// https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5128.txt // https://blog.csdn.net/bytxl/article/details/44344855 use clap::App; use hbb_common::{env_logger::*, log, ResultType}; use hbbs::*; use ini::Ini; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; const LICENSE_KEY: &'static str = ""; fn main() -> ResultType<()> { init_from_env(Env::default().filter_or(DEFAULT_FILTER_ENV, "info")); let args = format!( "-c --config=[FILE] +takes_value 'Sets a custom config file' -p, --port=[NUMBER(default={})] 'Sets the listening port' -s, --serial=[NUMBER(default=0)] 'Sets configure update serial number' -R, --rendezvous-servers=[HOSTS] 'Sets rendezvous servers, seperated by colon' -u, --software-url=[URL] 'Sets download url of RustDesk software of newest version' -r, --relay-server{}=[HOST] 'Sets the default relay server{}'", DEFAULT_PORT, if LICENSE_KEY.is_empty() { "" } else { "s" }, if LICENSE_KEY.is_empty() { "" } else { "s, seperated by colon, only available for licensed users" } ); let matches = App::new("hbbs") .version(crate::VERSION) .author("CarrieZ Studio") .about("RustDesk ID/Rendezvous Server") .args_from_usage(&args) .get_matches(); let mut section = None; let conf; // for holding section if let Some(config) = matches.value_of("config") { if let Ok(v) = Ini::load_from_file(config) { conf = v; section = conf.section(None::); } } let get_arg = |name: &str, default: &str| -> String { if let Some(v) = matches.value_of(name) { return v.to_owned(); } else if let Some(section) = section { if let Some(v) = section.get(name) { return v.to_owned(); } } return default.to_owned(); }; let port = get_arg("port", DEFAULT_PORT); let mut relay_servers: Vec = get_arg( &format!( "relay-server{}", if LICENSE_KEY.is_empty() { "" } else { "s" } ), "", ) .split(",") .filter(|x| !x.is_empty() && test_if_valid_server(x, "relay-server").is_ok()) .map(|x| x.to_owned()) .collect(); if relay_servers.len() > 1 && LICENSE_KEY.is_empty() { log::error!("Only support multiple relay servers for licenced users"); relay_servers = vec![relay_servers[0].clone()]; } let serial: i32 = get_arg("serial", "").parse().unwrap_or(0); let rendezvous_servers: Vec = get_arg("rendezvous-servers", "") .split(",") .filter(|x| !x.is_empty() && test_if_valid_server(x, "rendezvous-server").is_ok()) .map(|x| x.to_owned()) .collect(); let addr = format!("{}", port); let addr2 = format!("{}", port.parse::().unwrap_or(0) - 1); log::info!("relay-servers={:?}", relay_servers); log::info!("serial={}", serial); log::info!("rendezvous-servers={:?}", rendezvous_servers); let stop: Arc> = Default::default(); RendezvousServer::start( &addr, &addr2, relay_servers, serial, rendezvous_servers, get_arg("software-url", ""), LICENSE_KEY, stop, )?; Ok(()) }