Updated 2021 (markdown)

Vadim Pisarevsky 2021-08-18 17:46:44 +03:00
parent 77f4ead9a5
commit 3b68991fe1


@ -30,6 +30,51 @@
## 2021-08-18
### *__Minutes__*
* Vadim:
* This week is the final GSoC evaluations: for most of the projects we have nice pull requests submitted, so there should not be any issues with them.
* Anna:
* Done:
* Alexander: Reviewed, tested, helped to resolve issues with PRs #20549, 20547, 20545, 20533, 20564
* Alexander: Prepared technical proposal for OpenCV-Next architecture. Discussed internally.
* Alexander: Prepared team scope for the current sprint.
* Egor: gdb pretty-printer PR merged.
* Egor: Added info about network optimizers to wiki. Created a list of all triaged networks and its diagnosis. Reviewed PPSeg model support PR: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/OpenCV-Debugging-Facilities#optimizing-the-network-to-make-it-easier-for-opencv-to-import-your-model
* Alexander P: PR “MinAreaRect fix rotating calipers”, issue #19769: merged
* Alexander P: PR “add note about Python's dsize to doc”, issue #19569: merged
* Alexander P: checked and closed “Imgcodecs_Image.read_write jp2 test failure” #13818
* In progress:
* Egor: Fixed split partial sum issue and sent a PR; fix ONNXImporter diagnostic mode layer registration is in review.
* Egor: Partially triaged #20258 - a lot of unsupported layers + const propagation and ONNX model diagnostic tool segfaulted: it uses shape info during the import and if the layer is missing, it reads garbage; Didnt come up with a solution yet.
* Egor: Fixed hasDynamicShapes being set if only batch size is unknown for #20540, fixed Mul layer not setting the right axis for Scale layer, no PR yet.
* Egor: Looking for a concise way to fix slice_layer.cpp not supporting axis<0 and starts<0: trivial solution works, but looks terrible.
* Alexander P: submitted PR “Update kalman sample”, issue #20564.
* Alexander P: checked #18412 “SystemError: <built-in function NMSBoxes>”, try to reproduce.
* Alexander P: checked #517, “cv2.stereoCalibrate behaves differently to c++ implementation”, a reproducer was requested.
* Org:
* Julia is on the sick leave since last week
* Shiqi Yu:
* GSoC project 3D samples: the student has finished the project and prepared a nice blog post. Probably make sense to publish it at opencv.org.
* Tested Feng Yuantao's port of libfacedetect face detector to OpenCV: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/20422. It works well, new functionality is included into objdetect module, C++ & Python API is provided.
* Alexander:
* We need to move to a new hosting for docs.opencv.org, pullrequest.opencv.org and some other OpenCV sites.
* Alexander A is working on adding better cv::Mat wrapper to handle 1D and N-D matrices.
* Allocated another machine to build packages for OpenCV next (5.x)
* Maksim added 16-bit grayscale support to gstreamer backend.
* 3D module: rgbd => 3d migration is almost complete. Most probably will be merged this or next week.
* GSoC: Liubov's project on speech recognition is being finalized
* GSoC: Vitaly's project on univ. intrinisic tutorial is being finalized as well.
* GSoC: Rostislav's project is also finalized, not excellent results, but hopefully something useful.
* Gary:
* there is friend who works on toy-like small trucks, but they can carry up to one adult or 2 children; it could be possible to play with autonomous driving, GPS tricks etc. using those trucks. It can be an attractive platform for developers/researchers.
## 2021-08-11
### *__Minutes__*