
373 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
use super::{CursorData, ResultType};
use cocoa::{
base::{id, nil, BOOL, NO, YES},
foundation::{NSDictionary, NSPoint, NSSize, NSString},
use core_foundation::{
array::{CFArrayGetCount, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex},
use core_graphics::{
display::{kCGNullWindowID, kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo},
window::{kCGWindowName, kCGWindowOwnerPID},
use hbb_common::{allow_err, bail, log};
use objc::{class, msg_send, sel, sel_impl};
use scrap::{libc::c_void, quartz::ffi::*};
static mut LATEST_SEED: i32 = 0;
extern "C" {
fn CGSCurrentCursorSeed() -> i32;
fn CGEventCreate(r: *const c_void) -> *const c_void;
fn CGEventGetLocation(e: *const c_void) -> CGPoint;
static kAXTrustedCheckOptionPrompt: CFStringRef;
fn AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions(options: CFDictionaryRef) -> BOOL;
pub fn is_process_trusted(prompt: bool) -> bool {
unsafe {
let value = if prompt { YES } else { NO };
let value: id = msg_send![class!(NSNumber), numberWithBool: value];
let options = NSDictionary::dictionaryWithObject_forKey_(
kAXTrustedCheckOptionPrompt as _,
AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions(options as _) == YES
// macOS >= 10.15
// remove just one app from all the permissions: tccutil reset All com.carriez.rustdesk
pub fn is_can_screen_recording(prompt: bool) -> bool {
let mut can_record_screen: bool = false;
unsafe {
let our_pid: i32 = std::process::id() as _;
let our_pid: id = msg_send![class!(NSNumber), numberWithInteger: our_pid];
let window_list =
CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID);
let n = CFArrayGetCount(window_list);
let dock = NSString::alloc(nil).init_str("Dock");
for i in 0..n {
let w: id = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(window_list, i) as _;
let name: id = msg_send![w, valueForKey: kCGWindowName as id];
if name.is_null() {
let pid: id = msg_send![w, valueForKey: kCGWindowOwnerPID as id];
let is_me: BOOL = msg_send![pid, isEqual: our_pid];
if is_me == YES {
let pid: i32 = msg_send![pid, intValue];
let p: id = msg_send![
runningApplicationWithProcessIdentifier: pid
if p.is_null() {
// ignore processes we don't have access to, such as WindowServer, which manages the windows named "Menubar" and "Backstop Menubar"
let url: id = msg_send![p, executableURL];
let exe_name: id = msg_send![url, lastPathComponent];
if exe_name.is_null() {
let is_dock: BOOL = msg_send![exe_name, isEqual: dock];
if is_dock == YES {
// ignore the Dock, which provides the desktop picture
can_record_screen = true;
if !can_record_screen && prompt {
use scrap::{Capturer, Display};
if let Ok(d) = Display::primary() {
Capturer::new(d, true).ok();
2022-01-13 19:23:41 +08:00
pub fn is_installed_daemon(prompt: bool) -> bool {
if !prompt {
2022-01-13 20:34:28 +08:00
if !std::path::Path::new("/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.carriez.rustdesk.daemon.plist").exists(){
2022-01-13 19:23:41 +08:00
return false;
2022-01-13 20:34:28 +08:00
if !std::path::Path::new("/Library/LaunchAgents/com.carriez.rustdesk.agent.root.plist").exists(){
2022-01-13 19:23:41 +08:00
return false;
2022-01-13 20:34:28 +08:00
if !std::path::Path::new("/Library/LaunchAgents/com.carriez.rustdesk.agent.user.plist").exists(){
2022-01-13 19:23:41 +08:00
return false;
return true;
if !std::process::Command::new("osascript")
.success() {
return false;
return true;
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
pub fn get_cursor_pos() -> Option<(i32, i32)> {
unsafe {
let e = CGEventCreate(0 as _);
let point = CGEventGetLocation(e);
Some((point.x as _, point.y as _))
let mut pt: NSPoint = unsafe { msg_send![class!(NSEvent), mouseLocation] };
let screen: id = unsafe { msg_send![class!(NSScreen), currentScreenForMouseLocation] };
let frame: NSRect = unsafe { msg_send![screen, frame] };
pt.x -= frame.origin.x;
pt.y -= frame.origin.y;
Some((pt.x as _, pt.y as _))
pub fn get_cursor() -> ResultType<Option<u64>> {
unsafe {
let seed = CGSCurrentCursorSeed();
if seed == LATEST_SEED {
return Ok(None);
let c = get_cursor_id()?;
pub fn reset_input_cache() {
unsafe {
fn get_cursor_id() -> ResultType<(id, u64)> {
unsafe {
let c: id = msg_send![class!(NSCursor), currentSystemCursor];
if c == nil {
bail!("Failed to call [NSCursor currentSystemCursor]");
let hotspot: NSPoint = msg_send![c, hotSpot];
let img: id = msg_send![c, image];
if img == nil {
bail!("Failed to call [NSCursor image]");
let size: NSSize = msg_send![img, size];
let tif: id = msg_send![img, TIFFRepresentation];
