2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
var cursor_img = $(img#cursor);
var last_key_time = 0;
is_file_transfer = handler.is_file_transfer();
var is_port_forward = handler.is_port_forward();
var display_width = 0;
var display_height = 0;
var display_origin_x = 0;
var display_origin_y = 0;
var display_scale = 1;
var keyboard_enabled = true; // server side
var clipboard_enabled = true; // server side
var audio_enabled = true; // server side
2021-05-02 22:55:50 +08:00
var scroll_body = $(body);
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
handler.setDisplay = function(x, y, w, h) {
display_width = w;
display_height = h;
display_origin_x = x;
display_origin_y = y;
function adaptDisplay() {
var w = display_width;
var h = display_height;
if (!w || !h) return;
var style = handler.get_view_style();
display_scale = 1.;
var (sx, sy, sw, sh) = view.screenBox(view.windowState == View.WINDOW_FULL_SCREEN ? #frame : #workarea, #rectw);
if (sw >= w && sh > h) {
var hh = $(header).box(#height, #border);
var el = $(div#adjust-window);
if (sh > h + hh && el) {
el.style.set{ display: "block" };
el = $(li#adjust-window);
el.style.set{ display: "block" };
el.onClick = function() {
view.windowState == View.WINDOW_SHOWN;
var (x, y) = view.box(#position, #border, #screen);
// extra for border
var extra = 2;
view.move(x, y, w + extra, h + hh + extra);
if (style != "original") {
var bw = $(body).box(#width, #border);
var bh = $(body).box(#height, #border);
if (view.windowState == View.WINDOW_FULL_SCREEN) {
bw = sw;
bh = sh;
if (bw > 0 && bh > 0) {
var scale_x = bw.toFloat() / w;
var scale_y = bh.toFloat() / h;
var scale = scale_x < scale_y ? scale_x : scale_y;
if ((scale > 1 && style == "stretch") ||
(scale < 1 && style == "shrink")) {
display_scale = scale;
w = w * scale;
h = h * scale;
handler.style.set {
width: w + "px",
height: h + "px",
// https://sciter.com/event-handling/
// https://sciter.com/docs/content/sciter/Event.htm
var entered = false;
var keymap = {};
for (var (k, v) in Event) {
k = k + ""
if (k[0] == "V" && k[1] == "K") {
keymap[v] = k;
// somehow, handler.onKey and view.onKey not working
function self.onKey(evt) {
last_key_time = getTime();
if (is_file_transfer || is_port_forward) return false;
if (!entered) return false;
if (!keyboard_enabled) return false;
switch (evt.type) {
case Event.KEY_DOWN:
handler.key_down_or_up(1, keymap[evt.keyCode] || "", evt.keyCode, evt.altKey,
evt.ctrlKey, evt.shiftKey, evt.commandKey, evt.extendedKey);
if (is_osx && evt.commandKey) {
handler.key_down_or_up(0, keymap[evt.keyCode] || "", evt.keyCode, evt.altKey,
evt.ctrlKey, evt.shiftKey, evt.commandKey, evt.extendedKey);
case Event.KEY_UP:
handler.key_down_or_up(0, keymap[evt.keyCode] || "", evt.keyCode, evt.altKey,
evt.ctrlKey, evt.shiftKey, evt.commandKey, evt.extendedKey);
case Event.KEY_CHAR:
// the keypress event is fired when the element receives character value. Event.keyCode is a UNICODE code point of the character
handler.key_down_or_up(2, "", evt.keyCode, evt.altKey,
evt.ctrlKey, evt.shiftKey, evt.commandKey, evt.extendedKey);
return false;
return true;
var wait_window_toolbar = false;
var last_mouse_mask;
var acc_wheel_delta_x = 0;
var acc_wheel_delta_y = 0;
var last_wheel_time = 0;
var inertia_velocity_x = 0;
var inertia_velocity_y = 0;
var acc_wheel_delta_x0 = 0;
var acc_wheel_delta_y0 = 0;
var total_wheel_time = 0;
var wheeling = false;
var dragging = false;
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5833399/calculating-scroll-inertia-momentum
function resetWheel() {
acc_wheel_delta_x = 0;
acc_wheel_delta_y = 0;
last_wheel_time = 0;
inertia_velocity_x = 0;
inertia_velocity_y = 0;
acc_wheel_delta_x0 = 0;
acc_wheel_delta_y0 = 0;
total_wheel_time = 0;
wheeling = false;
// not good, precision not enough to simulate accelation effect,
// seems have to use pixel based rather line based delta
function accWheel(v, is_x) {
if (wheeling) return;
var abs_v = Math.abs(v);
var max_t = abs_v / INERTIA_ACCELERATION;
for (var t = 0.1; t < max_t; t += 0.1) {
var d = Math.round((abs_v - t * INERTIA_ACCELERATION / 2) * t).toInteger();
if (d >= 1) {
if (v < 0) {
d = -d;
v = -abs_v;
} else {
v = abs_v;
