* fix: web, skip querying onlines, if not in main page
Signed-off-by: fufesou <linlong1266@gmail.com>
* fix: web/mobile, skip querying onlines
Signed-off-by: fufesou <linlong1266@gmail.com>
* Set isInMainPage to false after router is changed.
Signed-off-by: fufesou <linlong1266@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: fufesou <linlong1266@gmail.com>
* Change the minimum value of the bitrate slider to 5
Signed-off-by: hashiguchi <hashiguchi@mtrx.jp>
* Change the value of kMinQuality to 5
Signed-off-by: hashiguchi <hashiguchi@mtrx.jp>
Signed-off-by: hashiguchi <hashiguchi@mtrx.jp>
Use ChangeNotifierProvider<Peers>.value, and each peer tab has a global unique `Peers` model, then `load peers` and `build
peers` will always be the same one.
Signed-off-by: 21pages <sunboeasy@gmail.com>
- Added null checks in `reassemble` method to avoid potential null pointer exceptions when pausing/resuming the camera.
- Refactored image picking and QR code decoding process to use async/await, avoiding UI blocking with synchronous file reads.
- Improved exception handling by making it more specific to QR code reading errors.
- Introduced `StreamSubscription` for the QR scan listener and ensured proper cancellation in `dispose` method to prevent memory leaks.
- Separated button building logic (`_buildImagePickerButton`, `_buildFlashToggleButton`, `_buildCameraSwitchButton`) to enhance code readability and maintainability.
* fix qsv memory leak by updating ffmpeg
* Memory leaks occur when destroying FFmpeg QSV VRAM encoders. This issue is resolved with FFmpeg version 7.
* FFmpeg requires ffnvcodec version or higher, and an NVIDIA driver version greater than 530. For more details, https://github.com/FFmpeg/nv-codec-headers/tree/n12.1.14.0.
* The code of NVIDIA VRAM encoder is not changed, still use Video Codec SDK version 11, which is unaffected by FFmpeg. Drivers newer than 470 can support this, but we may consider an update later, as the support check by sdk code may not be accurate for FFmpeg RAM encoders.
* The issue is related to FFmpeg, not libmfx. FFmpeg version 7 recommends using libvpl, but vcpkg currently lacks ports for libvpl. We can add these in the future.
* D3D11 Texture Rendering: The "Shared GPU Memory" in the task manager continue increasing when using D3D11 texture render, which can exceed the GPU memory limit (e.g., reaching up to 100GB). I don't know what it is and will try to find it out.
* Roughly tests on Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android for quick fix. Further testing will be performed, and I will share the results in this pr.
Signed-off-by: 21pages <sunboeasy@gmail.com>
* update flutter_gpu_texture_render, fix shared gpu memory leak while
Signed-off-by: 21pages <sunboeasy@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: 21pages <sunboeasy@gmail.com>
1. Web, build.
2. Web and mobile, `onSubmitted` for ID text field.
3. Web, remove unused key 'toggle_option'.
Signed-off-by: fufesou <linlong1266@gmail.com>