if tif == nil {
bail!("Failed to call [NSImage TIFFRepresentation]");
let rep: id = msg_send![class!(NSBitmapImageRep), imageRepWithData: tif];
if rep == nil {
bail!("Failed to call [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData]");
let rep_size: NSSize = msg_send![rep, size];
let mut hcursor =
size.width + size.height + hotspot.x + hotspot.y + rep_size.width + rep_size.height;
let x = (rep_size.width * hotspot.x / size.width) as usize;
let y = (rep_size.height * hotspot.y / size.height) as usize;
for i in 0..2 {
let mut x2 = x + i;
if x2 >= rep_size.width as usize {
x2 = rep_size.width as usize - 1;
let mut y2 = y + i;
if y2 >= rep_size.height as usize {
y2 = rep_size.height as usize - 1;
let color: id = msg_send![rep, colorAtX:x2 y:y2];
if color != nil {
let r: f64 = msg_send![color, redComponent];
let g: f64 = msg_send![color, greenComponent];
let b: f64 = msg_send![color, blueComponent];
let a: f64 = msg_send![color, alphaComponent];
hcursor += (r + g + b + a) * (255 << i) as f64;
Ok((c, hcursor as _))
pub fn get_cursor_data(hcursor: u64) -> ResultType<CursorData> {
unsafe {
let (c, hcursor2) = get_cursor_id()?;
if hcursor != hcursor2 {
bail!("cursor changed");
let hotspot: NSPoint = msg_send![c, hotSpot];
let img: id = msg_send![c, image];
let size: NSSize = msg_send![img, size];
let reps: id = msg_send![img, representations];
if reps == nil {
bail!("Failed to call [NSImage representations]");
let nreps: usize = msg_send![reps, count];
if nreps == 0 {
bail!("Get empty [NSImage representations]");
let rep: id = msg_send![reps, objectAtIndex: 0];
let n: id = msg_send![class!(NSNumber), numberWithFloat:1.0];
let props: id = msg_send![class!(NSDictionary), dictionaryWithObject:n forKey:NSString::alloc(nil).init_str("NSImageCompressionFactor")];
let image_data: id = msg_send![rep, representationUsingType:2 properties:props];
let () = msg_send![image_data, writeToFile:NSString::alloc(nil).init_str("cursor.jpg") atomically:0];
let mut colors: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
colors.reserve((size.height * size.width) as usize * 4);
// TIFF is rgb colrspace, no need to convert
// let cs: id = msg_send![class!(NSColorSpace), sRGBColorSpace];
for y in 0..(size.height as _) {
for x in 0..(size.width as _) {
let color: id = msg_send![rep, colorAtX:x y:y];
// let color: id = msg_send![color, colorUsingColorSpace: cs];
if color == nil {
let r: f64 = msg_send![color, redComponent];
let g: f64 = msg_send![color, greenComponent];
let b: f64 = msg_send![color, blueComponent];
let a: f64 = msg_send![color, alphaComponent];
colors.push((r * 255.) as _);
colors.push((g * 255.) as _);
colors.push((b * 255.) as _);
colors.push((a * 255.) as _);
Ok(CursorData {
id: hcursor,
hotx: hotspot.x as _,
hoty: hotspot.y as _,
width: size.width as _,
height: size.height as _,
fn get_active_user(t: &str) -> String {
if let Ok(output) = std::process::Command::new("ls")
.args(vec![t, "/dev/console"])
for line in String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).lines() {
if let Some(n) = line.split_whitespace().nth(2) {
return n.to_owned();
pub fn get_active_username() -> String {
pub fn get_active_userid() -> String {
pub fn is_prelogin() -> bool {
get_active_userid() == "0"
pub fn is_root() -> bool {
crate::username() == "root"
pub fn run_as_user(arg: &str) -> ResultType<Option<std::process::Child>> {
let uid = get_active_userid();
let cmd = std::env::current_exe()?;
let task = std::process::Command::new("launchctl")
.args(vec!["asuser", &uid, cmd.to_str().unwrap_or(""), arg])
pub fn lock_screen() {
"/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/",
pub fn start_os_service() {
let mut server: Option<std::process::Child> = None;
let mut uid = "".to_owned();
loop {
let tmp = get_active_userid();
let mut start_new = false;
if tmp != uid && !tmp.is_empty() {
uid = tmp;
log::info!("active uid: {}", uid);
if let Some(ps) = server.as_mut() {
if let Some(ps) = server.as_mut() {
match ps.try_wait() {
Ok(Some(_)) => {
server = None;
start_new = true;
_ => {}
} else {
start_new = true;
if start_new {
match crate::run_me(vec!["--server"]) {
Ok(ps) => server = Some(ps),
Err(err) => {
log::error!("Failed to start server: {}", err);
pub fn toggle_privacy_mode(_v: bool) {
pub fn block_input(_v: bool) {
pub fn is_installed() -> bool {
2022-01-13 15:26:57 +08:00
2022-01-13 19:23:41 +08:00
pub fn start_daemon() {
log::info!("{}", crate::username());
2022-01-13 15:26:57 +08:00
if let Err(err) = crate::ipc::start("_daemon") {
log::error!("Failed to start ipc_daemon: {}", err);