handler.send_mouse(3, is_x ? d : 0, !is_x ? d : 0, false, false, false, false);
accWheel(v, is_x);
function handler.onMouse(evt)
if (is_file_transfer || is_port_forward) return false;
if (view.windowState == View.WINDOW_FULL_SCREEN && !dragging) {
2021-07-26 23:40:58 +08:00
var dy = evt.y - scroll_body.scroll(#top);
if (dy <= 1) {
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
if (!wait_window_toolbar) {
wait_window_toolbar = true;
self.timer(300ms, function() {
if (!wait_window_toolbar) return;
if (view.windowState == View.WINDOW_FULL_SCREEN) {
$(header).style.set {
display: "block",
padding: (2 * workarea_offset) + "px 0 0 0",
wait_window_toolbar = false;
} else {
wait_window_toolbar = false;
2021-07-26 23:40:58 +08:00
var h = $(header).style;
if (dy > 20 && h#display != "none") {
h.set {
display: "none",
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
2021-08-04 15:40:34 +08:00
if (!got_mouse_control) {
if (Math.abs(evt.x - cur_local_x) > 12 || Math.abs(evt.y - cur_local_y) > 12) {
got_mouse_control = true;
} else {
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
var mask = 0;
var wheel_delta_x;
var wheel_delta_y;
switch(evt.type) {
case Event.MOUSE_DOWN:
mask = 1;
dragging = true;
case Event.MOUSE_UP:
mask = 2;
dragging = false;
case Event.MOUSE_MOVE:
2021-08-04 15:40:34 +08:00
if (cursor_img.style#display != "none" && keyboard_enabled) {
cursor_img.style#display = "none";
handler.style#cursor = '';
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
case Event.MOUSE_WHEEL:
// mouseWheelDistance = 8 * [currentUserDefs floatForKey:@"com.apple.scrollwheel.scaling"];
mask = 3;
var (dx, dy) = evt.wheelDeltas;
2021-07-26 21:34:05 +08:00
if (dx > 0) dx = 1;
else if (dx < 0) dx = -1;
if (dy > 0) dy = 1;
else if (dy < 0) dy = -1;
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) {
dy = 0;
} else {
dx = 0;
acc_wheel_delta_x += dx;
acc_wheel_delta_y += dy;
wheel_delta_x = acc_wheel_delta_x.toInteger();
wheel_delta_y = acc_wheel_delta_y.toInteger();
acc_wheel_delta_x -= wheel_delta_x;
acc_wheel_delta_y -= wheel_delta_y;
var now = getTime();
var dt = last_wheel_time > 0 ? (now - last_wheel_time) / 1000 : 0;
if (dt > 0) {
var vx = dx / dt;
var vy = dy / dt;
if (vx != 0 || vy != 0) {
inertia_velocity_x = vx;
inertia_velocity_y = vy;
acc_wheel_delta_x0 += dx;
acc_wheel_delta_y0 += dy;
total_wheel_time += dt;
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
wheeling = false;
if (dt < 0.1 && total_wheel_time > 0) {
var v2 = (acc_wheel_delta_y0 / total_wheel_time) * inertia_velocity_y;
if (v2 > 0) {
v2 = Math.sqrt(v2);
inertia_velocity_y = inertia_velocity_y < 0 ? -v2 : v2;
accWheel(inertia_velocity_y, false);
v2 = (acc_wheel_delta_x0 / total_wheel_time) * inertia_velocity_x;
if (v2 > 0) {
v2 = Math.sqrt(v2);
inertia_velocity_x = inertia_velocity_x < 0 ? -v2 : v2;
accWheel(inertia_velocity_x, true);
} else {
wheeling = true;
last_wheel_time = now;
if (wheel_delta_x == 0 && wheel_delta_y == 0) return keyboard_enabled;
case Event.MOUSE_DCLICK: // seq: down, up, dclick, up
mask = 1;
case Event.MOUSE_ENTER:
entered = true;
return keyboard_enabled;
case Event.MOUSE_LEAVE:
entered = false;
return keyboard_enabled;
return false;
var x = evt.x;
var y = evt.y;
if (mask != 0) {
// to gain control of the mouse, user must move mouse
if (cur_x != x || cur_y != y) {
return keyboard_enabled;
// save bandwidth
x = 0;
y = 0;
} else {
2021-08-04 15:40:34 +08:00
cur_local_x = cur_x = x;
cur_local_y = cur_y = y;
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
if (mask != 3) {
if (!keyboard_enabled) return false;
x = (x / display_scale).toInteger();
y = (y / display_scale).toInteger();
// insert down between two up, osx has this behavior for triple click
if (last_mouse_mask == 2 && mask == 2) {
handler.send_mouse((evt.buttons << 3) | 1, x + display_origin_x, y + display_origin_y, evt.altKey,
evt.ctrlKey, evt.shiftKey, evt.commandKey);
last_mouse_mask = mask;
// to-do: altKey, ctrlKey etc
handler.send_mouse((evt.buttons << 3) | mask,
mask == 3 ? wheel_delta_x : x + display_origin_x,
mask == 3 ? wheel_delta_y : y + display_origin_y,
evt.ctrlKey, evt.shiftKey, evt.commandKey);
return true;
