alexlyulkov 85450816b4
Merge pull request #24910 from alexlyulkov:al/android-tests
Modified Java tests to run on Android #24910

To run the tests you need to:

1. Build OpenCV using Android pipeline. For example:
`cmake -DBUILD_TEST=ON -DANDROID=ON -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/lib/android-sdk/ndk/25.1.8937393/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_NDK=/usr/lib/android-sdk/ndk/25.1.8937393 -DANDROID_SDK=/usr/lib/android-sdk ../opencv`
2. Connect Android Phone
3. Run tests:
`cd android_tests`
`./gradlew tests_module:connectedAndroidTest`

Related CI pipeline:

### Pull Request Readiness Checklist

See details at

- [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License.
- [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV
- [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch
- [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work
- [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable
      Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name.
- [x] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake
2024-01-31 15:09:57 +03:00

56 lines
1.9 KiB

package org.opencv.test.barcode;
import java.util.List;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.objdetect.BarcodeDetector;
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs;
import org.opencv.test.OpenCVTestCase;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class BarcodeDetectorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
private final static String ENV_OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH = "OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH";
private String testDataPath;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
// relys on
isTestCaseEnabled = System.getProperties().getProperty("") != "Dalvik";
if (isTestCaseEnabled) {
testDataPath = System.getenv(ENV_OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH);
if (testDataPath == null)
throw new Exception(ENV_OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH + " has to be defined!");
public void testDetectAndDecode() {
Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread(testDataPath + "/cv/barcode/multiple/4_barcodes.jpg");
BarcodeDetector detector = new BarcodeDetector();
List < String > infos = new ArrayList< String >();
List < String > types = new ArrayList< String >();
boolean result = detector.detectAndDecodeWithType(img, infos, types);
assertEquals(infos.size(), 4);
assertEquals(types.size(), 4);
final String[] correctResults = {"9787122276124", "9787118081473", "9787564350840", "9783319200064"};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
assertEquals(types.get(i), "EAN_13");
result = false;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (correctResults[j].equals(infos.get(i))) {
result = true;