17 G API Ideas towards OpenCV 5.0
Dmitry Matveev edited this page 2024-02-13 06:53:58 +00:00

Note: This page is currently brainstormed. The idea of this page is to collect ideas and issues to address to refine G-API for the OpenCV 5.0 release.

Note(2): This page is now a list of linked features or discussions. Please follow the link for details.

How we see G-API in 5.0

Core functionality

  • High-order constructs: conditions and loops
    • Can retire infer-list and infer-2 if implemented well. Also can work faster with more precise pipelining.
    • Can also help running modern NN topologies (e.g., stateful models and models with external kv-cache).
  • ☑️Threaded Regular executor
    • A new implementation is merged, a good starting point but there's yet some things to do. Not enabled by default.
    • There is an older TBB version left in history - just in case.
  • Threaded Streaming executor
    • The current one utilizes lots of threads, can be redesigned to use a limited thread pool.


Python should become a first-class interface to G-API:

  • Full-featured pip package, with dynamically loadable options when available (e.g., onnx runtime, gstreamer, openvino).
  • Well-documented:
    • GSoC'23 project on G-API Jupyter Notebooks is now complete.
    • Need to wrap up the repo in 5.0 timeframe and import notebooks into OpenCV Documentation.
  • Extensible:
  • Refined:

What we miss

Inference backends

  • Tolik - Plugins for sources and inference backends
  • Dmitry - Inference backend atop of OCV DNN module
    • Tolik - Any DNN prerequisites? E.g. understanding model shape at configuration/load time (w/no execution)?
  • Tolik - ONNX Runtime updates
    • EP selection with options
  • Tolik - Generic approach to model preprocessing?
    • Manual preprocessing pipeline configuration. Currently for ONNX (and, in theory, for OCV DNN), the configuration path is not very clean.
    • OpenVINO backend with imported blobs[?]
  • Tolik - OpenVINO - Allow reading models from from memory (stream interface), not only file
  • Tolik - OpenVINO - Use OpenVINO resize (ov::PrePostProcessor) for InferList, InferList2, InferROI
  • Dmitry - OpenVINO models as shared pool (in graph / for multiple graphs)
    • Dmitry - should be controllable (an option), as it may alter the "multi-context" cases.
    • Tolik - the input data precision may cause a new instance to be initiated.
  • Tolik - Support modern iterative topologies (infer using its own results from past iteration). Like Stable Diffusion. May be implemented as "high order constructs" (see above).
  • DL Model introspection
    • Required to drop the framework-dependent details from Open Model Zoo Demos and several tools we use.


Debugging and profiling

  • Dmitry - Debugging accuracy in-pipeline. People often ask what's the way to debug accuracy issues with G-API, esp. if it happens inside the pipeline. As we gained more experience with it recently, 5.0 should be the right time to summarize the debugging story.

    • Tolik - practical example. What we did is we dumped binary data from operation inputs/outputs. Then visualize with Python & compare with reference. What did is actually added extra outputs to graph. Thinks of assigning names to data objects & querying data afterwards. Could be done atop of the existing API. More details:

      • We've had a big pipeline, tried to match its result against a reference. Hypotheses:
        • What if our source produces slightly different data? (a different decode path, etc).
          • Fed pipeline with a custom source producing reference raw data (taken from the original pipeline).
        • What if our infers are configured differently?
          • What if we pass "2nd" infer with the reference data, not with ours? Output mismatched with the reference input, found that there was an issue with infer configuration. E.g., a wrong preprocessing combination?
    • Ruslan - we should separate island-level data from backend-level data.

    • Ruslan - dump data required to produce a certain output (G-API can figure dependencies automatically).

    • Anatoliy - can we write a pass with readable names? Can run this pass & assign names which will be persistent for further queries.

  • Dmitry - Pipeline performance. Same as above, a frequently asked feature. What we have right now is only ITT which may be not the most user-friendly option (in terms of its UX as well as the data provided in there).


  • Doxygen documentation refined, redesigned (for new goals)
    • The original 4.0 documentation was written with image processing optimizations in mind, need to refocus on AI pipelines
  • C++ Tutorial update
  • Python Tutorial (GSoc)

What we'd like to fix

  • Tolik - Need to fix Python bindings for Python 3.7+ - fails on Windows. Applies to OpenCV in general, but we're affected most.
  • Dmitry - Test time. Unit tests for G-API run longer than for all other modules (e.g. 5m against 1-2m on the Github Actions Ubuntu machines). Need to revise test scope and tested configurations.
  • Dmitry - Performance tests. Need to be revised and restructured for a better reporting.
  • Dmitry - exception handling: the non-template util::throw_error(std::runtime_error(..)) should go!

What we'd like to remove

  • Dmitry - async API, as it is just a wrapper over regular synchronous API, not actively used, but causes issues time to time. Instead, Streaming mode can be extended to support queue-like push-pop interface which will be asynchronous in its sense.
  • Dmitry - PlaidML backend - no longer needed.

Beyond 5.0

  • Dmitry - Revive S11N (serialization) as a deployment model for API-reduced environments
  • Dmitry - Portable S11N with first-class kernels (written in G-API opset)
  • Dmitry - JS API (maybe in a reduced mode to load & run computations via S11N)