var cur_hotx = 0;
var cur_hoty = 0;
var cur_img = null;
var cur_x = 0;
var cur_y = 0;
2021-08-04 15:40:34 +08:00
var cur_local_x = 0;
var cur_local_y = 0;
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
var cursors = {};
var image_binded;
handler.setCursorData = function(id, hotx, hoty, width, height, colors) {
cur_hotx = hotx;
cur_hoty = hoty;
cursor_img.style.set {
width: width + "px",
height: height + "px",
var img = Image.fromBytes(colors);
if (img) {
image_binded = true;
cursors[id] = [img, hotx, hoty, width, height];
this.bindImage("in-memory:cursor", img);
2021-08-04 15:40:34 +08:00
if (cursor_img.style#display == 'none') {
self.timer(1ms, function() { handler.style.cursor(cur_img, cur_hotx, cur_hoty); });
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
cur_img = img;
handler.setCursorId = function(id) {
var img = cursors[id];
if (img) {
image_binded = true;
cur_hotx = img[1];
cur_hoty = img[2];
cursor_img.style.set {
width: img[3] + "px",
height: img[4] + "px",
img = img[0];
this.bindImage("in-memory:cursor", img);
2021-08-04 15:40:34 +08:00
if (cursor_img.style#display == 'none') {
self.timer(1ms, function() { handler.style.cursor(cur_img, cur_hotx, cur_hoty); });
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
cur_img = img;
2021-08-04 15:40:34 +08:00
var got_mouse_control = true;
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
handler.setCursorPosition = function(x, y) {
if (!image_binded) return;
2021-08-04 15:40:34 +08:00
got_mouse_control = false;
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
cur_x = x - display_origin_x;
cur_y = y - display_origin_y;
var x = cur_x - cur_hotx;
var y = cur_y - cur_hoty;
x *= display_scale;
y *= display_scale;
cursor_img.style.set {
left: x + "px",
top: y + "px",
2021-08-04 15:40:34 +08:00
if (cursor_img.style#display == 'none') {
handler.style#cursor = 'none';
cursor_img.style#display = "block";
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
function self.ready() {
var w = 960;
var h = 640;
if (is_file_transfer || is_port_forward) {
var r = handler.get_size();
if (r[0] > 0) {
view.move(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]);
} else {
centerize(w, h);
} else {
centerize(w, h);
if (!is_port_forward) connecting();
if (is_file_transfer) initializeFileTransfer();
if (is_port_forward) initializePortForward();
var workarea_offset = 0;
var size_adapted;
handler.adaptSize = function() {
if (size_adapted) return;
size_adapted = true;
var (sx, sy, sw, sh) = view.screenBox(#workarea, #rectw);
var (fx, fy, fw, fh) = view.screenBox(#frame, #rectw);
2021-05-02 22:55:50 +08:00
if (is_osx) workarea_offset = sy;
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
var r = handler.get_size();
if (r[2] > 0) {
2021-05-03 00:50:50 +08:00
if (r[2] >= fw && r[3] >= fh && !is_linux) {
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
view.windowState = View.WINDOW_FULL_SCREEN;
2021-05-03 00:50:50 +08:00
stdout.println("Initialize to full screen");
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
} else if (r[2] >= sw && r[3] >= sh) {
view.windowState = View.WINDOW_MAXIMIZED;
2021-05-03 00:50:50 +08:00
stdout.println("Initialize to full screen");
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
} else {
view.move(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]);
} else {
var w = handler.box(#width, #border)
2021-05-03 01:25:18 +08:00
var h = handler.box(#height, #border)
if (w >= sw || h >= sh) {
2021-03-29 15:59:14 +08:00
view.windowState = View.WINDOW_MAXIMIZED;
// extra for border
var extra = 2;
centerize(w + extra, handler.box(#height, #border) + h + extra);
function self.closing() {
var (x, y, w, h) = view.box(#rectw, #border, #screen);
if (is_file_transfer) save_file_transfer_close_state();
if (is_file_transfer || is_port_forward || size_adapted) handler.save_size(x, y, w, h);
handler.setPermission = function(name, enabled) {
if (name == "keyboard") keyboard_enabled = enabled;
if (name == "audio") audio_enabled = enabled;
if (name == "clipboard") clipboard_enabled = enabled;
handler.closeSuccess = function() {
// handler.msgbox("success", "Successful", "Ready to go.");
handler.msgbox("", "", "");