer.cpp Update pooling_layer.cpp Update pooling_layer.cpp Implement poolingLayer by WebNN API and add more detailed logs Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Remove redundant codes and add more logs for poolingLayer Add more logs in the pooling layer implementation Fix the indent issue and resolve the compiling issue Fix the build problems Fix the build issue FIx the build issue Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp * Fix the build issue * Implement BatchNorm Layer by WebNN API * Update convolution_layer.cpp This is a temporary file for Conv2d layer implementation * Integrate some general functions into op_webnn.cpp&hpp * Update const_layer.cpp * Update convolution_layer.cpp Still have some bugs that should be fixed. * Update conv2d layer and fc layer still have some problems to be fixed. * update constLayer, conv layer, fc layer There are still some bugs to be fixed. * Fix the build issue * Update concat_layer.cpp Still have some bugs to be fixed. * Update conv2d layer, fully connected layer and const layer * Update convolution_layer.cpp * Add OpenCV.js DNN module WebNN Backend (both using webnn-polyfill and electron) * Delete bib19450.aux * Add WebNN backend for OpenCV DNN Module Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Add WebNN head files into OpenCV 3rd partiy files Create webnn.hpp update cmake Complete README and add OpenCVDetectWebNN.cmake file add webnn.cpp Modify webnn.cpp Can successfully compile the codes for creating a MLContext Update webnn.cpp Update README.md Update README.md Update README.md Update README.md Update cmake files and update README.md Update OpenCVDetectWebNN.cmake and README.md Update OpenCVDetectWebNN.cmake Fix OpenCVDetectWebNN.cmake and update README.md Add source webnn_cpp.cpp and libary libwebnn_proc.so Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp update dnn.cpp update op_webnn update op_webnn Update op_webnn.hpp update op_webnn.cpp & hpp Update op_webnn.hpp Update op_webnn update the skeleton Update op_webnn.cpp Update op_webnn Update op_webnn.cpp Update op_webnn.cpp Update op_webnn.hpp update op_webnn update op_webnn Solved the problems of released variables. Fixed the bugs in op_webnn.cpp Implement op_webnn Implement Relu by WebNN API Update dnn.cpp for better test Update elementwise_layers.cpp Implement ReLU6 Update elementwise_layers.cpp Implement SoftMax using WebNN API Implement Reshape by WebNN API Implement PermuteLayer by WebNN API Implement PoolingLayer using WebNN API Update pooling_layer.cpp Update pooling_layer.cpp Update pooling_layer.cpp Update pooling_layer.cpp Update pooling_layer.cpp Update pooling_layer.cpp Implement poolingLayer by WebNN API and add more detailed logs Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp Remove redundant codes and add more logs for poolingLayer Add more logs in the pooling layer implementation Fix the indent issue and resolve the compiling issue Fix the build problems Fix the build issue FIx the build issue Update dnn.cpp Update dnn.cpp * Fix the build issue * Implement BatchNorm Layer by WebNN API * Update convolution_layer.cpp This is a temporary file for Conv2d layer implementation * Integrate some general functions into op_webnn.cpp&hpp * Update const_layer.cpp * Update convolution_layer.cpp Still have some bugs that should be fixed. * Update conv2d layer and fc layer still have some problems to be fixed. * update constLayer, conv layer, fc layer There are still some bugs to be fixed. * Update conv2d layer, fully connected layer and const layer * Update convolution_layer.cpp * Add OpenCV.js DNN module WebNN Backend (both using webnn-polyfill and electron) * Update dnn.cpp * Fix Error in dnn.cpp * Resolve duplication in conditions in convolution_layer.cpp * Fixed the issues in the comments * Fix building issue * Update tutorial * Fixed comments * Address the comments * Update CMakeLists.txt * Offer more accurate perf test on native * Add better perf tests for both native and web * Modify per tests for better results * Use more latest version of Electron * Support latest WebNN Clamp op * Add definition of HAVE_WEBNN macro * Support group convolution * Implement Scale_layer using WebNN * Add Softmax option for native classification example * Fix comments * Fix comments
