Alexander Smorkalov 6c6d5cd7b2
Merge pull request #25986 from asmorkalov:as/js_for_contrib
Split Javascript white-list to support contrib modules #25986

Single whitelist converted to several per-module json files. They are concatenated automatically and can be overriden by user config.

Related to

### Pull Request Readiness Checklist

See details at

- [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License.
- [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV
- [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch
- [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work
- [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable
      Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name.
- [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake
2024-08-23 10:49:08 +03:00

20 lines
2.1 KiB

"Feature2D": ["detect", "compute", "detectAndCompute", "descriptorSize", "descriptorType", "defaultNorm", "empty", "getDefaultName"],
"BRISK": ["create", "getDefaultName"],
"ORB": ["create", "setMaxFeatures", "setScaleFactor", "setNLevels", "setEdgeThreshold", "setFastThreshold", "setFirstLevel", "setWTA_K", "setScoreType", "setPatchSize", "getFastThreshold", "getDefaultName"],
"MSER": ["create", "detectRegions", "setDelta", "getDelta", "setMinArea", "getMinArea", "setMaxArea", "getMaxArea", "setPass2Only", "getPass2Only", "getDefaultName"],
"FastFeatureDetector": ["create", "setThreshold", "getThreshold", "setNonmaxSuppression", "getNonmaxSuppression", "setType", "getType", "getDefaultName"],
"AgastFeatureDetector": ["create", "setThreshold", "getThreshold", "setNonmaxSuppression", "getNonmaxSuppression", "setType", "getType", "getDefaultName"],
"GFTTDetector": ["create", "setMaxFeatures", "getMaxFeatures", "setQualityLevel", "getQualityLevel", "setMinDistance", "getMinDistance", "setBlockSize", "getBlockSize", "setHarrisDetector", "getHarrisDetector", "setK", "getK", "getDefaultName"],
"SimpleBlobDetector": ["create", "setParams", "getParams", "getDefaultName"],
"SimpleBlobDetector_Params": [],
"KAZE": ["create", "setExtended", "getExtended", "setUpright", "getUpright", "setThreshold", "getThreshold", "setNOctaves", "getNOctaves", "setNOctaveLayers", "getNOctaveLayers", "setDiffusivity", "getDiffusivity", "getDefaultName"],
"AKAZE": ["create", "setDescriptorType", "getDescriptorType", "setDescriptorSize", "getDescriptorSize", "setDescriptorChannels", "getDescriptorChannels", "setThreshold", "getThreshold", "setNOctaves", "getNOctaves", "setNOctaveLayers", "getNOctaveLayers", "setDiffusivity", "getDiffusivity", "getDefaultName"],
"DescriptorMatcher": ["add", "clear", "empty", "isMaskSupported", "train", "match", "knnMatch", "radiusMatch", "clone", "create"],
"BFMatcher": ["isMaskSupported", "create"],
"": ["drawKeypoints", "drawMatches", "drawMatchesKnn"]