350 lines
13 KiB
350 lines
13 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys, subprocess, argparse, shutil, glob, re, multiprocessing
import logging as log
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
class Fail(Exception):
def __init__(self, text=None):
self.t = text
def __str__(self):
return "ERROR" if self.t is None else self.t
def execute(cmd, shell=False):
log.info("Executing: %s" % cmd)
env = os.environ.copy()
env['VERBOSE'] = '1'
retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=shell, env=env)
if retcode < 0:
raise Fail("Child was terminated by signal: %s" % -retcode)
elif retcode > 0:
raise Fail("Child returned: %s" % retcode)
except OSError as e:
raise Fail("Execution failed: %d / %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
def rm_one(d):
d = os.path.abspath(d)
if os.path.exists(d):
if os.path.isdir(d):
log.info("Removing dir: %s", d)
elif os.path.isfile(d):
log.info("Removing file: %s", d)
def check_dir(d, create=False, clean=False):
d = os.path.abspath(d)
log.info("Check dir %s (create: %s, clean: %s)", d, create, clean)
if os.path.exists(d):
if not os.path.isdir(d):
raise Fail("Not a directory: %s" % d)
if clean:
for x in glob.glob(os.path.join(d, "*")):
if create:
return d
def check_file(d):
d = os.path.abspath(d)
if os.path.exists(d):
if os.path.isfile(d):
return True
return False
return False
def find_file(name, path):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
if name in files:
return os.path.join(root, name)
class Builder:
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
self.build_dir = check_dir(options.build_dir, create=True)
self.opencv_dir = check_dir(options.opencv_dir)
print('options.opencv_dir:', options.opencv_dir)
self.emscripten_dir = check_dir(options.emscripten_dir)
def get_toolchain_file(self):
return os.path.join(self.emscripten_dir, "cmake", "Modules", "Platform", "Emscripten.cmake")
def clean_build_dir(self):
for d in ["CMakeCache.txt", "CMakeFiles/", "bin/", "libs/", "lib/", "modules"]:
def get_cmake_cmd(self):
cmd = [
"-DPYTHON_DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE=%s" % sys.executable,
"-DENABLE_PIC=FALSE", # To workaround emscripten upstream backend issue https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/issues/8761
"-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE='%s'" % self.get_toolchain_file(),
"-DBUILD_opencv_flann=ON", # No bindings provided. This module is used as a dependency for other modules.
if self.options.cmake_option:
cmd += self.options.cmake_option
if self.options.build_doc:
if self.options.threads:
if self.options.simd:
if self.options.build_wasm_intrin_test:
if self.options.webnn:
flags = self.get_build_flags()
if flags:
cmd += ["-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='%s'" % flags,
"-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='%s'" % flags]
return cmd
def get_build_flags(self):
flags = ""
if self.options.build_wasm:
flags += "-s WASM=1 "
elif self.options.disable_wasm:
flags += "-s WASM=0 "
if self.options.threads:
flags += "-s USE_PTHREADS=1 -s PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE=4 "
flags += "-s USE_PTHREADS=0 "
if self.options.enable_exception:
if self.options.simd:
flags += "-msimd128 "
if self.options.build_flags:
flags += self.options.build_flags
if self.options.webnn:
flags += "-s USE_WEBNN=1 "
return flags
def config(self):
cmd = self.get_cmake_cmd()
def build_opencvjs(self):
execute(["make", "-j", str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()), "opencv.js"])
def build_test(self):
execute(["make", "-j", str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()), "opencv_js_test"])
def build_perf(self):
execute(["make", "-j", str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()), "opencv_js_perf"])
def build_doc(self):
execute(["make", "-j", str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()), "doxygen"])
def build_loader(self):
execute(["make", "-j", str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()), "opencv_js_loader"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
log.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=log.DEBUG)
opencv_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../..'))
emscripten_dir = None
if "EMSCRIPTEN" in os.environ:
emscripten_dir = os.environ["EMSCRIPTEN"]
log.warning("EMSCRIPTEN environment variable is not available. Please properly activate Emscripten SDK and consider using 'emcmake' launcher")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build OpenCV.js by Emscripten')
parser.add_argument("build_dir", help="Building directory (and output)")
parser.add_argument('--opencv_dir', default=opencv_dir, help='Opencv source directory (default is "../.." relative to script location)')
parser.add_argument('--emscripten_dir', default=emscripten_dir, help="Path to Emscripten to use for build (deprecated in favor of 'emcmake' launcher)")
parser.add_argument('--build_wasm', action="store_true", help="Build OpenCV.js in WebAssembly format")
parser.add_argument('--disable_wasm', action="store_true", help="Build OpenCV.js in Asm.js format")
parser.add_argument('--threads', action="store_true", help="Build OpenCV.js with threads optimization")
parser.add_argument('--simd', action="store_true", help="Build OpenCV.js with SIMD optimization")
parser.add_argument('--build_test', action="store_true", help="Build tests")
parser.add_argument('--build_perf', action="store_true", help="Build performance tests")
parser.add_argument('--build_doc', action="store_true", help="Build tutorials")
parser.add_argument('--build_loader', action="store_true", help="Build OpenCV.js loader")
parser.add_argument('--clean_build_dir', action="store_true", help="Clean build dir")
parser.add_argument('--skip_config', action="store_true", help="Skip cmake config")
parser.add_argument('--config_only', action="store_true", help="Only do cmake config")
parser.add_argument('--enable_exception', action="store_true", help="Enable exception handling")
# Use flag --cmake option="-D...=ON" only for one argument, if you would add more changes write new cmake_option flags
parser.add_argument('--cmake_option', action='append', help="Append CMake options")
# Use flag --build_flags="-s USE_PTHREADS=0 -Os" for one and more arguments as in the example
parser.add_argument('--build_flags', help="Append Emscripten build options")
parser.add_argument('--build_wasm_intrin_test', default=False, action="store_true", help="Build WASM intrin tests")
# Write a path to modify file like argument of this flag
parser.add_argument('--config', default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'opencv_js.config.py'),
help="Specify configuration file with own list of exported into JS functions")
parser.add_argument('--webnn', action="store_true", help="Enable WebNN Backend")
args = parser.parse_args()
log.debug("Args: %s", args)
os.environ["OPENCV_JS_WHITELIST"] = os.path.abspath(args.config)
if 'EMMAKEN_JUST_CONFIGURE' in os.environ:
del os.environ['EMMAKEN_JUST_CONFIGURE'] # avoid linker errors with NODERAWFS message then using 'emcmake' launcher
if args.emscripten_dir is None:
log.error("Cannot get Emscripten path, please use 'emcmake' launcher or specify it either by EMSCRIPTEN environment variable or --emscripten_dir option.")
builder = Builder(args)
if args.clean_build_dir:
log.info("===== Clean build dir %s", builder.build_dir)
if not args.skip_config:
target = "default target"
if args.build_wasm:
target = "wasm"
elif args.disable_wasm:
target = "asm.js"
log.info("===== Config OpenCV.js build for %s" % target)
if args.config_only:
log.info("===== Building OpenCV.js")
if args.build_test:
log.info("===== Building OpenCV.js tests")
if args.build_perf:
log.info("===== Building OpenCV.js performance tests")
if args.build_doc:
log.info("===== Building OpenCV.js tutorials")
if args.build_loader:
log.info("===== Building OpenCV.js loader")
log.info("===== Build finished")
opencvjs_path = os.path.join(builder.build_dir, "bin", "opencv.js")
if check_file(opencvjs_path):
log.info("OpenCV.js location: %s", opencvjs_path)
if args.build_test:
opencvjs_test_path = os.path.join(builder.build_dir, "bin", "tests.html")
if check_file(opencvjs_test_path):
log.info("OpenCV.js tests location: %s", opencvjs_test_path)
if args.build_perf:
opencvjs_perf_path = os.path.join(builder.build_dir, "bin", "perf")
opencvjs_perf_base_path = os.path.join(builder.build_dir, "bin", "perf", "base.js")
if check_file(opencvjs_perf_base_path):
log.info("OpenCV.js performance tests location: %s", opencvjs_perf_path)
if args.build_doc:
opencvjs_tutorial_path = find_file("tutorial_js_root.html", os.path.join(builder.build_dir, "doc", "doxygen", "html"))
if check_file(opencvjs_tutorial_path):
log.info("OpenCV.js tutorials location: %s", opencvjs_tutorial_path)
if args.build_loader:
opencvjs_loader_path = os.path.join(builder.build_dir, "bin", "loader.js")
if check_file(opencvjs_loader_path):
log.info("OpenCV.js loader location: %s", opencvjs_loader_path)